• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Great Delphox and Cruel Togepi

Frenzy Forest.

There are four situations currently ongoing. The first is the lesson of how to approach certain Pokemon, Apple Bloom searching for her friends to warn them about Togepi, her friends also searching for her, and Togepi who is currently on the loose.

How this all turns out is undecided. But more importantly, Rainbow Dash on her own, searching for a Pokemon that she's never seen before so that she can approach them, instead of just going towards any Pokemon like the others.

"I've already seen most of these Pokemon" Rainbow Dash yawned. "When am I gonna see something new and cool?

She was currently in an area with mostly Ground-Type Pokemon. Rainbow Dash had already seen the Pokemon here and gathered their information on her Pokedex. She wasn't aware of how differently some of these Ground-Types behave in different situations. She was just searching for a brand new Pokemon.

As Rainbow Dash continued walking, her hoof came in contact with something unexpected. She was right near some mud, and the moment her hoof stepped on it, something clamped onto her hoof.

"Ow!" She winced as she flew up. Rainbow Dash looked at her hoof, blowing at it to ease the pain. "What was that?!" By looking over at the mud, she could see that a Pokemon emerged from it.

That Pokemon being a Galarian Stunfisk, who had a cheeky grin on its face after catching Rainbow Dash off guard like that.

"Stun-Stun!" It laughed.

"A Stunfisk?" She took out her Pokedex for this different looking Stunfisk.

"Stunfisk. The Trap Pokemon. Galarian Variant. Living in the mud with a high iron content has given it a strong steel body. Its conspicuous lips lure prey in as it lies in wait in the mud. When prey gets close, Stunfisk clamps its jagged steel fins down on them."

"Yeah, well I wasn't lured in whatsoever." Rainbow closed her dex. She brushed Stunfisk's sneak attack off, even though she did, in fact, get caught off guard. "Maybe I should find Applejack and Twilight. They're searching for Fire-Types and those are always cool."

Believing that she could find new Pokemon in the form of Fire-Types, Rainbow Dash flew off to search for Twilight and Applejack.

But, her being in the skies made her find somepony else. That pony ended up being Apple Bloom who was worried and in search of her friends.

"Apple Bloom?" Rainbow Dash returned to ground level, approaching the young earth pony.

"Rainbow Dash!" Apple Bloom dashed over to her. "Trouble! Togepi! Lost! HELP!"

"Slow down!" Rainbow Dash shoved her hoof in Apple Bloom's mouth. "What was that part about a Togepi?" She removed her hoof.

"My friends and I came across an area full of Dragon-Type Pokemon! They were all acting weird and were afraid of something!"

"That something being...?"

"I think it's Togepi. Since she's a Fairy-Type after all."

"Is it the same Togepi that tricked us in Ponyville?" Rainbow Dash leaned forward.

"I think so." She nodded in response. "I'm trying to find the others and warn them but...I got lost."

"No need to worry. I'm here now." Rainbow patted her head. "I'll see if I can find them for you." She took out her Xtransceiver, selecting Scootaloo, trainer number as she made the call.

With Scootaloo, her Xtransceiver was ringing, prompting the little pegasus to pick it up and answer. "Rainbow Dash? Hello?"

"Scootaloo. You all doing okay?"

"Uh, yeah. We're fine. We're just looking for Apple Bloom right now. She just went missing all of a sudden."

"I'm fine. See?" Apple Bloom moved her face in front of Rainbow Dash's.

"Oh! That's a relief." Scootaloo sighed. "Where were you? You just up and vanished."

"Not sure. One minute I'm with you and the next I'm in some dark part of the forest."

"Did you see any new Ghost-Types there?" Sweetie Belle mushed her face next to Scootaloo, coming into view of the Xtransceiver screen.

"No. But I did see Togepi and a bunch of other Dragon-Types. Might be the same Togepi that came to Ponyville?"

"That one? Eugh, I remember her." Scootaloo winced.

"That would explain a few things..." Diamond Tiara nodded. "She's probably the reason why the Dragons are acting like this."

"She's somewhere in this forest now. I think Togepi might be coming for us now that she knows that ponies are here." Apple Bloom gulped.

"Ah, it's not that big of a problem. We'll just thrash her if we bump into her." Scootaloo brushed it off.

"About that..." Apple Bloom clenched her teeth, looking to the side. "That part about...a bunch of other Dragon-Types. They're...working for her."

