• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 20: Home Again

The next morning the Sparkle household was bustling. The noise woke Rainbow who discovered she was the filling of a Twilight-Luna sandwich, Twilight was laid across her on the couch while Luna slept on the floor leant against the couch. Rainbow would have been happy to stay like this, apart from the previous night’s beers nagging her. The similarity to her first night with Twilight gave her a warm feeling but it wasn’t enough to distract. “Uh... Twi’ mind if you get off me now?” She shook a purple clad shoulder.

“Huh? Oh... yeah, jus’ a sec.” She shuffled off her girlfriend and Rainbow gratefully rushed to the bathroom.

“Wassat Rainbow?” Luna yawned. Stretching out her arms and back.

“Uh huh, think it is breakfast time yet?” Twilight rubbed her eyes clear and followed after her girlfriend. Luna mumbled about food and left in the direction of the kitchen.


When the young women made it to the breakfast nook Rainbow gave a double take. Twilight senior, Celestia and Cadence were bustling around with chef hats on, each preparing breakfast items. Luna was slumped on the dining island, a coffee mug clutched to her. “What is going on?” Rainbow sputtered.

“Team Breakfast is go!” Luna called from her slump. Cadence laughed.

“What aunty Luna means is we all wanted to make our personal favourites for breakfast and wouldn’t agree to have the others.” She waved a spatula at a stack of pancakes. “So we each made a batch of whatever.”

“Adds some variety dear.” Twilight senior said, a large serving of eggs steaming on a plate she held.

“Oh yes, starts the day off right.” Celestia, senator of Canter State added as she neatly sliced a bagel in half. One the side a coffee pot hissed and a teapot diffused. The thunder of feet on the stairs heralded the arrival of the male contingent.

“Is breakfast always this crazy with you guys?” Rainbow whispered to Twilight.

She snorted, “No! Burnt-ish toast and black coffee is the norm for me.”

They all settled down for a family breakfast. The convivial atmosphere and good food distracted Rainbow from the mystery conversation once again. In fact she didn’t recall it until they were safely on the train home late that afternoon.


“Damn!” Rainbow rubbed her head.

“Are you ok Rainbow?” Twilight was roused from her book by the sudden statement.

“Yeah... I just forgot I was going to ask Luna something. Eh, it can wait for Skype or something.” She waved off the concern. “So the Spikester is having family time for the rest of the week right?” Rainbow quickly changed the subject before Twilight could press on the question. It wouldn’t do to worry her.

“Yes, Mom had it all planned. He’ll come back with them and they’ll stay the day and over night at my-our-place and go home the next morning.” Twilight stumbled over the new but pleasing designation. Rainbow felt a little warm glow herself. They hadn’t expressly moved in as such, but she had spent so much time there that it was her home too.

“Do we have any plans?” She whispered seductively into Twilight’s ear.

“I hope so...” Twilight breathed.

The week alone was going to be enjoyed to the fullest.


On their return to Ponyville they were mobbed, quite in defiance of physics, by Pinkie Pie who announced a party that night. “Its super special important for you to attend!” She shouted before rushing off on “party business”.

“Pinkie is so random. I mean, we say it every time but she still finds some extra random from somewhere.” Twilight laughed.

“Sure, but what would we do without all her parties?” Rainbow joked. They returned home and set about the little chores and checks that a day or so of missed residence results in.

As the evening drew in, it was time for the party.


Compared to their last soiree this was much more understated. Pinkie wasn’t bounding around to get everyone dancing and the refreshments were a little more mature, less sugar and more sophistication. “Uh, we did come back to Ponyville right Twi’?” Rainbow whispered, looking around at the drastically altered party.

“Yes, we did... Maybe this one is more to do with Rarity than with Pinkie?” She said in reply, checking for whom else was attending. The room beyond was subdued, lit with attractive lamps and decorated with pink and purple flowers. Fluttershy was sat beside Macintosh smiling and chatting easily. Applejack was fetching a drink and the ever enthusiastic Pinkie was channelling her energy into twirling and weaving around the room over jumping.

