• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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To siphon an Empress

Author's Note:

Okay, I know everyone wants to see the battle against Ghetsis, but here's this first. Just as important.

The Crystal Empire. Day.

Returning safe and sound with the one they cherish the most. Cadence and Shining Armor had Flurry Heart with them once more. Thanks to Ash using the gateway to connect back to their homeworld, the family could escape from Ghetsis' space with their daughter safe.

But, Ash chose to stay behind instead of passing through. He was going to personally handle Team Plasma himself. Doublade, using his sharp body, had cut the sphere that Flurry Heart was being contained in, freeing the baby alicorn from her prison.

"Oh! I was worried! Mommy's sorry I didn't do a better job at defending you!" Cadence hugged Flurry Heart.

"I'm just as sorry...Some Captain of the Royal Guard I am." Shining Armor lowered his head. "I can't even guard my own family..."

"No need to worry!" Just then, Flurry Heart had uttered Dawn's famous catchphrase that Ash had spread across Equestria. It had influenced her as well. However, since she's a baby, when she says it, it sounded jumbled and a tad bit distorted.

"Right. No need to worry." Cadence giggled before regaining a frown "But, I should worry about one thing. Ash is still there. We need to help him."

"He said he would handle things here by himself, didn't he? Let's put faith into Ash just as we always have." Shining Armor went up to Cadence. "But...I'm pretty worried myself. We should warn Celestia and the others at Canterlot as soon as we can. I'm afraid this won't be the last time Ghetsis will come for her."

The first thing to do was to obviously heal up. They had all taken horrible damage during Ghetsis' attack. That goes for the citizens of the Crystal Empire that were down in the dungeon and the soldiers as well. Plus the Pokemon, of course. Then after that, they would get back into stopping the invasion while also informing Celestia about the situation between Ash in case backup might be needed.

Out in the wilds.

The invasion continued. Both sides were in the heat of battle with little rest. This played on for hours without barely any sign of the end. The Empress' side still looked like they were having the advantage due to the many robotic creations in their arsenal.

And of course, those giant ships with magic cannons. Only the Electric, Fighting, Water and Fire-Types were the only ones capable of dealing with these giant ships. Mainly the Probopass and their amazing magnetism abilities. However, more and more kept coming.

The ships seemed endless. If one or more were struck down, another fleet would just appear to clear up after the previous ones. It was overwhelming for Celestia's side. Right now, near a marshland, at least 100 ships were above the skies, raining down rays on their enemies.

Celestia's side was being overwhelmed by these 100 ships. There were just too many of them to handle. And it wouldn't just be this marshland. Very soon, the rest of Equestria would be met with more than 100 ships. The invasion was only ramping up. Below, rubble littered the marshland's landscape. Many soldiers were hiding in ditches while the rays shot down. Some Pokemon had already fainted either from exhaustion or the bombardment of magic rays.

Clusters continued to rain, each varying in power, size and speed. But they were still destructive either way. Celestia's forces were trying to find a way around this endless supply of rays. And speaking of supplies, they were running low on some at the moment due to how long they've been out here.

"Yikes, this is too much...There's more of these?" One soldier said.

"And there could be more from those world's she's conquered coming our way." Another popped his head out of the ditch. "But don't worry. We still have a variety of Pokemon that can handle this...W-When they get here of course. Hopefully soon."

However, while it all looked bleak, some hope was coming. In the form of a giant four-armed monster. The ships kept firing, unaware of what was coming next. The ponies inside of the ship and below the ground suddenly felt a tremor. A tremor that was so great that even the heavens above where the ships hovered shook.

Footsteps equal to the sound of thunder. Something that very few creatures can replicate with just their sounds alone. Then, a shade with a humanoid figure veiled the ships, hills and the whole landscape, blocking out even the sun itself.

"What is that...?" A troop inside of the ship narrowed her eyes, looking outside of the main-view window, wondering what was casting that unearthly shadow. With a clearer look, something came into view behind the clouds.

Something that had glowing yellow eyes, glowing orange hands and a purple and red aura that outlined its body. Soon, everyone was able to see what behemoth was coming into view and shaking the skies and land itself.

It was none other than the Gigantamaxed Superpower Pokemon, belonging to Big Macintosh, and still in his Gigantamax Form.


