• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The pony and the siren

Author's Note:

More siren lore. Woo.

The Canterlot Tournament is currently on a 40-minute break at the moment.

With ponies taking some time to either eat or chat until it resumes. But some ponies are up to something else. Mostly two actually. Adagio Dazzle who had also surprisingly signed up for this tournament and Twilight Sparkle, who was currently following the pony-siren hybrid, curious about her.

Adagio went over to a secluded area in Canterlot, mainly the back streets, where nopony really ever visits since what is there to experience in a small spot like that?

As Twilight followed Adagio, she was hoping that she could go unnoticed by the siren. But, that wasn't happening at all. A Siren's hearing is pretty strong actually.

"I can hear you, Sparkle." Adagio spoke, stopping her tracks.

"Eep!" Twilight squealed as her Pokemon hopped in front of her, in case of Adagio tried anything.

"How creepy can you get?" Adagio turned around, facing Twilight as she noticed that each of Twilight's Pokemon were either growling or snarling at her.

"What are you up to now, Adagio?"

"Like I said before...mind your business, already!" She raised her voice at the alicorn, startling even the Pokemon. "What I do is none of your concern!"

"After what you did to my friends, everything you get up to is my business!" Twilight snapped back at her.

"Pssh. Whatever. Talking with you is just going to waste a bunch of time." She scoffed at Twilight. "And if you really want to know what I'm doing here, I'm taking a break. Duh."

"That's it?" Twilight raised an eyebrow, not expecting that answer.

"Of course, that's it. You heard the announcer. Now get lost. Just being near you is making me uncomfortable." Adagio kept on walking, heading deeper in the back street. Twilight watched as she saw the siren just casually move without causing any negativity at all. In fact, when the tournament began, for the amount of time it had been going on for, Adagio had not caused a semblance of negativity. Not even once.

"Wait! Adagio!"

"Urgh...What is it now?" Adagio groaned.

"I'm just curious..."

"When are you never curious?" The siren said under her breath.

"You haven't been spreading negativity ever since you got here. At all. Why is that?"

"Hmph." Adagio didn't actually answer that one. Not even a clever retort this time. She just simply scoffed at Twilight.

"There's a reason why isn't there?"

"Do you have to ask so many questions?!" Adagio stomped her hoof, causing Minccy to hide behind Twilight. Adagio and Twilight had stared each other down for a bit as the atmosphere was rising with tension.

But they weren't alone. Somepony was watching them. And that somepony was none other than Celestia who looked out of a window, opening it. She noticed both of them currently in a pretty heated conversation that could end up leading into something ugly if it carries on. She attempted to step in but she could read their movements, knowing that something else other than hostility will occur.

"Adagio! You can-"

"Don't! You're gonna mention friendship again, aren't you? Forget it! Spare me your cheesy drabble! I don't want anything to do with that thing you call friendship!"

"But your sisters don't feel the same way! They've managed to make friends. Friends with ponies that they never thought they'd get along with! Because of this, they're happy with all of us in Ponyville! Don't you want to be with your sisters? Why do you keep avoiding something as great as friends?"

"Why do I keep avoiding friends? Heh. You're beginning to sound a lot like your Empress self. Adagio went up to Twilight as Eve and Vulpix readied a Psybeam and Incinerate.


"Let me tell you this, Sparkle. Do you really think that your precious Magic of Friendship can help everyone?"

"Well it-"

"Can't!" Adagio interrupted Twilight. "I'll admit this much. Friendship does bring others closer to each other and builds powerful bonds. I'll even say that it makes the whole world go around."

"That's right!" Twilight smiled. "You get it! It's because of friendship that everypony's helped each other. Whether it's in the past, present or even future. It always finds a way to bring everypony together!"

"Of course it does. I'm not stupid. I know what it's capable of. After all, it's what defeated me and my sisters back in the Battle of the Bands."

"So, if you know that...then why? Why keep avoiding it?"

"Even if I were to tell you, you'd still cling on to it like some sort of child desperately wanting their parent's attention. I know I used to."

"If you won't tell me...then I won't stop trying to get to you!"

