• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 17: Meet the Parents

The Sparkle family home was in a tidy suburb, apparently only a few streets away from Celestia’s own home. The lawn had a flagpole like every other, a state flag flying proud and a campaign placard for Celestia, Soulad – Carmine declared their political affiliations. Rainbow smiled, this would explain a lot about Twilight for sure.

“Ladies, please disembark for a family dinner, this is your captain hoping you’ve had a nice journey. Cadence Signing off!” Twilight and Cadence giggled and Rainbow rolled her eyes, a lot was certainly being explained. It also made her feel a little bad, thinking back to how dismissive she had been at the wedding, when Twilight had said Cadence was acting strange. She gave Twilight an extra squeeze as they walked up the path, it helped a little with the guilt.

“What was that about?” Twilight whispered as they entered the house.

“Nothing, just, you know... Courage and junk.” Rainbow smiled warmly, or at least did her best. Meeting the parents... that could send any stomach into a spin.

There was bustle in the kitchen, something good was cooking by the smell of it. A dark blue haired head appeared out of the doorway adjacent to the kitchen. “Cadence! Twily!” He left the room and gathered the young women in an embrace.

“Hey dad.” Twilight smiled and snuggled his shoulder. Cadence grinned and extricated herself, muttering about going to help her mother in law. Twilight hugged her dad. “Dad, I want you to meet Rainbow Dash.” She swivelled slightly and gestured her girlfriend forward.

“Pleasure to meet you Rainbow.” Night Sparkle held his hand out to shake and Rainbow returned it. “I trust you’re staying here for the duration?”

“Uh, sure yeah...” Rainbow shrugged and rubbed the back of her head.

“Where’s mom? Twilight slipped from her father’s grip and tugged Rainbow closer to herself.

“She’s possibly in the kitchen. Or it may be Shining...” He trailed off and scratched his head. “She did say about a casserole? Off you go young beings, I am hardly any help... In the middle of research...” He wandered back into the room he had exited as an amused Twilight and slightly confused Rainbow looked on.

“Don’t mind dad Rainbow, he’s a little scatty during big projects. Some research of his has been returning results recently.” Twilight smiled as she led them towards the kitchen.

“I can see where you get that from!” Rainbow teased, following her, the smell of cooking food getting stronger.

“Mom? Shiny?” Twilight called ahead, from experience it was not the best idea to surprise anyone while they were in the kitchen.

“Twilight dear! Do come in!” a voice called from within. Twilight gingerly opened the door, seemingly wary of something, Rainbow followed close behind. They entered the kitchen and Rainbow noticed a woman a little shorter than Twilight but with similar hair fussing over a kitchen timer. Twilight covered the gap between them quickly and gave her mother a hug from behind.

“Mom! Oh, I missed you.” She let her mother turn around and hug her back and gave a little sniff. Rainbow smiled and stood back from the family reunion, she knew Twilight felt guilty about moving away from her family and wasn’t about to interrupt this moment. They separated and Twilight beckoned Rainbow over for the second time that afternoon. “Mom, this is Rainbow Dash, you know, the girl I told you about?”

Twilight’s mother turned to face Rainbow with a knowing smile. “Hello dear,” She shook hands with Rainbow, “Twilight, we met at the wedding remember? I’ve got a better memory than your father anyway.” She let go of her daughter and leaned back against one of the kitchen counters. “So, you two are getting on well together?”

“Mom!” Twilight blushed scarlet, surprised at the sudden change of direction in their conversation.

“What? You wrote to say you had a girlfriend, goodness while I was slightly surprised that my little girl had gotten all grown up I was pleased to have the new photo to add to the wall... I digress; I like to get to the point dear. So long as you are both happy I have no problems, so I just had to ask!”

“Uh, yeah... This is kinda the happiest I’ve been on the ground since Speed died.” Rainbow smiled but noticed Twilight’s mother’s face. “Oh, heh, Speed was this old guy who set me straight and basically gave me my airfield. He passed a little while before Twi’ moved in.”

“Oh, sorry dear.” She gave the slight sad moue of those who are told of a loss, “So Twilight?”

“Mom, Rainbow is the best thing since I made friends.” She grinned and happily let Rainbow hold her closer. “Spike’s ok of it too and you know how protective he gets.”

Velvet smiled, “I can see you two are close, Rainbow Dash, welcome to the family. Though I do warn you’ll have to work around Night and Shining, those two are rather protective of little Twily.” She smiled warmly and embraced them both. “Oh my baby all grown up.” She mock wiped a tear from her eye. “At least I still have little Spike.” As she was speaking Shining and Cadence came through the door and with a sly wink to Twilight and Rainbow, on that her daughter in law noticed, she continued. “And grandchildren you know, oh I have some many cultures to grandmother from! I just need some grandchildren now!”

“Mom, when we’re good and ready.” Shining replied, a mixture of groan and a sigh. Cadance, his mother, Rainbow and Twilight all burst out laughing. “Hah, hah, hah. Are we making dinner then?”

The four in the kitchen bustled about for a while until Twilight slipped off to show Rainbow around the house.


“And this is my old bedroom...” Twilight opened a door marked with a number of eloquent “No Entry” notices and some school pennants. Rainbow stifled a chuckle that they were from Debate, Mathlete, Trivia Squad and the spelling team. The room beyond was lined with books, charts and posters on typical nerdy subjects. There were trophies and rosettes in one cabinet.

“You won prizes?” Rainbow stepped over to check the engravings. “Science Fair? State Science Fair? I’m impressed egghead.”

“There are state ribbons for debate too. Oh, and a few Spelling Bee prizes.” Twilight sat in the chair at her old desk and set a Newton’s Cradle clicking. “Nothing sporty though, that was all Shining.”

“Twi’ its cool, really. I mean, you are a champion egghead! The best!” She chuckled when she caught sight of Twilight’s expression. “Aww babe, I love you pulling faces like that!” She pulled the navy haired head closer and kissed the top of it.

“You really mean my trophies are awesome? But you call your trophies awesome and they’re for much cooler things...” Twilight had her self-mocking voice in full strength. The same one that often preceded one of her “epic freak-outs”. Rainbow moved into damage control mode.

“Eeeyup Twi’. Not just any old poindexter, no sir, but the alpha smarty pants. The one who goes off and like, changes the world somehow. I mean, I got trophies for planes and like, throwing myself down insane ramps. They are awesome stuff to do and cool to win at but you? You could end up in a book, heck you could end up writing a book that the people in books use!” Rainbow had at this point struck a pose and was waving at the posters, charts and text books around the room.

“You sure?” It was a subdued voice with a watery smile behind it.

“Yeah Twi’, you’re like super smart.” Rainbow stood her girlfriend up and gave her a hug.

“Sorry, sorry... It was just being in here again... I don’t think I ever expected to have friends, let alone a romantic partner in here!” She giggled, “Even three years ago, boy has stuff changed quickly.” She smiled to assuage Rainbow’s concerns.

“Dinner Everyone!” Shining yelled from downstairs.

“Well, time to go for food. Be ready to run.” With that cryptic remark Twilight led Rainbow to the dining room.

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