“Rainbow, Twilight! How wonderful to see you.” Pinkie smiled widely and broke into laughter at their jaw dropped reactions. “Hah haha... Twi, Dashie... Your faces. *snerk*” She clapped them on the back. “Welcome to the party, how was your visit? Is Spikey back yet?”

“Pinkie... First what is going on here?” Twilight groaned.

“Oh, it’s a Rarity party, so I had to do it to her specifications.” Pinkie shrugged. “Now tell me about the visit, didja get presents?”

“Yeah Pinks, we got some, we’ll give ‘em to everyone later ok?” Rainbow grinned. “So where is Rarity?”

“On her way, she was getting her family ready when I called her.” Pinkie shrugged again. “Now come and try some of the food! I made tiramisu!” Pinkie danced away again and tugged the girls behind her.


As Twilight and Rainbow caught up with the events of the few days they missed a niggling feeling that something was missing rankled in Twilight’s mind. Pinkie Pie, Applejack and even Fluttershy seemed to be omitting some detail, something that had happened while they were in the city. The reason for the party seemed odd too, if it were really a “Welcome Back” get together things would certainly be more energetic. As it was things were rather restrained and if not quite formal, they were certainly more mature in nature. Having dispensed of all their gifts bar the selection purchased for Rarity and Cheerielee, Twilight sat down next to Rainbow.

“I can’t help but think they’re withholding information.” She said to her girlfriend.

“Really? I haven’t noticed anything. But it is a bit quiet for a usual Pinkie Party.” Rainbow stretched out languidly and draped an arm around Twilight’s shoulders. “And Rarity isn’t here yet, its way past fashionably late too.” As she spoke the door opened and a group hustled in.

Sweetie skipped ahead of her parents who seemed to be very cheerful. In fact Pearl was absolutely beaming, a smile from ear to ear. Behind them walked an older man that Twilight identified as Cheerielee’s father, Berry and Colgate followed close behind, the young Ruby happily holding hands with the dentist. Last in the group were Rarity and Cheerielee, positively glowing and exchanging the little smiles of those truly smitten with each other. It made Twilight sigh and Rainbow fixed a sappy grin at her. Reaching the head of the room, the small group turned and Rarity and Cheerielee stood at the centre.

“Hello everyone.” The designer called out, silencing the scattered conversations. Pinkie turned off the sound system and soon the couple were the focus of attention. Rarity smiled at her friends and guests. “I suppose you would all like to know why you are here, I have to give my apologies to Twilight and Rainbow… this isn’t really a welcome back party darlings.” She waved to the pair, Twilight smiled back and Rainbow raised her drink in conciliatory gesture. “It’s because we, ah, have a little announcement.” She smiled beatifically to school teacher beside her.

“You all know that we’ve sort of been an item for quite a long while.” The pink haired woman said, taking over for a while. She smiled at the rise of laughter from her own family. “Well… We’ve come to a conclusion and asked a little question…” She held up her hand and Rarity lifted her own, until now semi concealed from prying eyes. “She said yes! We’re getting married!” Two rings sparkled on their hands and the room burst into applause and cheers.


Later that night, after congratulations had been exchanged and the party was nearing a natural end, the happy couple approached the newest pairing amongst their friends. “Thank you so much for the candies darling.” Rarity said once again, embracing her friends.

“Heh, yeah... It was just luck we had them for an occasion though.” Rainbow smiled and hugged Rarity and Cheerielee.

“We are so happy for you though, remember that.” Twilight added.

“Yes, thanks girls...” Cheerielee said.

“I’m sorry we didn’t announce it when Spike was around.” Rarity bit her lip, “We weren’t sure how he would take it... I know the dear holds a torch for me.”

“Yeah... That’s something we can plan for once he is back. He’s staying with mom for the week and then they’ll bring him back here... Maybe with our parents here you can let him know.” Twilight paused for thought. This could potentially be a problem but her little brother should understand.

The unpleasant business considered, they carried on chatting and eating the leftovers until virtually as one, the stragglers decided to return home.

Author's Note:

Uh, sorrry this took so long and isn't the bestest. I have too much stuff I want to happen and many stumbling blocks and pesky other ideas getting in the way as I write...

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