• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 6: Party!

Twilight checked her hair in the mirror for the sixteenth time. It was time for the party, Pinkie having wasted no time whatsoever. She knew there was really no need to ‘do’ her hair, Rainbow barely did more than wash her own and she had spent a long time telling Twilight all her best features after the librarian had broached the subject at dinner the night before. She still couldn’t believe that she, Ponyville, no Canter State’s biggest bookworm had attracted the athletic, energetic and above all amazing Rainbow Dash. Rainbow had set out to prove otherwise and had spent a long time making Twilight blush like a stop light.

“Twilight! Come on! You’ll be late!” An impatient Spike hammered on the door, she was supposed to run him to Snip’s house for a sleepover before the party started and she was already cutting deeply into her scheduled ‘Freak out a lot’ time. But late was one step below the T word so she finally placed the brush back on her dresser and left her room.

“Alright Spike, got everything you need?”

“Yes Twilight.”


“Yes” Spike sighed.


“Please don’t call them that!”

“I will call them what I wish, you will recall last sleepover I had to bring them to Snail’s house when you realised you’d forgotten them.” Twilight replied, waving a finger in mock rebuke, “So, do you have some?”

“Yes I do.” Spike grumbled slightly and waved his bag around. “Now can we go? I’ve got all the important stuff!”

“Alright, alright!” Twilight and Spike left the house and he patiently waited in the car for Twilight to go through her leaving list. Eventually they were on their way across town to Snip’s house. “Have a nice time and be good. Don’t go chasing after any bears!” Twilight laughed, no one let those two boys forget their shenanigans when a travelling magician had visited the town. She was still getting compliments for her knowledge that led the bear safely home to the forest.

“Yeah, I think I’ll get them to play video games instead!” Spike chuckled. As they reached the neat suburban home of Snip’s family, Spike sighted his friends on the porch and jumped out with his bag in tow. “Bye Twilight!” He yelled and ran to his friends with a wave in her direction. Twilight smiled and pulled off again, Ponyville wasn’t just a benefit to her social life; Spike finally had friends his own age too.


She parked near Sugarcube Corner and made her way inside. An enthusiastic Rainbow met her at the door. “Hey babe,” A quick kiss and a guiding arm in place, Rainbow led Twilight to the party. “Everyone’s here, come on!”

“You mean I’m late?” Twilight had an edge to her voice.

“No, Twi’! Pinkie asked you to come now ‘cos she had a plan.” Rainbow spun Twilight once and caught her. “Now my little egghead, enter!” She flung open a door to reveal a darkened room. Not quite sure what to expect Twilight stayed close to Rainbow.

Suddenly a light was flicked on and Pinkie yelled “Surprise!!” The room was well populated with her friends and a few other locals, Bon-bon and Lyra waved from the far corner, Rarity was stood close to Cheerielee. Ditzy was serving herself some punch with John close by. Just the right sized crowd for a good party without being overwhelming.

“You know Pinkie, a surprise party means you don’t tell me it’s going to happen.” Twilight deadpanned, earning a snort from Rainbow.

“Yeah I know, but a party just isn’t the same without yelling surprise!” Pinkie smiled hugely and danced off to “party-up” the other guests. Rainbow handed a cup of punch to Twilight.

“So, all these guys know about us now, is that ok?”

“No problem Rainbow, these are our friends and I trust them all.” Twilight took a swig of the punch. “Ah! Pinkie doesn’t do halves when making a ‘grown-up’ party punch. I could fuel a car with this!”

She made a face and held out the glass, Rainbow gave it a sniff, “Maan, this is a no naked flames job. Nice!” She grabbed her own and downed it gasping at the sudden burning. Twilight laughed at her overreaction and carried on drinking her own punch. The music started then and they moved to the dance floor.

“Pinkie parties are great!” Twilight thought as Rainbow pulled her closer.


“Night guys!! Thanks for coming to my party. Say hi to Dinky and Sparkler.” Pinkie waved off the first of her guests to leave. Surveying the room she noticed Lyra and Bon-Bon messing around with party hats, Applejack and Fluttershy were talking animatedly about something with Big Mac in his usual silent state, Fluttershy really opened up after a drink but Mac would look after her tonight. Rarity and Cheerielee were dancing, her Pinkie sense was niggling about those pair. Some spying would be in order soon. As for the girls of the hour, well, they were sat on the comfy chair. Pinkie gave a tiny yay, she loved to see her friends happy and those two were super duper happy! Switching tracks on the playlist, Pinkie jumped onto the dance floor.


The music came to a halt and Pinkie yawned hugely. Lyra and Bon-Bon had left with their hands in each other’s pockets. Rarity was snoring gently, leaned against a slightly less quiet Cheerielee. Fluttershy had wilted against Macintosh who was holding her in place with care and the soppiest look in his eyes. On a sofa, sprawled over each other were Rainbow and Twilight, only Applejack and she had lasted out.

“Blankets?” Applejack asked.

“Blankets.” Confirmed Pinkie.


Each couple was festooned with multicoloured blankets, apart from Mac and ‘Shy, he was holding her, pink hair falling over his shoulder as Fluttershy nestled against him. “We’ll be getting back now Pinkie, Ah’ll put ‘Shy up in my bed.” Applejack looked at her friend fondly, “Ah don’t mind the couch and seeing as she’s asleep already...” Applejack hugged Pinkie. “See yah again sugarcube.” Pinkie watched her friends leave until they turned the corner. She returned to the scene of the party and smiled at the sleeping pairs.

A rustle from a closet caught her attention. “Oh... Silly me! I forgot!” Pinkie happily skipped to a door no different from any of the others and opened it up. A lanky young man with almond skin and a mop of blonde hair emerged, a guitar in hand. “How long have you been in there now Meadowsong?” Pinkie asked, grabbing him close and pulling his head down.

“Oh, a little over half an hour now my pie.” Their lips met and Pinkie left the kiss with a smile.

“I’ll introduce you to all my friends now that all the relationship drama is over. Pinkie Promise.” Meadowsong chuckled as she playfully led him to bed.

“Your friends seem nice.”

“The best buddy, and remember that because,” she struck a pose. “If you wanna be my lover, you better get with my friends!”Meadowsong winced at her choice of phrase but softened it with a grin.

“As you wish.” He whispered into her ear, smiling as her poufy hair tickled his nose. They crossed the threshold of her bedroom and vaulted to the bed. It wasn’t for the first time that Pinkie was glad her room was so far apart from everyone else in the building.

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