• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Overwhelming Gym Battle

With enough time to improve, it was time for Rainbow Dash's third Gym Battle. Her destination, Manehattan. Much more grand in scale compared to the other two gyms.

"This is it. The day I win my third Gym Battle." Rainbow Dash was sitting down, talking to her Pokemon. "And we're gonna win this like we did the others! Nopony's gonna take us down!"




"That's the spirit!"

"Best be careful Rainbow Dash," Ash said. "The third gym is always the first roadblock. I should know."


"I heard the 3rd Gym Leader's a pony. This'll be their first time being in the league." Twilight said.

"That means my chances of winning have gone up. Hehehe." Rainbow Dash was getting too full of herself. "No time to waste. Manehattan, here we come!"

Manehattan. A metropolitan city located in Equestria. Here is where Rainbow Dash will come across the third gym. And the gym leader will prove to be her biggest challenge yet. Arriving at Manehattan, they came across a red and orange domed shape building with the Pokemon symbol on it.

"This is it. Must be a fire gym from the looks of it." As Rainbow Dash and the others entered, they were greeted with the gym leader. To the others they didn't recognize the pony, but Twilight did.

"No way. YOU'RE the gym leader?!" Twilight gasped. The pony she recognized had come here from another separate world.

Sunset Shimmer.

"Hey Twilight."

"Is this that Sunset Shimmer girl you mentioned a while back?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah. I'm surprised you're here. You were assigned?"

"Hehe. Yep. This BigTime Ben guy offered me this role so I took it. Although I am a bit nervous. Celestia maybe doesn't I'm here and I'm still kinda shaken up on her."

"Who cares about all of that? I'm here for my Gym Battle!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Well, she came here for that. So we'll give her a challenge. Right Litleo?" Sunset said to her partner Pokemon who was by her side.

"Oooh." Rainbow Dash pulled out her dex to get some info on this new Pokemon.

"Litleo. The Lion Cub Pokemon. As soon as Litleo is able to battle without the help of its pride, it sets off on its own journey, filled with curiosity about what the future holds. When it gets fired up, its mane becomes hot."

"Aww... it's a tiny little lion cub." Fluttershy gazed at the fire Pokemon. Both trainers took their spots as the referee looked at both sides.

"The battle between Challenger Rainbow Dash and Gym Leader Sunset Shimmer will be a 3v3. Three Pokemon only and the battle will be over once three Pokemon on one side are unable to battle. Only the challenger will be allowed to substitute Pokemon for this challenge." He announced.

"I'll start off with you. Go! Rufflet!" Her first Pokemon was Rufflet, who had gotten stronger over the past days.


"Then I'll go with this one." Sunset sent her Pokeball forward with her magic. Sending out her first Pokemon. Fletchinder.

"Another flying type?" Dash scanned it with her dex.

"Fletchinder. The Ember Pokemon. Each Fletchinder jealously guards its own territory and drives intruders away. Flaming embers shoot forth from its beak to attack, or to grill its food to perfection before eating."

"It'll be a Flying-Type fight then. I can get behind that. You ready Rufflet?"


"Battle Start!"

"Let's get in there with a Wing Attack!" Rufflet made the first move, flying forward.

"Blow it away with Razor Wind!" Fletchinder had sent a wave of wind that was sharp enough to cut rocks in half as each of them hit Rufflet, pushing him back.


"Don't let it get to you! Fly over it!" Rufflet flew over the Razor Wind, avoiding each of them.

"Chase after it and keep using Razor Wind!" Flethchinder chased after Rufflet, sending cutting wind at it. Rufflet was doing his best to try and avoid the wind, avoiding a bit. He eventually got in close, striking his wing on Fletchinder, pushing it back down. "Not bad. Counter with Steel Wing!" Flethchinder quickly flew up as it wings became hard as steel, hitting Rufflet in its belly.

"Oh no Rufflet!" Rufflet was sent to the ground, but he covered on his talons luckily.

"Ruff!" Rufflet shook off that damage, as it only riled him up more.

"Let's try the new move you learned. Brave Bird!" Rufflet's body started to glow as it was radiating energy representing its passion to win. The Eaglet Pokemon charged in, ready to smash into Fletchinder.

"Sorry. I won't let you! Flame Charge!" Fletchinder quickly retaliated by engulfing itself in flames, charging at Rufflet as the two birds butted heads. They ended up pushing each other back as they seemed equal in strength. However, Fletchinder had managed to burn Rufflet, making him experience his first status effect. Thanks to the ability, Flame Body.

"Okay, Rufflet! Come back for now!" She had returned him to his ball. "Rufflet matches it for strength..but that burn's a threat. I need to keep my distance. "Go! Whirlipede!"