With the addition of Big Mac, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Trixie, Goh and Starlight riding on his shoulder. And joining them was a figure that wasn't as big but still fairly giant. A dragon that was once on the side of the Empress and was going on a rampage, but was then soothed by a smaller dragon. That was, of course, the adult Spike and the one who tamed him, his younger self from this world. And on the adult dragon's back was the younger Spike, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

It was a fairly interesting sight to look at. But one that probably didn't spell good news as the Gigantamax Machamp and adult dragon were heading straight for the ships. And Spike began by just breathing fire in their direction.

"MACHAMP!" Machamp went next, swinging one of his four arms. The speed of it was slow, but the force from it was potent and fierce.

The ponies inside of the ship quickly realized what was happening as they were being attacked by giants. One of them was an actual giant. The natural response was to panic but the other one was to fight back as they aimed their cannons at Machamp and Spike.

The sheer movement of Machamp's arm swing was so great that the wind pressure-flow towards the ships, blowing the magic rays from the cannons back like they were nothing but paper aeroplanes. Not only that, but the ships themselves, despite their aluminium build and exterior, were utterly blown back by the arm swing.

The ponies inside held on for dear life as their ships were being hurled through the air thanks to Machamp. The adult Spike barely got the chance to even do anything himself. The ships, after being hurled through the air, crashed into each other, causing immense damage with huge dents and holes being formed. And once Machamp actually finished his whole swinging motion, it caused an even greater wind force that blew the metal away.

Like a domino effect, the ships were being smacked into each other, creating an odd sight in the sky that the ponies could all witness. Many engines had failed from crashing into the other ships as some of them were even at the risk of falling. Some were already falling. Seeing the escalation in risk, the ponies onboard jumped ship, activating their parachutes.

Once they all evacuated their mechanical aerial vessels, the ships had blown up, obliterating all of the equipment inside as Celestia's forces cheered while also jumping up from Machamp's footsteps.

As for below, Spike had that covered. He dived downwards, breathing large green flames on the robotic creations that littered the landscape. His flames had melted the robots while Machamp had crushed some of them under his footsteps alone. He most likely didn't even know he stepped on some robots actually.

"Nice work, Machamp!" Fluttershy said to the Superpower Pokemon.


"Haha!" Rainbow Dash cackled as she pointed her hoof at the fleeing troops who were using their Travel Spheres to return to their world. "Guess they don't have much when their ships are gone, huh?!"

"That should do it. Good stuff, me." Spike gave a thumbs up to his older self. The adult dragon then descended with Twilight and the others getting off. Machamp helped Big Mac and the others get off him as well by kneeling. They used his giant arms as slides for fun.

"Oh, Princess Twilight!" A guard said. "Thank you so much! We thought we were goners!"

"You should thank those two instead." Twilight looked at Machamp and the adult Spike. "We're heading to Canterlot next to see how things are there. Is Canterlot safe?"

"Canterlot is fine so far. But I'm afraid more are coming. However, Princess Celestia does have a plan in store. One that involves possibly ending this invasion before it escalates."

"Really? Like what?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She's going to use the Magic Siphoning Jar. If the Empress' huge amounts of magic are taken, if not all of them, then there's a chance she might give up and retreat from her weakened state. Plus, defeating the rest of her invading forces and blocking out the gateways is a part of the plan."

"Oh yeah, I remember now! That Siphoning Jar thing" Rainbow Dash nodded.

"Can it really take all of it? I mean, she's collected a bunch, right?" Applejack asked.

"That jar is identical to what Tirek was able to do. One good use of it and it will drain all of the magic from somepony until there's nothing left. And depending on how powerful the magic is, the stronger the jar will respond." Twilight explained. "If they use it on her then a majority of the magic she's taken will be gone forever and stored in that jar."

"Sounds useful enough." Trixie shrugged. "But it's not like she's going to just stand there and let it happen, right?"

"Not at all." The guard shook his head. "Princess Celestia has already put up a distraction. The alicorn known as Nyx was assigned to distract the Empress for the time being until the time was right. Right now, she could be in conflict with the Empress as we speak."

"Wait!" Twilight gasped as she shot up. "Nyx is doing what?!"

High above the skies of Equestria.