"Oh." Scootaloo's eyes widened. "That's a big problem then."

"Where are you all even? We'll come to you." Rainbow Dash asked.

"We're at uh..." Scootaloo looked at her surroundings, seeing that she and the others were at an area for Water and Grass-Type Pokemon. "Someplace with a bunch of Water and Grass Pokemon."

"Alright. We'll be there in no time." Rainbow Dash reassured as she hung up the call, turning off the Xtransciever. "Hop on, Apple Bloom."

"Okay!" Apple Bloom hopped on Rainbow Dash's back. Due to her earth pony strength, Rainbow Dash's bones trembled a bit.

"Mmmrph!" She scrunched her face, trying to shrug the pain off. "O-Okay. Let's go. Ow...!" As Rainbow Dash took to the skies, the duo set off to find Scootaloo's group.

With Team Rocket, they're here to find themselves their own Pokemon. And of course, snag some of the students' Pokemon but more importantly their own.

Jessie desires Fairies, Meowth seeks good-looking Pokemon whilst James is just content with whatever kind of Pokemon he comes across. But so far, Jessie and Meowth haven't really come across any Pokemon that they prefer. But James certainly has.

"Seeing this Cacnea reminds me of my own." James kneeled to look at a Cacnea. "Ah, the memories..."

"Cac!" The Cactus Pokemon enjoyed James's positive energy. So as a response, it latched itself onto James's face with its spiky body. "Nea!

"Aaagh!" James screamed in pain as he held Cacnea, trying to get it off him.

"Yeah, well don't get too attached. There has to be a Fairy spot around here somewhere." Jessie looked around. "Meowth, get digging."

"I ain't digging through all of this. My paws are too pure to get dirty." Meowth held his paws up along with his sharp claws.

"Oh, don't start complaining. You've gotten them dirty when the moment calls for it. And the moment is now!" Jessie picked up Meowth. "Learn Dig!"

"It doesn't work like that!" Meowth shouted back at her. "James, help me out here!"

"Bit occupied right now!" James still had Cacnea on his face.

Team Rocket's constant babbling and yelling grabbed the attention of every Pokemon here. But more importantly, it also grabbed the attention of the two ponies who had ended up arriving here. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

"Hm? Isn't that the school's Guidance Counsellor Jessamine?" Fluttershy spoke.

"And the janitors too. They look like they're having fun!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Her shouting ended up reaching the ears of Team Rocket as they paused for a moment. By turning their heads, the spotted Pinkie and Fluttershy standing before them as they were hoping their cover hadn't been blown.

"Twerpettes!" They thought to themselves in unison.

"Are you three here for the lesson as well?" Fluttershy went over.

"Uh..R-Right!" Jessie nodded nervously. "We're here looking for Pokemon ourselves that's for sure! For me personally, it's the wonderful Fairy-Types!"

"Oh! But wait...why are the janitors here?" Pinkie asked.

"Same reason!" Jessie squeezed Meowth's face as the Scratch Cat Pokemon groaned. "We can't wait to catch some of our own!"

"That's great. What kind of Pokemon do they want?" Fluttershy flew up.

"A beauty's for me. And nothing else." Meowth nodded his head.

"I'll take anything! Cacnea please!" James was still trying to get Cacnea off his face. Fluttershy went over to help him as James was finally free. "Oh...thank you."

"If you're looking for some Pokemon, we can help out. Right Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie offered.

"Sure!" Fluttershy nodded. "But um...Won't it get in the way of our lesson?"

"Pssh! Nah!" Pinkie flailed her hoof. "It'll be fine. Besides, it counts as teachers being beside us too!"

"Then it's official!" Jessie dashed over, placing her arms around Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. "Let's get searching!"

"Okay!" Pinkie Pie shouted with her as they all raised their hooves, arms and paws along with their Pokemon.


"Cacnea!" And Cacnea was along for the ride since it was attached to James.

Their combined shouting was loud enough to reach all the way over to the nearest group of students. That being Twilight and Applejack who were still on their Fire-Type search.

"Did you hear that?" Twilight looked up.

"Hear what?" Applejack responded.

"Nevermind. Do you see any new Fire-Types yet?"

"I saw something over there." Applejack pointed west as her hoof was facing a hill located in the forest. "Looked all mystical."

