• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,007 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 34: Safe

The house was quiet. No one was really in the mood to talk. When Firefly's phone rang everyone in the room was eager for any news. “Hon?” Firefly listened as the others watched. “That is fantastic! Now get back here double-time pilot!” She smiled so widely that everyone knew it was good news.

“Goodbye love.” She ended the call and looked to Twilight senior. “Rainbow found her. They are on their way back now.”

There was utter relief on the faces of the family and Celestia looked serene again. Firefly smiled again. “Thank goodness.” Twilight Velvet said. She still had a quaver in her voice but wasn't clutching at Night any more.

“I'll go and tell the others.” Firefly wheeled across to the kitchen. “They've found her!” She grinned. The girls shouted excitedly and Spike slumped into his chair, things were okay now and his big sister was safe. Fluttershy ran a gentle hand over his head.

“I knew Rainbow would find her.” He said, smiling at last. No one wanted to go home yet, the friends had to at least see for themselves that Twilight was okay.

Out on the deck Luna and Cadence heard the happy shouts. “It seems Rainbow has come through for us all.” Luna smiled. “Come, we should be with the family. If we are all in one place we can speak with Twilight if she wishes.”

“I wouldn't want to if I were her.” Cadence said sadly, accepting an arm for a hug from her auntie.

Having told the anxious waiting household, Firefly called the police to let them know that Twilight was safe and well. An officer arranged to visit in the morning for statements and to wrap things up, Firefly made a note to tell the girls. Then she set herself in the window, watching for the lights of Dath's car.


Dath walked close behind Rainbow and Twilight, to catch either of the girls if they tripped and to keep an eye on them both. He watched the pair and was pleased to see that Rainbow wasn't as tense. Not only that, but her presence was helping Twilight. They really were a good match and Dath was beginning to think it was about time he find a certain item to pass on to his daughter.

“Are you feeling a little warmer?” Rainbow asked, for about the hundredth time. She was worried that Twilight would get ill, spending so long out in the cold. She'd not removed her arm from around Twilight since they had reunited and was wondering if she'd want to let go even in two days time.

“Yes. Thank you. This jacket is really great.” Twilight was still very quiet but she had stopped crying.

“Are you feeling a bit better?” Rainbow didn't want to probe, but she also didn't want to have to spend the night chasing Twilight, it would probably make them both ill.

“A little. You make me less confused.” Twilight grasped the hand holding her. “With you I feel like I can face anything.” It was true, instead of being more anxious as they left the forest and Twilight knew she would be returning home, Twilight was feeling more confident. She would find out the facts, whatever they were, and feel better.

“Twi' I love you.” Rainbow couldn't think of anything else to say. Nothing else would be right. The librarian's reply was to simply lean in closer, putting her own arm around Rainbow.

Walking behind them, Dath smiled. He couldn't have been prouder.

The three left he forest and took the short walk to the car in silence. It was time to get home.


A key turned in the lock and Dath entered the house. Many people crowded into the hallway. “How is she?”

“Is Twilight with you?”

“Is she okay?”

Some of the louder shouts pierced the cacophony but Dath weathered it, when things were getting a little chaotic he lifted a hand to stay the questions. “Twilight is alright. Tired and emotional but otherwise fine.” Dath said.

“What is happening now?” Night asked from the doorway to the lounge. He looked exhausted and Dath understood the reason.

“Twilight said she just wants to sleep.” Dath looked at the crowd of faces, the family and friends who had all been waiting for news. This part was going to be difficult. “Right now, she only wants to see the girls and Spike. “ He nodded to the others. “Sorry, she's not in the best state of mind.”

“We understand.” Night sighed. Shining looked like he wanted to argue but Cadence was close to tears, so he kept quiet.

“We will remain in the lounge.” Luna said, taking charge of the group Twilight was not up to facing. “Tell Twilight, from me at least, that she can talk to us whenever she feels ready.”

“Of course. Thank you.” Dath was grateful that his task had been easy. Twilight had refused to leave his car unless someone had cleared the way for her and Rainbow didn't want to leave her partner for even a second. “I'll go and fetch her now.”

“Will she need any help?” Applejack checked.