It was indeed true. Much to the Empress chagrin, Nyx was still standing. They've had encounters before in the past when the Empress went from universe to universe, conquering each world that Nyx tried to warn. And each time, the Empress was too much for Nyx herself to handle. But through each universe, she had learned new spells and tricks that could really benefit her. And they were paying off at the moment.

"So you've learned some new tricks! Big whoop!" The Empress spoke as she had a gravitational field around her whilst looking down at Nyx. "You're still below me! Your little distraction plan has already gone awry! I mean, we've already left the spot we were at just an hour ago. How do you expect it to work if your backup won't even know where we are."

"That's what you think," Nyx smirked as she knew that even if she was far away, there was still a chance for her backup to know where she is. After all, every universe has a unique spell exclusive to that world. And in this world, alicorns have the magical capability to mentally speak with each other. Similar to telepathy except only they can hear their conversation

And right now, Nyx was speaking to Celestia through her mind with that spell while dealing with the Empress at the same time. A great multitasking achievement. She certainly takes after her own Twilight.

Speaking of Celestia, she was currently in another city. She had just cleared the place with Passion and Arcanine along with other Canterlot forces. And next to her were the two ponies who had the jar.

Adagio Dazzle and Sunset Shimmer. Mainly Adagio since she was currently in possession of the Magic Siphoning Jar. Celestia had received everything from Nyx.

"Alright. We've just cleared up this area, Nyx. We'll head towards your location immediately. Draw her in at the right spot and then we'll catch her off guard. With magic as grand as hers, the jar will essentially act like a black hole." Celestia spoke telepathically to Nyx.

"So, are we gonna go or what?" Adagio spoke to Celestia.

"We're going." The Ruler of Equestria turned to the pony-siren hybrid. "We just need to use it at the right time. The best thing to do is to catch her off guard when she least expects it. Then, either of you will use the jar on her."

"How are we gonna catch her off guard?" Sunset asked.

"A few ways may work. Like this one trick that my mother used to play on me back when I was younger." Celestia was ready to give out some past experiences that could greatly benefit her. "When I was young, I absolutely despised eating carrot cake. I thought it ruined cakes in general. My mother would try and have me eat them constantly, but I refused."

"And?" The two unicorns said together.

"One day, my mother brought me vanilla cake, my favourite. But little did I know, that was just the decoy. I was so thrilled to eat it that I ended up charging right towards the cake. That's when my mother made the vanilla cake disappear to the other side while also bringing the carrot cake to the front. So, I ended up running into that cake instead. And you know what...I enjoyed it. But besides that, the point is, a decoy is needed. Something that the Empress will set her sights on and that's when she'll run into the jar's absorbing range."

"Oh, okay." Adagio and Sunset nodded in unison.

"Wait...that's the plan?" Something related to what you did as a child?" Adagio took a moment to think about this.

"Well, it's not the main plan. But it's always a good backup. No, no. The plan is something else. Something simple yet effective."

Back with the Empress and Nyx, the two of them continued their conflict after Nyx had finished speaking telepathically with Celestia.

By using her gravitational field, the Empress was able to pull nearby rocks from mountains from a far distance. Giant chunks of rocks that were the size of buildings had been ripped out from her field alone. The Empress commanded the tower-sized rocks towards Nyx.

Nyx had covered herself in magic, charging right towards the Empress. By covering herself in highly reactive magic, she charged through the giant rocks, destroying them while still advancing towards the Empress.

The dark-coloured alicorn broke through all of the rocks that were being thrown away as the Empress then shot her magic into the clouds. With her magic interacting with the clouds, she was able to summon a brief thunderstorm of all things. Bolts of lightning shot down, heading straight for Nyx.

"Agh!" Nyx had been struck by one of the lightning bolts while trying to focus on the many rocks coming her way. She felt her body twitch a bit from the electricity but she persisted. After another lightning bolt came her way, Nyx used her magic to form a deflective shield. She used that deflective shield to knock the lightning away.

Afterwards, with there being fewer rocks now, Nyx then used those rocks for herself, covering them with her magic as she sent them towards the Empress. Empress Twilight had just added the rocks to her gravitational field, giving her some extra protection.

Seeing that the gravitational field was being a problem, Nyx decided to improvise. She was going straight towards the field instead of steering clear away from it. The Empress thought she was insane for getting close, but Nyx went for it anyway.