"Hoh?" Adagio raised an eyebrow. "You're just as stubborn as that Ash boy. Guess you take a bunch of pointers from your little crush. And speaking of crush. I can't wait to crush you in the tournament if I get paired with you. And if I don't, I'll just defeat you and your friends. That'll give me a ton of satisfaction."

"We won't lose! My friends and I will make sure!"

"Hmph. Better hope they can make it through the rest of the tournament then. Besides. I want Sonata and Aria to watch their big sister completely humiliate their friends right in front of them. Not only that, but you won't even try coming after me anymore after a defeat like that."

"Even if I lose. That won't stop me from trying to reach you. Just like your sisters, there's good in you."

Adagio realized that there was no convincing Twilight. "Why am I even still here? I shouldn't be talking with you for this long." She decided to leave finally, not wanting to chat with Twilight any longer.

But, Adagio did leave one final message to Twilight before she left. "I'll tell you this, Sparkle. You can cherish that Magic of Friendship that you hold so dear for as long as you want. However, there's one magic out there it'll never defeat. A magic that surpasses friendship.

"A magic that surpasses friendship? What's that?"




"You seriously don't know?" Adagio chuckled. "It should be obvious. Because everyone has it." And that was that. Adagio had left, leaving Twilight behind.

"Adagio. She's something alright." Twilight nodded. "We'll have to be extra ready if we end up facing her."

With Celestia, she had decided to involve herself with Adagio. First time even. Princess Celestia was capable of reading Adagio surprisingly well. That is because both of them share something in common. Something that has yet to be revealed to Twilight herself even.

Teleporting outside, Celestia had appeared in front of Adagio, startling the siren-pony hybrid.

"Eugh!" Adagio jumped up, causing her horn to glow. She quickly noticed that standing before her was none other than the ruler of Equestria herself. "Y-You...?"

"Adagio Dazzle, is it?"

"Great...As if two alicorns weren't bothering me already." Adagio groaned. "Whatever you're about to say, forget it. I already had a chat with Twilight Sparkle over there. So don't try and lecture me."

"I won't." Celestia shook her head. "I'm not here to force anything on you. I'm here to speak to you as a neutral pony. I want to understand you better."

"Hm? You? You're the last pony I would expect to do so. Especially for someone so high ranking."

"Kir..." Passion didn't take too kindly to Adagio's words. She wanted to blast Adagio with plasma so badly right now.

"Arcanine..." Arcanine was the same. He was ready to pounce at any minute if Adagio tried anything funny against Celestia.

"Hold on, Passion. Arcanine. I just want a small talk. Nothing else. Is that okay with you?"

"Small talk?"

"Yes." Celestia nodded.

"Alright fine. We're still on break." Adagio shrugged. "Why not."

Both Celestia and Adagio had decided to talk on a lone bench that was located right near Canterlot Gardens. It was just those two and the Pokemon. Nopony else.

"Make it quick. I wanna get through this tournament already."

"Tell me, Adagio. What you said to Twilight back there. That even if she understood your reasoning for neglecting friendship, she would still cling on to it."

"Of course. I swear, she keeps that friendship thing close to her like some sort of doll."

"So that means...there must be something deeper going on, am I right?"

Adagio pulled back with her eyes widening. She didn't expect Celestia to figure it out so easily. "How did you..."

"I can tell how somepony is feeling based on their body language, emotions and how they act. I guess spending time with Passion really helped me with that."


"So what? You know that something deeper's going on. I bet you don't know what it-"

"It's about your family, isn't it?"

And yet again, Celestia caught Adagio off guard, causing her to be flabbergasted. "W-What about it?"

"Well." Celestia took in a deep breath. "Would you believe me I said that my family has met with yours before? Specifically your mother."

"You've met my mother?!" Adagio stood up.

"Not me. No. My mother has met yours. But only once." Saying that had Adagio trying to dig into her memories, seeing if she remembered anything like that in the past. But nothing came up. Not at all.

"I've never seen a pony who even looks remotely like you! Or even your sister!"

"Well of course not. This was before you were born. And it was also around this time that my mother and father were still just a unicorn and an earth pony."

"Now you've got my attention...Tell me what you know about your mother's relation with mine."

"Very well. I'll tell you. From what I can recall." Thus, Celestia envisioned the past to Adagio.