"Mystical you say?" Twilight looked up at the hill. "Think it might be a Psychic or Fairy-Type?"

"Wanna find out?"

"100%" Twilight was already up for it as the two agreed on checking it out. Even if it was unknown what was really located up that hill.

Whatever was up that hill may be a mystery, but what was just as mysterious was how when Twilight and Applejack advanced further up, the grass itself was somehow whispering in their ears by flowing with the wind. The words were hard to pick up on, but the two of them knew that somehow, it was speaking to them.

"Did the grass just talk to us?" Applejack whispered.

"I heard it too. Maybe there's a Pokemon that can do that. Or maybe, the Pokemon is the grass itself!" Twilight looked down on the grass, but that wasn't the case. "No nevermind."

As they continued walking, Applejack noticed that behind them, the view of the lower part of the forest was getting smaller all of a sudden. "Uhh...Twilight." Applejack nudged Twilight's tail. "Look."

"Hm?" Twilight responded to Applejack, by facing her direction. She too had seen how the area they were previously at had shrunk out of nowhere. "What is this?!"

"No clue. Something ain't right about this forest..." Applejack rapidly moved her eyes around as she was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable but not by much.

"Which is exactly why we need to see what else it has to offer!" The young alicorn was feeling adventurous as she continued up the hill. Applejack, however, wasn't too sure about this, but she went along with it anyways.

Their walking had finally led them to something new. Once they reached the top of the hill, their eyes were gifted with two sights.

The first one was long overdue. A teacher had been found. It was none other than Olympia. The Anistar City Gym Leader and one of the higher-level teachers.

And the second sight was a wooden hut with fire surrounding it. Olympia was currently looking inside of the hut, despite being very close to the fire.

"Ms Olympia?" Twilight said. That prompted Olympia to turn around and face the students and their Pokemon.

"Ssshh." Olympia hushed her as she wanted them both to stay quiet for a moment. She looked back inside of the hut, continuing to spectate whatever was inside.

This piqued the curiosity of Twilight and Applejack so they had to see this for themselves. Once they looked inside the window of the hut, they found the reason why this part of the forest was so off.

That was because a Delpox lived here. This hut belonged to her. Delphox was a new Pokemon to them, but they recognize it as a part of the Fennekin evolution line.

"Is that Braixen's final evolution?" Twilight said quietly as she took out her Pokedex.

"Delphox. The Fox Pokemon. It gazes into the flame at the tip of its branch to achieve a focused state, which allows it to see into the future. Using psychic power, it generates a fiery vortex of 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit, incinerating foes swept into this whirl of flame."

"Delphox..." Delphox was currently waving her branch around, conjuring a spell on another Pokemon that was present inside of the hut with her. A Kecleon. A spiral of purple magic surrounded the Color Swap Pokemon as it stood very still, making sure to not move at all.

"What's it doing...?" Applejack narrowed her eyes.

"She's trying to focus on her spell right now with all her magic. It's best not to interrupt at the moment." Olympia replied.

"Magic? But I thought Psychic-Types use their mind instead of magic." Twilight looked up at Olympia.

"Most of the time, the mind is the source of a Psychic-Type's stellar power. However, there are certain Pokemon who require magic to be able to perform amazing feats. Such as the Fairy-Types."

"K-Kecleon..." Kecleon closed its eyes, waiting for the spell to be over.

"Phox!" Delphox had finally found enough focus to initiate her spell. The spell that had been cast on Kecleon was a Projection spell.

She had managed to show Kecleon it's potential Mega Evolution form by just affecting its genes. Since every Pokemon can potentially Mega Evolve, Delphox was able to bring out what Kecleon could achieve one day.

"This Delphox helps other Pokemon see their future and what they can strive and achieve. Mega Evolution is considered the peak of a Pokemon's power after all. And some Pokemon wish to break past their natural limitations." Olympia explained.

"Oooh..." Twilight gawked. "You think Delphox would do the same for my Pokemon as well?"

"You might have to ask her then. Delphox is a welcoming Pokemon so you will have nothing to fear whatsoever."

"You sound like you've been here before, Ms Olympia." Applejack said.

"But I have been here before. The same goes for other Gym Leaders in our world. We all come to this forest for our own reasons. Mine is to help the Psychic Pokemon here, much like how I help trainers who have Psychic abilities in my gym."

"You teach trainers with Psychic abilities?" Twilight was stunned. "Tell me more...!"

