• Published 6th Jun 2012
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Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 36: Truth

“You're my daughter.” Celestia couldn't bring herself to look at Twilight. The truth was finally told.

“You.” Twilight barely whispered. “You're my mother and – and no one thought to tell me?” Twilight was trembling. This was insane. Ridiculous. It was a dream and the worst idea she'd ever had as a sulking teen.

“Yes.” Celestia's voice cracked. “Dusk and I never married. We were planning to.” She was falling to pieces, bit by bit all the memories she had put aside were coming back to her.

“What happened? Why did you give me up?” Twilight leaned against Rainbow, two strong arms encircled her. She looked to Night and Twilight senior, she looked on to Luna and then back to Celestia.

Her mother.

“Dusk was the love of my life. My best friend's brother. How cliché is that?” Celestia sniffed and leaned back in her chair. “Twilight and Night had married and settled in, they had a baby. Dusk adored Shining and we thought about marriage. But we were pretty free spirited, as far as a politics and government researcher and a National Guardsman can be. It turned into something we would get around to.” Twilight was focused on her, observing Celestia as if she was a completely new person.

“I fell pregnant quite unexpectedly, utterly unplanned but a lovely surprise.” Celestia smiled softly through the tears. “He proposed and we decided to marry when our baby was one. So that they could be at least a little involved in the ceremony.” She laughed bitterly. “I had a good pregnancy and a normal labour and then there was this beautiful baby girl. She had her daddy's eyes and a streak of purple from him and deep dark blue hair just like her aunty.” Celestia blinked, struggling for words.

“You were three months old.” Luna took up the story. “Tia and Dusk were coming to visit us, me and mom and dad.” She faltered at mentioning her parents. “There was a collision at a road junction. Dusk was killed right away. Celestia was gravely ill. You escaped with barely a scratch.” She held her sister close.

“I was the named guardian, so here I was with a little baby to look after.” Twilight senior said. “I gladly took in my niece. It was something to focus on, instead of just grief over losing my brother.”

“I was very seriously injured.” Celestia had closed her eyes, her cheeks wet with tears. “After three months I was still recovering in hospital. I couldn't walk, I couldn't look after myself and I was in such a dark place.” She pressed her hands together and looked at Twilight. “I thought I was never going to recover. So I asked my best friend to adopt my child. I knew she was a wonderful mother to her son, I loved her like a sister and she would look after my little girl and love her as dearly as I did.”

“I... After Shining I couldn't have more children. It was a medical impossibility.” Twilight Senior said, a hitch in her voice. “So to be virtually handed a daughter, I didn't take much convincing. We were all so worried for Celestia. At times it looked like she wouldn't get much better, so it even looked logical to adopt you.”

“Then, very slowly, too slowly, I got better. I left hospital, I could live again. But you were two years old and calling Night and Twilight 'mom' and 'dad'. I was still a long way off actually being able to care for a child.” Celestia leaned in to look directly at Twilight. “That took another few years. By which point I thought I would be a horrible person to take you back. You would lose a father and a mother to come and live with your Aunty who you would mostly remember using a crutch and looking sad.” She sighed. “Then I was so involved in your life, it really looked like we would have the best of both worlds. I could mother you, Velvet could too and we would raise 'our' daughter.”

“I... I don't know if that would have been true.” Twilight had to admit. “But what about never telling me! I would have understood.”

“Your, um, issues, made us reluctant to try. For the longest time everything was just fine as it was.” Night said. “We all loved you. You loved us. You counted Celestia as family, we spent such a lot of time together.”

“There was some potential issues when I started running for political power.” Celestia grimaced. “However you were a minor and I tied it up, legally speaking, so that you would be left alone and the information remained unpublished.” She sighed and took hold of Luna in an embrace. “Which is probably why they went over our parent's death in such detail. Tabloids are the worst kind of thing.”

