• Published 6th Jun 2012
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Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 41: Question

Friends like Pinkie Pie never let friends miss a chance for a party. After two months of hard work and organising, advertising and arranging; the Airfield Museum was open to the public.

To celebrate, Pinkie Pie had organised a launch party, inviting employees and their families alongside local journalists and influencers to view the museum. She had games, food and drink for the event and lots of activities to entertain the children.

The converted hangar had planes and equipment from its past operations and those that Spectrum had brought in to restore and enjoy. Rainbow had gladly carried on the collection and even found some of the old aviator's gear to dress mannequins as pilots.

Twilight and Dath between them had put out information boards to explain about the exhibits . They worked well together, unsurprising to Rainbow as Twilight was the sort of studious and dedicated girl Dath had once wished his daughter to be. Once, Rainbow would have been angry about that, but now it was wonderful. Her father had accepted Twilight as part of the family.

Rainbow stood on the raised earth sound barriers, next to the statue of Spectrum and looking out over the changed airfield. The party area was all set up, people were arriving for the event and Rainbow had even dressed up a little with a button-up instead of a T and tidier jeans.

“Hey old man. The place is looking a lot different yeah?” Rainbow laid a hand on the plinth. “With my folks around and, heh, my best gal by my side... I've shaped up.” She looked out across the airfield, much changed since Spectrum's time.

“I'm going to ask her to marry me. Tonight.” Rainbow smoothed her fingertip over the ring in her jacket pocket, she had taken it from the hiding place and brought it along for tonight. Mostly just in case she saw a moment at the party, but now she was going to make the moment herself.

It didn't surprise her too much that she had made the decision. Honestly, the airfield now was as much Twilight's achievement as her own. She had motivated Rainbow to be better, to act on her plans and dreams. Looking at it now, at the party about to start and the crowd of people excited for the opening of the museum, excited for her. All because of Twilight.

Feet scrabbling up the dirt caught Rainbow's attention. “Hi Dashie!” Pinkie Pie bounced over with a grin. “Hey Mister Speed!” She saluted the statue. “We got all the fireworks set up with a killswitch if we need to let the rescue flight scramble. But they are over there, so they shouldn't stray over to the helicopters.” She waved out into the desert, a little way from the airfield was the rig for the high grade fireworks

“That's great, thanks Pinks.” Rainbow looked around the airfield from her vantage point one last time, spotting the pedal bike Pinkie had used to get around the site at the bottom of the bank and over on the footpath, one Twilight Sparkle.

Her girlfriend was looking over at the pair, but she wasn't close enough for Rainbow to see her expression. “It'll be time soon.” Pinkie said. Whether she meant the party or Rainbow's extra plan, the pilot wasn't sure. Her friend had her uncanny way of knowing things after all. “It's going to be great.” She smiled and hugged Rainbow. “Now come on! Twilight is waiting!”

The poofy haired woman bounded down the earth bank and grabbed her bicycle, walking over to join Twilight. With one last salute to Spectrum, Rainbow raced after her friend.


Dath had made a speech for the opening ceremony. It had been short and to the point, thanking Ponyville, his family (including Twilight) and paying tribute to Spectrum. “With that, I welcome you to the Spectrum Airfield Aviation Museum.” Dath had Firefly cut the ribbon and the gathered crowd cheered.

With Twilight occupied talking to someone from the local newspaper, Rainbow slipped over to her parents. “Great speech Dad.” She high-fived her dad, they had gotten back to the easy relationship of her early teens now, but with more understanding for each other.

“Thank you Rainbow. Public speaking is not my favourite, but this is a good cause.” Dath replied with a wry smile. “And I do thank you for the opportunity to have a museum on a subject I am passionate about.” He put an arm around her shoulder, matching how he held Firefly next to him.

“I was glad to give you something back.” Rainbow said, colouring slightly at the praise. Rainbow looked around; Twilight was still chatting, a few more people stood near to listen to her, she was distracted. She leaned in close to her parents. “I'm going to ask Twilight to marry me.”

“You are?!” Firefly kept her voice low despite her excitement. “Good for you!”

Dath smiled and squeezed the shoulder under his hand. “I'm proud of you Stripy.”

“Rainbow, there you are.” Twilight joined them then and all three quieted to avoid revealing the surprise. “Hello Firefly, Dath. Everyone is very excited about the museum, isn't that wonderful?” Twilight was cheerful this evening. Though she loved museums and this was one she had helped curate.

“It is excellent indeed Twilight.” Dath inclined his head to the girl. “Shall we try and show these two around?”

