• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,007 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

  • ...

Epilogue: I do

Ponyville's Whitetail Park was abuzz with activity. The cultured (but strained) tones of one Rarity Belle directing people to raise decorations and place chairs “just so” carried across the area. All the while the mildly frustrated Cheerilee tried to get her partner to go and dress for the occasion in time.

Across town at the home of Twilight Sparkle a different but just as precise preparation was underway. “Oh Twily, look at you.” Velvet said, pride and awe in her hushed voice. She wiped a tear from her eye and then clasped her hands.

“Mom, don't start or I will.” Twilight sniffed. “I'll ruin my make-up.” She had her back to her mother and the door as Fluttershy fussed with the fall of the full skirts of her dress.

“Twilight.” Celestia gasped, she and Luna had halted in the doorway of the room. “You look beautiful.” Celestia's voice cracked and she too had to catch a tear.

“Moms! I've just had my make-up done!” Twilight huffed, her voice wobbling a little. She span around to face them both, right on time for Luna to snap a photo.

“We are so proud of you.” Velvet said as both women gathered Twilight into an embrace. Fluttershy drew back smiled at her friend and the girl's mothers.

“I have no idea how I am going to keep it together through the whole thing.” Celestia whispered, getting a squeeze of the hand from Velvet. “Dusk would be so pleased for you.” She parted from Twilight and Velvet.

“Can I get a quick photo of you three?” Luna asked waving her camera, a serious looking digital SLR.

“You four.” Flutteshy said, stepping up and taking the camera, holding it out of Luna's reach. “Stand together.” She was being a little more assertive, but she was very happy for her friends today and it was pumping up her confidence.

“Can you make room for one more?” Cadence called, stepping into the room. She was in her own outfit for the day but still barefoot.

“Oh! Yes.” Fluttershy beamed at the woman and helped her join the group. The room was a little crowded with people and too many things to trip over, not a good idea for a woman so far into her second trimester. The five arranged themselves with Twilight at the centre. Her white gown radiant in the morning light that streamed through the windows.

A series of clicks, it looked like Luna had set for multi-shot, and the photo was taken. “You all look lovely.” Fluttershy beamed. There were a few excited giggles from Twilight then.

“I can't believe this is happening.” Twilight said as the four others gave her another quick embrace.

“Well it is Twi' so I better go and finish getting dressed!” Luna laughed and made her way to the study where she was staying for this visit. She was not wearing her whole outfit just yet and had plans for her hair.

“I should too.” Cadence said, “Though it is mostly going to be baby-bump versus shoes...” She sighed and laid a hand on the swell of her stomach.

“You look beautiful.” Twilight assured her.

“I'll help you get your shoes on.” Fluttershy added. “We are a little at a loose end until Rarity arrives to help with everyone's hair.”

“I've brought breakfast!” Pinkie Pie yelled from down below. A yell that was answered by Twilight's stomach rumbling.

“We had better go and eat, don't want you to keel over when it gets to the important bit.” Velvet said taking Twilight's left hand.

“I hope Pinkie brought muffins.” Celestia commented as they left the room, her hand in Twilight's right. Two mothers and their daughter.


“Are you ready yet Rainbow?” Applejack shouted from the family room. She could hear pacing feet in the room above her, the old farmhouse was a hive of activity as the Cakes and Granny Smith cooked up a storm in the kitchen.

“I can always climb up through the window and shove her out.” Gilda offered, pulling a little lint from her suit jacket as she laid languidly across the couch.

“Ah'll be the one climbing my farmhouse thank you.” Applejack glared at the ceiling. “That girl can't be getting cold feet now.”

“I'd have expected Twilight to freak, not Rainbow.” Spike sat on a footstool, also examining the ceiling. As he spoke the pacing stopped and feet sounded on the stairs.

“My Rainbow, you do smarten up so wonderfully.” Firefly's voice carried from the hallway and the subject was accompanied into the room by her mother. Applejack whistled and Gilda applauded.

The dress Rainbow wore was slimline and knee length, ivory silk, strapless and given just the slightest extra accoutrement in the form of a sash tied at her waist, a pin like a red lightning bolt at the centre of the sash's knot. She had her shoes on too, high-heeled and buckle strapped sandals in a matching ivory tone, a slight iridescence to them. “Do I really look okay?”

