• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Interlude Three: Dinner Dates

The morning sunlight filtered through the windows, illuminating the two sleeping lovers still lying in trailing ropes. The light woke them pleasantly and one of the couple began rummaging around for her spectacles. “I swear... the cat must run off with them or something.”

“Here they are...”

“Thanks ‘Lee” Rarity put her glasses on and lay back down.

“So about last night?” Cheerielee sounded nervous. She shuffled to face Rarity.

“You still want to marry me?” It was matter-of-fact statement. Dull toned, flat and emotionless, her face fixed in an unreadable expression. From experience Cheerielee knew this meant her girlfriend was keeping tight control of her emotions, unusual enough to warrant careful progress.

“I meant it Rare, I have been thinking about it for a while now. We’ve been together a long time... Even if it was just friends with benefits for the most part. I kinda fell for you, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Cheerielee spoke sincerely, facing the ceiling and trying not to freak out. When she finished speaking she turned to face her lover.

Rarity was faced away, her shoulders shaking with only an indeterminate muffled sound for Cheerielee to go on. She grasped an alabaster shoulder to turn Rarity over when the woman obliged. She was crying and smiling and trying to smother a fit of the giggles all at once.

“Rarity, are you ok?” Cheerielee was concerned, had she pushed her over the edge?

“Oh ‘Lee... Oh Cheerielee...” More giggles. “Oh my love, of course I will be with you until the end of our days. I love you, you are my dependable foundation and the song in my heart.” Rarity kissed the worried frown from Cheerielee’s face. “It’s just, of all my dream proposals, in bed after a rather enjoyable night while my lover lies beneath me wasn’t really on the list. Yet I wouldn’t have it any other way!” She kissed Cheerielee again. “A traditional proposal wouldn’t go amiss however...”

Cheerielee gave a snort and batted playfully at Rarity. “Ok then, with rings and everything Princess.” She hugged Rarity close as they both laughed and smiled.


Showering together saved plenty of time for the couple and breakfast didn’t become brunch. The wall calendar had a notation on the date. “We’ve got a lunch plan by.” Cheerielee called across the kitchen. “Lunch with dad. You remember?”

Rarity finished putting the dishes away, “Oh yes, we did arrange it didn’t we? Alright then, we’ll head over to the cafe later.” She paused for a moment and looked pensive. “I’ve just realised something... We’ll have to tell Sweetie.”

“Ah. Yes, we’ll talk to your parents today.” Cheerielee smiled. “They’ll know how we can break it to Sweetie.”

Rarity clasped her lover’s shoulder, “Alright then darling. It’s a plan.”

They bustled around the house preparing for lunch. Summer left plenty of time for both of them to do as they please, Rarity didn’t need to start Fall designs for a week or so yet, she took her holiday while Cheerielee wasn’t working either. As the time for lunch drew closer they left for the local cafe they’d arranged to meet at.


“My little Cheery!” Green smiled and hugged his daughter, dropping a kiss on her cheek. “And the ever lovely Miss Rarity, come here child!” He hugged her also. “How are you both?” They sat once more at the table, with only his garden to concentrate on now he had retired, his children and grandchild were a great source of joy.

“We are fine dad, enjoying the summer right now.” Cheerielee smiled, she had been grinning, virtually beaming since Rarity had agreed to their engagement.

“Oh yes, recharging my creative forces right now.” Rarity brushed her hand against Cheerielee’s. “We plan to take a few more days relaxing.”

“Wonderful, wonderful!”

“So dad, how are the gardens? Not suffering too much in the heat?”

“My begonia’s are growing perfectly. The orchid I am working on seems to be developing nicely too.” Green Growth smiled warmly.

The happy party of three were interrupted by a waiter to take the order and conversation moved through the varying plants and flowers he was working on, the women’s plans for the summer and varied other topics, the engagement didn’t seem to come up though. Rarity began to worry but was again derailed by the waiter with food.

Eventually Cheerielee excused herself for the restroom and left the table. Green looked Rarity in the eye. “Child, when and who proposed?” His tone was light and airy. Rarity sputtered on her drink, she had regrettably just taken a sip.

“What? How could you tell?” She tried to maintain decorum.

“Ah, the look in her eye, the breeze in her tone. She was glowing...” Green looked wistful for a moment. “So like her mother you know, she floated on air from the moment I slipped the ring on her finger virtually to the day she died.” He gave a smile, the twinkle of dear memories in his eye lending extra notes of happiness.

“Last night, she proposed to me.” Rarity smiled shyly, Green was a lovely accepting man who had a lot to deal with, he did not need to know the exact circumstances. “We had a dinner and enjoyed the sunset.”

“No ring?” He examined her hand with interest.

“It was a little spontaneous to be honest.” Exactly true.

“Well then...” Green stopped and looked around carefully, surreptitiously he withdrew a small velvet bag from his blazer pocket and pressed it into Rarity’s hand. “This was a ring of her mother’s... I was instructed to save it until she decided to settle down.” He smiled, “Joy was happy with both of her daughter’s choices so long as they too were happy. I had that ring made for her when she had little Cheery.” He slipped a silver ring inlaid with mother-of-pearl and a pink stone the colour of Cheerielee’s eyes. “It was always her intention for it to be passed to her, I am glad I am giving it for such a wonderful person.”

