• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,007 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 3: Thoughts, Passage of Time

Spike threw his bag onto the backseat and jumped into the car. “So you did end up having a drink at Rainbow’s then?” It was closer to dinner than lunch as the purple Ford made its way from the animal centre to their home next door to the library. Spike did notice that Twilight had on a different outfit from yesterday, but he also knew that from Fluttershy that she had still been at the airfield in the morning.

“Yes, we sort of finished off the crate.” Twilight said sheepishly. “I wasn’t going to drive and we ended up sleeping in.”

“So was Rainbow ok?”

“Yeah, I don’t think Gilda will be coming back anytime soon though.” Twilight carefully avoided last night’s other events, she’d figure out how to explain it after Rainbow had thought it out.

“That sucks, for Rainbow I mean, I didn’t really like Gilda though.” Spike looked doleful but perked up when Twilight tousled his hair.

“That’s good to know kiddo, now, looks like we’re home.” She parked up on her drive and secured the car as Spike rushed into the house.


It was late, again. Twilight was catching up on some study having lost the morning to sleep. Spike had gone to bed after supper, he’d been tired out helping Fluttershy with all the animals, so like her sweet little assistant. She turned the page and took some notes, the clock ticking towards eleven. It was with some surprise that she heard the door knock. “Who would come over at this hour?” She muttered, heading towards the front door and flicking on the porch light.

Rarity was stood in the porch an unreadable expression on her face. Concerned, Twilight opened the door and let her friend in. “Is everything ok Rarity?”

“Yes darling, I’m fine. I’ve just come along to check if you know anything about or recently absent colourful friend.” Rarity hung her coat up and followed Twilight into the sitting room, careful to keep her tone low lest she wake Spike. They both took comfy chairs and Twilight offered tea. “No thank you, now... A little bird tells me that you spent the night at the airfield hmm?” Twilight turned scarlet. “My dear, that really is an unbecoming shade for a girl who likes purple so much!” She gave a dainty laugh while Twilight slowly fell through the red end of the spectrum, eventually halting at a fetching pink over her cheeks.

“Who told you that Rarity?”

“Oh, a little bird decided to go check on her friend and to see if the guardian of her young guest was quite alright.” Twilight blushed a little more. “It seems someone worked up the courage to tell her athletic crush how she felt!” Rarity had a sing-song voice now, teasing her friend mercilessly.

“It wasn’t the right thing to do though.” Twilight was quiet, looking at her hands instead of Rarity.

“Is something wrong Twilight?” Rarity went from teasing to worried .

“Gilda left her.” Twilight kept quiet about Rainbow’s bruises and scrapes, it wasn’t her place to tell others. “She was very upset about it all. I saw the state she was in, I was upset for her and then I stupidly told her I loved her.” Rarity caught Twilight’s hand.

“Well, you do. You told me as much months ago. Although it was probably indelicate of you to tell her when she was so vulnerable,” Rarity paused, “It’ll all work out fine. You are a sensible girl and a very intelligent woman, Rainbow knows that. She won’t jump into something with you without considering that.”

“Well I did tell her to think on it before we went any further.” Twilight relaxed into the chair.

Rarity smiled, “Well, there you go. Rainbow will think it out and tell you when she knows.”

“What if she says no?” Twilight’s voice was quiet and timid.

“Twilight, if she says no then you carry on. You might one day find someone else. Heaven knows I did...” She stopped and smiled weakly. “It hurts darling, it really does, but hurt heals over time.” The clock chimed, drawing their attention.

“Goodness! Midnight hour! There you go Twilight, I care so much as a friend I delay my beauty sleep to talk to you!” She smiled and straightened out her skirt as she stood. “Now remember, you know where I am if you need to talk.” She gave Twilight a hug.

“Thanks Rarity.” Twilight saw her friend to the door. It was late and she really wasn’t in the mood to study more. “Guess I should go to bed then.” Turning the last of the lights off, Twilight turned in for a more sleepless night than she’d hoped.


Twilight’s car was way past view by now. She’d lost sight of it as it travelled the airfield, catching it again as it drove down the access road. By now Twilight would be well on her way home. This was her second time that week watching a vehicle leave, this time however was a lot more hopeful. “Right, thinking. Thinking about ‘us’...” Rainbow spoke aloud. She kicked at a clod of dry earth sending out a satisfying cloud of dust. It was hard to figure out exactly what she was supposed to think about. Relationships had always been so poorly defined.

Looking out across the airfield an idea struck Rainbow. She raced inside and up to one of her many storerooms. There was a box, no different to its cardboard brethren flanking it on all sides. She opened it up and took out a stack of dusty books. Each marked with a year. “These should help. Wouldn’t it give Twilight a kick to know I am reading to figure out my feelings about her!” Rainbow chuckled and got to reading.


Tears dripped onto a crackly page. Rainbow sniffed and wiped some of them away. The Gilda she had known seemed so much better in her love-struck writing. “These didn’t help at all.” She dumped the pile back in their box. Gilda had left her; she was jealous of Rainbow’s friends and had even commented on her having further feelings for Twilight.

