• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,007 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 29: Forgiveness

Gilda settled into Ponyville slowly. Firefly and Dath were helpful, once Rainbow explained that she had forgiven her friend, her parents were quick to welcome Gilda back into the family.

Twilight helped her find a place to rent and pilot wasn't a low paying job, so it was a very nice little house closer to the edge of town near the airfield. They stocked it with furniture, some that Rainbow had moved out of her old place and some items new. Though Gilda was settled, they hadn't quite settled her with the others.

A sunny afternoon about two weeks after the apology, with Gilda settled in her home and job, it was time for Rainbow's old friend to meet her new friends. Twilight had arranged a picnic at a nice spot in the park, a neutral location away from any eavesdropping. They had already put out what they had selected to bring; all bad cooks their offering was a selection of soda and juice.

“So, I directly insulted Pinkie and I yelled at Fluttershy.” Gilda listed off, cringing a little at her poor behaviour. They were preparing for the intended conversation that this meeting had been planned for. “Applejack is the farm girl and she doesn't like how I treated you.” She looked at Rainbow.

“Pretty much. She thought you were bad news but was steamed about the argument we had.” Rainbow shrugged. Applejack would know that Gilda was honestly apologetic, then her acceptance would maybe prompt the others. They were sat at a picnic table, Rainbow on one side and Gilda on the other. She had positioned herself so she could watch for Twilight's return.

“Rarity is the fancy chick right? She's on side with the others?” Gilda looked out across the park. Twilight had gone to lead the others to the table she'd chosen. It wasn't with fear, she wasn't scared of them, more worry that they wouldn't accept her and then Rainbow would have split loyalties again.

“Yep. Though she isn't going to be trouble, I think she is on the same thought as Twilight. We're best friends and we get into stupid fights, but it is better for the both of us to be friends.” Rainbow grinned. “Hey, Pinkie is going to be fine and want to throw a party. Or a mixer, she's gotten into pairing us all up since she ended it with her boyfriend. She had some weird match-maker vibe going.” The woman shrugged. “Plus 'Shy knows you, knows our history... She's good.”

“I still feel pretty crummy for yelling at her. I didn't recognise her, which is no excuse.” Gilda held up a hand in defeat. Dath and Firefly between them had gotten the whole story and helped the erstwhile child of their friend figure out her mistakes and how to resolve them. Truthfully, it made Gilda feel part of a family again.

“Now's the chance to set it right. Here they come.” Rainbow pointed out the group walking along the path. Twilight was chatting animatedly with Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie were walking with Fluttershy. No one looked poised to seize Gilda and march her out of town. Which was a good sign.

“Hi Rainbow! Hi Gilda!” Pinkie split from the group and went bounding up to join the pair when she spotted them. The basket in her hands was wafting delicious smells. “I brought cakes, cakes are the best for ice-breaks!” She put the basket on the table and happily sat beside Gilda.

“Hi Pinkie.” Rainbow said, making a move for the cakes only to earn a smack on the hand. “Ow! Hey!”

“Nopies! The cake is for sharing with everyone, which needs everyone here first.” Pinkie tutted and waved a finger. Gilda snickered.

“I'll have to tell your mom.” Gilda added. The joyous look from Pinkie told her she'd probably made amends with the baker.

“Indeed, indeed. I'm certain she raised you better Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie smiled wide.

“Alright! Fine!” Rainbow mock-sulked, the others had arrived and Twilight slipped onto the seat beside her and wove an arm through. The gesture made Rainbow smile and the others too. “At last, someone on my side. Apparently I couldn't have just one cake!”

“You'll spoil our lunch.” Twilight scolded with a grin.

“Cake is totally lunch.” Rainbow pouted again as the others took their seats and began to put their own contributions to the picnic on the table.

“Now now Rainbow. I've Grannie's famous cheese savoury sandwiches.” Applejack placed the paper bag she'd brought on the table. At the mention of the Apple family matriarch's sandwich filling, the group focused on it.

“Now I feel like I've been somewhat of a cheat with these chips and dip.” Rarity said, “When you have such wonderful home-made treats.”

“I love chips.” Gilda said, looking at the bags Rarity had put down.

“Well, that's good.” Rarity smiled. “I suppose if we all brought sandwiches it would be a boring picnic.” Fluttershy smiled and looked between the two.

“I have a salad. It will be nice with the other things.” The pale haired woman added.

“Thanks 'Shy.” Rainbow said. So far no one was overtly displeased with Gilda being there. “So, can we eat yet?” Twilight laughed and took out plates , everyone began sharing out the food and making light conversation.


