• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 23: Visiting

“Would anyone like a cup of tea or coffee?” Twilight looked from stoney face to stoney face. They had arrived at the house and introductions were made. Now silence reigned in Twilight’s lounge.

“A black tea would be very welcome.” Firefly gave a small smile, “With Lemon if you have it?”

“Heh, that’s how I take it.” Spike said, glad of a distraction. “Celestia has everything to do with tea, you kind of have to choose a style if you spend any time with her.”

“I still can’t get over that you are so close with someone, well so important to the state!” Firefly seized on the subject of conversation, turning in her chair to speak with Spike.

“Would you like a drink of anything Mr Dash?” Twilight smiled pleasantly, recalling her mentor’s coaching and her parental advice on dealing with awkward situations.

“Coffee, black. Thanks.” He said distractedly, looking around the room at Twilight’s numerous photographs and framed certificates.

“Certainly.” Twilight walked off to the kitchen, another silence falling onto the room.

“So, she earned all of these?” Dath asked, gesturing to the diplomas and certificates.

“Yes she did.” Spike grinned, “The top row are commendations for published papers, I think the earliest was published when she was fifteen.” He paused and pointed to the next, “Those are mostly thank you letters and certificates from charities she helped with. Mom, Dad and Celestia have a few that we all got involved in. Then the bottom row is all her education diplomas.” He chuckled. “The trophies are in her study, plenty of those.” Turning around he pointed at the opposite wall. “Those are mine, there’s only a few but being homeschooled I’m going to catch up to Twilight soon.” He winked at Rainbow who was holding back a laugh at the look on her father’s face.

“So the photos...” Firefly pointed.

“Oh, me and the girls, some of the family. That sort of thing.” Rainbow shrugged.

“You and Twilight have a nice home Spike.” Firefly smiled at the youngster. “Looks like you landed on your feet RJ.” The multi-colour haired girl grinned at the praise from her mother.

“Tea is served.” Twilight called from the doorway bringing a loaded tray into the room and handing cups and mugs to everyone.

“Spike was telling us about your not unimpressive achievements Twilight.” Dath said, waving a hand across the wall of certificates.

“Oh, uh yes. I love to study and they are a well known side-effect.” She smiled.

“You’ve done very well. Rainbow could learn a lot from you.” He nodded, blind to the uncomfortable looks from the others.
Just as things became unbearable for Rainbow there was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it!” She said a little too quickly. She hurried out of the room to the front door.

A familiar purple headed girl stood in the porch, a wide grin on her face and a scooter in her hand. “Scoot’s!” Rainbow grinned and let the girl in. “Let me stow that in the hall.” She grabbed the scooter and propped it under the coat rack. “Oh, no shoes in the lounge remember?”

“Yeah, sure.” The purple haired girl grinned and slid the shoes off. “Twilight likes her carpet all clean and stuff yeah? Lofty likes things like that too.”

“Come and meet my folks...” Rainbow sighed, they walked into the lounge. “Sir, you’ve already met but mom, this is Scootaloo... I may have kinda unofficially adopted her as my younger sister.” Rainbow smiled and Scootaloo waved a little.

“Wonderful!” Firefly gestured her over. “It is very nice to meet you Scootaloo, RJ’s e-mails often feature your latest escapades. Jet powered skateboards indeed.” She smiled and patted the sofa Scootaloo sat down besides Firefly. There was an audible click that attracted the Rainbow’s parent’s attention.

Scootaloo realised it had been her, “Oh, uh yeah...” She lifted her jeans leg to reveal her prosthetic lower limb. She tapped the shining carbon and gave a wry smile. “Rainbow got me this one, after she found out how bad my old one was. It’s great for running and stuff. I’m going to try out for Track if they let me.” She let the jean leg drop back down. “Same thing that, uh, ‘got’ mom and dad... kinda cost me a leg.” She kept smiling through a hint of tears; Rainbow sat down next to the girl and gave her a quick hug.

“Nothing keeps her down, just like me.” She ruffled the purple hair under her hand.

Conscious of the uncomfortable situation Twilight shuffled in her seat. “Scoots is about as bad as Rainbow as it is, together they’re even worse. I’ll have to tell you about the recent camping trip they took with some of our friends.” She chuckled, “But I bet you have some better stories Firefly?”

“Oh... you betcha.” She winked and launched into a tale of preteen aircraft borrowing and daredevil flights.


Scootaloo breathed noisily, asleep, her head pillowed against Rainbow’s shoulder. Rainbow was sandwiched between the sleeping girl and Twilight. Chatting had led to a discussion on favourite things which led to films which ended up with Twilight playing a DVD and everyone present thoroughly enjoying a viewing of The Rocketeer. When the film had ended, conversation was a little easier with her father and Scootaloo had drifted off to sleep. “It looks like it’s getting a bit late...” Twilight began to say when the doorbell rang out.

“I’ll get it!” Spike darted from the room and quickly returned with a familiar smiling face.

“Oh, so that’s where the little rascal got to.” Lofty chuckled, smiling fondly at her young charge. “I knew she’d be with you and safe but she is never too forthcoming on where exactly that might be.”

“Sorry Lofty, we watched a movie.” Twilight waved at the television in explanation, finally noticing the clock and blushing at keeping the girl so late.

“Oh, it’s no problem at all. I trust you girls to bring her home or let me know if she’ll be staying.” The hotel hostess smiled fondly down at the sleeping child and gently ruffled her messy hair. “I’ll bring her home I think, she has homework to be getting on with first thing tomorrow.”

“Oh, well, no one should miss homework!” Twilight winked at Rainbow and gave her a nudge, answered by a playful scowl. They were interrupted by a mighty yawn in the corner.

“Excuse me!” Firefly blushed. “I think it is time we leave you ladies in peace and for us oldsters to sleep!” She rolled her chair forward and nudged her husband. “If this is our host, can we go along with her?”

Dath nodded. “Hello, Firefly was it? I’m Lofty.” The new arrival shook hands with the blue haired woman. On the sofa Scootaloo stirred slightly. “Alley-oop Scoots. We’ll be getting you home to bed. She lifted the girl up, seemingly effortlessly and held her close.

After farewells and promises for the following day’s activities and itinerary was made the visitors left. As they disappeared around the corner of the block Rainbow gave a great sigh of relief. “Glad that is over for today.”

“It didn’t go so bad. Your mom was really nice.” Twilight shut the front door and locked it, not entirely necessary in Ponyville but it was a habit drilled into her mind for a long time. “Your dad seemed to be defrosting a bit."

“Yeah, much less uptight before they left.” Spike shouted from the lounge.

“Yeah. I guess. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.” Rainbow replied darkly.

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