The Empress had suddenly expanded her gravitational field, causing it to grow as Nyx had been pulled in even further. But that's exactly what she wanted. By using the magic coating spell, Nyx pressed her hooves onto the gravitational field, trying to break through it.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the strength to do so. And seeing that, the Empress smirked as she then used the force of gravity to send Nyx down. The dark-coloured alicorn was being sent down at ludicrous speeds with gravity being pressed down her. She broke through the clouds as she was heading straight for the sea.

Seeing this, Nyx increased her magic coating to nullify the fall into the sea. Not only that, but she also used the spell exclusive to this world as well. The Underwater Breathing spell. She closed her eyes, using two spells at once as she crashed through the water. Luckily for her, it wasn't painful thanks to the magic coating.

The Empress snickered a bit before dropping her gravitational field. She let out a deep breath afterwards as she slowly descended to see if Nyx had been dealt with it. She still wanted Nyx alive for her magic before she finishes her off.

"As much as I love the Gravity spell and all of its amazing tricks, it truly is taxing after some time..." The Empress sighed. "Perhaps there's something else. That Density spell from Pyrestar might be a good substitute."

But as she babbled on about what new spells she wanted to learn for further pursuit of magical power, before she knew it, her body had been outlined in Nyx's magical aura as she was pulled down towards the sea by Nyx herself. The Empress gasped as she as well joined Nyx, but with one key difference. She didn't have the Underwater Breathing spell.

And when down there, some water entered her mouth before she held her breath in. She looked up, seeing Nyx looking perfectly fine without puffing her cheeks or holding her breath.

"Neat, isn't it?" Nyx smirked while talking naturally with her mouth. Water wasn't even entering her. "This would be a spell you would love. Too bad that when this is all over, you won't get the chance to learn it."

The Empress, inside her mind, snarled as she fired a large beam at Nyx. Nyx retaliated with her own before they cancelled each other out. The Empress closed her eyes, trying to focus while breathing underwater. But Nyx could focus more thanks to the spell she was using.

The nightmare-coloured alicorn then lunged herself at the Empress, pressing her hooves onto her as she slammed Empress Twilight onto a stone wall in the sea, startling some of the nearby Water-Type Pokemon. The Empress grit her teeth, trying not to let any water enter her mouth as Nyx added more force onto her hooves.

Nyx pushed Empress Twilight through the stone wall, creating a hole through it as she continued pushing the tyrannical further back. Empress Twilight wasn't exactly that skilled underwater. In fact, she's never done much underwater, let alone battle another alicorn.

But in truth, it wasn't actually the skill that was the problem. It was the fact that Nyx had a spell that could give her the underwater advantage with breathing and the Empress didn't. Breathing is everything in this scenario.

After being pushed through the large stone wall with a path being made, Nyx then unleashed a high-octane and wide blast of magic that engulfed the Empress. The sea lit up with a darkish blue aura that shifted its already blue colouring.

The Empress closed her eyes as the magic covered her entirely. However, even she was underwater, she could still perform other spells either way. After being hit by Nyx's magic beam the Empress went hurling through the sea, hitting multiple sea rocks along the way before landing on some kelp.

Annoyed by how well Nyx was doing as compared to her previous experience with her, the Empress' eyes flashed white before shifting into a reddish colour. Her magical aura pulsated, obliterating the kelp and rocks around her. The pulse even spread out so far that nearby Water-Type Pokemon were blown back by it.

"Hm?" Nyx could feel this blowback but she remained her balance. Before she knew it, that one red pulse from the Empress had actually manipulated the rest of the water itself. Nyx could feel the currents shift as her body was being surrounded by what seemed to be a gradually increasing whirlwind of water. Something was coming this way. From that whirlwind of water, the Empress had an underwater tsunami that was heading straight for the opposing alicorn. Nyx turned around to see this underwater tsunami with a red colouring approach.

"Oh!" She gasped as she quickly countered this by using her magic to construct a giant cup made out of her own magical aura. The tsunami directly went for her cup, filling it up just right. It was a bit of a nonsensical spell and identical to what one of those Power Ponies in the comics are capable of. But it was efficient as Nyx had gathered up the entire tsunami. She then moved the cup, redirecting the tsunami towards the Empress.

The Empress narrowed her eyes as she had then used one of her many other spells. A Clay Spell. From underwater, she formed clay out of thin air, shifting into a wall.