"Whirlipede." Next up was the Curlipede Pokemon. Rainbow was going to use its speed and ranged attacks to its advantage.

"Fletchinder. Use Acrobatics!" All of a sudden, Fletchinder got much faster as it was moving about at high speeds. Whirlipede couldn't keep track, but Rainbow Dash could. Thanks to her being fast herself. Before Fletchinder struck Rainbow Dash made the command.

"Dodge it!" But it was too late. Acrobatics already hit its mark, making Whirlipede roll. This kept on going as Whirlipede was getting pummeled with Acrobatics. "Not good! Use Poison Sting!" Whirlipede was about to strike Fletchinder, but the Ember Pokemon avoided it easily. Its speed was too much.

"Oh, dear. Whirlipede is really feeling the pressure." Rarity was getting worried. Rainbow Dash even more. She didn't know what to do. She could keep up with Fletchinder, but Whirlipede couldn't. It's only fast when it builds up momentum.

"Urgh. Return Whirlipede." Making another switch out was tough for her. She wasn't doing too well in this one early on. She was caught in a bit of a rough spot. She only had two Pokemon who were Flying-Types. And Whirlipede's Bug-Typing made it weak against Fletchinder. And this was only Sunset's first Pokemon.

"Feeling a bit overwhelmed, Dash?" Sunset said.

"I ain't out yet. I'll find a way past that bird. Swablu! I'm counting on you!" Swablu was her next pick. Even if it's also a Flying-Type, it can still take neutral damage.

"Fletchinder. Steel Wing!"

"Swablu! Swoop around!" Swablu did just that, swooping underneath the Steel Wing. "Now use Fury Attack!" It flew back, attacking Fletchinder's back with its cotton wings and talons.

"Blow it away with Razor Wind!" Fletchinder pushed Swablu off it, unleashing rapid cutting wind waves at Swablu. The Cotton Bird Pokemon took the hits but not taking too much damage. "Now! Flame Charge!"

"Use Disarming Voice!" Swablu let out a charming cry that dealt emotional damage to Fletchinder. This was enough to put it to a halt. "Yes! Now slam it down with your wings!" Swablu lifted its wings up, slamming Fletchinder back on the ground. Fletchinder recovered as it wasn't enough to take it down. Rainbow Dash was starting to see why the 3rd Gym is always known as the first roadblock, as said by Ash.

"I've never seen Rainbow Dash struggle so much like this," Twilight commented. "You weren't kidding about the 3rd Gym Ash."

Rainbow Dash still had some faith. She did manage to land a few hits here and there. She thought to herself, thinking that if she just got one good hit in, she'd be able to take out Fletchinder at least. Then none of her Pokemon would have fainted, leaving her with an advantage.

"Alright. Swablu! Disamaring Voice one more time!" Swablu sent the sound waves down towards Fletchinder.

"Fly to the side!" Fletchinder quickly flew to the side, avoiding the voice. "Now! Steel Wing!"

"Look out, Swablu! Block it with your wings!" Swablu had covered its entire body with its cotton wings. However, cotton won't save you from steel. The attack made a direct hit, sending Swablu back. It dealt major damage, almost putting Swablu down. "Hang in there! Fly in close!" Swablu zoomed forward towards its target.

"Let's finish this with Flame Charge!" Flethchinder also zoomed in with fire ready to hit Swablu.

"Now spin and duck!" Using a new command, Swablu spun around, ducking the Flame Charge. This caught Sunset off guard. Didn't see that one coming. "Go! Fury Attack!" Swablu flew back up, slamming both its wings on Fletchinder, sending it back to the bottom. It hit the ground, and thanks to the repeated hits it took, Fury Attack managed to make it faint.

"Fletchinder is unable to battle. Swablu wins!"

"Yes! Phew! That got rough. Right Swablu?"

"Swa-" Their victory came with a cost. Flame Body. Swablu's cotton caught the burn as it took damage from the flames, making it faint as well.

"Swablu is also unable to battle!"

Sunset smirked. She planned this from the very start. Relying on Fletchinder's ability Flame Body was the right call, as it will burn the opponent if they get too comfortable getting up close and personal. Rainbow Dash returned Swablu, but she wasn't feeling too down. She still had somewhat evened the odds, but her Pokemon took some considerable damage.

"Not a bad start, Rainbow Dash. Manoeuvring around my Fletchinder was pretty smart. But. Let's see how you handle things on ground level. Go!" Her next Pokemon came out. Rainbow was ready to use the dex on it. It was a Braxien.

"Braxien. The Fox Pokemon. When Braxien pulls the twig out of its tail, the friction from its fur sets the wood on fire. It can use this flaming twig as a tool or a weapon."

"Braxien huh? She's got a full Kalos team." Ash pointed out.

