• Published 6th Jun 2012
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Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 30: Global Seating Ettiquette

A loud thump came from the basement, the fact that it was followed by an agitated yell gave some relief to the teenaged boy and rainbow haired young woman sat in the lounge. It meant Twilight had not done any serious damage to herself.

“Doing okay Twilight?” Rainbow shouted, putting down her book (Daring Do and The Monkey King's Secret). There was another crash, so the pilot pushed herself out of the chair and walked over to the basement stairs. “Want some help?” She could hear Twilight coughing in there, whatever had fallen must have filled the air with dust.

“Please.” Twilight called up, a slight sputter in her voice. Rainbow took the stairs two at a time. “Be careful! I don't think I can safely drag you back up if you fall and break your neck!” Twilight scolded.

“It's fine!” Rainbow replied, landing on the floor with a flourish. “So, what's the problem?” She looked around the basement, at the familiar cartons of books and papers Twilight squirrelled away, the boxes of decorations and the obvious goal; plateware and furniture. There was a tumbled pile of boxes, their contents scattered on the ground.

“I was trying to get the trestle table out, so I could check how many folding chairs we have and bring up all the plates and dishes for a clean.” Twilight said. “But as I was pulling it I knocked over the boxes behind me and then dropped the table. She sighed and closed her eyes a moment, arms wrapped around her and drew her into a hug, she let her nose get pressed into the soft t-shirt Rainbow wore.

“It is a week until anyone gets here and nine days until Thanksgiving. Calm down a little Twi'.” Rainbow knew it was a vain effort, with such a short (In the librarian's estimation) time, she was getting into DEFCON mode.

Twilight was hosting the Sparkle family Thanksgiving Dinner. While her mother's parents were away on a cruise, every other family member would be arriving and taking a meal here. Including Celestia and Luna. Twilight's mentor wouldn't miss her student's first family event in the town she'd installed her and Luna was closer to her sister since the kidnapping and was eager to join her again.

With Twilight's cooking record, dinner was mostly going to be prepared by the cooks of the family, with a few contributions from friends. Without the food to prepare, Twilight had focused on getting the seating and table setting 100% perfect.

“Thanks Rainbow. I know I have a full week, but I just have to get this right. I don't want my turn hosting to be remembered as the one where the table collapsed or someone had to eat off an old pizza box, or there wasn't enough spoons...” She trailed off, making herself miserable.

“Come on Twi'. You organise everything to the most awesome degree. You have this down.” Rainbow gestured to the table, slightly askew but certainly drawn from its designated storage location (as per Twilight's chart on the back of the door). Behind it, indeed, were the folding chairs and opposite were boxes of plates and dishes. “Look. All here and ready to go.

“I am having thirteen people come for dinner Rainbow.” Twilight said, a hint of mania in her voice.

“Yep, one less because Gilda is going to eat at Jet's.” Rainbow had expected Twilight to be pleased about one less person when she'd let her partner know. It seemed to have sparked off this imbalance though. “The table will be fine. You have helped everyone find places to stay and we are going to clear the lounge for the meal. You got this.”

Twilight sniffed. “Thanks.” She drew back a little. “Can you help me move the table?”

“Sure thing.” Rainbow grinned. Hopefully Twilight wouldn't have too many meltdowns between now and the big event. Some weren't as easy to fix up as this. Rainbow knew from Spike that Twilight senior and Night had held off on having the meal at Twilight's place until there was someone else certain to be around who could calm her down.

That Thanksgiving dinner would be taken here in Ponyville told Rainbow that she was trusted to look after Twilight. It was a heartening thought.


There were three more minor incidents in the run-up to Thanksgiving. It was never anything too problematic, two times were just Twilight getting stressed about the seating plan. With Dath and Night attending, not to mention Granny Sparkle and Captain and Celestia, Twilight had been figuring out table hierarchy. When you had knowledge about the etiquette from more than a dozen cultures and historical traditions you could really chart a seating plan.

That had taken Rarity's help to unwind that situation. “My word! Darling, remind me to have your assistance when I next undertake a fashion show.” Twilight's study was filled with diagrams of the room and the tables.

The librarian had a tablet computer, coloured pens, paper and two books in front of her. “Sorry Rarity. Is it important? I have nearly figured out a way to seat this perfectly. If I fuse European Royal Court seating with the traditional familial hierarchy-”

“Twilight.” Rarity cut in.

“Sorry. I can't offend anyone-”

“Twilight!” Rarity pulled the tablet out of Twilight's hand. “Rainbow was worried that you were going to make yourself ill. However she perceived that her less than tactful efforts to dissuade your concern were not working.” Rarity gently turned Twilight from the desk. “So she called me over. I think I can see why she was worried.” Twilight went to speak but Rarity held up a hand. “Come and have a cup of tea and a chat darling.”

