• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,007 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 13: Breakfast

The next morning the friends were all woken by a cacophony from the kitchen. Applejack had already left the room, highly likely to get a good start on her chores. From the window Rarity could see Macintosh on the tractor and the familiar be-hatted figure of her friend out on horseback on the horizon. From below came more shouts in the familiar phraseology of Spike.

“I think we need to rescue Spike.” Twilight said from somewhere near the floor. There was a loud grunt as she dislodged Rainbow. “Come on Dash, up and at’em girl.” Twilight clambered up and straightened her night wear. “I think I need the bathroom.” She excused herself and headed off Rarity at the door.

“Hmph! I wasn’t going to take long you know!” Rarity pulled a displeased face and was taken aback by two stern deadpan expressions and a weak apologetic smile. “What?!”

“Rare, you take at least half an hour in there, and that’s when you are ending the day.” Rainbow chuckled. Further crashes and bangs from the kitchen made them wince, Fluttershy moaned and placed her head resolutely below her pillow.

“I think we better get the cure and see what those rascals are up to.” Pinkie chipped in. “It sounds like Spike is having a hard time keeping the girls under control.” As they left the room Twilight came to join them, fully clothed. Rarity slipped into the bathroom.

Downstairs in the kitchen it could only be described as battery chaos. There was pancake mix on the ceiling. There was pancake mix on the floor. There was pancake mix on the fixtures and even on the door. Amidst it all was a rather glum looking Spike, flour lightening his nut-brown complexion and runny goo on his shirt. Applebloom, Sweetie and Scootaloo were cheerfully splattering more batter from a bowl onto a tiny egg poaching pan, the other Apple family frying pans (and strangely enough, a wok) were filled with an ashy charcoal, a sure indication that Sweetie Belle had been in charge of the cooking. “I tried to stop them...”


After a lot of cleaning up and a lecture against any future unsupervised Crusader Breakfast Cooking, or in fact any form of cooking, they were sitting down to a Pinkie prepared breakfast. She had dosed up Fluttershy who was now ready to join the land of the living. Big Mackintosh and Applejack had returned at the sound of the meal bell and were none the wiser to the girl’s shenanigans, to their relief. After a nice leisurely chat amongst friends they parted ways.

Spike had remained at the farm, he was planning on riding with Applejack and Applebloom to help them break in some new horses. Fluttershy also remained at the farm, she had cattle to check on and a certain Mackintosh Apple to spend time with. Pinkie had plans with her latest beau, “Meadowsong and I have plans y’see.” She cried out as she sped away in her “Pinkie Mobile”. Rarity cryptically mentioned dinner plans and Cheerielee, from what the others could gather that relationship predated their own friendship. Finally parting at the bottom of the driveway as Rarity took a left and Twilight took the right.

“So Rainbow, you remember that we’re going to visit my parents next weekend right?” Twilight concentrated on the road.

“Yeah, I said I’d go. We saw them a little before anyway. They seemed cool enough.” Rainbow sat back in the passenger seat. “That still on then?”

“Yeah, they e-mailed about it the other day. Shining and Cadence are over too. Celestia invited us to visit a little when we’re in the area also.”


Twilight pulled up outside her house. “When do I get to meet your parents?” It was an innocent question but Rainbow’s face clouded over.

“I don’t know. They’re busy in Arizona, something top secret or whatever.” It wasn’t an angry tone, but Twilight was reluctant to pursue the subject.

“Ok, I suppose we can wait until they are alright to visit.” She stepped from the car with her bag and unlocked to door to the house. Rainbow followed soon after.


Later in the afternoon Twilight decided to approach the subject of their visit to her parents again, driving had not been the best situation to approach their potential opinion on her having a girlfriend. Her target was sat at the desk in her study, working over some charts and a laptop. “Hey Rainbow.” Twilight said as she walked in and dumped herself on the sofa.

“Hi Twi’,” Rainbow briefly looked up and then back to her work. “Just finishing up, got to schedule some stuff while one of the staff is on leave.”

“Alright, I have some research to be getting on with, there were some really old town records in the basement and I can’t wait to have a crack at what was going on back then.” Twilight pulled herself off the sofa and rummaged in a pile of boxes in the corner. A cloud of dust and a cute sneeze signalled to Rainbow that her egghead had dug out what she needed. The two sat in a companionable and occupied silence.


Twilight stood and carried the large and slightly less dusty record books back to the box in the corner of her study. Rainbow had finished her work and was reading a Daring Do novel once more. “Oh yeah, Rainbow?” Twilight turned from the boxes she was re-filling.

“Yeah Twi’?” Rainbow marked her place and set the book down. Shifting from the desk to the couch.

“You know when we are going to my folks place next week?” She joined folded the box closed and Rainbow on the couch. “Spike is travelling down with Uncle Bright and our cousins from Hitchville, so I thought we could take the train to the city and shop a little beforehand?”

“I already told you I’m ok to go visit your family. Shopping with you should be fun too” Rainbow smiled, “I do have some places I want to visit though. In the city I mean.”

“Of course Rainbow, I have some places I want to show you and some stores I want to visit too.” She smiled and Rainbow returned it, a thought struck Twilight though and her smile faltered.

“You okay Twi’?” Rainbow asked, her own smile dropping.

“Yeah… yeah. I just, um, I don’t know how uh, seriously, my parents took my ‘coming out’… I don’t know how they’ll react to me introducing you as my girlfriend.” She avoided Rainbows gaze, embarrassed at her predicament.

A gentle hand took her chin and guided it so Twilight was once again looking her girlfriend in the eye. “Twilight, you’re smart. Your parents must be smart people too. Even if they weren’t like, absolutely sure on you coming out, they’ll be happy for you.” She smiled and kissed Twilight’s forehead.

“It’s just, you’re a big part of my life now Rainbow, and obviously my parents are a huge part of it, or at least were… I want you all to get along without any stupid misunderstandings getting in the way of it all.” Twilight tried to keep her voice level.

“You’re smart people. They are smart people. You can get on with me, they’ll probably get on with me too. Heck, me and Shining hit it off pretty well at the wedding. It’ll all go great.” She hugged Twilight. “Now, shopping in the city? Got a plan of attack?”

With Twilight grateful for the distraction, the pair spent the rest of the afternoon planning what they would do in the city, what kinds of things happened at Sparkle family get-togethers and general travel plans. They had dinner when Spike returned from whatever caper his friends had pulled him to after helping with the horses and everyone had an early night... Or at least that was what they claimed. Sir Spike de Draco earned a vorpal dagger that night and let’s just say Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle got some ‘practice’ in.

Author's Note:

Few more edits, tidied things up.

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