• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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That accursed Sweet Scent

Equestria. Canterlot. Nightfall.

"I'm back..." Inside the castle, Luna had arrived, opening the doors as she met with her big sister.

"Welcome back, Luna. My, you look more tired than usual." Celestia spoke, observing her sister's current state.

"I've just finished my training for today..." Luna groaned. "Gligar has evolved into a Gliscor...and I caught myself a Sawk as well." She put her hoof on her face with her eyes being baggy. "Couldn't catch any Pokemon that appear in the night...Shame."

"Oh, that's...great. Um...Are you capable of guarding the night this time, Luna?"

"Maybe..." Luna lowered her head, yawning. "Darkrai will take over this time."

"RIght. Get some sleep immediately. Remember, soon, we'll be heading to Pegalyisum."

"I know, I know." Luna gave her response as she used her magic to teleport away, leaving this spot and immediately entering her room. And she positioned herself perfectly as well. Right above her bed.

And with the perfect position, she placed herself on her nice and comfy bed, already beginning to close her eyes as she would let everything within her rest up.

A smile graced her face as her head rested on the fluffy pillow that she loves to sleep on oh-so-much. She also used her magic to bring a blanket over for her. After some adjusting, she felt cosy and at peace at last. Everything was silent for her. Just as she liked it during a nightfall rest.

Darkrai would already take everything from here as he had entered the Dream World by his own will. Luna deserved the rest for being such a hardworking Pokemon Trainer after all.

However, there was someone who wouldn't allow Luna to have a full nights sleep. And it was herself. Or rather, a part of herself. Not Nightmare Moon.

But Lunar Ire.

2 hours had passed and she had appeared, ready to bother Luna as always with her negotiations of letting the Moon Princess accept her.

"Sleeping well?" The embodiment of Luna's sorrow and rage spoke, waking the Moon Princess up.

"You?" Luna's eyes opened. "What do you want now? I'm trying to rest here."

"I thought I would show myself one more time. It's been a while since we've met. After all, you never utilized me during the invasion."

"I didn't need to. I had my friends by my side so you were obsolete in the end."

"Maybe. But I can guarantee you won't think of me as pointless in future endeavours. That much is true. Especially with that Pegalyisum instance. Who knows what that will bring? Possibly something that will make you truly accept me?"

"Look. I am trying to catch some wonderful sleep by now. If anything you're just forcing me to deny you even further."

"Oh, you won't need to sleep, Luna. Observe." And with a flash of an eye, Lunar Ire had performed the unexpected. As her eye flashed a dark blue, that same colour surrounded Luna, pulsating her body.

Luna gasped as she felt a sudden shock go right through her. But it was not harmful. Quite the opposite really. As she sat up, Luna noticed that she wasn't as tired as she was before. She looked at her hooves, realizing that her energy was back in a flash.

"W-What is this...?" Luna gawked. "I don't feel as tired as I was before. I feel refreshed."

"That's just one of the many things I can perform. You won't have to run out of energy or ever feel tired if you accept me." Lunar Ire chuckled. "Natural body limits will be a thing of the past."

"That is...impressive. But it's not convincing enough!"

"Hmph. Whatever you say, princess. Until we meet again. Probably soon on Pegalysium." And just like that, Lunar Ire faded away, returning into Luna's spirit and soul once more.

Now that Luna was energetic and awake, she had the chance to do everything else during the night. She didn't expect this, that's for sure. Darkrai had just finished his work at the Dream World in just an hour.

Luna left her room, opening the door as she could see all of the Canterlot Guards roaming about. What she could do now during the night was up to her. And at this point, since Lunar Ire can just replenish her energy, there's no telling if she may do the same next time Luna rests at night.

"Luna. What happened to you sleeping?" Darkrai floated over.

"Change of plans. My energy's been replenished thanks to that Lunar Ire. What a drag...I suppose I could head out and try my hoof at catching some more Pokemon. Are you willing for a midnight escapade?"

"Why not? I've finished with the Dream World anyway." Darkrai was happy to help Luna in her adventures as he always does.

Slide mountains. Midnight

Another one of the many exclusive locations that had been formed from the Pokemon's existence changing the geography of the world itself.