And when water interacts with clay, the result goes as followed. Hydration occurs and the clay absorbs the water. Which is exactly what this clay wall did to the tsunami, swelling it all up.

Afterwards, the Empress obliterated the clay as she had finally gotten herself out of the water by swimming upwards. And Nyx followed after her. Soon, the two of them were out of the sea with their manes wet along with the Empress' dress.

"Almost gave me a scare there." The Empress chuckled. "Not bad. If I were your Twilight, I'd be proud to call you my daughter for that trick of yours."

"Absolutely not. I would never consider you my mother. Besides, this world's Twilight is more worthy of than you'll ever be."

"Pah! So you say. But you should feel lucky. After all, I've had to steal magic from my other-selves. But every one of them were younger. Meaning that later on, they would've all grown to be like me. And the same can be said for this world. The Twilight Sparkle of this world will become a great ruler once in a decade or so. Just like yours truly. However, just like the rest of them, she won't have the chance since I'll be taking all of her magic. You should be grateful that I'm eliminating any potential threats for you and everypony else. That means I'll be the only problem you'll have to be."

"This world's Twilight will never end up like you. None of them, even if you had never taken their magic, would've reached your level of obsession with magic."

"Hmph." The Empress shrugged. "You'd be surprised. But either way, I can't let any other Twilight Sparkle...or any other alicorn, in general, get in my way. Once I take all of their magic for myself, not only will I be the ultimate alicorn but the only alicorn out there! I'll drain their magic so much that they'll revert to being unicorns or whatever race they were before!"

"The only alicorn?"

"Correct! But I suppose you haven't seen how they revert to their old selves since you were so desperate to hop to the next universe. Don't worry, for you, I have something else in mind."


"I'll revert you to the point where your consciousness is far away in the past."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Observe." The Empress smirked as her horn flashed, covering Nyx in her magical aura. Just then, in a split second, Nyx felt an immediate sting go through her head.

"A-A-Aaagh!" She screamed as she put her hooves over her head, feeling an indescribable feeling that was unlike anything she's ever felt before. "W-What is this?!"

"It's the Chronoskimming spell. Courtesy of another world's King Sombra. How do I put this?" The Empress casually flew towards Nyx, getting closer to her while she squirmed. "Basically, your body will go to sleep while your mind travels back in time. It's the power to transfer consciousness to the past and future. But in this case, I'm sending your mind far back. Back to when you were one with Luna and on the moon for all those years. It all comes full circle, doesn't it?

"U-Uugh!" Nyx groaned, trying to resist it.

"Actually...I think I'll do better than that. How about I just send your mind back to when Luna was just a baby. Oh, that sounds perfect, don't you agree?"

"I...think...not!" Nyx suddenly yelled as she smashed her head onto the Empress, granting her a headbutt.

"Agh!" The Empress yelled after receiving that surprise attack as her concentration of the Chronoskimming spell had been broken, freeing Nyx. Nyx breathed in and out as her head felt a bit numb from that process. "Why you...!"

"Celestia...hurry and get here..." Nyx groaned while still holding her head.

"There won't be a Celestia to come to you!" The Empress declared. "This scuffle is over." Deciding that this battle had to come to an end, the Empress then used her Gravity spell to send Nyx down towards the mountains, decided to finish this at a lower level.

Nyx went flying with gravity being pressed down on her. She crashed right into the mountain, shattering parts of it in the process. Nyx groaned as her back was aching after that heavy landing into the mountain. Usually, it wouldn't hurt that much but the gravity just made it worse for her.

Before she could get back up, Nyx was met with large thick bones that sprouted out of the mountains beside her. These bones were the result of the Empress' bone spell. The bones immediately wrapped around Nyx's hooves and neck, pressing down on them while also forming a ribcage that would be used on her stomach.

"W-What is this?!" Nyx gasped as she tried pulling her hooves up. But the bones were too thick and strong to break. Try as she might, her own physical strength wasn't breaking through it. The bones even wrapped around her horn as restraints, squeezing it.

"Too tough? I wouldn't bother using your magic to try breaking them either." The Empress descended. "You'd need to be a giant if you even wish to shatter these bones. Now then...about your magic..."

"I won't let you take it!"

"Pssh. Like you have a choice!" The Empress stomped her hoof onto Nyx's chest, stepping on her while pressing the ribcage down. "And while I'm at it, I think I'll revert your consciousness too."

