• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,007 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 5: Meals and Reveals

Twilight woke up as her alarm blared. She briefly considered sleeping in a little, but then remembered that a certain someone was in the guest room. She got up excitedly and rushed through her pre-breakfast routine and started breakfast. Surprisingly, breakfast was one of the few meals she was particularly good at. Except she often didn’t get up early enough to dedicate any time to it.

A sleepy Spike made his way out of his bedroom, drawn by the smell of cooking batter and hot butter. “Morning Twilight,” He muttered, shuffling past the blur of purple and navy rushing around the kitchen. “You’re up early today.” Still trailing his blankie he pulled out a chair from the breakfast station and sat down, rubbing his eyes and yawning mightily.

“Oh, I woke up and didn’t feel like sleeping in.” Twilight almost trilled, flipping open the waffle maker with one hand and pouring chocolate batter into the donut machine (Pinkie was a great believer in gifting kitchen electronics to her less cooking inclined friends) a smoothie machine was full of a dark pink liquid and all the syrups were on the table. “So I made breakfast.” Twilight smiled and placed a plate of toast in front of Spike.

“What’s all the commotion guys?” Rainbow stood in the doorway yawning, a borrowed bathrobe on and her hair an even worse mess than usual. Twilight nearly squeed but managed to keep it together.

“Breakfast! Donuts, waffles, coffee and smoothies. Toast and cereal are also available.” She smiled and Rainbow returned it with a stupid grin.

“Thanks babe.” She wandered to the table and gave Twilight a quick squeeze as she passed. Twilight shot a look at Spike, but the boy was busy drinking down nearly a pint of very berry smoothie.

“Spike, you’ll get a stomach ache.” She warned, sorting a plate of breakfast for herself.

“I’ll be fine.” Spike smiled, a purple-ish pink moustache and beard around his mouth.

“*snerk* Spike, lookin’ good.” Rainbow gave him a thumb up and knocked back some orange juice, a plate piled high with batter products and all the syrups.

“What do you mean? What?” Spike examined his reflection in a spoon and grimaced.

“Here.” Twilight handed him a wipe as she sat. He gratefully took it and cleaned his face while Rainbow carried on chuckling through a mouthful of waffle and maple syrup. “You’ll need one soon too if you keep that up!” Twilight flicked a kitchen wipe in mock aggression with a grin of her own.

Spike watched their interactions owlishly. “You two...” He narrowed his eyes and looked from one to another. Under the green eyed scrutiny they stopped. “You two are totally dating.” Spike pronounced, folding his arms and striking what he probably thought was the pose of a master detective.

“Ah-heh... Whatever do you mean Spike?” Twilight was turning lightly pink and with a cunning look Spike replied.

“You are acting like Shining and Cadence when they first moved from friends to partners. I’m not blind y’know.”

Rainbow laughed as Twilight’s jaw dropped. “You figured it out!? But Rainbow is a girl and I’m a girl and...!”

“I’m younger than you, not an old fashioned stick-in-the-mud.” Spike grinned, “I saw the way you were looking at her and I sorta overheard you talking to Rarity one time...”

“Spike!” Twilight half wailed but she couldn’t be angry with him. “You are ok with me dating Rainbow? It won’t make you uncomfortable or anything?” She tried to keep any anxiety from her voice, but once again Spike was more perceptive than that.

“It’s fine Twilight. Really great! I mean you are doing normal stuff, ok a few years later starting but still. You’re like, my big sister and best friend, how could I be cross that you found someone?” He smiled widely and grabbed a bite of his breakfast.

“You know,” Twilight said, giving him a hug. “You are far too mature for your age.”

“Says you, what was I going to be practically raised by Twilight Sparkle?” Spike pulled a grumpy face and began to laugh again.

“Well young man, make sure you still do some kid stuff for at least a few more years!” Twilight smiled her Spike’s doing something cute smile. “I’m just going to fetch a paper and check the library copies have been delivered, play nice!” With a skip to her step Twilight left the kitchen.

“You’re good with us then huh?” Rainbow asked casually, helping herself to more orange juice.

