• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,007 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 26: Setting things Right

Their reconciliation was a little shaky, that was what Firefly and Twilight figured out when Dath and Rainbow had quickly got back into an argument about something pretty inconsequential. The bemused staff of Spectrum Airfield watched as their boss and an older man who looked almost exactly like her were led into an empty hangar as they sniped at each other by Twilight and an unfamiliar woman in a wheelchair.

Long conversations and more than a little shouting, mediated by patient partners, seemed to be working. Subjects ranged from the disappointment when Rainbow couldn’t join the air force to the worry he and her mother felt when she took off with Gilda, a Gilda deep into her latest bout of self-destructive behaviour, right after graduation from college. It moved along to the limited communication between both of them.

Finally, after all the harsh words had been aired and swept away, Father and Daughter were easier with each other, comfortable in each other’s company again. After tracking down Spike (Who, sensing the atmosphere, had slipped off to talk to the staff in the office) they decided to celebrate with a nice meal at a local restaurant which led to a bar.

“Got to say to you Rainbow.” Firefly said, taking a sip of her beer. “Those are some nice machines you’re going to be running. Got some pilots and controllers for ‘em?”

“Not yet mom, sent out the listings though. You interested?” Rainbow tried to keep the eagerness from her voice. She’d missed having her family close and having her mother nearby, after the accident, well it would keep her mind at ease.

“Of course! And I know Dath is just itching to go all nerd on anyone who asks about your collection.” Firefly winked slyly at her husband. “That museum of yours needs someone to show folks around.”

“It’s a deal then.” Rainbow grinned. “I’ll get stuff written up tomorrow.”

“What, really?” Firefly looked nonplussed, not expecting such a swift turnaround.

“Sure. I know what you guys can do, mostly, I need staff. Yeah, putting dad with the relics is a new thing but my guys have been on at me to make the place more visitor friendly.” She shrugged. “What’s the point of being the big boss if you can’t get people jobs?”

“Thank you Rainbow.” Dath smiled. “Though we’ll have to look into accommodation.”

“My old place.” Rainbow grinned and grabbed Twilight around the shoulders. “I’m moving in with egghead here.”

“Hmm, yes.” Twilight returned her attention to the table, she had been watching Spike who was over at the pinball machine. “You are.” She smiled with the dazed look of someone who couldn’t quite believe their luck.

“It’s all sorted then.” Rainbow grinned. “Yo’ Taps! Another round. We’ve got some celebrating to do!”


It was late in the night by the time five people returned home. Dath and Rainbow both gripped a handle of Firefly’s chair, pushing it along together. Spike had fallen asleep after his second fruit juice of the evening and was being carried by Twilight, his little snores buzzing from her shoulder. “Today lasted a little longer than we had planned.” Firefly said as they reached the door to the guest house.

“Yeah, but it was a good day. Those two are on speaking terms and more.” Twilight pointed to Dath and Rainbow with a grin. “They are way too alike to not argue though.”

“And how! I must warn you Twilight, getting with a Dash means a whole heap of hot-headed drama.” She snickered when Dath swatted good naturedly at his wife’s wagging finger. Rainbow just pulled a rude face.

“Don’t I know it!” Twilight laughed too, standing closer to her girlfriend and leaning a little against her. The movement shifted Spike a little.

“I’ll save you my princess…” He mumbled in his sleep.

“Ok, bed time for our little knight I think.” Twilight smiled softly at her little brother.

“Yeah, we better be getting home now.” Rainbow was almost glowing as she said home, encompassing the three of them. They bid her parents goodnight and began the short walk to the house next to the library.

“So, you two are good now right?” Firefly asked as Dath quietly pushed her chair over the threshold of the guest house.

“Yes, though I think we’ll always have disagreements.” He whispered his reply, wary of waking their hosts. They moved quietly through the house to their room.

“Of course you will. I don’t want a Stepford family Dath.” Firefly pushed herself from the chair to the bed to begin the process of changing for sleep. “Though, I would love to fly one of those amazing rescue ‘copters she’s got.”

“Flying again?” He helped her pull off her jeans, holding them wide over the still healing leg.

“You know me, I have always been happier in the air.” She winced a little as her injured leg twitched.

“I think right now I prefer you safe on the ground.” Dath folded the jeans and placed them on her chair. “Though, if you are flying something tried and tested instead of some new crazy winged supersonic engine I think I can make an exception.” Shuffling into sleepwear the couple were soon ready for bed.

Once they were settled on the bed, Firefly comfortably pillowed on Dath’s shoulder when she prodded him. “So, are you happy with how things are going to be?”

Dath grunted and clinched his arm tighter around her. “Yes. I get to spend my days with some classic craft, secure in the knowledge that you are in something tried and tested.”

“And we get to see Rainbow more.” Firefly said softly, snuggling into her husband.

“That we do.” He thought back to the brash little girl who had grown up into a self assured and successful woman. “That we do indeed.”


Twilight and Rainbow were changing for bed. Spike was not distracted tonight so his guardian had said no to anything more than snuggling. It had been an emotionally taxing day for the pilot so Rainbow wasn’t going to argue. They were quickly in bed and sat close.

“Feeling ok Rainbow?” Twilight shifted herself to a comfortable position, considering that now Rainbow was moving in they would need a double bed and mentally thrilling at that.

“I was just thinking...” Rainbow draped an arm over Twilight. “I’ve got my family back and I’ve made my family bigger, all in the space of a few days.” Twilight snuggled a little closer.

“You like to move fast,” The librarian said, “stands to reason that you did this fast too.” She lay down and pulled Rainbow with her.
“But we do need to sleep.” Rainbow mumbled an agreement and switched off the light. The pair were quickly wrapped in the sheets and lying against each other. Just as Twilight settled to sleep she heard a soft whisper.

“I’m so glad about all this.” The arm around her tightened and she felt a nuzzle on the back of her neck. “I’ve got everything I’d never thought I’d have. If only Gilda could see me now.” It wasn’t spoken with malice, just resignation. Twilight knew Rainbow still wanted to be friends with the woman, she was that loyal. As they fell asleep she idly pondered contacting the erstwhile pilot, so everyone could get some closure.

To the sounds and sensations of soft breath, the couple fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Not dead! (Fic and me) life has been... intense and dreary and listless all at once? I know it seems impossible for those two, but work got my stress up and life got me down. I just sort of dropped from the land colourful happy ponies and other such derived works.
Then I saw Frozen and sort of obsessed over it (yay ASD, it gets you doing that...) so I was ficcing that instead (You can really channel anxiety disorders and depression though a certain character really easily, its somewhat theraputic) and then life and work got meaner.

Soo, no more excuses and I hope I can wrap this story up how I intended and everyone enjoys it and forgives me my hiatus?

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