"The Anistar City Gym is also a school for Psychics as well. To help them reach their full potential alongside their Pokemon. You could say that I am a teacher of two schools."

"In that case...do you think the same applies to my Espeon?" Twilight picked up Eve.


"It does," Olympia responded immediately with a nod. "I've already foretold your future, Twilight Sparkle. Your Espeon may not look like it, but she has a promising future." Olympia rubbed Eve's neck.


"Really?!" Twilight squeed. "That's great! So, one day, could you teach me and Eve to grow together?"

"Sure. You won't even need to advance in the Pokemon School. Eve and you can come to me at any time and I will help you both unlock your full potential."

"I can't wait!" Twilight had a wide grin on her face. "Oh, right. I almost forgot about Delphox."

Finally remembering about Delphox, Twilight and Applejack entered the hut, coming face to face with the Fox Pokemon at last. And what Olympia said was true. Delphox is a welcoming Pokemon who didn't mind any newcomers in her hut. Although, she does read their mind and determines if they are good or bad.

"Del." The Fox Pokemon greeted them.


"Uh...Hello, Delphox." Twilight greeted her. "Nice place you've got here."

"Phox." Delphox suddenly held her branch out, pointing it at Twilight. The young alicorn was unsure of what Delphox was planning to do with her branch as she froze for a bit.

Out of Delphox's branch, an instant flash of light zoomed forward, passing through Twilight. "Huh?" Twilight gasped as she had just reacted to the zap.

The magic from within Delphox's branch had outlined Twilight's body in a purple light as the Princess of Friendship could feel something about her body change. In fact, it was changing physically. "W-What's happening?!"

"T-Twilight?" Applejack and the Pokemon backed up as they witnessed their friend suddenly change right in front of their very eyes. But Olympia and Delphox remained calm throughout all of this.

Then, the spell had been revealed to be a transformation spell. But Twilight didn't turn into anything unexpected that she's never seen before. In fact, this transformation was something she has experienced more than once.

Her body got taller, her hooves became slender and her wings and horn vanished. To Applejack and the Pokemon, this looked like body horror.

And after that, a flash of light filled the hut, giving a small light show in the mix. Twilight's transformation had been revealed to her friends.

She had been transformed into a human.

But not just any human. It was the appearance of her other form when she passes through the mirror to enter the alternate Equestria where Sunset Shimmer resides.

Delphox had managed to bring out that specific form of Twilight without even being to the other world herself.

"Oh." Twilight looked at herself, recognizing this look. "She turned me into this?!"

"Ha-hauuuuugh" Applejack was speechless as she backed up with her hooves shaking uncontrollably. She sat down on the floor as she didn't know what to make of this. "T-Twilight?"

"Hello." The human Twilight grinned. That prompted Applejack to scream in horror as her mouth was wide open, almost as wide as an Exploud. "It's okay. I had the same reaction as you when I saw myself like this."

"You'll have to forgive Delphox." Olympia walked inside. "She tends to astonish newcomers most of the time."

"Phox." Seeing that Applejack was breathing in and out uncontrollably, Delphox decided to return Twilight to normal by zapping her once more, restoring the young alicorn.

Applejack stopped hyperventilating as Grovyle held her up to prevent her from fainting. "Gro."

"Psychic-Types sure are something. I wonder what else they can do?" Twilight looked at her hooves.

"Much more than you can ever imagine, my little pony. Allow me to give you a demonstration of what us humans are capable of with our minds." Olympia held her hand out, ready to showcase the extent of her Psychic capabilities.

She did this by generating a vibration wave that was strong enough to lift the entire hut and most of the trees surrounding this part of the forest and even beyond. Applejack felt wobbly as Twilight flew up whilst Delphox remained calm.

Soon, before they knew it, the hut was in the air whilst Olympia remained perfectly still. With just a single hand she could lift an entire hut and hard-rooted trees from the ground as if they were feathers.

Olympia returned the hut and trees down, placing them perfectly in their positions as the trees had been rooted once more as if they had never been removed in the first place.

To say that Twilight and Applejack were shocked would be an understatement. Before, they had only known a few things about what humans were capable of compared to Pokemon.

They knew that Pokemon and humans used to be one in the same once. They're aware of the existence of Aura and how it links to everything, Dragon trainers having a strange mystical connection with Dragon Pokemon and even the knowledge of humans having psionic capabilities.