My mother, who was known as Sunlight, was a bit of a glutton for adventure. She couldn't resist exploring uncharted areas. Even she had her studies to attend to. She was the next in line to rule Equestria after all. And like all of her adventures, this one is what led her directly to your mother. My mother Sunlight is the one pony who managed to understand family much better than anypony out there.

"Ah..." Sunlight took in the fresh air. She had a similar appearance as Celestia. Her mane and tail were just like Celestia's ethereal mane with the same colour combination of pink, blue and light green. The only difference was that since she wasn't an alicorn yet, it was just a standard mane.

Her Cutie Mark seemed to be the sun but the core was blue, indicating that it was actually meant to be a blue star instead of the natural yellow star that is always present in the world.

Currently, she was in a grassland area. The land was flat without a single hill in sight. But there was a lake there. It was a generally relaxing area as the sun was a perfect sky-blue.

"I know studying is important. But who can resist this!" Sunlight fell on her back, closing her eyes as she just let the sound of the sweet air fill her ears. That wasn't all that filled her ears. From the direction of the lake, singing could be heard.

It wasn't singing from any birds. Not at all. This was something entirely different and new. And Sunlight loves discovering new things. Her thirst for adventure was very similar to a certain individual who exists in the current day. With curiosity, Sunlight led herself towards the location of the song, feeling compelled to it.

And who was singing that beautiful song? Why none other than Vivace. Mother of the three sirens sisters. She looked a bit younger at this point in time. While Adagio resembles her mother, it's mostly Vivace's younger appearance that really matched Adagio's look.

Vivace had suddenly ceased her singing, shaking her head in disappointment. "Ugh. I've already sung that one." Vivace groaned. "I need something with more flash..."

"Um, excuse me?" Sunlight's voice had travelled through Vivace's ears, causing the siren to snap her head towards the newcomer.

"Hm?" Vivace squinted her eyes, noticing that the being that stood before her was none other than a pony. "A pony?" For Vivace, seeing a pony was something rare. Where she lives, ponies aren't exactly the most common species around.

"By my father's beard...What are you?" This was Sunlight's first time seeing a siren. She had never even heard of them before. "A giant fish?"

"AH! How rude!" Vivace scowled at Sunlight. "I am a siren!"

"Oh, terribly sorry! It's just that...you have fish-like properties." Sunlight squeed. "Sorry if that sounded like an insult."

"Hmph. It's fine. I can see the misunderstanding. But what is a pony doing here?"

"Well, due to my thirst for adventure, I ended up in this beautiful area!" Sunlight raised her hooves up, showing off the grasslands.

"Hm. Yes. It is beautiful." Vivace could agree on that.

"I was just taking in the fresh air and radiant appearance of it all. That's when I heard singing of all of a sudden. I assume it was from you?"

"Hmph. Of course, it was." Vivace put on a smug face, looking up. "You're in the presence of a siren. Masters of singing. With voices that are unparalleled.

"Amazing...so that was actually your voice. It was wonderful!" Sunlight clapped her hooves together. "What song were you singing exactly?"

"Hm? I don't name my songs." Vivace shook her head.

"Why not?"

"Why should I exactly?"

"Well, it sounds like you enjoy singing. And if it is a song that you enjoy singing more than anything else, naming it would help give it its own identity."

"Its own identity you say?" Vivace thought about it for a second. "Hm. The songs I sing are scarce in identity, actually. Perhaps I could name them from time to time."

"Excellent! I'm sure you'll end up finding the perfect names for them. And I hope I'm not being a hassle or anything...but could you sing one more time? I would like to hear that song in its fullest."

Vivace squinted her eyes, surprised at Sunlight's request. And there was a reason why she was so surprised by it. "...Hold on. Are you sure you want me to sing?"

"Yes. You have a wonderful voice. So, why not?"

"Aha." Vivace let out a slight chuckle. "I'm the first siren you've ever come across, correct?"

"Well, this is the first time I've ever heard of a siren before. So yes. You are the first."

"Hm. Then, in that case, I should warn you that my singing is not one of...amicable origin." Vivace smirked.

"Why do you say that?"

