• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 22 : Arrival

It was a crisp late autumn morning when Rainbow’s parents were due to visit. Some scheduling by Twilight had ensured Rainbow was free from work for a week, a side effect of getting more involved with her airfield led to less free time, and the library staff were happy to take on extra days to cover Twilight.

Spike was at the house preparing a guest room in case the Dashes wanted to stay, while their friends were primed for an evening meet up to introduce themselves if things were too tense between the erstwhile pilot and her military parents.

“It’s weird, them taking the train you know. Mom and dad like to fly everywhere.” Rainbow was visibly nervous, twisting the fingers of her leather gloves, her breath coming in puffed starts of steam on the cold air. Shifting from foot to foot and twitching the hat on her head.

“You did say your mom had an accident, maybe she can’t fly until she’s fully recovered?” Twilight pulled Rainbow closer; it was strange for her girlfriend to be the one on edge, “The train arrives soon.”

“Yeah... yeah. It’ll be good to see them.”

The two young women stood and watched as the train trundled into the station. They were the only ones waiting on the platform, noticeable as they were in varied purple shades and a bomber jacket jeans combo adopted by the local pilots.

It wasn’t long until the train had halted. Only one door opened, a porter jumped out with a ramp in hand and Twilight couldn’t help but wince at the slight quake from Rainbow. A second porter climbed out, toting some luggage bags which he deposited on the concrete of the platform. The first porter finished securing the ramp and stepped back. A wheelchair containing a woman emerged with a tall man pushing it, alighting on the platform with quiet thanks for the assistance.

“It’s them.” Rainbow whispered. Twilight felt her mouth dry out. Rainbow was being presented with her parent’s fragility. The couple approached, Rainbow’s mother powering herself as her father brought their bags. She was slight, athletic like her daughter with brilliant blue hair and excited eyes. He was tall, crisply dressed with the same rainbow head as his daughter, though it was greying a little at the edges.

“Rainbow!” her mother called out, putting in a little extra power into a push and coasting to a stop beside them. “Oh, I’ve missed you so much honey.” Twilight smiled timidly and pushed Rainbow into her mother’s outstretched arms.

“Mom...” Was all Rainbow managed before she was clutched in a strong embrace. As mother and daughter were reunited, her father approached. With the pilot released from her mother she turned to face him. “Hi da... Sir.” Rainbow saluted and was surprised to be grabbed into an equally crushing hug.

Twilight smiled, hanging back from the family reunion. “It’s wisest to figure out the situation before any introductions...” She thought, a though interrupted by a sudden hand on her arm.

“This is my girlfriend Twilight.” Rainbow pulled her librarian over, snaking an arm around her waist in a possessive gesture. Both of them held their breath, studying their senior’s faces. Rainbow’s mother smiled.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Twilight.” She smiled warmly, from what RJ has been saying you are a good influence on her.”

“RJ?” Twilight whispered, stifling a giggle.

“Quiet you...”

“It’s great to meet you Mrs Dash.” Twilight shook the proffered hand with a smile of her own.

“Oh, call me Firefly, Mrs Dash is my mother in law!” she laughed heartily and elbowed her husband.

“Yes, lovely to meet you.” He coughed, “Rainbow, if you could guide me to the hotel we booked. Perhaps... Twilight could take your mother for a coffee.” Firefly’s face fell, and Rainbow stiffened a little.

“Yes sir.” Was her curt reply.


“I’m sorry about Dath... He takes change poorly.” Firefly explained over a steaming cup of coffee in the nearest cafe to the station.

“From what I gathered she’s been out for seven years.” Twilight replied, steepling her hands over her mug.

“Yes...” the older woman admitted, “He was convinced it was a phase and our less than regular contact has left things in limbo.” She sipped her drink and drummed a distracted rhythm on the table top with her free hand. Twilight hid a smile behind her lifted mug, Rainbow had a similar habit.

“She did tell you about us though? I remember her getting Spike to take a picture of us both, to send to you.” Twilight broke the growing silence, trying her best to avoid letting stress enter her tone. She was beginning to pray for her girlfriend to hurry up and return.