As the name suggests, the appearance of this mountainscape had slides of all things. Slides and also slopes everywhere, personally built by some of the Rock-Type Pokemon living here. This area was enough to make even a children's slide look embarrassing. Mostly due to the heights of each grassy and rocky slide.

However, sliding down them would be unpleasant as they're less comfortable than a playground slide. Some of them even had water flowing down like a water slide. These were originally generated by Water-Type Pokemon and eventually, so much water covered them that it became natural.

Luna had arrived in the middle of the night to perform what she wanted to do before she became exhausted. Catch Pokemon that appear in the night. Rare Pokemon are said to appear at this time after all.

Luna looked at her Pokedex as she already found a selection of Pokemon she wanted to catch. Midnight Lycanroc, Clefairy Sableye, Quagsire and Banette. She then closed the Pokedex afterwards.

Granted, she didn't want to be out here tonight, but thanks to Lunar Ire, she could do nothing about it. It was like she could tackle the whole day and end up falling asleep in the morning. That is if Lunar Ire chooses to replenish her energy.

Luna arrived at a high hill in the mountains, looking over the ground below her to get a better view. She began searching for her wanted Pokemon, shifting her eyes everywhere.

Many Pokemon were asleep, while the nocturnal Pokemon roamed about. But the ones that Luna sought weren't present yet. She also looked up at the sky, thinking about what Lunar Ire said about Pegalysium. Despite her rejecting Lunar Ire, her embodiment of all her sorrow and rage had a point regarding Pegalysium as she thought about it.

"Especially with that Pegalyisum instance. Who knows what that will bring? Possibly something that will make you truly accept me?"

Thinking about that made Luna cautious as she knew that Pegalysium shielded itself away from Equestria for centuries. So whatever lies up there, Lunar Ire may make an appearance. But Luna didn't believe that. Lunar Ire never arrived during the invasion and she believed that nothing in Pegalysium could match the chaos of that event.

"Ridiculous. If anything happens, I'll have my Pokemon and friends by my side. Now, who should I seek first?" The Moon Princess scanned the area, using her magic to create light.

A light blue aura shined out of her horn as it was used in the same way a flashlight, torch or candle would be used for those who wish to see in the dark. She moved the light around, shining it on the dark landscape of these slides. For better clarity, she also started moving.

However, the moment she took her first step, her ears picked up on something nearby. Luna snapped her head to the side, focusing on the direction she heard the noise come from. From what she could hear, it sounded like screaming of some sort.

"What's that sound...? Is it the Nightmare Pokemon again?!" Luna gasped. The Nightmare Pokemon were still prominent in Equestria even after they had seemingly been stopped by catching Musharna. Except it wasn't the Nightmare Pokemon. However, in a sense, it could be considered a nightmare for the individual apart of it. Coming into view with Luna's eyes was the sight of six familiar individuals.

Four of them were Crystal Empire Guards. And two of them were Flash Sentry and the older Princess Flurry Heart from another world as they were all screaming while sliding on the sloped mountains.

Five of them were screaming in fear while the other was screaming in excitement, AKA Flurry Heart. The mountains had been met with water, making it safe to slide down on them.

"Woohooo!" Flurry Heart bellowed, raising her hooves.

"Flurry Heart? The Crystal Empire Guards? What is the...?" Luna was a bit confused about what was happening, especially with all the water showing up.

But more importantly, someone else was behind Flurry Heart and the others. And it was one of the Pokemon Luna was searching for.

Midnight Lycanroc.

The Midnight Form of Lycanroc seemed to be seething with rage as it was also sliding on the water, roaring at the six ponies behind it. "LYCANROC!"

"Why did you have to provoke it, Princess?!" Flash Sentry cried out as water got in his face.

"Sorry about that! It just looked so fluffy from behind!" Flurry Heart apologized. "But isn't this place fun?! It's even better with water!"

"I think I'm gonna be sick..." One of the Crystal Empire guards felt like passing out from these movements. The water seemed to be appearing from the horizon, continuing to fill the rest of the sloped mountains.

"If I could...!" Flash's words were interrupted with water hitting his face each time he rolled on the slope. He couldn't focus and use his wings either. "Just reach my Poke Ball!"

"Lycan!" Lycanroc was perfectly surfing on the water as it had then used Stone Edge, summoning multiple rocks around its body. The Wolf Pokemon then unleashed all of those rocks, hurling them at the six ponies.

