• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 11,995 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Interlude: A Heart Left Broken

It was early evening, her days work was done and Sweetie was with their parents tonight. Rarity had some time to herself. Time that would be spent with a fine vintage a grateful customer had left after a miracle transformation of a drab gown into a dress fit for royalty.

Rarity poured a glass and set the bottle inside its ornate cooler. She dimmed the lights of her well appointed room and after a moment’s thought set some ambient music playing. She relaxed into her comfy chair and delicately picked up the glass. “Mmmm... Rarity you really have built quiet the life, haven’t you.” She mused aloud, taking a deep breath of the wine’s aroma.

Fresh rain, earthy scents, greenery and the outdoors. The scent pulled her deeply into memories better left behind...


The three girls were sat around a lantern under their canopy of greenery and tarpaulin. Camping under the stars was the best way to spend the summer, but no one liked sitting in the rain. “So, what do we want to do?” a two toned haired girl spoke up. “We can’t make smores without a campfire and we can’t set a fire in the rain.”

“Ah don’t know Bon-Bon, Rarity’s the ideas girl. Watcha think we should do now Rare?” the thick accented farm girl had her trademark hat pushed up high and a deep suntan across her freckled face.

“Well. How about Truth or Dare? Applejack, Bon-Bon, who wants to go first?” Rarity sat up on her sleeping bag and looked enquiringly at her friends, a slight glint of mischief in her blue eyes.

“Oh! Me! Pick Me!” Bon-Bon wriggled on her blankets, waving a hand in the air. The three burst into giggles at her excitement.

“Ok Bon-Bon, Truth or Dare?” Rarity asked, two expectant faces focused on the girl in question.

“Hmm, truth I think.”

“All right, Ah’ve always wondered this one. “What do yah want to do once school is all over?” Applejack asked, Rarity smiled at that. They all knew the Apple was dedicated to farming but she was always curious as to what others wanted.

“Oh, that one is easy AJ, I want to be a confectioner.” Bon-Bon grinned and popped a marshmallow in her mouth.


“She means a candy maker Applejack.” Rarity replied. “So, Bon-Bon who next?” The game continued into the night.


“Dare.” Was Rarity’s reply to a giggling Bon-Bon who had just finished eating all the graham crackers.

“Okay. Rarity, I dare you to *snerk* kiss *snort* Applejack.” Bon-bon was cackling as she spoke and at her dare both Rarity and Applejack froze up.

“Bon-bon!” Rarity was scandalised and Applejack looked confused.

“Scared girls?” Bon-bon grinned. “Maybe a bit Chicken?” Applejack pulled a face.

“Ah’m game if you are Rare.” She winked and began to lean forward.

“Challenge accepted Bon-bon.” Rarity leaned towards Applejack and their lips met. Rarity’s mind lit up like a firework but all too soon Applejack drew away. With a ‘job done nod’ she winked again at Rarity and pointed at the gobsmacked Bon-bon. Rarity was speechless and just nodded dumbly.

“Ok girls, I can’t top that. Should we call it a night?” Bon-bon snuggled into her sleeping bag and Applejack hitched hers up around her shoulders.

“G’Night girls.”

“Good night.” Was Rarity’s shaky reply. She didn’t sleep much that night.


Back in the present Rarity realised she was pouring her second glass. “Now, get a hold of yourself girl, it was just a scent...” She sniffed slightly and dabbed a tear. The second glass, helped by the first smelt even more like rainfall. Nothing good happened in the rain...


An autumn storm pounded the roads and tracks the purple haired girl ran. This was it, her last chance before college. She’d started out in the sunlight, ignoring the far off thunderhead, electing to walk as a chance to think, to work up the courage she needed to do what she planned to do. As she got to the track that led to her goal, the rain began. Now she was drenched and yet still trudging forward. This was important.

The house soon came into view through the rainfall, a dog barked in the porch and her owner came out the door. “Rarity?” Applejack yelled though the rain.

“It’s me Applejack.” She was winded and now she was on the spot and had to say why she’d come.

“Landsakes, what had you out in this rain?” Rarity approached the porch, leaving a little distance between them.

“I had to say something. Before I left. I need to tell you.” She took a deep breath. “Applejack, I love you. I’ve loved you for so long and I don’t care if you don’t and can’t return the feelings but I love you with all my heart.” Tears mingled with rain on her face and the expression on Applejack was to be expected. Not what Rarity had hoped for but still the one she knew in her heart of hearts would be her farmer friend’s reaction.

“Ah’m sorry Rare... Ah just, Ah’m not...” She paused. “Ah’m still your friend Rarity. Remember that.”

Before anything else passed between them, Rarity fled.


“Oh Applejack. I still love you.” Rarity sighed and placed the empty glass on the table. Years and life had dulled the fire she felt and relationships in college had helped her move on. Life was still lonely though, nothing lasted. No one was as stalwart or constant as that dedicated farmer, it was an influence she needed in her life. The playlist she had put on came to an end and the clock chimed nine. Rarity was still awake and moved emotions need to be settled. “I’ll take a walk.”

It was pleasantly cool in the night-time air and the white cloud strewn sky was inspiring the designer for a whole new line of evening wear. “Oh, this was certainly a good idea.” Rarity trilled to herself. She had nearly reached the park when voices interrupted her thoughts. Someone was singing.

“Lost on the way to Margaritaville searching for my shaker of salt...” Slurred a female voice.

A second one interrupted “Berry, really, please quiet down.” Spilled light from an open door illuminated the path. It was one of Ponyville’s bars, slightly classier than most which explained why poor Berry Punch was being thrown out so early.

“Need a hand Cheerielee?” Rarity stepped forward to help the school teacher with her sister.

“Thanks Rarity, she’s been getting pretty hard to control recently.” Cheerielee gave a grateful look as Rarity took up position the other side of the inebriated woman. “Come on Berry, let’s get you home.” It was a short walk to the neat house of Berry Punch and the pair soon had her laid down in her bed, Cheerielee checking in on her niece before they left.

“That ex of hers really messed her up.” The teacher was accompanying Rarity on the walk home; she lived in an apartment just beyond Rarity’s. “So one drink becomes two and two turn to four. Ugh, men are so not worth it!” She threw her arms into the air, “I’m glad that there is no attraction for me there!” She chuckled at that and realised with disappointment that they had reached Rarity’s home. “Thanks for the help Rarity; it sometimes gets a little depressing to have to drag your older sister home every night.” Rarity smiled kindly and began to search her keys out of her handbag.

“Uh, Cheerielee, would you like to come in for some tea or something? You look like you need to unwind a little.” Rarity gestured to the now open door. There was a brief moment of hesitation on the older woman’s face before she walked in. Rarity shut the door behind them; it was going to become a much more enjoyable evening for the pair of them.

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