But now with what Olympia displayed, the possibilities of what humans are capable of are seemingly endless in the eyes of Twilight and Applejack.

"Impressed?" Olympia smiled.

"Uh-huh." The two of them nodded in unison. They sure were impressed after something like that.

"There is a lot more for you all to discover when it comes to us humans. But for the time being, your lesson must continue. Take this." Olympia used her telekinesis to bring over an object that was laying on Delphox's table.

This object is what Cynthia mentioned during the brief today. Of how there were medals scattered across the forest in certain areas. And that's exactly what Olympia managed to bring over.

"One of the medals?" Twilight held her hoof out as the medal was placed on top of her hoof. "Thank you so much, Ms Olympia."

"You're very welcome. Now run along. Your lesson time is limited after all."

"Right. Come on, Applejack. There might be some more Fire-Type's we've yet to discover like Delphox!" Twilight ran out of the house whilst Applejack and her wave goodbye.

"And I will be waiting for our Psychic lessons one day. Twilight Sparkle."

All seemed fine and dandy with Twilight and Applejack. And the same can be said for most of the groups. But of course, with the presence of Togepi, that wouldn't last much longer.

And speaking of Togepi, she brought along some of the Dragon-Type Pokemon she had at her beck and call since she knew that even with her cunning and sly tactics, she couldn't conquer alone. She is still a baby Pokemon after all.

Knowing about how there were ponies in this forest now had made the Spike Ball Pokemon find brand new opportunities for her plans. Originally, Togepi was planning on just overtaking this entire forest when she first came here.

So far, only the Dragon Pokemon have submitted to her. She plans to conquer the other types eventually as she continues to bide her time. But with the ponies being present here, time can wait as she had a score to settle with them.

Mainly the Ponyville ponies. Togepi's has two rivals in her life. Brock's Happiny and Mayor Mare. One has matched her in strength whilst the other has defeated her.

Since Mayor Mare is the mayor of Ponyville, Togepi came to a brilliant conclusion that could benefit her and grant her revenge against Mayor Mare, even if she wasn't here.

Her main plan was to kidnap all of the ponies who come from Ponyville and hold them hostage until Mayor Mare takes notice. What she does next with the ponies, she already had many ideas swirling inside of that sinister mind of hers.

Lucky for Togepi, she didn't have to search for hours, since she had already found her first victims in the form of two students who were completely oblivious to what was approaching them.

Togepi was going to enjoy this as she ordered the Dragon Pokemon to capture them as she threatened them all with Dazzling Gleam.

As Togepi went on with her wicked business, the sounds of ponies screaming could be heard from across the forest due to the Dragon Pokemon approaching them.

Those screams alerted most of the students here as they had chills run through their spines. They were positive that scream meant that somepony had ended up in a bad situation, but they weren't sure how.

The one individual who heard this the most was Audino who stopped to look around after the scream. "Dino...?" The Hearing Pokemon sensed it coming from the North from what her ears could tell. "Audino!" Audino pointed North.

"So it was North, was it?" said Fluttershy.

"Should we head over and check?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"No way. Anyone knows that if you hear a scream like that in a forest, it's a clear red flag and a sign to not go towards the sound." Jessie shook her head.

"Mhm." James and Meowth nodded in agreement.

"What if somepony's in danger?" Fluttershy bit her hoof. "It could be one of our friends!"

"I ain't going near whatever's over there," Meowth spoke.

"Well...Principal Cynthia did say that the teachers were here. So I guess there's nothing to really worry about." Pinkie thought about it for a moment.

"Right. Now, let's get moving. That suns looking a bit tired." Jessie looked over at the sun. "Come to me my precious Fairies!"

They chose not to investigate the source of the sound even if it did sound a bit ominous. They left it up to the teachers but so far, only one of them has been identified, Olympia.

One group, however, did decide to investigate. That being Rainbow Dash's group. She and Apple Bloom finally met up with Scootaloo's group, reuniting Apple Bloom with her friends.

However, their reunion was cut short after the sounds of the pony screaming reached their ears. They suspected it had something to do with Togepi since she was present in this forest.

As such, they knew that Togepi had to be stopped or else the outcome of this lesson might be vastly different from what they were all expecting. Rainbow Dash took charge, making sure that the fillies wouldn't be harmed in any way as she was up in front.