"Oh my! GO! Frillish!" Luna called for her Frillish, throwing the Poke Ball to release him out.

"Frillish!" Frillish emerged as he knew what he needed to do.

"Save them and use Hydro Pump!"

"Lish!" The Floating Pokemon zoomed through the air with surprisingly great speeds. After being trained a lot with Luna, Frillish was certainly faster than he was before.

By moving through the air, the Water-Ghost-Type unleashed a stream of water from his mouth that had high volumes behind it. That stream moved so fast that it easily outpaced the stones from Stone Edge, obliterating them all before they could hit the six ponies.


"Oh! Flurry Heart and the others turned around after seeing that stream of water arrive. Once their attention turned somewhere else, they saw Princess Luna standing by one of the sloped mountains. "Great auntie Luna!"

"You all! Come here!" With her great magical might, Luna had used her magic, outlining Flurry Heart and the others with it. She had brought them all over here by lifting them from the flowing water and sloped mountain.

She successfully brought them near her while keeping Lycanroc away. However, Lycanroc still had an urge to exact revenge on the six ponies. Mainly Flurry Heart.

"Lycanroc!" Since Lycanroc had perfect control over the water, the Wolf Pokemon lunged forward with Foul Play, coating its paws in darkness. "Ly!"

"Right where I want you! Frillish, Hydro Pump!"

"Frill!" After blowing the rocks away, Frillish then aimed Hydro Pump at the approaching Wolf Pokemon. By opening his mouth, a large stream came flying out.

"Lyca!" One hit and Lycanroc had been struck by the high volume blast of water. It was sent flying back, crashing and splashing on the same waves that it was surfing on. Now Lycanroc was the one losing control on the water slides.

"Great Ball, go!" Luna then took out a Great Ball from her saddlebag, aiming it at the Wolf Pokemon. She needed to be careful with her aim as Lycanroc was frantically moving down on the water slide.

She narrowed her eyes, following the Rock-Types spiralling movements as she then looked at the end of the slide. Luna believed that if she could throw the ball at the very end at the right moment, it should hit Lycanroc. She just had to find the right timing.

"Lycan!" However, Lycanroc managed to recover its balance before everyone's eyes, performing a stylish flip in the process. It then started surfing on the water again. "Lycanroc!" After recovering, a second Stone Edge was in store. The Wolf Pokemon summoned multiple rocks before throwing them.

"Oh! Luna gasped as she put up a shield around everyone including Frillish was in the front. The shield was put up at the right time as the stones from Stone Edge were promptly blocked from Luna's quick thinking.

"Canroc!" Lycanroc growled as it suddenly jumped away from the sloped stream of water and the slides overall. It had left Luna's point of view, jumping to the lower levels of this mountainscape and escaping.

"Ah!" Luna lowered her shield as she saw that Lycanroc was now gone. "Drat...Got away. Thank you for the help, Frillish. Return." She let out a sigh as she recalled Frillish back to his Poke Ball.

"Gee, what a rush!" Flurry Heart giggled. "That was fun, right?! Wonder what other Pokemon exclusive locations there are?"

"Can you slow down, princess?" Flash and the guards sighed as they breathed in and out. Flash shook his head, removing all the water from his mane, face and body.

"You all. What exactly are you doing here at night? In a place as frantic as this no less." Luna asked.

"Oh. Well, I wanted to explore more of the Pokemon World and all the super special locations here in Equestria." Flurry Heart answered.

"And we were tasked with protecting her under Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armor's order." Flash further explained. "We've been out here for hours now. And just recently, we had that little Lycanroc issue."

"Yeah, that was my bad." The young alicorn gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry about that. But what are you doing here, great auntie?"

"I'm just searching for Pokemon to catch for the night. That Midnight Form Lycanroc was one of them. But now it's not within my sights anymore...yet."

"Oh, Pokemon catching? I wanna see that. I hear you're an amazing Pokemon Trainer, great auntie. "Like...one of the best in that Equestria League I think it's called."

"Well, I am a fairly skilled Trainer." Luna gave a proud grin while raising her chest and head. "Ranked Number Three Strongest Trainer in Equestria as of now. And soon, I'll emerge as the first Pokemon Champion in Equestria when I succeed in the league."