"You see, my little pony." Vivace went closer to Sunlight, casting a shadow over her. "Us sirens do not sing to entertain. Not at all. We sing to spread negativity. The more hostility there is, the healthier we become. So far, we have fed off the negativity of other species. The one we have yet to feed off are ponies."

Vivace had explained everything so casually to Sunlight. It was as if she knew that Sunlight was next in line to be affected by the sound of a siren.

"S-Spread negativity?" That definitely caught Sunlight off guard.

"Yes. You could say that our magic lies within our voice."

"But why would you want to spread negativity with something as beautiful as that voice?"

"Why? My, you are a curious little pony." Vivace lowered herself in the water. "It is because we have no choice."

"No choice?" Sunlight pulled back.

"Right. Negativity acts as a life source for us. It feeds us sirens. Without it, we are nothing."

Sunlight thought for a moment. She could already tell that this links to destiny. Similar to how Cutie Marks are predestined to a pony from birth. They both share one thing in common. Fate.

"My...that's a horrible fate." Sunlight sighed.

"It is. But, there is nothing we can do about it. We have to survive somehow. However, despite our actions, those other species somehow manage to find a way to patch things up and settle their differences."

"I understand..." Sunlight nodded her head in understanding.

"Hold on." Vivace's eyes widened. "You do?"

"Why, yes. And I am truly sorry for your entire race. Honestly."

Vivace could see that Sunlight was actually accepting of this. The other species she had come across, when she explained why she sang, they had some interesting responses. Some more aggressive than others. But not Sunlight. She had a clear understanding of what fate truly was. Vivace could tell by the look in the young unicorn's eyes that she truly felt sorry for the entire siren species.

Due to Sunlight's passive nature, Vivace couldn't bring herself to show any animosity to this pony. At all. If anything, she seemed like a sweet summer child who had just discovered the truth about the world.

"W-Well...I do not need your apology." Vivace turned around, trying to shrug it off. "What can you do anyway?"

"Nothing. I'm not sure anypony can." Sunlight rubbed her hoof. "But how come that fate exists for you and every other siren?"

"We don't have a clue ourselves. But we shouldn't try and question fate. It is out of our control after all."

"That is true." Sunlight nodded. "Well, surely you still enjoy life even with this fate right?"

"Hm? I suppose we do. It's not all gloom and doom. We sirens tend to socialize with each other on a daily basis. When we're not feeding off the animosity of other species, we just enjoy each other's company.

"Oh. It sounds like you have a lot of good friends where you come from."

"Friends? Oh, no, no. You see, my little pony, every siren is related."

"Every?!" Sunlight shot up.

"Oh yes. It all predates back to our origin. Every last one of us are brothers and sisters. In fact, the bonds I have with my family is the only force of magic that is not correlated with negativity."

"Magic of Family, right?"

"Magic of Family?" Vivace chuckled at that. "What kind of a silly name is that?"

"I know it sounds a bit childish but I consider it magic. Family is something spectacular. It can never be replaced, after all. Even when they have their differences or hardships, they still love each other, don't they?"

"Hm." Vivace thought for a moment, gently nodding to Sunlight's words. Something about this unicorn made her feel at ease. It was hard to describe. "I like you, my little pony. You're surprisingly much more tolerable than my brothers and sisters."

"Am I now?" Sunlight giggled. "I bet they don't compare to my father and his overprotective nature."

"Really now?"

"Oh yes. If I even think about chatting with somepony else, especially a colt, he would go ballistic!"

"I would say you have it easy. The younger of my family tend to bicker over the pettiest of things. You would not believe the stories that I have to tell you."

The two species went on to chat about their family experiences. They had a lot to say to each other. Good or bad. And both had gained new memories in their head. Mostly comedic ones. And in that one instance, Vivace had grown a fondness for the pony. And so did Sunlight. They chattered away for hours and hours, without showing signs of slowing down.

Eventually, they had their fun. But they both had to leave their separate ways.

"Well. It has been fun," said Vivace. "But I should get going now."

"Right. I do have studies I need to attend to after all" Sunlight stretched her hooves. "It was really a wonderful experience getting to meet you, Vivace." The two had finally gotten each other's names.

"You as well, Sunlight. But just so you know, this does not make us friends."