Every last crumb was eaten, there was little drinks left and everyone seemed quite happy. Conversations had been light and friendly, Gilda was feeling a lot less antsy and was coming to the hopeful conclusion that she had been forgiven. Then Applejack had taken the wrappers to the litter bin and returned brushing her hands together. “So, we've eaten and chin-wagged. Lets get down to the reason we all came.” She sat down, heedless of the aghast stare from Fluttershy at her forthrightness. “Gilda. What you did was bad and Ah want to know if you're sorry.”

“I really am. Completely.” Gilda said. She didn't bother dressing it up, there was no point. It was true and she meant it. Hopefully that was enough. Applejack looked her in the eye.

After a beat she nodded. “Sure enough.” The farmer held out a hand and when Gilda tentatively reached out Applejack grabbed and shook heartily. “Hi. Ah'm Applejackand it is great to meet you.”

Gilda blinked, dumbstruck a moment, she didn't even move when Pinkie seized her in a hug from the side.

“I... You? It is okay?” Gilda mumbled, her hand released but still stuck in the baker's hug.

“Looks like AJ forgives you.” Rainbow was amused to see her friend in such a state, an unusual sight.

“So do I!” Pinkie added. “Now we can be friends and I can finally throw that Welcome to Ponyville party I have been waiting for!” She finally let go of Gilda and plomped back onto her seat, turning a beaming smile for all to see and to prompt the others.

“It wasn't nice to be yelled at Gilda. But you were worse to Pinkie and Rainbow and they forgave you.” Fluttershy said softly. “I forgive you too.” She smiled, “You always were loud when we were kids too.”

Gilda was still dumbstruck. Fluttershy gently took her hand. It seemed to stir her a little. “Thanks 'Shy.” She mumbled, a little embarrassed at all the sincerity she didn't feel deserving of.

“Rarity?” Twilight asked the last of their group.

“Darling, I had but one issue; Will you assuredly not resort to violence in anger? You hurt my friend. You upset us through upsetting her. Rainbow has forgiven you and Twilight has convinced me you deserve this chance. Applejack's trust has given me some confidence.” She looked at Gilda. “So, what say you?”

“I will not drop to violence again. I'm working on the anger thing... Twilight had some really helpful advice and there are professionals I can talk to.” Gilda said carefully, she was opening herself up which was a risk in her old life. But this was her knew life and these women could be friends. They were friends, if Rainbow was their friend then they were hers too.

“Good.” Rarity replied primly. “I shall look forward to Pinkie's party then.”

Rainbow let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding. “See G? Its all good.” She chucked Gilda on the shoulder and got a grip on the arm in return. Gilda was smiling, she'd let her guard down and it wasn't blowing up in her face.

Slowly, conversation returned to lighter subjects.


The “Welcome To Ponyville Gilda” party was much like many Pinkie parties and well attended. Gilda got to meet some of the extended network of friends each of the others and her workmates had. Including a surprisingly knowledgeable but quiet girl who had commented on a patch Gilda wore. It had been unexpected that anyone recognised such an obscure bit of aviation paraphernalia, so Gilda had gotten to talking.

She hadn't noticed Rainbow and Twilight in the far corner, smiling knowing smiles as the two seeming opposites spent the best part of the evening in each other's company.

“She's settled in.” Twilight said, leaning in against Rainbow, enjoying their height difference as a protective and possessive arm slipped around her.

“Yup.” Rainbow grinned. “And someone right there is smitten. Jetstream is looking at Gilda like you look at me.” It was said with a certain fondness tinged with gentle mocking and Twilight grumbled.

“You're one to talk goo-goo eyes.” Twilight couldn't be grumpy, it was true. Gilda had a new friend there. It would be nice if it could one day be something more. For the pair of them, Twilight mused, she was the happiest she'd ever been in her life with Rainbow and Gilda deserved some of that kind of happiness.

Author's Note:

I ATENT DED (Alas Sir Terry, I shall miss thee)

I am very slow and easily distracted. I do not deserve you wonderful readers, but I am glad you enjoy even my crummy prose from three years ago. Here is the conclusion to the "Gilda Arc" We are arriving at an end-game that will take this to near 40 chapters if I write it right and hopefully will not take so long to publish (I say hopefully. But I suck and I am sorry)

Hello new readers. Please forgive a green writer for her early mistakes if you read from the very start. I will overhaul once I finish this story, I think anyone who reads this desires a fitting conclusion before mistakes three years past are fixed.

I bow to you, readers, friends. I hope this isn't too dissatisfying after such a wait.

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