"Oooh..." Flurry Heart's interest was starting to increase. Every second, she's learning more about Pokemon in different varieties, roles and occupations. "Now I wanna see that!Oh! Can you show me how a powerful trainer really battles?"

"I'd be glad to. If you wish to become a Pokemon Trainer, then it's best to watch from a professional, Flurry Heart. Flash Sentry."

"Hm? Y-Yes, Princess Luna!" Flash stood up tall, saluting.

"Assist me in showing Flurry Heart a fantastic battle, wouldn't you? I also need to catch myself some Pokemon afterwards, so let us make it quick.

"Yes, princess!" He gave another command. He then let out a sigh of relief as he thought to himself for a moment. "Phew...thought I would have to go up against that Giratina Pokemon for the first time. Dodged a meteor there."

To show Flurry Heart what Luna was capable of, both Luna and Flash Sentry went on opposite sides of the ground. They chose the wider part of the field, just to make sure no Pokemon were caught up in the upcoming battle.

"Observe, Flurry Heart. If you want to be a great Pokemon Trainer, learning from the best is a splendid starting place in all honesty." Luna spoke.

"Got it! I can't wait! Good luck, great auntie! Oh, you too, Flash!"

"Be wary, Flash Sentry. I shall not hold back. I feel refreshed even though I was supposed to rest tonight. So you'll be facing me at my best."

"Uh...Y-Yes ma'am." Flash nodded as he could already feel the intimidating aura coming from Princess Luna. It was certainly making her tense and wary. At this rate, he might prefer going up against Flurry Heart and her Giratina instead.

"Now bring forth your Pokemon! I know who I shall choose!" Luna held out her Poke Ball with her magic, throwing it. "Come out, Gliscor!"


"Okay. I guess I'll go with...Pidgeot then!" Flash chose his Pidgeot for this, launching the ball by using his wings to throw it. Out came the Bird Pokemon.


"Observe! This is how Pokemon Battles are meant to be played out! Gliscor! This is your time to shine in your new evolved form! Use Poison Jab!"

"Gli!" Gliscor went first. By covering his claws in poison, he dashed towards his fellow Flying-Type, holding both claws out.


"Quick Attack, Pidgeot!"

"Geot!" But despite Gliscor having the first movement, Pidgeot was the one who attacked first as he moved at blitzing speeds. With his lightning-fast movements, he slashed his wing onto Gliscor first before the Ground-Flying-Type could pull off an attack.

"S-Scor!" Gliscor cried out after that swift surprise attack. But he also recovered swiftly. The Fang Scorp Pokemon immediately returned the favour to Pidgeot in just a second by smashing both his pincers onto Pidgeot's stomach with Poison Jab. "Gli!"

"G-Geot!" Pidgeot also cried out as he was knocked back by the double hits of poison. Thankfully, he hadn't been poisoned yet.

"Now, follow up with Acrobatics!"

"Gliscor!" Gliscor then continued his attack by also moving at nimble speeds equal to Quick Attack.

"Use Quick Attack again!"

"Pidgeo!" Pidgeot spun around in the air, quickly recovering with his wings as he once more moved at lightning speeds. Soon, he and Gliscor were both moving swiftly through the air.

The two Flying-Types then butted heads with their attacks, meeting eyes for a split-second They then separated from each other before ascending. Soon, they became white trails in the sky, hitting each other with head collisions with their fastest attacks.

"Ohohoho!" Flurry Heart liked what she was seeing with this aerial battle. Eventually, they reached an impasse with neither being able to win this head-to-head speed clash.


"Pidgeot!" Next, the Bird Pokemon gave Gliscor a huge attack in the form of a draconic twister. By spinning his body around, forming a purple tornado filled with the power of a dragon.

"Make your own with Sky Uppercut!"

"Scor!" To match Pidgeot's Twister, Gliscor would make his own spiral of wind. The Fang Scorp Pokemon lit his claws with an orange energy as he used the force of Sky Uppercut, spinning it around.

With that spin, he formed an orange hurricane meant to counter Pidgeot's Twister. The two forms of wind then clashed against each other, creating a struggle between them as they picked up pebbles from their pressures.

"Amazing!" Flurry Heart flapped her wings. "Flying-Type battles are the best!"