The couch was a lot more comfortable than the study chair. Rarity placed a cup and saucer on the low table and took her seat, holding her own easily. Twilight took the cup from the table. “You won't hurt any feelings however you seat your family Twilight.” Rarity said to start.

“But-” Twilight started.

“They love you Twilight. I think they would happily sit with lap trays and serve off the kitchen counters!” Rarity dismissed the disagreement.

“I want this to be perfect. It will prove that I am fine living here away from mom and dad.” Twilight said quietly.

“Do you think they are testing you?” Rarity said carefully. Test was another of the “T words” that should not be spoken. Twilight had created for herself an interesting number of trigger words in her relentless quest for perfect student.

“I... I, maybe – yes?” Twilight mentally grasped at any real reason she had worked herself up that would not reflect badly on her family.

“I don't think they are Twilight. They just want to spend time with you.” Rarity smiled. “In fact, my mother has commanded I host Thanksgiving at the boutique this year, simply because I have the largest space. Cheerielee and her family will be joining us.”

Twilight's guilty grimace turned into a smile for her friend. “That's wonderful Rarity.”

“Ah, at last a smile.” Rarity put her cup down on the table. “Now, I have heard from Spike and Rainbow what your dilemma is. I have a solution that would probably keep you happy.”

“Right now I will try anything.” Twilight closed her eyes a moment. “I was even entertaining the idea of a round table.” When she looked, Rarity was stifling a giggle.

“Spike would adore that.” Rarity sat back in her seat. “My idea was simple. You are using that large table yes? The one Pinkie stores here between parties?” When Twilight nodded Rarity mimed her plan. “Have no seating plan.” She dismissed it with the wave of a hand. “Any group of people will sit how they wish when there is space for everyone. This is a family dinner, not a banquet or party Twilight!”

“No plan is not a plan Rarity!” Twilight sounded scandalised at the thought and looked quite shocked,

“Ah, no darling. No seating plan is a plan to see how everyone gets on with one another. Yours is not a family of buried secrets and long held grudges creating tension enough to put a piano to shame. Everything will be fine and Rainbow's parents will feel welcome amongst a group of virtual strangers.” Rarity watched as Twilight thought through the suggestion. She had heard at length from a worried Spike and Rainbow just how upset Twilight was getting. Knowing something of etiquette herself, Rarity had been the obvious choice for advice. Certainly since Pinkie was already back at her parent's farm.

“Alright. It should work out.” Twilight agreed.

“Excellent dear.” Rarity shifted to the other couch to give Twilight a hug. “More Tea?”

When Rarity left Twilight was in a much more relaxed mood. Rainbow was waiting at the door, “Thanks for that Rares, I kind of blew it when I said it wasn't that important.” Rainbow ran a hand through her hair. “I don't think I put it in the right way.”

“More than likely darling, but you are rather forthright. Applejack would probably have said it too, you are plain speakers.” Rarity smiled and waved a lightly scolding finger. “I have managed to turn her to more fruitful ideas. I hate to see her so worked up too you know.”

“Thanks again.” Rainbow shared a quick hug and saw Rarity to her car. When the designer had left she went to the lounge to find a calmer and happier Twilight discussing with Spike the idea of a turkey flying a fighter plane as the centrepiece.


As Thanksgiving neared the family began to arrive. Twilight had arranged for her parents to stay in one of her spare rooms. Celestia and Luna taking the others, admittedly Luna was sleeping on a fold-out bed in the house library, but she wasn't complaining. There had been a mention of “First Dibs” and “So many books”. Cadence and Shining were staying at Lofty's guest house, the couple wanted a little space that was theirs, away from the family but still close. Captain and Grandma Sparkle had decided on the Whitetail Woods Hotel, a five star establishment with an indoor pool and spa, as a little treat.

Though everyone often had their own plans and Rainbow would still go to the airfield for work, there was a much more relaxed atmosphere in the house as holiday mode switched on. For Rainbow, growing up in a house with only her parents or even just the one while the other was deployed, it was amazing, all the casual conversations and friendly silent company. Not to mention how much everyone there so easily made her part of the family.

Though, it was still nagging her, what was it that Luna wanted Twilight to be told?

Author's Note:

Some fluff, some movement. Setting things up for the final straight to a conclusion. Who knew, when I started this that I would take so long, cover so many chapters and all that jazz?

I hope to keep up this pace, simply so you can get the ending!

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