"Agh!" Nyx winced after having her stomach take some damage. With how things were going, her distraction plan, while it did buy time, it would also result in the loss of her magic and potential end.

Empress Twilight's method of absorbing magic was identical to Tirek's method. Mostly because it was. By opening her mouth, the Empress began absorbing all of the magic that resided in Nyx as a black and purple stream of magic energy entered her mouth.

Nyx was powerless to stop this as everything within her was being removed. Her Cutie Mark was even turning grey because of all the magic being drained from her. It was truly an unpleasant feeling as her body was still being pressed down by the bones.

However, Nyx made the right sacrifice as she had bought enough time. All she could do was smirk as the last of her magic had been pulled from her. The Empress closed her mouth, finally retrieving some new alicorn magic for herself. She breathed out as black smoke was exhaled.

Nyx had grey eyes as she felt weak in every area. As if she couldn't break out of the bones before, now she most certainly couldn't.

"Finally. That puts an end to your eternal meddling." said the Empress. "It's been fun, Nyx. Our constant scuffles were entertaining for a while. But in the end, not even a reincarnation of Nightmare Moon can stand to me."

"Tch." Nyx scoffed. Just then, the Empress communications started ringing in her ears. It was coming straight from her forces. "Yes? What is it?"

"Empress! Bad news! We're losing horribly here!" A troop screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Spike has ended up betraying us! And there's this giant Machamp moving around, knocking our ships away as if they're flies!"

"Spike did what?!" The Empress shot up after hearing that. "That little...Don't you even think about retreating? We're going to-" But just as Empress Twilight was about to give out her next command to all of her forces, a giant blast of magic came soaring down, landing right next to her as it knocked the Empress off her hooves.

With that one magic blast knocking her back, the Empress quickly recovered since it wasn't relatively strong. But then again, it wasn't meant to be. That wasn't what the original user was intending.

Princess Celestia, of course.

But Adagio and Sunset were nowhere to be found. It was just her, Passion and Arcanine, standing before the Empress for the second time.

"You." The Empress narrowed her eyes as she descended to the ground.

"Nyx. Are you alright?" Celestia asked her fellow alicorn.

"Not so much...All of my magic is gone...But it was enough time, wasn't it?" Nyx groaned.

"It certainly was." Celestia nodded before turning to face the Empress.

"Hmph. Come here to stop me once and for all." The Empress smirked as she opened the gateway behind her. "Apologies but I've got other important things to do. I already have to deal with a traitor and some giant Machamp."

"I am. But not yet anyway." Celestia replied.

"Hm? What do you mean by that?"

Hold still, Nyx." Celestia went up to Nyx, breathing in as she had a solution to the whole magic removal for Nyx. By lighting her horn up, Celestia suddenly exuded a beautiful golden magic light that flowed towards Nyx. This was identical to what Celestia, Luna and Cadence did to Twilight during Tirek's rampage. She was giving Nyx her magic.

"What?! Why would you give your magic?!" The Empress stepped forward but Passion stood in front of Celestia, preventing the Empress from even getting close while Arcanine barked at her. That's when the Empress noticed something peculiar.

The Boundless Cutie Mark. It was suddenly spinning around rapidly with billions and billions of Cutie Marks moving around at lightspeed, responding to what Celestia was doing. The Empress was so focused on this that she actually wanted to see how this would play out instead. Besides, she already has Nyx's magic and more.

And just like that, in just 10 seconds with Celestia's eyes flashing, she had transferred all of her magic towards Nyx, restoring it all to her. In fact, Nyx's magic was greater than ever since she had some of Celestia's own magic in her.

"Oh..." Nyx quickly noticed this as she could feel the magic within her once more. Unfortunately, there was still the bone issue that existed.

"There." Celestia sighed. "Good as new."

"You gave up all your magic? W-Why? This wasn't apart of the plan?"

"I'm wondering the same thing myself." said the Empress. "Why would you even think about giving her your magic? Unless you're hoping that she can beat me in which...that's not going to happen with my arsenal and magic power, obviously."

"No. It was just to bring the magic back for her." Celestia turned to Empress Twilight. "Besides, it doesn't matter if I gave her my magic. Take a look at my Cutie Mark."

