• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Mega Stones

Kalos Region, Couriway Town. One of BigTime Ben's buildings.

"Here you are." A man came over, placing down a bag on a counter. "They're still in good condition. Nothing bad has happened to them, thankfully."

"Let's take a look shall we?" The lady at the counter leaned forward, opening the bag. Inside the bag were the fabled and mighty mega Stones. The stones capable of making certain Pokemon reach their true final forms and awaken their hidden potentials. Mega Evolution. And a huge pile of them were just sitting in this bag. Not all of them, there were some Mega Stones for Pokemon that weren't available. "Yep. They're all here and still safe. I'm impressed you managed to get through that harsh weather and somehow still keeping them safe."

"What can I say? I'm a master at breaking through the impossible. So, what now?"

"Well, now we have to lend them over to some trainers. After all, mega stones are not easy to come by. The fact that you managed to discover some more over at Otori Mountain is a lucky break." The lady looked back at a bunch of sacks that all had mega stones in them. The man had gathered every single of them through his escapades.

"Who do we give them to? Just scatter them out for every trainer in Kalos?"

"No. Instead, we'll ship out these stones to the other world. And some other regions."

"You mean the world of ponies?" The man raised his eyebrow.

"That's right. The Pokemon League over at their world is still young and new. And BigTime Ben has requested that we ship over some mega Stones to Equestria. That's the reason why we sent you back to grab all those stones."

"So, I just went on a fetch quest and I don't get anything in return?" The man shrugged.

"I'll talk to Ben and see what he can give you. Right now, we have to get these stones to the other side."

So the shipment began. Mega stones available to certain Pokemon were being sent to other regions and the other world. BigTime Ben figured that it was about time that Equestria was introduced to one of the many Pokemon phenomenons. And what better phenomenon to start with than the Mega Evolution Phenomenon. If it goes well, then maybe Equestria can be introduced to other Pokemon phenomenons. But, these stones weren't just going to be handed out for free. Those with Pokemon that match the stones would have to earn them.

All the way over at Equestria, Canterlot.

Celestia had just gotten news of the key stone arrival. BigTime Ben had informed her and since she was the ruler of Equestria, Ben had decided to give her a a bunch of free mega stones for her subjects, and a specific stone just for her Pokemon Passion when it ends up evolving into a Gardevoir. Not only that, but he had given her a keystone. A small accessory that allows the trainer to activate mega evolution. Celestia's was designed after the regalia that was on her neck.

"So this is a Mega Stone. The source of Mega Evolution." Celestia was observing the stone made for her Pokemon. The way the stone was designed had the exact colour patterns of her Kirlia, but it was for Gardevoir instead. "It even matched Passion's colouring."

"So that means that a Pokemon can go beyond and reach a 4th evolution?" Luna said as she was looking inside the box of key stones as well.

"Apparently so. And here I thought we knew everything about evolution. That just goes to show how unpredictable Pokemon can be. Look, Passion." Celestia showed Passion the stone. The Emotion Pokemon took a gander at the key stone. Eventually, she'll be able to tap into the stone's power and go beyond a normal Gardevoir.

"I wonder. Is it possible for you to Mega Evolve Darkai?" Luna asked her partner.

"No idea. I'm pretty sure that only a certain selection of Pokemon can mega evolve." Darkrai replied, lurking in the corners as he always does.

"Well, you're a lucky pony, sister. You get a mega Stone and I don't?" Luna slumped.

"I'm sure some of your other Pokemon can mega evolve. Hopefully."

"Hm. Perhaps. If that's true, then that would mean I will not only be the pony with the most Pokemon at their disposal, but I shall have the most Mega Evolved Pokemon at my hoof! Oh, how wonderful!" Luna squeed.

"But I'm curious on how Mega Evolution works. And why only a select few Pokemon are granted it." Celestia wondered. "Maybe I can start my own research on Pokemon. Like Twilight."

"You? Researching Pokemon?"

"My curiosity sometimes gets the better of me, Luna. Besides, there's no shame in increasing my skills and knowledge, even as ruler."

"I suppose so. By the way, Tia. Have you checked up on Pyrestar recently?"

"Indeed I have. I've let our fused self borrow my bed in the meantime. Until we stop Ghetsis and return her to her own universe, she's practically a new family member. Even though... she's us." Celestia placed her hoof on her chin.

"If she has been around longer than us in her own universe, does that mean that she's the oldest of us all?" Luna wondered.