“That sounds like a great idea.” Twilight went to Rainbow and the four followed the crowds to enter the building. Music drifted from inside and they could hear the excited chatter of visitors and Pinkie Pie as she bounded around talking to people.


The launch party had been a success. Pinkie Pie had put together fun activities for everyone visiting and provided a good supply of snacks and cupcakes decorated with planes and helicopters. All evening people had praised Rainbow for the new addition, each time she deferred the compliments to Twilight and her Dad, happy to share that her family had been behind the whole idea.

Eventually the sky darkened, everyone was ushered outside again to see the fireworks show. “Hey Dash.” A slightly gruff voice called as Twilight and Rainbow exited the hangar. Rainbow looked around and spotted Gilda, Jetstream on her arm.

“Hi G, Jet.” Rainbow stopped to talk. She saw a lot more of Gilda now that she was a pilot for the airfield, but not much of Gilda's girlfriend.

“This is a pretty cool place. I, uh, was sort of a jerk about it in the past and I want to say sorry for that.” Gilda was rubbing the back of her head with her free arm. “So yeah. Sorry.”

“Wow G, thats... Thanks.” Rainbow wasn't sure what to say. They had butted heads over Rainbow's love of older planes in the long ago past. She'd not expected are required an apology, but this looked like it was more for Gilda's sake then her own. She clasped her friend's hand. “Thank you.”

“Its weird I know, but you're not the only one with a girlfriend who's helping you be a better you. Y'know?” Gilda said. Jetstream simply smiled proudly. “But yeah, were gonna find a good place to watch the fireworks. See yah Dash.” Gilda waved.

“Thank you Rainbow.” Jetstream said as they turned away.

“That was nice. I'm happy for her.” Twilight said as they watched the couple walk away. She smiled and Rainbow felt an extra warmth in her heart. Now was the time, it really was. She slipped her arm around Twilight's waist.

“Come on, we'll get a great view from over here.” Rainbow guided Twilight the short distance to the sound buffers and up the worn trail to Spectrum. The scholar kept silent as they left the crowds, happy in Rainbow' embrace.

They didn't spot Firefly and Dath follow. Forewarned, Rainbow's parents had figured it was set to happen and they wanted to see.

Rainbow and Twilight also didn't know that Pinkie Pie had bounced through the crowd to pull their friends together to come and watch. “What's going on?” Spike whispered, he had been dragged along by Pinkie to stand in the shadow of one of the buildings. There would still be a great view of the fireworks, but it was an odd place to be considering the crowd were in the clearing between buildings.

“Shhh.” Pinkie Pie said, pointing to the couple on the hillock, “Just wait.” Where the crowd of visitors had gathered, one of the firework technicians started a countdown. A fountain of sparks erupted in the desert , the show had begun.

Up by the statue there was a great view of the colourful display, rockets were bursting flowers in the sky and the fountains were filling the horizon with sparks of light. “The fireworks guys have done well.” Twilight said, she was still held in Rainbow's arms as they watched.

“Yeah, they did.” Rainbow sounded a little off, distracted by something but emotional. Concerned, Twilight turned in her arms to check on her partner. Amethyst eyes shining up at her was the last Rainbow could cope with.

Still gripping Twilight's hands, Rainbow pulled back, turning her girlfriend to face her fully. “Rainbow?” Twilight was puzzled, but when the pilot released one of her hands and dropped on one knee, the surprising gesture made her gasp, free hand flying to her mouth.

Rainbow took the ring from her pocket with ease, one knee on the ground, one hand holding onto Twilight, who looked beyond happy. Offering up the ring, Rainbow looked at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, you're the most awesome girl in the world. Will you marry me?”

The hand over her mouth didn't hide the smile, or the tears of happiness. Twilight couldn't find her voice, so she just started nodding until she could speak. “Yes! Yes Rainbow Dash. I will marry you.” Twilight was as clear as she could be between the excitement that was stealing her voice and the noise of fireworks around them.

Grinning like the cat that got the canary, Rainbow Dash slipped the ring onto Twilight's finger. Despite the warning from her father, the ring fitted Twilight just right. The stone glinting with reflected spark-light. Keeping hold of Twilight's hand, Rainbow stood up and pulled her into a warm embrace and searing kiss.

From their places to watch, the girl's friends and family cheered and shouted congratulations. Loud enough to hear with fireworks splitting the sky.

Rainbow felt like she was flying, with Twilight in her arms and the ring on her finger. They were getting married.

Author's Note:

It is not dead! It is nearly done! I promise that this will be finished and it will be finished!

I feel bad leaving this so long, but ideas dried up and new projects got in. But hey, there is a wedding to come!

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