"Hm?" The Empress then looked at Celestia's Boundless Cutie Mark as she witnessed the grey colours fade away, gradually reforming the mark into its natural colours. This was a clear indication that Celestia's magic was coming back. "It's coming back?!"

"You wanted to know about my Boundless Cutie Mark when you first heard about it, right?" Celestia said. "You'll get your answers. The one thing that this Cutie Mark can do is restore magic. It doesn't matter how much magic I use, even if I transfer it to somepony else, through it all, the Mark acts on its own and replenishes it."

"Acts on its own?"

"And you can thank Starswirl for that." Celestia then revealed to the Empress and Nyx the book where she first learned about the Boundless Cutie Mark. The book of Starswirl's many abandoned magic practices. She then opened the book, revealing the page of where the Boundless Cutie Mark was. "His discovery made this mark possible?"

"Abandonded...?" The Empress uttered. "You mean he never finished them?"

"Most of them. But for the Boundless Cutie Mark, he just couldn't figure it out. Simple as."

"Hmph. And why are you showing me this exactly, Princess?"

"Why exactly? Hm...I suppose it's because you'll never have this Cutie Mark at all."


"This Mark can only be chosen by who it deems worthy. And it seems as if I'm that pony. This is the only existence of the Boundless Cutie Mark in any universe. And there exists only one. You've wanted to get your hooves on it after hearing about it, believing it can give you more power. And you can thank Luster Dawn for spilling the truth out to us, among other things. Well, I hate to give you the unfortunate news, but that's one other thing about this mark that you should know of. You can never have it. You can absorb my magic all you want, it'll just restore it. And there's nothing you can do about it."

Celestia had certainly struck a nerve. Those words had just made Empress Twilight twitch her ears and eyebrows aggressively. But she kept her cool before letting out an agitated smirk.

"Heh. I suppose so. But...you'd be surprised on what I can accomplish."

"Oh?" Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"I have many spells at my disposal. Spells that you could only think of in your dreams rather than reality. Do you think I don't have a spell that can handle this? And even if I don't, what's stopping me from heading out to another world and finding that answer? After all, even if I can't obtain your mark, I can always still look into that book. If those are spells that Starswirl couldn't complete, then obviously...I can be the one to do so. Nopony excels at magic more than me."

"Hm," Celestia smirked before nodding. "Well, you have a point. You did solve one of Starswirl's problems before. It's how you became an alicorn after all. But tell me, how do you plan to do that if this book was destroyed?"

"Acra!" That was Arcanine's cue. Knowing that Empress Twilight needed the book for the Boundless Cutie Mark so that she could complete what Starswirl couldn't, Arcanine spat a tiny flame that had power equal to magma, spreading it across the book itself.

"What! No, you-" The Empress gasped as she attempted to stop the book burning in whatever way she can as her horn started glowing.

"Aha!" That was Adagio and Sunset's cue. They jumped out of Passion's dress of all places as they each held the jar out together.

"!" One more gasp echoed out of Empress Twilight's mouth as she was immediately met with the overwhelming fury of the jar. Once it was in front of her, just like how Celestia described it, it acted like a black hole.

The jar responds to magic in various ways. The higher the magic, the stronger the pull. And considering that Empress Twilight has the magic of hundreds, thousands possibly even millions of alicorns within her, the jar was performing its biggest siphon yet.

The Empress herself was even being pulled forward as a multitude of different magical auras started flowing out of her and into the jar. This pressure was unlike anything she had ever felt. Sunset and Adagio both had their manes flow as they stood their ground, making sure they weren't blown away by the jar's force.

The force of the jar's pressure was so great that it was actually capable of not only weakening the bones that held Nyx down, giving her a better chance to escape, but they also shattered the ones that held Nyx's hooves and horn down. The jar made tremendous howling sounds that echoed throughout the sky.

Passion held onto Celestia and Arcanine, protecting them from the pull with her Psychic hold. Empress Twilight started screaming as she could feel countless alicorn magic essences leave her body. Magic that was never hers, to begin with.

Before she knew it, over a thousand different alicorn essences had been stored in the jar. The Empress grit her teeth as she could not allow any of this to happen. With all the magic that she still had, she lit her horn up, trying her best to prevent this.

