• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 8: A Rare Listener

Twilight paced. Pacing helped her think. It annoyed Spike seven ways from Sunday, but Twilight was much too concerned with the Third Date and what the rules said. She was a mess of nerves and she needed to talk to someone.


The door to Carousel Boutique opened with a jingle from the bell. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique.... Oh Twilight, what brings you here darling?” Rarity ushered her friend into the back room. “I have a few tasks back here dear, you come and sit and chat while I work.”

“Thanks Rarity.” Twilight mumbled. Now she was here it was somewhat difficult to figure out what to say.

The back door was ajar but the light breeze that circled about the room was welcome. Twilight sat on one of the chairs and waited patiently for Rarity to be ready to talk. Finally, with everything arranged just so and her dress-form placed in the right position Rarity turned to face her friend. "Well Twilight?”

“Rarity... you’ve dated before right?”

“Yes, I’ve had a few romantic entanglements in the past.” She raised an eyebrow in query. “That can’t be what is bothering you dear.”

“Well, technically... MynextdatewithRainbowDashisourthirddate!” Twilight shouted, realised her volume and clapped a hand to her mouth in embarrassment. Rarity gave a giggle at the shade Twilight had turned.

“Darling, really? Is that all you are worried about?”

“All! All!!” Twilight sputtered. “I have never.... I don’t... I haven’t....” She trailed off into a mutter and Rarity carried on with her sewing. Twilight had to say what she needed to on her own terms. After a while Twilight had worked up the courage. “Rarity I never even had friends before I moved here... So of course I’ve never been with anyone... I don’t know what to do... How to make her happy.” She sobbed slightly and looked up, tears glistened in her eyes. “What if she hates me because I can’t do anything for her? She’ll leave me and I...I can’t let that happen.”

“Oh darling... Rainbow would never hate you and she certainly would never leave you!” Rarity crossed over the table to give her friend a hug. “She knows that this is your first proper relationship of this nature. She’ll understand when you get intimate.” Twilight sniffed in an unfairly cute manner and looked up from her lap.

“Alright I suppose that is true...” She still had a slight quaver in her voice.

“Twilight, are you sure you are ready to take this step? No one will think any less of you if you aren’t quite yet.” Rarity voiced the concern she and Fluttershy had discussed at their first Spa trip since their friend’s confession. It was truly an issue with someone so eager to please as Twilight.

“I am. I’m ready for it, granted only with Rainbow and Rainbow alone, not even celebrities and fictional characters feature in any musings on such matters.” Twilight blushed a little, the last of her tears gone and a shy smile on her face.

“That’s so romantic.” Rarity mock swooned, eliciting a giggle from her friend “Really Twilight, so long as you trust her you’ll be fine.”

“I trust her with my life Rarity. I love her so much, not just lust or heaven knows I would have pounced on her that first night.” Twilight looked introspective a moment. “I hope that isn’t a problem.” Rarity held her breath a moment but was relieved when Twilight calmly stood instead of dissolving again. “Thanks for the chat Rarity, you really are like a big sister. Just like Cadence was.” She smiled and hugged the designer, “I’ll see you at our regular lunch where you can tell us all about Cheerielee.” She gave a crafty wink and left.

Rarity saw her guest out the door and a little way down the street. Returning to her back room she got back to work. “You can come back in now Rainbow, she’s left.” She raised her voice a little and her pilot friend slunk in through the back door.


The multi-coloured hair shook with the force which the head it was attached to moved, an agitated Rainbow paced around the Carousel Boutique’s back room. “I don’t know what to do Rare. She nearly froze up when I stupidly reminded her about that childish third date rule!” An arm flung out and a purple haired head calmly ducked out of the way.

“Yes, that’s our Twilight, always concerned about rules and instructions.” She sewed the dress on her table as her energetic friend carried on working off steam.

“So what do you think I should do?” Rainbow stopped and slammed her hands to her hips.

Rarity looked over her glasses at Rainbow, she’d come in earlier that morning exclaiming about Pinkie being too random and Applejack too straight. They both knew even the slightest mention of intimacy would send Fluttershy into a faint and so it was left to herself to help Rainbow with her Twilight problem. “You of all people are worried about getting someone to spread their legs dear? There’s a first for everything I suppose.”

The death glare would have certainly incinerated small animals. “I don’t want to ruin her.” Was the shaking reply, anger creeping into the tone. “I love her. I can’t spoil it with stupid rushing and junk like that. I want her to want to take that step.”

“Oh darling I never knew!” Rarity was taken aback, it was a surprisingly mature statement from the usually devil-may-care Dash. “So what do you plan on doing?”

“I want to make it perfect. I want her to have the most romantic, natural and perfect first time that ever happened on this planet.” Rainbow’s eyes nearly gleamed with light. “I want it to be gentle and on her own terms, loving and romantic and all that junk I never got with Gilda.”

Rarity was dazzled. “Darling... That’s so romantic!” She dropped the dress and bustled to a storage cupboard, removing a parcel. “This should help. I was going to give it to Twilight as a birthday gift but you can use it for the ah, final act in your little plan.”

Rainbow looked at the purple fabric within and smiled. “Thanks Rare, you’re awesome...” She was interrupted by the bell and her host left. Her loud greeting to Twilight warned Rainbow who shot out the back door.


“You can come back in now Rainbow, she’s left.”

With a relieved sigh Rainbow re-entered the shop. She had a neck cramp from holding the parcel under her chin having covered her ears to block out the conversation. She was not going to eavesdrop on her girlfriend’s private conversation.

“Rainbow, from what I have heard today, you two are going to have some very wonderful times together with a relationship many will envy.” Rarity pinned her with a glance. “I am so very happy for you both darling. Now go do whatever it is you plan on doing.” She shooed Rainbow out of the shop and in merry singing tones called out “I’ll want deeetails!”

Rainbow took a crumpled list from her jersey’s pocket and checked what was there still to collect. Rainbow had a plan; she had someone really special to make feel just as awesome as she thought she was and she needed these things to do it.

Author's Note:

A/N: So, Ponyville Nights is live, Trust sits between Chapter 7 and this chapter if you wish to read it. It is not vital to read it and as a warning to those who don't like them, it is rated mature.

29/6/17 Moved the notes down. Fixed stuff. It is funny to read my writings from so long ago.

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