"I know. How about...acquaintance? I know that friendship doesn't do anything for the sirens. So perhaps a less intimate relationship can work."

"Hmmm..." Vivace thought about it for a second. Sunlight did have a point. "Sure. Acquaintance." The siren lowered herself in the water, waving her fin at Sunlight as a farewell sign.

"Wait, Vivace! Will we ever see each other again?"

"Who's to say? Perhaps in the future, our children might meet."


"I plan to have offsprings of my own one day. I assume you aim to carry out your bloodline, don't you?"

"Guilty. When I find that colt for me, I'll have a child of my own. And you're right. They might meet. But...would they be at odds at each due to what they each stand for?"

"Perhaps. Us sirens and our power to spread negativity can rub anyone the wrong way after all. However, you're the only creature that has managed to twist my fin. So my child may get along with yours in the future. But, fate is unpredictable after all."

"Right you are on that one. Well, one day, I believe that somepony will be able to solve this great contrast."

"Are you suggesting that somepony can possibly change fate?"

"Not necessarily change fate. That's not possible. But...I believe that there might be something out there that can find a perfect balance. I am clueless about what that perfect balance is, unfortunately."

"Maybe." Vivace nodded. "Here. Take this." She used her fin to grab some gem that sirens just casually keep around underwater. These gems were two very familiar purple diamonds.

"Oh?" Sunlight used her magic to grab the two diamonds.

"A little gift from me. You won't forget now, will you?"

"Not at all! Thank you, Vivace!"

"Hm. You're welcome." And at that moment, a familiar golden light surrounded the siren's body. It was faint and weak but it could still be seen.

And just like that, the two went their separate ways. My mother never forgot about Vivace for a second. So much so that when I was finally born into this world, she told me all about her experience with that one single siren.

Back to the present day, Celestia had finished the story on how Sunlight and Vivace had met. Hearing this had changed Adagio's entire perspective on things. Just a small bit. She saw Princess Celestia in a new light. Before, she related her to everypony else. Especially Twilight.

"I didn't know that..." Adagio spoke.

"At first, when I saw your sisters, it never crossed my mind that they were sirens. But after seeing you, it reminded me of my mother's description of Vivace."

"Well...if your mother understands why I do what I do, then that should apply to you too, right?"

"Hard to say. After all, my mother understood the importance of family better than anypony. It was her teachings that moulded me into the pony that I am today. Without her, I would've grown even more distant from Luna. I owe everything to both my mother and my father."

"Right. That's all that matters, huh?"

"Yes, family matters. But even so..." Celestia picked her Kirlia. "Friends matter as well. Perhaps not as much as the ones who have been with you since the beginning, but like you said to Twilight; Friendship does bring others closer to each other and builds powerful bonds. I've certainly built a powerful bond with these two right here."

"Canine." Arcanine had hopped on the bench where Adagio and Celestia sat. The Legendary Pokemon had changed his outlook on Adagio a bit, including Passion. But they were still highly protective of their trainer.

"Krick!" Kricketot, who always hid in Adagio's mane, popped his head up, greeting both Passion and Arcanine.

"My mother said that one day, somepony would be able to find that perfect balance. Whatever it may be."

"Perfect balance." Adagio hopped off the seat. "Well, even still. I'll still continue doing what I know how to do best. And if you do manage to find that 'Perfect Balance', then I guess I'll be stumped. But until then, I won't stop until I reach my goal. Are you gonna stop me, princess? Take away my magic?"

"Not at all. It doesn't feel right. If I did, then that would mean I would end up harming the life of another pony."

"At least you know that..." Adagio scoffed.

"I understand your struggle, Adagio. Go on. Finish your break until the tournament resumes. And I swear that I'll find a way to help you and your sisters. Without using friendship."

"Without using friendship you say?" Adagio raised an eyebrow at that. It actually sounded a bit promising. "Fine. I'll be waiting, Princess Celestia. Don't disappoint me."

Adagio had finally left, being on her own this time with her Kricketot. Celestia watched as she had seen Adagio in a new light.

Celestia now had another major goal that she aimed to accomplish. Finding a way to help Adagio. She realized that friendship wasn't what Adagio needed. But something else, as the Canterlot Tournament continues.

Chapter 224 End.

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