“Sure, just don’t hurt her.” Spike looked deadly serious, “I may be small but I can get Shining down on you like a ton of bricks!” Then he smiled, “It’s going to be great for her, I get worried that she’s lonely and I didn’t only over hear her talking to Rarity.” His expression turned sad, “She tried to hide it, but she got real upset whenever another old schoolmate announced an engagement and after the wedding she went all depressive about never finding love.”

Rainbow felt a little awkward, she carefully gripped his shoulder. “I promise to never hurt her Spike. I’ll look after her and stay with her as long as she wants me.”

“Good. So, what nights do you want me out of the house?” Spike had a wicked look on his face and Rainbow simply gave him a clout on the arm.

“You are way too grown up kid.” They finished breakfast and cleared up. When Twilight returned she found them playing Xbox with a fierce co-op battle going on. She gave a happy sigh; she was building a family in Ponyville.


The weather had cleared up overnight, which was a good thing for their weekly lunch. All the girls made it a point of meeting up at one of Ponyville’s eateries once a week, to get together and catch up or simply to enjoy company in their sometimes busy schedules. Thus Rainbow and Twilight resolved to tell the others at their lunch. While Rainbow admitted talking to Fluttershy and Twilight told of her useful chats with Rarity. Pinkie and Applejack were a little out of the loop. So at twelve sharp they left for the agreed lunch spot, Spike was attending a shop class at the school that he had elected to take as a compliment to his home schooling. They had an afternoon to themselves and their friends.


Pinkie and Applejack sat browsing the menu; Rarity and Fluttershy were virtually perched on their chairs looking out for the missing pair and sneaking knowing glances to each other. It was with politely restrained jubilation that they motioned for the approaching Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash to join them. The pair walked hand in hand, little space between themselves. They seated themselves together, Rainbow pulling a chair for Twilight before seating herself. At this point Pinkie and Applejack had noticed and were looking on with interest.

“Something y’all wanna tell us sugarcube?” Applejack asked a beaming Twilight.

Pinkie Pie nearly grabbed them both in her eagerness to hear. “Yeah girls!! I want to know!!!” There was a manic look in her eyes, in a good way.

“Um, well, er...” Twilight stammered, embarrassed at the scrutiny from her friends and very annoyed at Rarity’s smug smile and Fluttershy’s starry eyed gaze.

“We’re dating now.” Rainbow said casually, the rise in her voice betrayed her own excitement.

“Yeah, we decided.” Twilight blushed and smiled. The others simply created a ruckus with their congratulations. Then they all laughed upon realising they were interrupting each other.

“Twilight, I’m very proud of you for taking this step.” Rarity smiled, “Rainbow, I know you’ll have a better relationship with our Twilight.” She embraced them both. “Oh, do remember me for any of your tailoring needs.” She winked.

“Oh Rainbow!! I’m so happy for you.” Fluttershy was almost speaking at a normal volume, “You’re perfect for each other.” She gave a beatific smile for them both pleased for her friends.

“Ah’ll second that for you both girls.” Applejack said holding both their shoulders. “Rainbow, you be good to Twilight okay? Twilight, sugarcube, you don’t get overwrought and over think all this stuff. Ah’m happy for both of you.”

Pinkie looked like she was about to explode, her smile was reaching critical mass. “PAAARRTTTYYYY!!!!” the force surely lifted her off the ground. “Oh oh! I’ll make cakes and punch and we’ll play all romantic music and it’ll be so much fun. You all have to go to my Congratulations on being a couple Twilight and Rainbow party!!” Everything came out in one breath and she returned to her seat with a gasp and a thump. Her smile remained as each of her five friends digested what she had just said.

“A party sounds fantastic Pinkie.” Twilight said, giving her excitable pink haired friend a hug.

“We haven’t had one for all of a week darling, I was beginning to think something was wrong!” Rarity laughed.

“Ah’ll be glad of a party fer sure.” Applejack nodded. Fluttershy gave a demure nod having exhausted the days loud speaking on congratulating her friends.

“That’ll be awesome Pinks,” Rainbow high fived her. “Now, I’m starving. Can we have some lunch?”

The waiting staff had been attracted by the near explosion and was quick to take orders. Soon enough everyone’s meals were on the table and a convivial lunch was eaten. They made their separate ways afterwards and Rarity returned Rainbow to the airfield as she was fetching a delivery in person. Later in the day an e-vite was mailed to everyone about a party...

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