• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 11,995 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 33: Found

Everyone was searching or part of the search. Firefly, Night, Twilight senior, Captain and granny Sparkle were at the house. Night had to stay and comfort his very worried wife. Twilight Velvet was ranging from silence to sobbing fits, jumping at every phone call.

Firefly, still confined to her chair, took calls and shared information between the searchers. The senior Sparkles helping her coordinate between the searchers as calls came in. They had found a map of the town to use in directing the others and recording the police information.

Everyone else was out searching. Spike had been called back and taken to the farm, he and Applebloom were looking through all the places Twilight might have chosen to escape and think in. She had a fondness of the farm and the youngest Apple knew all the hidey holes and safe spots on he property. It was somewhere safe to let Spike search, he had been determined to help.

Applejack and Mackintosh had taken the Whitetail woods and the park that separated it from the town. Both were familiar with the woods and the park and they could cover the area quickly.

Everyone was concerned to find Twilight quickly, no coat in November wasn't healthy considering the low temperature.

Rainbow and Dath had taken the outskirts of town, where settlement gave way to deserted land and the forest. Rainbow had wanted to send out a helicopter, but no one was available to fly or even prepare a machine to go out and she wasn't going to take one of the medical helicopters off standby.

Fluttershy and Rarity were in town, searching all the places they could think Twilight would go to. Checking up with acquaintances and other friends as they passed. There was always the hopeful possibility that Twilight had gone to another friend, one less likely to press for information or conversation.

Shining and Cadence, not familiar with Ponyville, had taken their car to drive the routes between Twilight's house, the airfield and the farm. Both places were parts of Ponyville she liked to be in and she could have headed for Rainbow for comfort or Applejack for a listening ear. They hoped she was not there, to have not reached the farm or the airfield in the whole afternoon Twilight would have to be injured.

“We'll find her Stripy.” Dath could see how worried Rainbow was, he knew the exact feeling she faced. The person she loved was missing somewhere and she wanted to find her, to be with her. It was painful to know there was little he could do to help. The tense times when Firefly had been deployed on missions had only been resolved for him when he was talking to his wife again.

They paused a moment, surveying the horizon, they faced the forest and Dath knew it would be their next destination. Unexpectedly, Rainbow leaned into him, turning her cheek against his old leather jacket. “We'll find her.” Dath said.

“I just wish that someone would tell me what upset her so much.” Rainbow said. Twilight's family had been tight lipped. All the inclusion Rainbow had felt was gone. Grave faces and silence was all she met. Spike was just as confused, not party to whatever Twilight must have heard.

It hurt Rainbow that Twilight hadn't come to her, but the librarian had probably been in a terrible state to not have even taken her coat. It was a gnawing worry now, more than just concern, Rainbow wanted to find her and then never let her go.

As they looked at the gaps in the bushes and trees that marked entrances to the forest, Dath's phone rang. He was quick to answer it, the call was from his wife so it had to be news. “Fly'?” Rainbow hung on for every word.

“No one has found any sign of Twilight. The police are still looking.” Firefly relayed. Back at the house most of the searchers had returned with their reports.

“We've not looked in the forest yet.” Rainbow said. She had a torch and a few ideas on where to look. Dath nodded.

“That was the next suggestion.” Firefly had heard Rainbow. “Be careful. It is getting dark.”

“We will. Tell everyone we're still looking. We will find her.” Dath said, exchanging goodbyes, Firefly rang off.

As the day drew to an end, Rainbow turned on her torch and set her sights on the forest and a path that had changed her life not so long ago. “We're coming Twilight.”


It was silent now in Twilight's lounge. Shining, Celestia and Twilight senior, Night and his parents were all sat around looking pensive and drawn. Firefly had rolled herself to the window to watch out for anyone arriving at the house, her phone at the ready to share any information. The others had taken to the kitchen but she felt it her duty to keep watch. She wasn't worried about Dath and Rainbow going into the Everfree, if any pair could make a forest surrender, it was those two. Still, she wasn't going to leave the window until they returned. Hopefully with Twilight.

“Ah think Rainbow must have an idea where to look.” Applejack said, leaning on a counter-top. “She's headed into the Everfree with her dad.”

“They will find Twilight.” Fluttershy said with quiet determination. She was sat on one of the dining chairs next to Rarity and Spike. The youngster was worried and more than a little upset. The silence of his family on what exactly set Twilight running away was confusing too.

“I know Rainbow will find Twilight.” Spike said. “I still think I should be out looking too.” He looked forlorn and Fluttershy immediately hugged him.

“Spike, you're too young to go out in the forest at night.” Rarity said. “We don't want to lose you out there too.”

“I guess.” Spike swung his legs and looked out the window. He was worried for Twilight, he really wanted her home.


Cadence and Luna sat on the bench behind the house. It was awkward for them, they knew what had been said and both had disagreed with those in the lounge. To spend time with Twilight's friends would make them feel guilty, to stick with the family was making them angry.

“Do you think we should head over to the forest?” Cadence said, she had heard the shared message of Rainbow's plan.