“Sugar-cube, you look amazing. Rarity outdid herself, but you're making it shine.” Applejack clutched at her friend's shoulder.

“Still wonder if I should have gone for a suit.” Rainbow mumbled.

“You have to be as slick as me and the Spikester to pull off a tux.” Gilda smirked, pulling at her lapels. “Come on girl, how often do you get to marry the girl of your dreams? Gotta do it right.” She jumped up and clapped Rainbow on the back.

“Photo op!” Firefly shouted and ushered Spike to stand in with the three, taking some snaps.

“Now you.” Spike urged. “Mr Dath! We're getting a photo!” The older man entered the room, a fresh apple fritter in his hand.

“Ah'll hold onto that.” Applejack grinned, the Dash family were very fond of the treats that came from her family kitchen.

Firefly fussed her family into order, holding Rainbow between herself and Dath for the photo. She was wearing a dress also, but Dath had his dress uniform on, always proud of his service. Applejack snapped the photo and handed back the fritter.

“We've got about an hour before we have to be at the park.” Firefly reminded everyone before going off in search of a fritter for herself.

“Got to do my hair!” Spike ran off to the washroom with his pot of hair-gel in hand.

“You look very good Rainbow.” Dath said, still unsure of how to correctly praise his daughter. “I am incredibly proud of the young woman you have come to be.”

“Thanks dad.” Rainbow put her arm around him and got a hug in return. “You okay that you're not exactly walking me down the aisle the traditional way?” Rainbow had decided that she wanted to be the one who got to see her bride enter the room. They had all agreed to it, though Dath was going to walk her to the front before Twilight arrived.

“Rainbow, I get to see you marry someone you dearly love. I don't care which way I hand you over. I just want to see the look on your face when you see the woman you're going to spend the rest of your life with. As she walks towards you. Because she loves you just as much.” He held her close, mindful of her dress and her hair (as styled as it ever got).

“Thanks dad.” Rainbow mumbled. Gilda was making a show of not looking, and some damn dust was in the air. Applejack for her part was focused on the inside of her hat, the band had to have a pin in, catching her something fierce to account for the few tears in her eyes.

“My family.” Firefly cooed and put herself into the embrace. “Oooh, I get to see my baby getting married!”

“Yeah Mom.” Rainbow sniffed. “Yeah you do.”


After all of Rarity's effort the park setting was “perfect”. Decorations in place with strings of flags and flowers to mark off the area for the ceremony, a carpet trailed from the footpath to a plinth and rostrum, flanked by chairs for the guests.

Ribbons placed on the chair backs denoted family seats, left free as guests began to arrive. They mingled a little as the ushers made sure things remained as arranged. Soon though, all the guests had reached the park and the small corner set aside for the special event.

“Here she comes.” Jet Stream said to Raindrops as they spotted a blue car pulling into the parking lot by the park. It looked like it had a ribbon on it and, slightly surprising but sensible, Dath climbing from the driving seat. He helped Rainbow out and she stood beside him, Firefly getting out of the back to fuss at hair, dresses and jacket lapels .

A Jeep stopped and parked a few spaces over, Gilda , Applejack and Spike arriving. The youngest of the Sparkle clan had decided to go with the less “froofy” party until it was time to take their places, he was not a fan of makeovers and hair styling.

Gilda and Applejack were striding up to the seats with Spike not far behind, the boy stopped at the back of the chairs, he and Shining were going to stand either side of the carpet when Twilight arrived. Finally, the Dash family reached the chairs. “I'll get to the family seats.” Firefly said, kissing her husband and her daughter on their cheeks.

“Are you ready for this?” Dath said, taking Rainbow's arm.

“Ready to stand in front of all my family and friends and try not to make a fool of myself? Nope.” Rainbow took a breath. “Ready to show the whole world how much I love Twilight Sparkle? Yes. Every moment of every day.”

“Alright Kiddo. Let's get you to the front of this crowd then.” They walked, arm in arm, down the aisle. Applejack and Gilda followed along behind, Gilda in her tux and Applejack in a denim and gingham number that allowed her to wear her hat and still look dressy.

From her seat at the end of the row, Firefly filmed their approach, beaming smiles and pride. She followed their progress to the front and took a photo of father and daughter at the platorm. Dath took the seat next to her. “We did good.” Dath said, taking his wife's hand.