“Which is now why we had to discuss the matter of telling you now.” Luna said. “You are an adult now. A paper came across the information and they want to publish it. To spare you the pain we were trying to find the best way to tell you.”

“But I had to go and get all wound up and shout about it and let you know in one of the worst ways.” Twilight Velvet hung her head down low.

“I see.” Twilight was processing everything she had just been told. It was tragic, it was loving and it must have been so hard for everyone involved. Her mind roved over the wealth of sociological information she had learned over the years, mixing in with memories of time spent with Celestia and with her mom.

“We understand that you are upset that we broke your trust.” Twilight Velvet said.

“Just please know that we love you.” Night added.

“We will respect whatever you decide.” Celestia's voice still shook but she was looking at Twilight instead of avoiding eye contact with the younger woman. Her daughter.

Rainbow held onto Twilight, there was nothing here she could help with other than simply being there. They were the focus of the room, all eyes on them as everyone waited for a what felt like a verdict.

“I-” Twilight started but faltered. She stood, leaving Rainbow's guarding arms. “I need to think.” The librarian fled the room and Rainbow chased after her, not wishing to lose track of Twilight this time.

The room was silent. Twilight Velvet sat back in the sofa, Celestia buried her face in her hands. “It could have gone a lot worse.” Luna offered quietly. Her phone buzzed, a text. She took a look. “Rainbow says that they have gone to the farm. Twilight would like you to explain things to Spike.”

“We know she'll be safe anyway.” Night sighed.


Applejack had been very understanding when Rainbow and Twilight had arrived at the farm. “You just settle in the hayloft of the big barn. It's quiet in there and warm. Do you want anything to eat or drink at all?”

“I'm fine thank you.” Twilight couldn't put much emotion into it. “Rainbow. You can tell the girls everything. I need to think.”

“Alright. I'm around if you need me.” Rainbow held Twilight in a quick embrace, then let her climb the steps up to the loft.

“Tell us what?” Applejack asked as they left their friend. Twilight didn't listen out for Rainbow's reply. She settled into the cosy space and hoped it would help her keep calm while thinking over the information she had received.

There was some rustling, not long after Applejack and Rainbow had left, Twilight didn't stir. Sweet Apple Acres was home to many farm cats, so rats were never a problem. A beat later and a brown collie settled into the straw beside Twilight. Winona had decided to join her, the dog rested her head on the librarian's lap. Twilight let her hand stray into the fur, she did love dogs and Aplejack's was a friendly one. Maybe AJ had sent her, maybe Winona had figured Twilight was melancholy and needed company. Either way, Twilight didn't mind.

She sat back against a bale and looked at nothing in the middle-distance. It was time to really think. Possibly even decide.


After Twilight and Rainbow had left, the house-guests had gone their separate ways. Twilight Velvet and Night had gone to explain to Spike what had happened and to share the story of the past. The lies and hidden secrets. They had messaged Shining and Cadence to let them know how things had gone. There was “no point hiding things now” as Night had put it.

Celestia had returned to her room. She lay on her back on the guest bed, staring at the ceiling. “She hates me.” It was all she had said aloud in nearly an hour.

“I don't think Twilight is able to hate anyone.” Luna commented, she lay on the other half of the bed, on her side, turned to face her older sister. They had often spent time like this, just near each other as a comfort when upset. “She's confused. It is a lot to deal with. She has to come to a conclusion and have you ever known Twilight to make a snap decision?”

“Not once.” Celestia allowed. “However I am also aware that this is something that has lasted her lifetime. A truth that was so secret she had no idea there was a secret.” Celestia clenched her hands.

“That was never what I thought was the best idea.” Luna had to say. “ You should have told her sooner.”

“I thought she would see me badly for it.” Celestia protested.

“Twilight has loved you all her life 'Tia. If you had sat her down and explained to her everything from the past she would have understood.” Luna grabbed the hand nearest her and held it close. “You would have shared her just as well with her knowing as you would with her not.”