"Indeed I am." Pyrestar showed herself by entering the throne room. She was no longer gloomy anymore. Ever since Ash made a promise to get her back to her universe and Celestia and Luna comforting her, Pyrestar has been much more cheery lately. "Your universe has yet to experience the same amount of years mine has. So that means that I am in a sense... your older sister."

"Older sister?!" Celestia and Luna both said.

"Mhm. Call me big sister Pyrestar from now on." She trotted further towards them. "But do not worry. I am not here to overtake your throne. This isn't my Equestria after all."

"Ugh. Now I feel even more insignificant..." Luna was huddled in a dark corner near Darkraiwith her hooves crossed, rocking back and forth. "Now I have two sisters who are older than me. And one of them is one half of me."

"Oh don't feel too bad Luna. This technically means that you're somewhat an older sister due to them being fused." Celestia tried to cheer her up.

"Really?" Luna turned around with puppy-dog eyes.

"Yes...So we both win." Celestia nodded.

"I suppose so. Alright. I'll accept it. But I shall not be calling you big sister Pyrestar."

"Fine by me." Pyrestar chuckled.

Celestia placed the Gardevoirite in a small little chest. She would end up utilizing it when Passion finally evolves into a Gardevoir, whenever that day comes. "Perhaps some of the foals at Hollow's class have some Pokemon that can Mega Evolve. I'll have Hollow hold onto a few of them."

The Mega Stones had been shipped out to the rest of Equestria. They were given to humans who had experience with key stones. And their job was to head out across Equestria and see which pony is worthy of obtaining one. If they had the right Pokemon that is.

Hollow came in today to teach the class more about Pokemon. He was given the box by a guard, feeling all those stones inside. It was a pretty heavy box to carry. He opened the box as he saw Mega Stones for a bunch of Pokemon. Most of them were duplicates since there's not too many stones in the world. And the only Pokemon that everyone knows can Mega Evolve are a select few. Hollow decided that he could end up teaching them about mega evoltuion. Today's subject would have to wait another time.

Inside the class, the little colts and filled were already seated, still holding onto the Pokemon eggs that they were given a while back. They still hadn't hatched, so they kept the eggs with them and put them underneath their seats every single time.

"What are we gonna learn about this time?" Sapphire Flash said.

"Last time it was about terrain moves. I hope it's something interesting today." Sunrise Sprint commented. In came Hollow with the box of key stones. The weight that they were carrying was absurd.

"Morning...kids..." Hollow was losing balance as the sounds of stones moving about in the box was heard. He finally got some rest by placing the box on the table, taking a deep breath. "Finally."

"What's in the box, Mr Hollow?" A colt asked. "Are we gonna play with marbles?"

"Not quite. Kids. Today you're gonna learn about something extraordinary."

"Better than boring field moves?" Sunrise sat up.

"Yes, Sunrise. Better than field moves. By the way, how are those eggs coming along?"

"They still haven't hatched. They're taking too long." A filly held hers up.

"That's odd. They should've hatched long ago. Give it time. Pokemon eventually hatch from eggs no matter what. But right now...let me introduce you all...to these." Hollow opened up the box, revealing the Mega Stones to all the little ponies here.

"Woaaah...." Everypony, except Dew Drops who was in the corner, leaned forward to get a good look at the stones. They were mesmerised by their glistening appearances and fetching colour pallets.

"These, my little ponies, are Mega Stones." said Hollow.

"Mega Stones? What are they for?" A colt asked.

"Sit back and let me teach you about Mega Evolution." They all sat back at their seats, ready to get a good listen on Mega Evolution. "Now. How do I explain this in a simple way? Mega Stones are the result of Evolution stones being irradiated by the power of the Legendary Pokemon, Xerneas and Yveltal. The energy that those two give out is so potent that it completely changes the stones as a whole. These stones can allow Pokemon to Mega Evolve. Reaching their final stage."

"Wait! I thought Pokemon could only have 3 evolutions most of the time?" A filly spoke up.

"They can. But Mega Evolution pushes it further. It's more along the lines of hidden potential in a Pokemon. The best example is Ampharos. Ampharos's whole line is nothing but Electric-Type. But once it Mega Evolves, the massive amounts of energy intensely stimulate it's cells, re-awakening its long-sleeping dragon’s blood. Even if its wool comes grows back."

"Woah...so Ampharos is actually a Dragon?" Sunrise questioned..

"Mhm. Same goes for other Pokemon that can Mega Evolve. Some of them even gain a second typing while others remain the same. It's amazing really. There's a total of 46 Pokemon that can Mega Evolve. Pretty small considering the huge number of Pokemon that exist in the world."

