• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 11: Morning

She woke to a rainbow and the heady scent of lavender. In their sleep they had shuffled and turned, Twilight found that she had laid her forehead into the multi coloured strands of her lover’s hair. She felt a slight thrill at the change in her thinking of Rainbow; they were each other’s now, completely mind and body. With a joyful sigh and a smile she moved a little to a more comfortable position. Rainbow stirred. “Morning Twi’.”

Twilight felt the warmth gather in her face as she stared fondly into rose eyes inches from her own. “I could get used to this.” She whispered and kissed Rainbow.

“Mmm, me too screamer.” Rainbow teased and pressed her nose against Twilight’s. “Boop.” Twilight blushed.

“Mention that to anybody and I won’t let you make me do it for a week.” There was joking threat in the librarian’s voice but the euphoria was making it hard for her to even pretend to be annoyed. She sighed again and snuggled against Rainbow.

“You know how we were all excited for the Gala?”

“Yeah, our so called Best Night Ever!” Rainbow snorted.

“Well I was just as worked up about our ‘third date’.” Twilight laughed, “I was so worried and nervous and lustful and excited…” She was cut off by hand sweeping down her hip. “mmm, Rainbow behave. I’m trying to say something important.”

“Aww Twi’ all this is reminding me just how cute you are.” Her cheeky hand carried on until it was brushed away.

“Rainbow, what I’m trying to say is… Last night was the best night ever. I really love you.” Twilight turned again to face Rainbow. “Promise to spend the rest of our lives together…” She crinkled a tear out of her eye to clear her vision and noticed Rainbow needed to do the same.

“Look at what you’ve got me doing Sparkle… Getting all sappy on me.” She smiled. “So long as you’ll put up with me Twilight I’ll be with you. I’ll never leave you hanging.” She came closer and looked deeply into the purple eyes that had so dominated her dreams. Twilight closed her eyes and her lips drew in for a kiss. With a mischievous grin Rainbow moved slightly and gave the perfect little nose before her a lick. Twilight’s eyes shot open in surprise. “Oh Twilight, your nose is delicious…” Rainbow whispered. “You know… Spike‘ll be asleep for hours yet and we don’t have any plans until tonight…” She trailed off as Twilight responded eagerly.


It was mid-morning when a loud grumble reminded the pair that they had not eaten anything but snacks the night before. So tumbling out of bed for brunch seemed the better option. Spike was in a virtual coma on his bed, a Nerf sword clutched in his arms. Gentle calls elicited only archaic platitudes from the sleeping boy so they left him to sleep off his late night.

As is the way with new lovers they were loath to sever contact and thus went about their morning business as closely as they could. Eventually Twilight called a halt to proceedings. “I need a shower now and to get dressed. We have to at least show our faces before tonight’s poker game.” Rainbow gave a lascivious look.

“You know, showering can be really fun… When it’s a two player game.” She winked.

“Rainbow… As much as I love being reduced to compliant goo by your good self, I have to clean up and get dressed. My schedule starts after lunch so I need to be ready to go.” She kissed Rainbow on the cheek and walked away. “I won’t be long Rainbow.”

“Ok babe, I’ll just grab some stuff from the car and take a shower when you finish.” She called up as the sound of Twilight receded to the third floor.

Rainbow’s car was on the drive and it was a sunny day, she had nothing against going out in sleep wear to grab some useful items. Clad in a hockey shirt and cut off sweat-pants she crossed the front lawn and unlocked the modified Dodge Demon (or Dodge Dash as she liked to call it) and pulled a roll bag out off the back seat. Dropping the bag on the porch Rainbow took a careful look around, no one was in sight and the occupants of the house were busy. “Commencing my ‘I got Booty’ dance…” Rainbow muttered, striking a pose and starting a mad series of movements in celebration.

Too late did the sound of a motor scooter reach her ears, the vehicle buzzed around a corner and down the street. The logo painted upon the helmet indicated it was her colleague Raindrops. With no choice but to keep dancing Rainbow saw the scooter pass and the rider take a good look. Landing on her rear after overbalancing in shock Rainbow grumpily watched as Raindrops tooted the horn and gave a thumbs-up. No one at the airfield would need informing of her relationship upgrade anyway.

Twilight left the bathroom towelling her hair and smiled as Rainbow slipped past for her own shower. By the time she had finished Twilight had tidied the room put their old clothes into the laundry and started her regular chores. Spike emerged from his room sometime after lunch and casual enquiries indicated he was none the wiser about his guardian’s nocturnal activities. They ate some lunch and chatted about Spike’s victory and the teamwork his fellow players had exhibited. While he regaled them about a particularly tricky skirmish Twilight caught sight of the time. “I’ve got some grocery shopping to do. I’ll be back soon guys, have fun!”

Once Twilight had left, Spike levelled a look at Rainbow. “I take it she finally got some last night then.” One spit take and a lot of babbling later Rainbow was back to resembling a coherent human being.

“Where did you get that idea kid?”

“Eh, I dunno. I’ll drop it, no worries. Besides I want to keep my mind at peace.” He grimaced and then turned more thoughtful. “So, you going to be staying ‘round here more often?” Spike idly stared in the opposite direction. Once again Rainbow was a little at a loss to figure out what to say. For someone virtually raised by a social recluse, he was pretty up to speed with life in general.

“I guess, if it’s what Twilight wants. I kinda like living at the airfield too though. I think we both enjoy having our space too much to full on shack up.” Rainbow leaned to catch the expression on Spike’s face. “Who knows what the future holds anyway kiddo. We’re all just along for the ride.”

“Wow Rainbow, that was almost profound.” Spike looked in mock awe but the grin read sincerity.

“Spike, you sound like a Sparkle.” She noogied the boy and checked the time. “You want to go a few rounds on co-op? Twi’ will probably be ages!”

“Awesome idea! I still have the progress saved, lets kick some butt!”


When Twilight arrived home she once again found her “family” playing video games. “You guys do recall that we will be going to Sweet Apple Acres tonight right? Are you both prepared for it or will it once again be a last minute dash?”

“Dash is the name Twi’ figure it out!” was Rainbow’s cheeky reply.

“Well, in that case I won’t bother packing for two!” Twilight pitched a cushion at Rainbow who deftly ducked out the way. Spike wasn’t so lucky.

“Ugh! Twilight be careful!”

“Sorry Spike. I just have to wreak vengeance upon Rainbow Dash here.” Twilight put on a sinister voice and dived at the athlete who had no choice but to catch her. They crashed into the sofa to the tsk-ing of Spike.

“You two are worse than the Crusaders!”

“Sorry kid, not my fault this time.” Rainbow lay back down under Twilight on the sofa, her legs lying over the arm. With a smile and a wink Twilight nipped the fleshy part of Rainbow’s neck. “Hey!”

“Ha ha Rainbow, I win! Now, go get the stuff we need for tonight.” Twilight climbed off the defeated Rainbow and gave Spike a prod. “Now young man, you have to get some things together yourself. The girls are expecting you over too.” Spike pulled a face and paused his game.

“Do I have to?”

“Yes, besides, you know you enjoy it.” Twilight smiled to take the sting from her teasing.

Eventually they were all ready for an evening of fun and company that inevitably ended in a sleepover.

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