Not Pinkie who was always hanging out with her and was very free with hugs and ‘smoochies’ on the cheek. Not AJ, who competed with her and was a great friend. Twilight, quiet and studious Twilight who spent her days working in the Library and her nights studying. Unless of course one of her friends needed help, then she’d drop everything and rush to help. She’d put aside her projects and research something to assist them in their problem, no matter how important or vital her own subject was.

'Let’s face it, Twilight outclasses us all. She was honest, never lying to hurt or conceal. True she was too socially inept to understand that one. She was kind, always an ear to listen to all her friends and eager to help them. Generous with her time and knowledge, some really smart types would look down on the less intelligent but Twilight wouldn’t. She was always good for a laugh and not bothered too much by laughs at her own expense. Loyal? Man, she had loyalty down pat.' Rainbow grabbed the photo of her and all her friends. Just to look at that one special one.

Before that photo, before she came to town it had been a little boring. Sure she spoke to Fluttershy regularly and Applejack was her training, sparring and contest partner. Pinkie had turned up every now and then, Rainbow loved to party after all. She’d never even given Rarity the time of day until Twi’s appearance in town. They’d all pulled together, they’d rescued her mentor and her mentor’s sister. They’d pulled together and now Rainbow could never think of being without all her friends.

“Man, this is heavy stuff.” She placed the picture back down and grabbed a scrapbook from her shelf. Pinkie had insisted on them once everyone was friends, Rainbow wasn’t overly fond of the idea but she had at least shoved some group event mementos into its pages. There was another copy of their group photo on the cover. Inside were a lot of different things. Racing numbers, flyers and programmes, some feathers from when she got Tank. Lots of little scraps to remind her of time spent with friends.

Come to think of it, Twilight had arranged for everyone to go watch her at the flying competitions, she’d run the race and beaten her and AJ! The gala tickets... AJ’s apple harvest. “Twilight is pretty awesome” Rainbow thought aloud. “Augh! I knew that already!!” She slumped back into her chair. It was going to be a long think.


A week went by. Fluttershy and Rarity kept quiet about the situation, simply smiling encouragingly to both girls whenever they encountered them. It was at their regular spa day that they sat and compared notes. “Well darling, Twilight seems to be decided, whatever Rainbow want’s is alright with her but is becoming a little, shall we say frustrated?” She stretched out in the mud bath beside her friend.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy sighed as she relaxed. “Rainbow did chat about her at lunch yesterday. She was talking like they are already a couple.” There was a slight squelching splash and a squeak from Rarity. Fluttershy lifted one of the cucumber slices from her eye. Rarity was facing her, sparkly eyed.

“Oh darling! That’s wonderful news!”

“Oh, I’m not sure she’s figured it out yet though…” Fluttershy stopped to consider, “It’s just she was talking and Twilight came up in conversation the same way she used to mention Gilda.”

Rarity gave moue of disappointment. “Well, she better cotton on to it soon or we’ll have to take matters into our own hands!” Fluttershy giggled and replaced the cucumber slice, more splashes and muddy squelches followed Rarity’s shift in position and their conversation turned to other subjects.


Twilight sighed for the sixth time in an hour. “Tough problem Twilight?” Spike called across the study room. He’d finished his school studies for the day and was onto pet projects but Twilight’s mood was worrying him.

“A little Spike, just a little. The solution depends upon someone else though, so all I can do is wait.” She idly twirled a pencil she had been writing with, distracted.

“Oh ok,” Spike was puzzled but left it, “Can I go up to the farm after lunch? Mac was going to show me how they repair the tack.” He gave his best begging expression, full on puppy dog eyes.

Twilight chuckled. “Alright Spike. You can get a ride up with Applejack, she was going to come over for lunch anyway.” Spike grinned and got back to his textbook. Twilight looked down at her page and covered a blush, she had doodled a number of planes alongside Rainbow’s call-sign and personal decal. ‘She sure is stuck in my head...’


Lunch passed in pleasant company and soon enough Spike had left with Applejack. It was getting close to time and Twilight was left alone to close up the library. A task that didn’t take long seeing as her afternoon had been a listless meander from subject to subject which had soon lead to chores to distract her. It had been a week since she had confessed to Rainbow, they had seen each other in the meantime but neither of them had broached the subject. Waiting was starting to hurt.

As Twilight left the library and locked the doors. The last of the lights were off and the closed sign was in position. She took a step forward and a downpour began. “Aaaa!” She ran through the heavy rain. Soon enough she was back home. “Stupid Rain. Stupid looking at the wrong forecast... Stupid leaving umbrella in the house...” She muttered and mumbled her way to her home.

The rain hadn’t let up in two hours. Twilight was in her study, Applejack had called down that Spike was staying for dinner. With Spike eating at the farm she didn’t need to prepare a proper meal and could escape his guilt tripping her into eating something more healthy than sandwiches and chips.

The rain slammed against the window as the day drew in. Then, there was extra splashing outside and soon someone was hammering her door. “Coming, coming...” Twilight groaned, putting down her books and switching the lights on.

The door swung open and the spilled light illuminated her visitor, a soaking wet Rainbow Dash. “I’ve decided...” She took a deep breath, it looked like she had been running. “Twilight Sparkle, want to go on a date?”

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