"Well...are they the only ones that can Mega Evolve and no other Pokemon can?" Sapphire asked.

"They are the only ones. But, every Pokemon has a hidden potential laying dormant within them. Every Pokemon has the power Mega Evolve, it's just that we haven't found the rest of them. There are a lot of Pokemon, and not every Evolution Stone has been affected by Xerneas and Yveltal."

"Wow...I can't wait till my Pokemon egg hatches. Maybe the Pokemon inside can Mega Evolve!" A colt lifted up his egg.

"Mine too! I bet it's going to be part water when it Mega Evolves!" A filly had a wide smile. "Water is the best type to me."

"Can we see Mega Evolution, please Mr Hollow?" Sapphire Flash asked.

"Well...none of the Pokemon I have can really Mega Evolve...but I'm sure we can still find some trainers who have Pokemon can Mega Evolve. The Pokemon House has trainers come by very often, so I'm sure we'll find some. Plus, it's also my job to give out these Mega Stones to see who's worthy of them."

"Then let's go! I wanna see this with my own eyes!" Sunrise was about to hop out of his seat along with the others.

"Hold on, my little ponies. Before we take off, I should mention one thing about Mega Evolution." Hollow made them all sit back down to hear these last words. "Despite how great and awesome I make Mega Evolution sound, not all of it is pretty. It has itss drawbacks. Some Pokemon actually suffer from this."

"S-Suffer?!" The ponies all said.

"Mhm. You see...because Mega Evolution is the result of radiation, it's not natural like normal evolution. Because of this, the radiation ends up accelerating the adredaline in a Pokemon. For example, a Pokemon like Lucario which is known for having a respectable and amazing fighting style, can end up battling in heartless manor. Where it becomes aggressive and brutal. It's even capable of turning Pokemon against their own trainers, such as Salamance, Tyranitar and Aerodactyl. What's worse is that some of them even experience pain from this. A Glaile can end up letting out excess energy of Mega Evolution, which ends up breaking its jaw."

What Hollow said had terrified the little foals. They went from seeing Mega Evolution as the coolest thing ever to the most terrifying thing to ever exist. They shaking in their seats.

"I don't think I like Mega Evolution anymore..." A colt said.

"Don't worry. All these things I've said are terrifying, but one thing you can also know thankfully, is that these problems can be solved."

"They can?" Sapphire said.

"Mhm. If the trainer shares a powerful bond with that Pokemon in its Mega-State, they can overcome the suffering and become one with their Pokemon. After all, the bonds between humans and Pokemon is what led to our world's thriving nature."

Hearing that made all the ponies gain a sigh of relief. They were still terrified of it, but not as much anymore. It was now time for them to head out and see Mega Evolution for themselves.

At the Pokemon House.

Ash and the Mane 6 were all there at this moment. They were here because Rainbow Dash was searching for a new Pokemon. Just to prepare for the fifth Gym Battle in Trottingham.. The next gym was all about weather, and Rainbow Dash wanted a Pokemon that can deal with something like that. She may be an expert at weather thanks to being a pegasus, but she can't get too confident. After all, she struggled back at the fourth gym which was all about speed. And being an expert on speed, it was insanely tough for her. So she needed a Pokemon that can handle the weather.

"I think what you need is a Pokemon that is bound by the weather." Fluttershy said.

"Okay, which Pokemon is it then?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Castform. It is the Weather Pokemon after all." Fluttershy recommended.

"Castform...?" Rainbow Dash had never heard of it until now. "Okay...can I see it?"

"Oh, sorry. But Castform doesn't hang around here that much like other Pokemon. It seems to be more of a wandering Pokemon that goes all over the place."

"Ugh. Do you know where I can find one then?" Rainbow Dash groaned.

"Nope. But if I see one come over, I'll let you know."

"You know, Rainbow. You can also just have a Pokemon that has an ability to deal with weather." Ash spoke.

"I can? How so?" Rainbow flew to Ash.

"Some abilities make weather effects a thing of the past. Although, they're kinda limited since some abilities only work for on weather effect."


"I don't want to deal with just one weather effect. For all I know, this gym could use all kinds of weather effects that I don't have a way around! I gotta prepare myself. These gyms are getting tougher as they go. There has to be an ability that deals with all weather effects."

"Sorry. Don't know if there is one." Ash shrugged.

"This is going nowhere," Rainbow Dash sighed. She turned her head to see Hollow's class arriving. Since he was a teacher, he might probably know of something. But the answer would be the same anyways. "Oh! Hollow!"

The rest of the group turned to heads to see Hollow and the students. Their eyes also locked onto the box of mega stones.