“I don't think Twilight would be happy to see us.” Luna replied. “She would have figured out that we know the truth of the matter.”

“I don't blame her for feeling she had to run.” Cadence looked across the garden space. “We should have told her sooner.”

“Yet there were always reasons to delay.” Luna shook her head. “So Twilight found out in the worst possible way.”

“Its all so difficult. But it can't have helped when no one believed her at the wedding, to add this on top? I hope she will come home when they find her.” Cadence sighed.

“If Twilight will speak to us in time measured in weeks we will be fortunate.” Luna added sadly.

“Will it be that bad?” Cadence leaned against her aunt. It was a small comfort, but she was worried for Twilight and Rainbow, Shining and the family, there wasn't much they could do.

“Rainbow won't give up until she finds Twilight.” Luna said firmly. Her gaze trailed to the forest she had been taken to some time ago.


“You know where to look?” Dath shone his torch through the dark woods. It had been nearing night, dusk really, when they had decided to enter the forest. That had not been more than minutes ago but the darkness under the trees made it seem very late.

“She might have thought of a place I know. I think all six of us have that path stuck in our heads.” Rainbow walked ahead, leading her father down the trail she had followed before. There were a few disturbances in the brush and leaf-litter, she wasn't half the outdoors-man that Mac and Applejack were, but she could tell someone had walked the trail recently. “This way.”

They walked along the trail until finally Rainbow spotted the cabin ahead. The windows were dark, but it was a final hope. Behind her Dath trod on a fallen branch and the gunshot like crack reminded Rainbow of the past. The pot shot taken at Twilight had been one of the most alarming moments of her life. Though she hardly knew the egghead back then, let alone had any inkling of eventually loving her, it was horrible how close the bullet had been.

“Okay dad?” Thinking about Twilight in danger was icing her stomach.

“I'm fine.” Dath caught up. “Is this where we're headed?” He pointed his torch to light the way to the cabin door.

“Yes.” Rainbow was really hoping her hunch had been right. When they reached the cabin she hesitated. “Twilight?” Her father stood close behind. He knew she had pinned her hopes on this and was ready for the worst.

“Rainbow?” It was a tiny voice. It was a sad voice. It was the voice Rainbow had wanted to hear and it swept all the worry right out of her. Rainbow hurried inside, Twilight was already walking from her hidey and was grabbed into a hug as soon as her partner reached her.

“Twilight. I've got you. You're safe.” Rainbow's voice cracked a little. She was babbling, mostly to calm herself but hopefully to help Twilight too. The librarian was shivering in her arms and already Rainbow could feel the cold seeping between them.

“Rainbow.” Twilight just whispered, she was trying to arrange some sort of coherent explanation for her running away but couldn't marshal her thoughts. Instead she focused on how warm her lover was, how safe she felt in the strong arms wrapped around her.

“Lets get you home.” Rainbow said it without thinking but Twilight stiffened in her arms. “Twi'?”

“I can't go there. Not where they are.” Twilight muttered. “I can't. Lies and confusion. All of them. Even Celestia and Cadence!”

The words were broken by sobs and hardly coherent, Rainbow was beginning to get worried again. She pushed a hand into Twilight's hair and pressed her fingertips to sooth against the agitated librarian's scalp. “What happened Twilight? No one would tell me.”

“They. Mum. Not mum. She shouted! She shouted it and they didn't say anything. So it is true.” Twilight stuttered and sobbed.

“What did they say Twi'?” Rainbow carried on threading her fingers gently across Twilight's head. She was shaking again and Rainbow looked helplessly to Dath. Her father could only offer a soft reassuring smile. He waved his phone and Rainbow nodded, it would be best to tell the others that they had found Twilight. He slipped from the cabin to make the call.

“She shouted that I'm adopted.” Twilight breathed it, trying not to stumble over the words. Saying it aloud made her even more unsure, but she knew she could trust Rainbow.

“Adopted.” Rainbow said, it made sense that Twilight had fled that. “Like Spike.” She hoped that a little logic would calm Twilight down. After all, everyone loved Spike and he was as much a family member.

“He knew from the start.” Twilight said.

'So that is the real problem.' Rainbow thought. Like the time when Twilight had worried about “showing off” and after the wedding, or their visit to her parents. It came down to trust and truths. “We'll find out why you didn't.” Rainbow reassured. “But I really want us to be inside right now. You are too cold.” She reluctantly released Twilight but kept an arm at her partner's waist. Rainbow pulled her jacket off, it was a fleece lined sports jacket, and put it on Twilight. “Come on. We'll go home and get you warmed up.”

“Alright.” Twilight agreed. She loved Rainbow and Rainbow loved her and they trusted each other. Rainbow was the one rock to cling to in this storm of emotions she felt. Her partner would keep everyone from making her feel worse. It was better to go home. Twilight felt exhausted now.

“Good. Dad's car is out on the road. We'll ride back and get you wrapped up in a nice warm blanket. Then we'll get you home to a hot coco and bed.” Rainbow pulled Twilight close and pointed her torch out into the woods. It was time to head home.

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