“We did good. She did great.” Firefly kissed his cheek again. “Now to wait for bride number two.”


Right on time and exactly as planned, Twilight was sat in her car to the wedding. It was a white seventies Firebird, the bird itself picked out in pastel shades. Her Mom's car, the one she'd bought because it had been Dusk's dream car. The gold chrome detailing shone and the rosette at the front rustled slightly in a breeze. Thunderlane had agreed to drive, he'd even managed to get hold of a driver's cap.

“I am entrusting my two most precious babies to you Thunderlane.” Celestia said, leaning in towards the driver's window, “So please take care of them.”

“Of course ma'am.” Thunderlane actually saluted. After talking to the driver, Celestia looked to Twilight, deciding to join Velvet and Night on the passenger side.

“Twilight.” She smiled again at her daughter all dressed up for her wedding. Twilight who knew who her birth mother was. Who had accepted her as such. “I am so pleased for you.” Her eyes gleamed with unshed tears

“You have found a wonderful woman to spend the rest of you life with.” Night said, reaching in to chuck her chin like he did when she was small.

“Someone we know loves you so much, someone that you love so much.” Velvet said, clutching tissues to her cheeks. “It is all any of us ever wanted for you. For you to be happy.”

“Mom. Mom. Dad...” Twilight sniffed. “I really hope Rarity has a touch-up kit for make-up.” She gave all three of her parents a smile. “I love you all, but I really hate being late.”

That set everyone giggling. “Okay, we'll be in the cars and heading out now.” Night was driving Velvet, Pinkie and the box of bouquets. Celestia was with Luna and Shining would take Cadence, Fluttershy and Rarity.

The convoy from Twilight's home started off. In the Firebird, Twilight smiled and smiled. She was going to marry Rainbow.


“They're here!” Spike shouted, silencing the low buzz of conversation. He stood up straighter at the back, watching the cars pull up and park in the spaces. Luna and Celestia made straight for the gathering. Shining and Velvet at a slightly more sedate pace with Cadence, followed behind, mother-to-be getting a little extra help up the path from her husband and mother-in-law.

When he had seated his wife, Shining joined Spike and they waited for things to get underway. The bridesmaids walked up the path next. Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all in light shades of violet, the dresses more of Rarity's designs.

The music began to play then, a piece Twilight was fond of that added a little dignity to the occasion. Behind her friends, Twilight stood with her dad. “Dad, I'm really doing this.”

“Yep, there is a rather nervous looking Rainbow Dash stood over there with a very smug looking Celestia with her papers.” Night whispered to her. “Okay then baby girl. Time to hand you over.”

“Escort me to my future.” Twilight teased, “We don't have any of that giving away in our household.” Night gave her a quick hug.

“Onwards to the future then.”

They walked behind her bridesmaids, down the aisle to Rainbow. To get married.

Twilight could only smile and smile. Rainbow looked awestruck and was focused on her as if she was all that existed in the world. If Rainbow was feeling anything like she did, then that had to be the case. The closer Twilight got, the less of the world she saw beyond Rainbow.

Standing beside Rainbow, Twilight looked to her mother and her dad to share a smile, then she focused on her other mother, Celestia had been so pleased when they had asked her to officiate. She was smiling and a little tearful, all their friends and family were.

With a warm look to her daughter and Rainbow, Celestia began the ceremony.


Rainbow had zoned out the moment Twilight arrived. Her flowing white gown had lilac stars at the edges, trailing down the scooped neckline and tracing the full skirts. She wore a small tiara, more a headband than a crown, her hair was up and styled to bring attention to the streak of purple and magenta. Fixed on Twilight's eyes as she came closer, Rainbow could hardly hear the words Celestia spoke.

Eventually her mind managed to register at the rather important part.

“The brides have their own vows they would like to make.” Celestia said, still managing to keep it together. “I know you've decided which order to go in. Rainbow?” She looked to the woman who was about to be married to her daughter and smiled.

“I'm not very good at fancy words.” Rainbow said, nervously scrubbing at her hair, very aware of the many people watching. “I just have to say, and you know this is from the heart and everything; I'll never leave you hanging Twi'. Not ever.” She said the words, not once looking away from Twilight. The librarian was beaming and looked like she was having a job to keep from becoming a blubbering mess.