"What have you got in there, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Looks pretty heavy. Are you brining something over for the house." said Fluttershy.

"Mr Hollow's here to teach us about Mega Evolution!" Sunrise exclaimed. "The coolest...and scariest thing ever!"

"Mega Evolution?" Rarity wondered.

"Oh, yeah that's right. You weren't at the stadium that time Rarity." Twilight turned to her friend. Her and the others, other than Rarity experienced Mega Evolution for the first time when Ash battled Korrina at the Lumiose City Battle Fest. They and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were the first ponies ot ever see Mega Evolution. "Mega Evolution is...something alright."

"I wonder which Pokemon can Mega Evolve? Can one of mine, maybe?" Rainbow Dash flew down.

"You've got an Altaria. So yeah it can Mega Evolve." Hollow answered.

"Yes! Altaria come out." Rainbow Dash grinned, sending out her Pokemon. "We're gonna try and pull off what Korrina and Lucario did. Come on Altaria, let's Mega Evolve right now on the spot!"


"Ooh, sorry. That's kind of impossible." Hollow uttered.

"I wouldn't say that, Hollow." Twilight stepped in, ready to give off her powerful friendship speeches once more. "I know that Mega Evolution is formed by the powerful bond of trainer and Pokemon. Rainbow Dash and Altaria already share a powerful bond, so Mega Evolution is possible for them. Their friendship will-"

"No, I mean it's impossible because you need the stone." Hollow interrupted her.

"...Oh. Heheh...I knew that." Twilight blushed.

"Which is why I have this box." Hollow placed the box down, revealing the stones to the rest of the group. He looked over all the stones that were inside once more to see if the Altarianite was in.

"Check out all those stones!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"They're gorgeous!" Rarity squeed. "I wouldn't mind using those for accessories!"

"So, which ones mine?" Rainbow asked Hollow.

"Hmm...I don't see the Altarianite in here, unfortunately. Guess it wasn't apart of this box."

"Seriously?! Ugh! I really wanted to try Mega Evolution today." Rainbow Dash sighed with disappointment in her voice.

"Don't feel too down. There's probably an Altarianite somewhere out there in our world. Maybe you can set out to find it someday." Hollow suggested.

"That's exactly what I'll do. I gotta make sure my dream team is the best that it can be!"

"Come on! I wanna see some Pokemon Mega Evolve already!" A colt yelled.

"Ash. You have at least two Pokemon that can Mega Evolve. Your Gengar and Riolu whenever it ends up becoming a Lucario. Would you like to hold on to some stones maybe?" Hollow went over to Ash with the box.

"Me? Use Mega Evolution? Hrmmgh...I don't know. I've never used it before." Ash thought.

"Well, let's see if the stones are here." Hollow searched inside the box and found that the Gengarite and Lucariorite were not in the box as well. "Huh?! Even they're not inside?! What's with this box? It's nothing but repeats."

"Aw. Does this mean that we won't get to see Mega Evolution?" Sapphire lowered her head.

Hollow didn't want to disappoint his class, so he had to find a solution quick. Then, he looked over at Fluttershy and her Audino and remembered that Audino can Mega Evolve. And inside the box was indeed a Audinite. Audino is a fairly common Pokemon compared to the rare ones such as Lucario and Gengar.

"Jackpot! Fluttershy. Would you mind Mega Evolving your Audino?" Hollow held the Audinite in his hands.

"Me? My Audi?" Fluttershy turned to her helper. Audino looked back at her, unaware that even she could Mega Evolve as well. "I've never tried Mega Evolution before. Am I even up for it?"

"Of course you are. You and Audino are basically best buds." Pinkie hopped over to her. "So come on! Let's see that Mega Evolution!"

"Please, Fluttershy. We really wanna see it!" A filly said as the young foals leaned forward, making pleading puppy dog eyes. Fluttershy then looked up at Hollow, seeing that he wanted the foals to have some excitement judging by the awkward grin on his face. And it was up to Fluttershy to give them that excitement.

"Alright. I'll do it. It'll be my first time anyways."

"Great. You've got the stone. And now for the finishing touch." Hollow dug inside the box once more as he got out a keystone. The keystones came with boxes since the only way to Mega Evolve your Pokemon is if you have a Key Stone to react to it. This one came in the shape of a ring. The most common design for trainers. And one for the Pokemon as well since they have to wear it somewhere. Hollow handed over the stone and ring over to Fluttershy as the shy pegasus equipped the ring on her right hoof. She then placed the key stone necklace on her Audino's neck, perfectly fitting as well.

