• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 21: Progress

Life in Ponyville moved along at the usual pace. Spike returned and had the news broken, he was a little quite and subdued but soon realised he’d not had much of a chance and was back to his usual chipper self quickly. Early summer moved to Late and made inroads to autumn, soon it would be time for school to start once again and life settled into the regular thrum or routine for everyone.

The letter that arrived in Spectrum Airfield’s mail was far from usual however. Sat in her office Rainbow grinned widely and buzzed one of the managers to see her. “You wanted to see me boss?” Thunderlane asked, sticking his head around the door.

“That I did Thunder, I have good news.” Rainbow waved the letter. “Seems the local medical board has decided that they are certainly interested in an Air-Evac emergency facility here at Spectrum.” She slapped the headed paper to the desk and let her grounds manager take a look. “We can turn the far strip and pad into exclusive use for that right? I can just fly from our commercial lot or even Speed’s old race road.”

Thunderlane rubbed the back of his head, while this was a fantastic addition to the services provided, it was going to be a lot of work for him, his team and virtually everyone on the field. Then again the revenue would more than make up for it. “Sure boss, we do need the others though.”

“Right you are, go fetch ‘em.” Rainbow smiled again.


It was an energised Rainbow Dash who rushed her girlfriend with a tackle hug that evening. Despite, what a few months earlier would have been a “Snore-fest” afternoon. “Hey Twi’! Guess what we’ll be getting in about three months?”

“No idea Rainbow.” Twilight replied, placing her book down and looking into an eager face.

“Spectrum is now on the life-flight list.” She sat herself down on a sofa. “We were hammering out a plan all afternoon. I am so psyched for this.” She shuffled some space for Twilight to sit beside her and laid an arm across her shoulder.

“I’m surprised love,” Twilight leaned her head to nest on the aviator’s shoulder. “You were rather... hands off when I first met you.”

“Yeah, guess you’re a good influence on me, egghead.” She playfully tapped the navy haired girl’s shoulder, “I’m glad I pushed for this though. We can really help a lot of people with this, jobs and medical.”

“I’m very proud.” Twilight kissed her on the forehead. The night was a little bit of a celebration as they were close to their three-month anniversary.


The work at the airfield began shortly after an officer from the medical board came to inspect the plans. They gave it the stamp of approval and Thunderlane got his crew working virtually the next day. The weeks of work progressed well and Rainbow was on a buzz the whole time. Two days before the new helicopters arrived though, Twilight was summoned to a starkly contrasted scene.


A harsh staccato of knocks on the front door called Spike to answering it. Twilight was busy studying some subject or another and the boy had completed his day’s classes with the online tutor. At the door was a panicked looking Cloud Kicker. “You got to get Twilight quick, something’s wrong with the boss.” Spike gulped and nodded.

“TWILIGHT! QUICK!” It was a yell his adoptive mother had taught him, one carefully pitched and at just the right volume to summon a studying Sparkle before they even realised a call had been made. True to the fact, Twilight was rushing down the stairs marking her book as she ran.

She took one look at the anxious Cloud Kicker and was shrugging on a jacket and stamping into boots within moments. “Spike, if I’m too late call Rarity or AJ.” She hurried after the now swiftly departing pilot as Spike nodded dumbly and tried to escape his own anxiety.


An increasingly pensive Twilight was escorted into Rainbow’s office at Spectrum. Worried gaze followed her every move through the building and one final hushed request left her feeling worse: “Can you help her?”

Rainbow sat staring at the far wall of her office; she had been crying and was still shaking for some reason. Her face was deathly pale and her hands twitched, her hand was clasping a photo-frame and a phone.

“Rainbow?” Twilight entered the office, “Rainbow honey... tell me what’s the matter?” Rainbow continued to stare listlessly at the far wall. Twilight slowly approached her girlfriend and sat down beside her. She carefully wrapped an arm around Rainbow. The physical contact broke the spell.

“Mom had an accident.” It was a tiny voice. “Mom had an accident over a month ago and dad didn’t tell me.” Rainbow looked to Twilight, tears spilling over from her eyes.

“Oh love...” Twilight grasped her close and gently kissed her head, muttering soothing sounds.

“He called, said they were visiting because of it all... Said he didn’t want to worry me!” Rainbow sobbed. “I must be the most terrible daughter ever! My mom was in hospital and I didn’t even know!”

“Hush lover, its ok... They are coming here to visit?!” Twilight began to enter panic mode.

“Babe... I’m the one who is allowed to panic right now.” Rainbow sniffed again and grabbed Twilight’s hand.

“I know, honey... They probably thought you’d didn’t need the stress. What was the last e-mail you had off her?” Twilight switched back to soothing. Spike had been right, Rainbow was a calming influence on her.

“I told her about the expansion and the work I was doing... You know. Stuff.” Rainbow tapped the desk and snuffled again.

“So she knew you would be busy and not want anything to panic you?” Twilight hated having to play devil’s advocate with Rainbow, but when she was being emotive it was the best solution.

“Yeah...” Rainbow leaned back against Twilight once more, the navy haired girl began to smooth the rainbow pate below her.

“So they did something nice and considerate, not letting you know about something that happened all the way in Arizona until they were coming to visit and needed to let you know what to expect.” Twilight smiled a little as her girlfriend began to straighten up.

“I hate it when you get all reasonable on me, you know that egghead?” Her tone was trying it’s best to be cross, but failing.

“You always say that sky-jock.” Twilight giggled. “Now come on, you’ve got a staff to calm down and then me, I am going to panic about a visit from your parents.” Twilight led the pilot out to her friends and staff. A quick call calmed Spike down and the day returned to something a little like normal.


Later in the evening as they all sat down to eat Twilight thought it would be safe to bring up the subject of Rainbow’s parents again. “So, Rainbow, you don’t often speak about your mom and dad... Is there any reason or something I should know?”

Rainbow sighed and lay lazily across her chair. Spike looked over, “They coming over or something? It’s an odd thing to ask about Twilight.”

“Yes, they’ll be visiting soon, from what Rainbow told me earlier.” Twilight didn’t take her eyes from Rainbow.

“Yeah, Mom wants to come see me. They haven’t visited, so I haven’t seen them since I moved here...” Rainbow trailed off.

“That’s three years.” Twilight looked shocked, Spike dropped his fork. Neither could imagine not visiting their family regularly.

“Yeah. I argued a lot with dad and sort of cut them out of my life. Mom found my facebook page after we were national heroes and started messaging me again.” Rainbow carried on eating as if it was the most casual thing she had just said. “Can we drop the subject now?”

The navy haired librarian and her green pated sibling nodded, eating the rest of their meal in silence. The evening progressed along a similar pattern.


As the couple withdrew to bed Twilight sat and looked at her girlfriend. “I must have hurt, not speaking to them for so long.”

“I said drop it...” Rainbow’s tone was mildly aggravated, but she knew that her egghead would have to say her piece.

“They are your parents Rainbow, they raised you...” She pulled the woman down beside her and laid her head on a comfortable shoulder.

“Look, they weren’t exactly happy when I came out and Gilda was so not their idea of an ideal partner.” Rainbow sighed. “It was just around the time I went off to college, they hoped it was a phase and after my degree I’d drop the idea and join the military with them. On graduation I made a point of French kissing Gilda right in front of them, one fingered salute and all...” Another sigh. “That worked out well, heh. I guess mom is feeling a little mortal and demanded a visit.”

“We’ll show them you’re doing fine.” Twilight whispered into her ear, drawing her closer to sleep in each other’s arms.

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