Rarity felt her eyes dampen. “Mr Green... Thank you.” As she spoke Cheerielee appeared from the cafe. With a wink Rarity concealed the bag in her purse. Her lover re-joined them at the table and lunch passed pleasantly into early afternoon, helped along with conversation and good food.


Rarity steeled herself at the gate. She was about to make another announcement that would possibly confuse and alarm her parents. For the second time in her life. “They’ll be fine.” Cheerielee assured her, pushing the gate open and leading Rarity to the door. Two sharp raps on the wood and there stood two of the most important people in her life.

“Mom, Dad. I have something to tell you.” Rarity whispered. She knew she was being melodramatic, her parents had been accepting of her life choices and while at first surprised an little upset that their eldest daughter “swung both ways” they had settled the matter and were now happy for her, if circumspect about her relationships around little Sweetie. “Ah, I think we would be better sat in the house.”

After entering the cosy abode and settled into couches in the sitting room Rarity continued. Still holding Cheerielee’s hand for support. “We, as in Cheerielee and I, have decided that we wish to be married or any other equivalent union.” Rarity smiled and Cheerielee gripped her hand a little tighter. “We thought it would be best to explain things to Sweetie sooner rather than later, now, given the circumstances.” She smiled at her parent’s waiting for a reaction.

After what seemed almost an age to the designer and the teacher, Magnum and Pearl unfroze. “Rarity, honey. I know this is your choice and it will be your big day but...” The pause was excruciating, “could you see it in your heart to make your mommy a dress for the occasion?” Pearl chuckled as Rarity gave a dramatic sigh and a show of mock fainting. Magnum fixed Cheerielee with an appraising look.

“Teacher is a good career,” He muttered, “Dependable, faithful...” He looked her in the eye. “So long as y’all look after my little girl, welcome to the family!” Rarity’s parents stood and with beaming smiles hugged the two younger women.

“Now we have to tell Sweetie.” Pearl said. “She should take it... well.”


A despondent Sweetie Belle wandered into the garden. Her parents had just told her something pretty much life changing and it was a little hard to understand. Unfortunately her usual confidante was the subject of her problem. There was one more friendly ear Sweetie felt able to speak to, someone who lived at the bottom of the garden.

From the kitchen window Rarity anxiously watched her younger sister walk through the garden, beyond some elegant topiary the gardener had created and her mother’s favoured flower arrangements. “Will she be ok?” Cheerielee asked, keeping out of view of the window.

“Yes, she just needs to work it out... I know who she’s going to for help, she’ll be fine. They’re a very good listener.”


He lived at the back of the garden, brought in years ago during one of mother’s artistic phases. She’d had plans but pregnancy and a new young child had pushed the idea aside and left him where he had been delivered. Sweetie knew Rarity had spent long evenings simply talking to him, she’d watched her from the bedroom window and gained the impression that it really did help. She clambered up and sat on the sun-warmed surface. “Tom...” Sweetie started.

“I... I’m kind of confused. Rarity... I mean. You know Rarity likes girls as well as boys right? Daddy and Mom said that was fine and it was her choice, that if she was happy it didn’t matter who she loved...” Sweetie paused. “Rarity is going to marry Miss Cheerielee.” She shuffled around a little and lay on the warm, rain smoothed surface of the large rock. “I know it’s a good thing right? It has to be... she looked so happy when she told me. I knew they were going on dates, I noticed... Heh, we’re kids but we aren’t stupid, me and the girls I mean.” Sweetie laughed, recalling the excuses from her sister when she asked about Cheerielee. “I just... She’s my sister. I don’t want her stolen away by someone else!”

She stopped then, realising how selfish her words sounded, thinking it hadn’t really had the same impact. “’kay so I won’t really lose her will I? She loves me and I love her, she’s staying in Ponyville...” Sweetie rolled over and looked at the sky. “Tom, you know what? I’ll give it a chance. I get a new sister and probably a really nice dress out of the deal right?” She stood, smiled and jumped from the rock. “Thank’s for listening Tom. Bye.” Sweetie ran back to the house, hoping that they hadn’t left yet.


“Quick! She’s coming!” Rarity herded her family and fiancé into the sitting room, Sweetie must not know that they had been watching for her... Just as the neatly settled into positions of long term comfortable conversation the youngest of the Sapphire family came rushing in and threw herself at her sister.

“Oh Rarity! This is the best thing ever! I’m going to have a new sister!! Miss Cheerielee is the best too!” She smiled and hugged her sister.

“So you worked it out then?” Rarity pulled her sister beside herself on the seat.

“Yeah... sorry I shouted and stormed off. I feel silly now.”

“Its fine darling, it was an announcement out of the blue.” Rarity embraced her sister. “I am glad you approve too.” Their parents and a proud future family member watched the sisters. It seemed that things would be okay for the foreseeable future.

Author's Note:


This one sits after Reciprocate, and sort of in the middle of chapter 17.

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