"I think it came from down there." Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof over at a sloped hill in the forest that leads to another area.

"Should we really be checking this out?" A nervous Silver Spoon wasn't so sure about this. "I mean...I wouldn't want to mess with Togepi after what happened the first time she came to Ponyville."

"It's fine. Besides. Togepi by her own isn't that tough. She needs lackeys to get where she is." Rainbow Dash advanced towards the slope as she put her hoof in her saddlebag, ready to send out of any of her Pokemon. "We'll make quick work of her."

With Rainbow Dash ready to tackle Togepi head-on, if she was there, the fillies stayed behind her, anticipating the Spike Ball Pokemon's appearance.

At the nearby bush, there was indeed someone there as it was rustling. They expected it to be Togepi herself as Rainbow Dash was oh-so ready to just unload on the Fairy-Type the moment she pops out while the others shuddered and quivered.

But, it was soon revealed that it wasn't Togepi. It was just a Venonat.


"Ugh..." Rainbow Dash lowered her head whilst the others let out sighs of relief. "Just a Venonat."

"You know just for safety measures...I think I'll call Ash." Silver Spoon took out her Xtransceiver, searching for Ash's trainer number.

"You don't have to." Rainbow Dash said as that made Silver Spoon pause. "Ash told us that he's not gonna be there all the time to protect us from any Pokemon issue. We gotta protect ourselves now."

"Mhm." Sweetie Belle agreed with that by nodding. "Besides, he taught us some pretty neat tricks to help us in battle. What did he teach you two?" She asked Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

"Uh..." Diamond Tiara rubbed the back of her mane. "We're not really the battling type. Just like you Sweetie Belle, I'm only in it for the Pokemon contests but I don't have any battling experience."

"Me neither." Silver Spoon shook her head. "You won't see me pulling off any crazy antics with my Pokemon, that's for sure."

"Well, when we get back, I can have Ash teach you some tricks. He's always got something new." Rainbow Dash offered. Just as she said that she heard another rustle coming from up ahead.

Rainbow Dash assumed it was just another Venonat or random Pokemon that was lurking inside of it. But lo and behold, the Pokemon that popped out of the bush ended up being a Fraxure.

Seeing Fraxure made Scootaloo and the others freeze for a moment. If Fraxure is here, then that means she is here too.

Emerging from the shadows with her Dragon minions was the conniving and controlling Togepi who had finally found more Ponyville residents to hold captive for her own personal gain.


"Togepi!" Rainbow Dash growled as she took out her Poke Ball, ready to confront the Fairy-Type since she already knew how dangerous she was.

"There she is...She's still so cute yet cruel at the same time." Diamond Tiara winced.

"Yeah...Kinda reminds me of somepony." Silver Spoon replied as she was referring to Diamond Tiara, who turned around, with an unamused face. "Kidding!"

"I'll make quick work of you! Braviary!" She tossed her Poke Ball up, sending out her ace Braviary to handle Togepi.


"Togepi...!" But Togepi remained calm. She let out a devious grin, knowing that she was about to get the jump on Rainbow Dash and the others.

Togepi didn't just come with smaller Dragon-Type Pokemon like Gabite and Fraxure. This time, she brought the heavy hitters.

Right behind Rainbow Dash's group, a large shadow had been cast over them, prompting them all to take their focus away from Togepi. As they turned around, they found out that Haxorus was right behind them.


The fillies screamed whilst Braviary flew in front of them, facing Haxorus. "Viary!"

"Toge!" Togepi gave the command to capture them all and restrain them as all the Dragon-Types listened to her every command, even if they didn't want to.

"Haxo!" The Axe Jaw Pokemon spread its arms out, going for a grab. However, like all of the Dragons here, Haxorus was holding back its strength. After all, Haxorus are kind Pokemon unless they're defending their territory. So it had no qualms with the group or Braviary.

And Braviary could see that. Being a Pokemon that had a brave disposition, the Valiant Pokemon understood Haxorus's reason for holding back as he and the Axe Pokemon looked each other in the eye.

As for the other Dragon Pokemon, they were yet again holding back, trying not to harm the ponies whatsoever. But with Togepi threatening them, they had to do it. Togepi has each of the Dragon Pokemon whipped. And with a powerful Pokemon-Type on her side, her revenge might end up causing mass destruction one day as the journey continues.

Chapter 278 End.

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