“This could have happened though. Alienated her completely from all of us.” Celestia brought her other hand over to stroke Luna's cheek. “I lost you for years. I don't think I could have managed if I lost Twilight too.”

“I was a different case to Twilight 'Tia, you know that.” Luna grabbed her sister in a hug. “I was a royal bitch, yes there were lots of reasons for that, but I was. Twilight has always been a sweetheart, a little shut in at times and prone to obsess, but a nice person.” She sighed. “This will work out okay. You'll see.”

“I hope so.” Celestia returned the embrace. All they could do was wait, at least this time they knew Twilight was safe.


There was a lot of factual information Twilight could draw on while thinking. She had read many books about different cultures, textbooks of sociology and anthropology that covered the family unit from every society in the world. There were those that followed the historical family group and some that had even theorised on new and emerging trends in the modern day.

However it was a little hard to apply them now, in a situation she was emotionally invested in. With her family, with her life, with her trust broken. It wasn't even as if Twilight no longer loved them, nor that her family loved her any less.

“I'm not getting anywhere.” Twilight spoke aloud, Winona looked up at her. “Sorry Winona, you're a dog. I think the only trust issues you'd ever experience are one too many invisible ball pranks.” Twilight scratched between the collie's ears.

She needed to talk to someone, but who? Rainbow had already given her some great advice, but this matter was something a professional would be better suited for. Someone who knew everyone involved. Someone she still felt she could trust. Twilight took out her phone and sent a text.

Hopefully this was the right idea.


Cadence parked her car at the Apple's farm. She had dropped Shining at Twilight's house, his parents needed the support and she had been asked to come to the farm alone. “Hi Cadence! What're you doing here?” Apple Bloom, doing her chores, had noticed the new arrival.

“Hello Apple Bloom. Twilight asked me to come.” Cadence looked around, apart from the animals and the youngest Apple, there was no sign of anyone.

“Oh right. AJ said she was in the big barn and I wasn't to disturb her.” The little redhead pointed over at the barn building. “Twilight needs some alone time, that's what Big Sis said.”

“Thanks Apple Bloom. Twilight messaged me, I think she wants to talk for a while.” Cadence set her phone to silent. If she had been invited to talk to Twilight, nothing was going to bother them.

The barn was quiet. Cadence considered the best way to approach Twilight, but she had to find the girl first. Fortunately some rustling and the appearance of a collie dog were enough of a signpost for her.

“Hello Twilight.” Cadence said softly when she reached her sister-in-law. Cousin? Things were going to be confusing for a long while.

“How long have you known?” No greeting. Cadence wasn't too surprised, Twilight was hurt and mistrustful. The girl's voice was tight, she was probably close to tears.

“A few weeks before the wedding.” Cadence sat down in the straw next to the librarian. “Mom sort of let it slip. It wasn't so much a secret, more something that wasn't...” She searched for a word. “Relevant?” Cadence shrugged. “I was quite excited to be getting a brand new sister, she just said 'But Twilight is your cousin anyway.' Like it was something that had just slipped my mind.”

“What?” Twilight sounded confused.

“I was six when you were born Twilight. We were still living overseas. I don't remember Dusk, I never knew Aunty Celestia had had a baby. When we came back, you were Shining's little sister.” Cadence sighed. “No one tells little kids the upsetting stuff. Dad travelled back for the funeral, mom never got on with his side of the family. This side of the family.”

“You still could have told me.” Twilight did not sound angry at Cadence. Still upset, but the older of the two felt a hand take hers.

“Go against everyone's wishes? Only Luna and I thought it would be good to tell you and in the aftermath of the wedding... You weren't stable enough. Most everyone there had lost your trust. Even your friends Twilight.” Cadence grasped the hand in hers tightly. “Then it went back to just being something that didn't need to be said.”

