• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,008 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 10: Tonight, tonight

It had been decided to spend their date in the house. Rainbow’s forecasts predicted more rain and grey skies most evenings so a cosy evening in was just the ticket. Twilight made sure there were plenty of snacks in and selected a few good movies to put on the coffee table just in case. Rainbow had insisted they stayed at Twilight’s place because her own home was never really tidy or even that homely.

Twilight nervously plumped a sofa cushion and wrung her hands for the fifth time that minute; she paced a little and checked the clock. Rainbow would be over soon, everything had to be perfect for this date. Everything. “Twilight, I’m going to my room now ‘kay?” Spike stood on the stairs with an industrial sized bag of cheese-puffs and a bottle of cola. “We have a major skirmish planned so I won’t be doing anything but Dragoncraft tonight. Don’t expect me up in the morning either!” He chuckled and ran up the stairs before his guardian could object to all night junk food and MMORPGs. Twilight mentally noted one problem off her list; Spike wouldn’t provide any interruptions as long as he was playing.

There was a knock at the door and Twilight jumped out of her reverie and tripped over herself to answer. She bumped her head on the door and rubbed the sore spot it created as she let her guest in. “Hey gorgeous.” Rainbow grinned in greeting and gathered the librarian in her arms, drawing her in for a kiss.

Twilight nearly melted against her, loving the way that Rainbow would press her forehead against her own, closing any gaps between them as she kissed deeply and eagerly. “I am the luckiest nerd in the world…” Twilight thought as she wrapped her arms around the athletic form moulding itself against her. She had to suppress a whine when her girlfriend pulled away but she still maintained a close contact.

“As much as I’d like to stay like this forever,” She breathed, “I’m famished and standing in the hallway making out with the door open is a little much even for me.” Rainbow smiled again and let Twilight lead her into the living room, kicking the door closed before they left the hallway.

“I have some snacks to eat. I’m not really one for cooking.” Twilight said, “We can order in if you want?” Rainbow shook her head in response.

“Snacks are great Twi’. What you got planned for tonight then?” She looked at the stack of DVDs and passed an appraising glance across the shelves that bordered the room. She sat on the sofa with a thump.

“Nothing really Rainbow, I was looking forward to a cosy evening in with you.” She ran her hand through multi-coloured locks. “I’ll go fetch those snacks.” Rainbow took her jacket off and leaned back into the cushions. Maybe her plan would be put into motion tonight.


The closing credits rolled by at the end of the DVD. Rainbow extricated herself from the depths of the sofa beside her girlfriend. “Great movie.” She called across, taking the disc from the player and replacing it in the case. She turned to throw it to the table and noticed some strange cases on the lowest shelf. “Hey Twi’ what’re these?”

“Oh, those are just my vinyl collection.” Twilight replied, joining Rainbow on her knees in front of the boxes. “I really love the sound from them, listening to records is my rainy Sunday treat.” She shuffled a little closer to Rainbow and brushed against her when she leaned to remove a box. With a click the lid flipped open to reveal cardboard sleeves. “Do you want to listen to anything?”

“Yeah, that’d be great Twi’.”

“Anything in particular? I have quite an extensive collection.”

“Whatever you recommend, it’s your music after all.” Rainbow smiled as Twilight gleefully rummaged out a certain album. With care she checked the record and replaced it in the sleeve and took it with her to the player set in the corner of the room. Some delicate set-up later and the first sounds began to drift out of her speakers. Rainbow cocked her head at the unfamiliar sound of the empty grooves until the first notes came through.


Twilight was dancing with her usual exuberance, singing along with a voice at odds with the ‘grace’ she danced with. The only difference to her usual performance was her daring moves around Rainbow. She’d been dragged to join in by the third track and that was three albums ago. Twilight moved in her regular uncoordinated manner but had worked in some twists and bumps as she gyrated alongside Rainbow. A hip, a shoulder or an arm making contact against the unusually sensitive athlete, every now and then there was a brush of butt or breast which would cause a sudden blush to partner the red streak in Rainbow’s hair. The record trundled to a halt and the needle bearing arm returned home.

As Twilight went to put the vinyl away Rainbow caught her breath. Her hopes for tonight had to be close to realisation if Twilight’s performance was anything to go by; she had to know what her actions were suggesting right? Not even the navy haired egghead could be that socially unaware. “Uh, I gotta use the bathroom okay Twi’ back in a minute.”

“Sure Rainbow, I’ll clean up the dishes while you’re gone.”

Rainbow hurried up the stairs and took a peek in Spike’s room. He was engrossed in his computer screen, hands grasping a game-pad and head adorned with one of the more serious headsets. The kid wouldn’t notice a thing; he didn’t even see Rainbow in his doorway. Sneaking along the landing she quietly removed a box she’d concealed in the closet a few days before and as silently as possible entered Twilight’s room. After a while she left and gently entered the bathroom, flushing right away before returning downstairs at her usual pace.

Twilight had finished stacking dishes in the kitchen when Rainbow came up behind her, sliding an arm around her waist. Twilight stifled a moan at the sudden contact. “Am I really that needy?” She thought as she twisted to face Rainbow. There was a shine in her eyes and a slight lift to the edges of her mouth. Rainbow leaned and drew Twilight into a tender kiss.

“Mmmm, what’s brought this on.” Twilight breathed when they separated for air.

“Third date, remember?” Rainbow whispered into her ear, giving it a gentle nip. Again Twilight held back a base reaction, instead clutching a blue clad shoulder.

“Sounds like a plan...” she replied, a tone in her voice she’d never heard before and a surge of feelings that either led to a locked bedroom door or a long bath. She allowed herself to be led by Rainbow to her room but they stopped short of entering.

“Close your eyes.” Rainbow told her, placing her ahead and opening the door. The smell came first, the scent of lavender, her favourite. Twilight opened her eyes to see the room almost transformed. Sure, it was still the room she had put together within the first week of arriving in Ponyville, but Rainbow had made some additions.

The curtains were drawn and the blinds behind pulled down, the main lights were shut off. The room was lit by dozens of flickering electric tea lights, all placed in attractive holders and stands. The bed had fresh sheets, satin by the sheen and all in shades of purple. Some flower petals were strewn across it. At the head of the bed a purple glass jar held some sticks from which the lavender scent escaped. Twilight struggled to take it all in, so overwhelmed with emotions.

“Do you like it?” Rainbow whispered, gently steering her into the room and closing the door.

“I love it.” Twilight clasped Rainbow’s hand and planted a kiss on her lips. Rainbow smiled, visibly pleased with the result of her effort. Her hands slid tentatively around Twilight, slowly moving towards fresh targets.

She gave another deep kiss and then pulled back to look Twilight in the eye. “I wanted it to be the best first time.”


Twilight lay with her head under Rainbow’s chin. Her girlfriend, no her lover, breathing gently with sleep. Her cheek was pillowed not uncomfortably on Rainbow’s collarbone as they lay entwined. Twilight marvelled at how well their contours matched. Idly she traced a single finger along Rainbow’s side and felt the slightest flicker of a smile from above. Rainbow tucked an arm around her and Twilight held it against herself.

Though the sheets lay beneath them neither felt the cold. Skin to skin contact warmed both perfectly. Soon enough Twilight drifted off to sleep.

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