“Yes, of course she did!” Firefly pulled a wallet from her purse and flipped it open. One of the clear windows revealed a carefully sized print of the photo. “It’s the most recent picture I have of her, since the newspaper clippings...”

“Sorry, I didn’t realise you were so estranged... Spike and myself can’t even imagine going even a week without some kind of conversation with mom and dad.” She nervously twiddled a coffee stirrer, “I would have worked on getting her to contact you better, real-time, not just e-mails.”

Firefly chuckled, “No problem Twilight, communication is a two way street.” She tapped the wheelchair, “I just wish my own potential death wasn’t what it took for me to come visit.” She finished off her drink. “I just hope those two aren’t killing each other.”


“This is the Everfree Rest Up, sir.” Rainbow pointed to the hotel, an old style building with impressive porch. “You booked with this one? The folks who run it are nice.”

“Yes, it had positive reviews. I elected to book it knowing the situation here.” For a moment her father stopped to rummage out a reservation slip. Rainbow pretended to be ignorant to the end of his statement. He had only just arrived and arguing would not help.

“Yeah, well, I’ll help you get your stuff in and then we catch up with mom and Twi’ right?” Rainbow lugged the case towards the porch and rang the bell. The homely door opened.

“Oh wow, Rainbow!” The pink haired girl grinned widely and then noticed the luggage. “Watcha doing staying here?”

“Hey Scoots, not me staying here.” She nodded her head backwards, “That’s my dad, him and mom are staying. Your folks in?” She smiled as the girl nodded and rushed off.

A few moments later a smiling woman came to the door. “Hello Mr Dash, good morning Rainbow.” She held the door and ushered the pair in. “I’ll check you in now. Rally is firing up the computer.” She pointed to the lounge. “Rainbow, you want to sit in here for now? Oh, Mr Dash please come with me.”

“Thanks Lofty.” Rainbow grinned and slid into the room away from her father. She slumped to the sofa besides Scootaloo. “So kid, how are you holding up?”

“Oh, I’m pretty good... Lofty and Rally are great people, better than Strongarm and Slate anyway.” She smiled softly. “Thanks for helping sort it out... It’s kinda useful having a state hero for a big sister.”

Rainbow tried not to get too soppy. “No problem Scoots. On that, you should totally come over to the library later and meet my Mom.” She noogied the pink head with a chuckle. A cough in the door attracted their attention.

“What did I say about roughhousing in the lounge?” The red headed older woman said, a sly grin on her face.

“Sorry ma’am...” Rainbow began, until a surprising grip on her shoulder cut her off. Scootaloo was also held in the grasp.

“Only if I get to join in!” The jovial tone and chuckle dispelled any contrition and the three ended up in an arm wrestling match. Two males, one mildly confused, the other stone faced arrived in the doorway.

“Rainbow. It is time to leave.” Dath said from the doorway. “Your mother will be wondering where we are.”

“Yes sir.” Rainbow stood and exchanged a quick high five with Scootaloo and a fist bump with Lofty. “Thanks guys, see you later ok.” She smiled and led the way for her father.


Back at the cafe two women were having hysterics. “So, she sneaks back into the clinic to fetch the book. You know, despite me working in a public library...”

“RJ never did things the easy way.” Firefly chuckled.

Twilight laughed again, “Then one of the patients said she had stolen his slippers. She runs all over town chased by security and winds up outside my place with a whole search squad.”

“You aren’t telling her that story are you Twi’?” a self assured voice called over. The mirthful pair looked over to greet the arrivals,

To her observational eye, Twilight could tell that her girlfriend was tense and stressed. She walked with less of her easy gait, her shoulders raised just slightly higher and the general mischief had left her eye. Using the greeting between husband and wife as an opportunity to join Rainbow.

“Alright Rainbow?” She whispered, standing closely and grabbing a swinging hand.

“I’m fine... really.” Her voice was tired, strained.

“Now, we should like to visit your home.” Dath said. His wife rolling up beside him.

“Oh! Twilight’s is closer to town, I want to see it and meet Spike.” She smiled encouragingly.

“Sure thing mom, it’s just this way.” With a slight slump and less vivacity, Rainbow led her family. Staying close to Twilight. It was not going to be an enjoyable visit.

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