“I think Rainbow has that covered.” Dath said. “Thanks.” He hurried from the house. Firefly had wheeled herself from the lounge.

“I think once Twilight is in bed the family will be heading back to where they are staying.” After she had contacted the police to let them know that Twilight had been found, Firefly had been party to the tense family discussion on how to proceed. Everyone had been hopeful that the girl would be willing to talk with them before Thanksgiving, or at the very least before the family had to return home.

Further conversation was cut short as Twilight and Rainbow entered their home. “Sorry.” Twilight said, still a little teary, entirely too pale and very tired looking. She was surrounded by her friends and her little brother in short order. Rainbow relinquished her grasp as her friends held Twilight close.

“Keep an eye on her please mom, dad.” She slipped into the lounge and faced the people within.

“Thank you Rainbow.” Twilight senior said, immediately.

“I'm really angry with you all.” Rainbow couldn't hold it back. There were no angry gasps or even a word of disagreement in response. “You kept this a secret from Twilight her whole life. So she found out in the worst possible way and had a major freak-out.” Rainbow held tight control on her voice. Shouting would more than likely upset her girlfriend. “Right now I don't need to know why, or how or anything like that. I just need you to know that Twilight is most upset about not being told the truth. Especially from the people she looked up to, trusted and loved the most.”

“Rainbow...” Celestia started to speak.

“No. It isn't me who was hurt by all of this. Twilight will talk when she's ready. Now it is late and she needs to sleep and I plan to be there with her.” Rainbow turned around and walked out of the room. The family behind her were left stunned.

“She's right.” Cadence said quietly. “And I can see just how much she loves Twily , why Twily loves her.”

“I don't know about you, but I want to go and sleep and see what the morning brings.” Luna stood. “Some of you have to go elsewhere and it is getting late. Goodnight.” She left the room, it was not her habit to retire early, but any further discussion now would be far from positive.

In the hallway the girls were each saying goodbye and giving Twilight a last hug. “Please Twilight, come to one of us next time.” Rarity said, clasping her friend's hands after their embrace.

“Just say you need company and not conversation. We can have quiet time together.” Fluttershy softly added.

“Even if you want to be alone, just holler and you can come to Sweet Apple Acres for as long as y'like.” Applejack put a hand on Twilight's shoulder.

“Thanks girls. I'll remember that.” Twilight was feeling close to overwhelmed when she noticed Luna. “Luna.” Her voice wavered a little.

“I'm glad you are home safe Twilight. I'm going to bed but will talk with you whenever you wish. I understand the need to get away.” She didn't stick around, unable to bear a reaction from Twilight, in case it was negative. There were a few weak smiles and waves from the girls.

“Goodnight and goodbye.” Luna said to the three.

“I think it is time we headed home.” Rarity said. Looking at the time.

“Oh yes. But please let us know tomorrow if you need us.” Fluttershy took her coat from the rail.

“Night all.” Applejack stepped forward and chucked Rainbow on the shoulder. “Y' did good.”

“Thanks AJ, bye girls.” Rainbow waved them off. Her parents also said their goodbyes and took their leave. Once everyone was gone she joined Twilight, still stood in the hallway.

“I need to sleep.” Twilight leaned into Rainbow. “I can't even start to think about facing everything until I have slept.” Spike was still hugging her, his arms wrapped around her since the moment she walked in. “Come on Spike. It is time for bed.”

“I know. You'll be here in the morning?” He swapped hugging for hand holding.

“Yes. Or I will let you know where I am going.” Twilight took Rainbow's hand in her free hand and they took the stairs. Spike went to his room, Twilight and Rainbow to theirs.


Settled into bed, Twilight soon fell asleep, she was finally safe and warm after an exhausting day. Rainbow took a little longer, she lay next to her partner holding her loosely, just watching the indigo haired woman sleep. The feelings of the day had been intense but had confirmed a lot of thoughts Rainbow had been mulling of late.

Finally tired enough, Rainbow snuggled closer to Twilight and closed her eyes. She'd fall asleep and wake to a new day. Even if there were some tough questions to ask.

Author's Note:

Well, here's a chapter. I will reveal all next chapter.

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