"Okay... Gotta be careful. Fire's no joke, even when it comes to Pokemon. Whirlipede. Let's try this again!" Whirlipede came back out. It had one move in its arsenal that would help it. Rollout.

"Get in with Rollout!" Not holding anything back, Whirlipede went in with its body rapidly moving forward towards Braxien, now with momentum. Sunset and Braxien stood there, knowing what to do.

"Attract." Braxien had winked at Whirlipede, making it fall for Braxien, stopping in its tracks.

"Say what?!" Dash yelled. "Whirlipede! Keep going!" Whirlipede wasn't in his right mind. He was smitten.

"Gotcha. Use Psybeam." With its twig glowing a purple color, it blasted Whirlipede away with a beam of psychic energy. The amount of power behind it surpassed that of Starmie's. This was enough to knock Whirlipede out.

"Whirlipede is unable to battle! Braxien wins!"

Rainbow Dash gulped. She did not see this coming. This wasn't like Sweet Scent back at her first Gym Battle. Now she was down to just one Pokemon. Rufflet.

"What do I do..." She grit her teeth as she was feeling overwhelmed. "I have to risk it all on Rufflet."

"This is making me nervous." Applejack was quaking.

"Rufflet! Let's win this!" Sending Rufflet out, the two were about to go for broke. Both of them could feel the pressure. "I won't let it end here. Rufflet! Aerial Ace!" Rufflet quickly flew forward, striking Braxien with intense force. Sunset smiled as she retaliated instantly.

"Fire Spin." Braxien started to spin around as a fiery ball surrounded her. "Try and get close Dash." Rufflet backed away, not wanting to get hit by the Fire Spin.

"Blow it away by flapping your wings repeatedly!" She tried a good old fashion nature trick. Rufflet was flapping its wings as fast as it could. But it wasn't enough to even make the flames woosh. Braxien then jumped up as the Fire Spin struck Rufflet.


"Rufflet no!" Rufflet rolled on the floor as it got back up. But it was caught with the effects of Fire Spin. Not to mention it was still affected by burn. Rufflet was sweating intensely. "Quick! Wing Attack in Aerial Ace!" She tried to use a combination of two moves. She was getting very desperate now. Rufflet flew in, ready to do a dual move.

"Attract again." And now, even Rufflet was caught by the attract, falling for Braxien.

"Not again!" Rufflet stopped flying as it went up to Braxien, heart eyes and all. "Snap out of it Rufflet!"

"Psybeam!" Braxien was ready to deliver another devastating hit, however, Rufflet came back to its senses. Sensing Rainbow Dash's cry. It avoided the Psybeam as it made a crater in the ground. "Awesome! Now! Brave Bird!"

"Not bad, snapping out of Attract. But this is it! Double Team!" All of a sudden, there were duplicates of Braxien everywhere, throwing Rufflet off focus.

"Which ones the real one?!" Rainbow Dash shifted her eyes, trying to see past the afterimages.

"Psybeam!" It looked like all the Braxien's were about to fire a Psybeam. Rufflet started to panic and so did Rainbow Dash.

"Dodge it!" She could only say that, not knowing which is the real one. Rufflet flew into the air, as al the afterimages started to fade away, showing the real Braxien. Psybeam was fired, hitting Rufflet head on. A smoke cloud erupted from the impact as Rufflet fell to the ground. "No! Rufflet!" Rufflet was hanging on by a thread. It stood back up, all tattered and damaged. Its determination to win was no joke. Rainbow Dash could feel it too, but she wasn't sure about letting him continue. The final nail in the coffin came from the burn damage, eventually making Rufflet fall.

"Rufflet is unable to battle! Braxien wins! Thus the victor is the Gym Leader Sunset Shimmer!"

This was her first loss and hit hard. She lowered her head, putting her hat over her face.

"Good job Braxien. Come back." Sunset Shimmer returned Braxien as she walked over to Rainbow Dash. "You did your best, Rainbow Dash. But don't feel too down. You can always try a-" Sunset couldn't finish her sentence as Rainbow Dash zoomed out of the gym, feeling a total loss.

"Poor Rainbow Dash. I've never seen her take such a huge loss like that before." Pinkie Pie pouted.

"I'm sorry if I was a bit too aggressive." Sunset felt guilty.

"It's alright. It happens. Losing your first Pokemon battle can be rough. On anyone. Rainbow Dash needs to take in her loss in the meantime." Ash said. Knowing how she felt.


Her first loss was major. She thought she was unstoppable considering her consecutive wins. But after that, she didn't feel invincible at all.

Not anymore.

Chapter 60 End.

Author's Note:

We all know how it felt when we lost our first battle. It stung without a doubt.

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