• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,007 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 19: Grandparents

“They are going to disown me.” Twilight squeaked once more.

“Twilight,” The calming tones of Celestia replied, “They love you for who you are and while they might possibly be a little old fashioned to embrace an... alternative... relationship they will not disown you.” She kept her eyes on the road as they drove to the hotel the Sparkle family had booked for the meal. “At least if I have anything to do with it...” Rainbow could have sworn she heard her say.

“I... I guess, Granny Radience was always hinting things...” Twilight mumbled.

“Okay, okay... TMI Twi’” Luna groaned. Rainbow cringed too.

“Calm down everyone, please? We cannot arrive in a state of hysterics.” Celestia chuckled. Luna made a rude face and Rainbow grabbed an arm around Twilight. Soon they were pulling up in front of the hotel. The valet took the car when they exited.

“I can do this.” Twilight gulped, a reassuring grasp from Rainbow and a smile from Luna.

“You’ll be fine Twilight.” Celestia said one last time before they entered the hall.


The couple of the hour had been toasted and cheekily heckled for children to be forthcoming. The music and mingling had begun. Rainbow stuck close to Twilight, she was a plus one guest in the minds of Twilight’s extended family. After being introduced to a dizzying array of family friends it was time for the grandparents.

“Granny, Captain. Meet Rainbow Dash, she’s uh... a friend of mine.” Twilight smiled sweetly to an elderly lady with hair a greying blue. Beside her stood a distinguished looking man with a classical moustache. Twilight hugged both of them.

“Oh our little Twily making friends at last!” Granny cooed, ruffling her granddaughter’s hair.

Rainbow couldn’t contain herself any longer. “Captain?” was her eager question.

“Why yes,” the man introduced as such said. “US Air Force Captain, flew missions in both the European and Pacific theatres young lady.” His eyes gleamed. “I’m afraid I took great pride in the rank and I will never be a grampy.”

“Pleasure to meet you sir” Rainbow saluted and was rewarded by a warm smile from Twilight. “I fly a fair few warplanes myself.” A start to a rather involved conversation between two aviators.


“Captain is awesome! You have to get them to visit, I would love to get him in one of the birds.” Rainbow was cheerful at the success with one set of grandparents, the effect was pretty positive for Twilight too.

“Ok Skygirl, time to go and see Grandpa and Grandma Radiance .” Twilight tugged her girlfriend towards a couple sat at a table talking earnestly with Celestia and Twilight senior. They looked up and waved a greeting to the approaching couple.

“Twilight, how did Rainbow like Captain and April?” Twilight senior asked. She seemed to look harried but only Rainbow noticed, Twilight the younger had never been adept at reading faces.

“Oh, they’re really cool. I can’t believe the manoeuvres Captain said he’d pulled off! I didn’t even think they were possible.” Rainbow gushed to hide her suspicions and gallantly divert Twilight’s attention from her mother’s mood.

“How wonderful. I’ll leave you to speak to Mom and Dad.” She smiled distractedly and left in the direction of her son. Celestia smiled her usual beatific smile.

“Well Dusk, Dawn. It was a pleasure to speak with you. Now I’ll leave you in the company of these young ones.” She placed a gentle touch on her student’s shoulder as she left.

“Hello dearest.” Dawn hugged her granddaughter and gestured for the girls to sit. “Come, we haven’t spoken in a while. Is this Rainbow, the girl I’ve heard of so often?”

“Grandma! What do you mean?” Twilight turned scarlet and a non-too helpful Rainbow heaved with laughter.

“Well, it seems Celestia, Twilight and Night... Oh young Cadence and Shining. That Blueblood boy...” She began to list and Twilight sunk further in her seat. “Oh Twily dear, you really should come see us soonest, everyone was eager to speak about how well you have progressed in Ponyville.”

“How much did they say?” Twilight squeaked.

“Enough dear.” Dawn smiled, a twinkle in her eye. “We are very happy for you, aren’t we Dusk?” she nudged her husband.

“Huh? What? Oh... Yes dear, very proud...” He trailed off and stared into middle distance.

“Oh, philosophising again. I blame that son-in-law of ours, always giving him something new to ponder. I shouldn’t wonder if he has another book on the go by tomorrow morning.” Dawn laughed, a deep, rich sound. “Now shoo! Go enjoy yourselves!” She smiled indulgently at the young women. “Ah, to be young and in love again.”

“What? Hmm? We are in love dear.”

“Yes Dusk, yes we are.”


“Your grandparents are all kinds of awesome.” Rainbow said as a rather shell-shocked Twilight took a stiff drink. “I mean, Captain Sparkle, dude... I can see where Shiny got all the badass from! Your Granny was really nice.” She waved a hand in front of the frozen face of her girlfriend. “Twi’? Oh yeah! Your mom’s parents are cool too. I can see where you got all the smarts from, or at least the habit of zoning out.” Still no response. With a sly grin she drew close to Twilight’s ear, “How about we bail to the bathroom and get a quick one out yeah?”

“That sounds lovely Dash.... Dash! How could you say that here!” Twilight shot bolt upright and glared at Rainbow.

“Hey, had to get you out of it somehow.” She gave a trademark mischievous grin. “You were frozen since we left their table.” As she spoke Spike came running over.

“Hi Twilight, Rainbow.” He gave his sister a quick hug and a fist bump with Rainbow. “Did you have a good journey down? How was the city? Why weren’t you at mom and dad’s place? Did you know how awesome Land of Yore is?!”

“Hey Spikester, Twi’ has just had a bit of a brain error, why don’t you give me the play-by-play on the theme park? I’ve always wanted to go.


One enthusiastic re-telling of roller coasters, side-shows and a full simulated foam combat zone later Twilight had come back online and supplied answers to Spike’s questions. Soon it was time to leave the restaurant and retired to the Sparkle’s place or home. Rainbow and Twilight gave their well wishes to her grandparents and her cousins as they returned with Celestia and Luna for some more celebrations. The gifts of candies were well received, Twilight surprising everyone with extra things she had picked up for Luna and Spike.

Much discussion was had over Ponyville, how Spike was getting on, his connection with the Atoll tribe and his great love of horses at the farm. Eventually he fell asleep and was gently carried to bed by Night while the others decamped to the basement. Luna and Twilight proved to be the night-owls, staying up all night talking and shooting pool. Everyone else slept in the Sparkle household, Rainbow being the last to retire to bed, she had been determined to ask Luna about the overheard conversation but no opportunity had presented itself. “I have to find out soon...” She thought before drifting off to sleep on the sofa in the basement.

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