"You two look divine with those on. I'm actually a bit jealous of the other world now." Rarity commented.

"You've got what you need. Now all you need to do is let it out all in a burst of energy!" Ash exclaimed.


"Yeah! And maybe it'd be cool if you also had a quote. I mean, Korrina did when she Mega Evolved her Pokemon." Rainbow Dash said.

"Okay. I'll try. All I have to do is tap into it right? Are you ready Audi?" She turned to her Pokemon.

"Audino." The Hearing Pokemon nodded. Everyone stood back to get a good look at this. Even the Pokemon turned their attention to what was going on.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. Thankfully, Mega Stones can automatically feel when the bond between a trainer and a Pokemon is present. So the mega energy instantly began flowing through both of them. "I can feel it..." Fluttershy gasped. The energy of the key stone radiated a golden light that emanated from the stones. Everyone watched in awe with their anticipation growing even further.

The same type of force that was felt back with Korrina's Lucario was also present here as the necklace around Audino was vibrating. The mega stone on Audino let out a blue light instead of a golden light as it was meant to represent the colours of evolution. All the Pokemon in the Pokemon House were frozen by what they were spectating over. The clashing of constant energy waves could be seen and heard as they were flying out of Fluttershy's ring. These energy waves travelled towards Audino, morphing its body. The power it was emanating was enough to shake the entire ground and even both Fluttershy's cottage and the Pokemon House. The little foals were being blown away by the amount of pressure as the others held on for dear life.

Just then, a burst of mega energy erupted from Audino as the Mega symbole flashed before its eyes. The smoke around Audino was blown back as it let out a mighty yet soft cry. It had finally mega evolved into Mega Audino. The ponies were all starstruck by what they had just seen and what they seeing now.

"Sweet Celestia... that's Mega Evolution?" Rarity gasped.

"That was amazing..." Sapphire felt like she was going to faint.

"Audi. You look so different. You look like a fairy now!" Fluttershy flew over to her Mega Evolved partner.

"That's because she is a fairy now. Part Normal, part Fairy." Ash spoke.


The foals all gathered around to see the Mega Evolved Pokemon. They took a gander at all its glory. Their fear of Mega Evolution was a thing of the past. Thankfully, Audino is one of the few Mega Pokemon that doesn't suffer when it evolves.

"Phew. Here I was worried that I wouldn't end up getting to show Mega Evolution." Hollow wiped the sweat of his forehead. "So Fluttershy. What do you think?"

"What do I think? I never knew that some Mega Evolutions could look this beautiful."

"Audino." The Hearing Pokemon nodded.

"This means you've got a powerhouse of a Pokemon on your side!" Rainbow dashed over to her. "Lucky you."

"I can feel so much magic pouring out your Audino too. That Fairy-Typing is really kicking in huh?" Fluttershy said.

"Are ya gonna keep that stone, sugarplum?" Applejack asked.

"Keep the stone?"

"Of course. The Mega Stone reacted to you and Audino's bond. That means that it knows of the friendship that you two share." Hollow spoke. "If you don't want it, then I can just return it if that's okay."

"Hmm." Fluttershy looked at the stone on the ring and her Audino. Despite how overwhelmingly intense Mega Evolution may be once the Pokemon is evolving, it actually has a pleasant outcome in Fluttershy's eyes. She figured that she could actually use this. Ever since the Pokemon were petrified by an unknown Krookodile, she felt like she needed to make sure the Pokemon House was under full protection. And with her now having a Mega Audino, she now has something to retaliate to any threats. "I'll keep it."

"Really? I'm surprised that you decided to go with that option. Isn't it a bit too intense for you?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. But I want to protect the Pokemon here. I don't want them to be in any form of danger the next time. And I don't have anything to protect them, then what's the point? Now that I have Audino on my side with this Mega Stone, I can protect every Pokemon here against any threat that may come our way."

"Welp. She's spoken and made up her mind. Congraluations on getting your first Mega Evolution, Fluttershy." Hollow congratulated her as did her friends. The class stayed around for a few minutes to keep on aweing at Mega Audino. After all, it was their first time seeing it, and they won't forget this day at all.

With the Mega Stones all shipped out to different parts of Equestria, who knows which ponies have gotten their hooves on them and which have the Pokemon capable of Mega Evolving. Equestria once again is slowly becoming apart of the Pokemon World by experiencing what else it has to offer, as the journey continues.

Chapter 116 End!

Author's Note:

Fluttershy is now the first pony who has gained access to Mega Evolution. Best decision I made out of the other choices if you ask me.

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