At her elbow, Applejack handed over a ring. Rainbow took Twilight's hand and slipped the wedding band onto a lightly shaking finger. Once again Rarity had come through, it was a perfect fit.

Twilight knew the exact words she wanted to say to Rainbow. Taking one careful and slightly shaky breath she looked into the rose eyes she knew would greet her every morning.“I love you Rainbow Dash. So much. So let's spend our days together for as long as we can. Always be counted as a pair. Live our lives in love. Together.”

By the end of the words tears were running down her face and she was smiling fit to burst. She hadn't babbled it, she knew her voice could crack and tremble but she had managed to speak them loud and clear. Rainbow was crying too, but smiling just as brightly.

Rainbow finally relinquished her hand and Twilight carefully took the ring from Applejack and slipped it onto the pilot's finger. She knew full well that in a few days time it would be on a chain around her neck, Rainbow was too active to have something risky on her hand. Twilight didn't mind, the chain Rarity had designed was the perfect length for the rings to rest roughly over Rainbow's heart. Even more romantic than a myth of a direct vein from the ring finger.

They were surprised by a sniff from Celestia, who caught the tears that ran from her own eyes. “After those beautiful words, it is left only to say: Do you Rainbow Dash take Twilight Sparkle to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.” Rainbow said, loud and clear.

“And do you Twilight Sparkle, take Rainbow Dash to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Celestia was glowing with pride, even if her eyes were brimming with tears.

“I do.” Twilight said, certainty in her voice.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends. I present to you Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, Wife and Wife.” Celestia was smiling and tearful all at once, the crowd had burst into applause. Raising her voice a little Celestia spoke, “You may kiss your bride.”

So they did.


Author's Note:

So I did it. I finished this thing.

Two jobs, two cars and years and years of writing (and re-writing and getting frustrated) and I have finished this off.

I hope it was okay, I hope people enjoyed it.

Comments ( 18 )

Congratulations on finishing this lovely story! Thank you for sharing it with us.

wtg on finishing this wonderfully lovely story.

Thank you so very much for sharing this story with the rest of us.

Bout time lol

But seriously, I loved this whole thing and now I can happily and proudly say, it is officially off my watch list and now on my favorites list!

This was a lovely read and something I wholeheartedly enjoyed. I don't regret a single second of this. This was well worth the adventure.

Holy shit, it's actually over.


This was a nice story. A bit rough around the edges, and I think most of the major conflicts were resolved a bit too easily, but still a nice story.

Thanks, this story took me a long while and I know lots of people like it.
But with Hindsight I would change things, pace it differently, alter the plotlines a little.
Also, this thing took me years!


Yeah, I noticed the upload dates for the chapters. Glad you were able to finish something like this after this long. Must have felt nice finishing a project six years in the making.

Yep, it was very satisfying. I didn't help that I briefly obsessed over Frozen halfway through writing this thing so skipped off to Femslash Elsa over on Fanfiction.net....

This was a wonderful story with some great feels in it, definitely had me misting up a few times throughout. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story.

Second read through and I think I cried more this time than I did the first time. This is just so good. Stories like this have really been helping me get through my depression.

I am glad you enjoy my story, when I started it I was just playing around with writing and never thought anyone would be too interested. :twilightsmile:

Nah...just call Injustice's Superman.

That? That thing that you just watched? That was Superman knowingly killing a child.

Not going to lie; I had this story sitting in my updates for a really long time, didn’t really want it to end. Well, had to at some point. And a great end to an amazing story. Truly one of my all time favorites.

This is possibly the third time I read through this story, and every time it catches me right in the feels. The characters were well written, the story was well planned and thought out, and the relationship between Twilight and Rainbow was so natural. The part where it was revealed that Celestia was really Twilight's mom was definitely a plot twist I wasn't ready for, but you really made it work well. And lastly, the proposal and ceremony were quite sweet and emotional. I actually cried a little when reading the vows and wedding part. This was an amazing story, and went into my favorites from the beginning. Thank you for writing what I think is one of the best TwiDash stories I've ever read.

Thanks for the kind words. This was one that took me a long time to write, but I am glad I never truly left it until I finished.

Finally got caught up to read this. Great story! :rainbowkiss::twilightsmile:

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