“Except it is and I found out.” Twilight sighed. “I still love them. I still love you and Shining. I still love Mom and Dad. They are my Mom and Dad, they raised me and cared for me. They love me.” Twilight sniffed, a tear was tracing her cheek, one Cadence wiped away. She leaned in for a comforting hug, like the ones she had gotten when the kids were mean to her in years gone by. “I do love Celestia, I have loved her so much all my life. Even when I was little.”

“I know.” Cadence carried on holding her cousin, her sister-in-law, her young charge. Twilight was dear to her in whatever context.

“I love her as much as Mom.” Twilight gave a mildly hiccuping laugh through her tears. “But she never said a thing! Not once!” Twilight blinked to clear her eyes. “But it wasn't a trust thing was it? I think everyone was so sad about it all, they just wanted to forget. To play pretend.”

“It seems like it.” Cadence had a professional opinion on the matter that was pretty much the same as Twilight's conclusion. “It was all such a sad thing, with such young people. It probably looked to be for the best. Especially with how long it took for her to get better.”

“I think I need to go and say I still love them. Even if I can't really... settle with it yet.” Twilight dried her face with the sleeve of her jumper, “This is huge. I'm still wrapping my head around it.”

“I understand.” Cadence still had an arm around Twilight. “I can go and let them know you are ready to talk again. Maybe get everyone to try and keep calm.”

“Thanks Cadey.” Twilight slipped on to the name she had used years ago.

“No problem Ladybug.” Cadence smiled. Beside them, Winona stirred and perked up. Someone had entered the barn.

“Hey Twilight. Do you want to come inside to eat?” Rainbow was down on the ground level. She sounded like she was taking things carefully, treating her partner gently.

“That sounds nice.” Twilight called down, her voice a little hoarse from crying. “Can Cadence join us?”

“Hi Rainbow.” The older woman leaned over to be seen and waved.

“I don't see why not.” Rainbow shrugged, she was smiling, Twilight's mood seemed much improved. “This is an Apple Family lunch, there is a heck of a lot of food!” Winona heard the magic word and was bounding down to eat. Twilight and Cadence were quick to follow.

As they walked to the house, Rainbow drew level with Cadence. “Is she okay?”

“I think she's dealing with all of this.” Cadence replied. “I know she still loves them, she said so herself. I think she wanted a sounding board, and I'm family in both-” She fished around for the right word, “instances.” She looked ahead to Twilight who was keeping pace with Winona, the collie circling her for a fuss and pet. "I hope you don't mind that I came for a chat with her?"

“Not at all. Thanks.” Rainbow gave a quick and companionable hug. “I'm not great at the emotional stuff. I had no clue how to help with this. You're practically her big sister, so of course she'd call you.” They reached the farm house to see Applejack on the porch. She had caught Twilight up into a bear hug. “Sometimes I envy her for this huge family she's made. Then I remember that she's let me into it.” Rainbow smiled a soft smile .

“You are really good for her too Rainbow. I want you to know that.” Cadence was less bashful about physical affection and put an arm around the pilot. “Keep an eye on her. There area few more hurdles to go.” Rainbow nodded.

“Come on y'all. Lunch is waitin'!” Aplejack chivved them along.


Lunch with the Apple clan was never quiet and always cheerful. When they had eaten their fill and had boxes of left-overs pressed into their hands, it was time to return to Twilight's home.

Cadence went on ahead in her car. To gather the family and lay some groundwork for Twilight's decision. Rainbow took the longer route home.

“You ready for this?” Rainbow asked as they turned onto the street.

“Yes.” Twilight nodded. She was a little stressed, but would feel much better after this talk. Even if she wasn't going to be one hundred percent for a while yet.

Author's Note:


I don't know, I'm making it all a little heavy here. But hey, when I was super stressed and depressed we found out the whole truth while Twilight was in the ICU! So count your blessings that I scrapped that particular line of story telling!

I'll make with the fluffyness soon. Honest. Game Day (if you've not read it) is all fluffy to make up for this. It was a little hard going at times, I hope that doesn't show.

Until next chapter! :twilightsmile:

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