With one aggressive burst of magic, the Empress created an expansive pulse of magic that had blown the jar away, sending both Sunset and Adagio flying. But luckily, Celestia had caught them both as Passion put up a Psychic shield to protect them from being blown back. Nyx was fine. She felt the blowback but the ribcage still kept her on the ground.

Smoke spread out from her magical pulse the jar had finished absorbing what it could after being pushed away. Even bits of the mountain themselves shook.

"Ugh..." With that, the Empress gagged as she lowered her head while hunched over. It felt like she had been hit by a train after having all of her magic being taken away. She breathed in and out furiously as Passion placed everyone down afterwards. Empress Twilight had lost over a million alicorn magic in just a few seconds as she looked up at Celestia and the others with scorn in her eyes. "You...You...!"

"Blackhole is right." Adagio sighed. "That was ridiculous."

"There. Now you're no longer in your prime." Celestia spoke to a weakened Empress Twilight. Sunset moved behind Passion as she held the jar close to her. Right now, millions of alicorn magic were flowing inside of this hunk of surprisingly durable glass. "How about we try one more time until you're just a magicless ruler?"

"Curse you...Celestia!" The Empress roared at Celestia and her friends as she slowly backed away. "I won't forget this...This invasion is far from over! Besides...even if Spike is gone...I have another way to cause rampage!"

"Pssh! What can you do now?" Adagio mocked as she grabbed the jar from Sunset Shimmer, standing in front of everyone, ready to siphon more of the Empress' magic. "Let's just pull the rest of it in and get this over with."

"Oh, you'll see." The Empress suddenly pulled out an Ultra Ball from her dress before throwing it into the sky. Everyone kept their eyes on the Ultra Ball, gasping after seeing it. If an Ultra Ball was here, that meant that a powerful Pokemon resided in it.

And a powerful Pokemon most certainly did. One half of the world's strongest dragon Kyurem had emerged from the ball. The opposite to the Vast White Pokemon Reshiram. The Dragon of Ideals.

The Deep Black Pokemon Zekrom.

"Zekrom?!" Celestia gasped.

"Go, Zekrom! Rampage to your heart's content!" The Empress ran back into the gateway as she then used her magic to close it, leaving only Zekrom here to deal with everything else.

Noticeably, something was off about Zekrom. Its usually red eyes were glowing a purple aura this time. Certainly out of the ordinary. But that wasn't the point now. Wanting some information, Sunset immediately took out the Pokedex to see this Pokemon for herself. This was actually her first time seeing it along with Adagio.

"Zekrom. The Deep Black Pokemon. Concealing itself in lightning clouds, it flies throughout the Unova region. It creates electricity in its tail. This legendary Pokémon can scorch the world with lightning. It assists those who want to build an ideal world. When the interior part of its tail spins like a motor, Zekrom can generate many bolts of lightning to blast its surroundings. Mythology tells us that if people lose the righteousness in their hearts, their kingdoms will be razed by Zekrom’s lightning."

Right now, Zekrom, under the Empress' command, let out a giant roar as it was ready to start a rampage possibly greater than Spike himself. The Deep Black Pokemon ascended into the air as a single wing flap changed the air currents themselves. Celestia and the others looked up at the Dragon-Electric-Type, knowing that they had a new problem to deal with. Zekrom then flew off into the distance, beginning its rampage.

"Follow it!" Celestia said as she spread her wings out. Adagio jumped onto Passion's back while Sunset hopped onto Arcanine's back instead.

But the moment they hopped on, Zekrom, with insane speeds, was already far away from here. All that was left were the holes it had left in the clouds. This did not spell good for Equestria at all.

Pyrestar's world.

But as a dangerous and horrifying threat looms over the other Equestria, here in this Equestria, a battle between two opposing trainers was due.

One between Ash and the other between Ghetsis. The grunts inside of the castle immediately ran for the hills as Ash and Ghetsis were already tearing the place apart thanks to their Pokemon. And things were only going to escalate from here on.

"You think that's enough? I'll just go after her again. Once I'm done with you forever. And after I finish you and retrieve the child once more, I'll obliterate you and your friends. The world that I seek to conquer does not need any threats and nuisances such as yourself. In any world! I'll make that a permanent fate without you in it. In fact, I swear that I'll gain enough power to change fate itself!" Ghetsis declared as Ash snapped back with a single sentence.

"Then I'm gonna turn fate into ash!"


As the journey continues.

Chapter 456 End.

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