The two hurricanes created a fissure as they seemed equal in strength. They cancelled each other out afterwards, causing a wind pressure that blew both Flying-Types back.



"Use Heat Wave!"

"Pidgeot!" Pidgeot then heated his wings, flapping them ferociously. By flapping them, he sent a scorching and explosive wave of flames.

"Dodge and use Thunder Fang!"

"Gliscor!" Gliscor soared through the air, causing sparks of electricity to form around his teeth. He then flew above the wave of flames, avoiding them before diving downwards.

"Pidge?" Pidgeot looked up as Gliscor moved in with his fangs baring and mouth wide open. The Fang Scorp Pokemon then bit onto Pidgeot's wing, digging deep. And the sparks of electricity burst out once it connected. "P-Pidgeot!"

"Excellent!" Luna cheered.

"Gotcha..." Flash suddenly grinned. "Heat your wings with Heat Wave!"

"Dgeot!" In a twist, Pidgeot continued to use Heat Wave. But instead of flapping his wings to fire it, he allowed the heat to flow through his stationary wings. And once they flowed through, Gliscor's fangs felt a scorching sting.

"G-Gliscor!" Gliscor wailed as his teeth felt powerful flames burn them, forcing the Ground-Flying-Type to back away. "G-Gli! Gliscor!" Gliscor whimpered as his teeth were smoking.


"Pidgeot!" And following up from Heat Wave, Pidgeot flapped his wings, sending the draconic tornado towards a whimpering Gliscor.

"Gliscor, dodge with Acrobatics!"

"G-Gli?" But it was too late. Due to Heat Wave really messing up his teeth, he couldn't evade the attack in time. Thus, he had been caught up in the spiral of draconic wind. "Gliscor!" Gliscor spun around in the twister as he was being battered by dark purple sparkles. Afterwards, the Twister faded away as Gliscor hurled through the air.

"Now, Quick Attack!"

"Pidgeot!" Following up afterwards, Pidgeot zoomed in at lightning speeds, slamming into Gliscor right after he hurled through the air from Twister.

"Is he actually going to defeat Princess Luna?!" The Crystal Empire guards gasped.

"I think not! Sky Uppercut!"

"Scor!" Gliscor's eyes flashed open as recovered from his spinning. The Fang Scorp Pokemon crossed his claws together, coating them in that same orange light.

"Heat Wave!"

"Geot!" As for Pidgeot, he flapped his wings, sending another scorching wave of flames. Gliscor narrowed his eyes as he zipped to the side, evading the waves. But the Bird Pokemon quickly turned his body, flapping his wings towards the Ground-Flying-Type.

Gliscor continued to evade the wave of flames by flying around Pidgeot. Pidgeot made the flames chase the Fang Scorp Pokemon down as they were now moving in a circle.

"Gliscor!" Gliscor then found an opening as he flew over Pidgeot and Heat Wave. Right when the heat was about to finally catch him. Once he evaded it, the Fang Scorp Pokemon dived down, smashing both his claws on Pidgeot's head. "Gli!"

"P-Pidge!" And a potent hit it was. So potent that it rocketed Pidgeot down to the ground. The Bird Pokemon crashed, startling Flurry Heart. Smoke emerged after the crash, and within that smoke was the downed body of Pidgeot. He had fainted.


"That's that. Phew..."Luna sighed as that battle was a bit closer than she expected. "Thank you, Gliscor. Come back."

"Gli." Gliscor stuck his tongue out before being pulled back into his Poke Ball.

"Good work, Pidgeot. Come back." Flash thanked his partner for a good battle, also recalling him.

"Aww...Flash lost. But that was incredible!" Flurry Heart laughed out of excitement. "Air battles are pretty nice to look at as well! You both did really good!"

"Now you've seen a Pokemon Battle at a high skill level." Luna nodded. "You can certainly expect more of this in the future. Especially when the Equestria League officially begins. Have you learned something?"

"I sure have! Oh....this makes me wanna battle in my own way too! Wanna?!" She held out the Ultra Ball as everyone shuddered and gulped. They knew that Giratina was lying within that ball and no one was willing to take the chance to take on such a beast. Not even Luna. At least not yet.

"Um...Perhaps another time." Luna cleared her throat. "Right now, I need to focus on the Pokemon I came here to catch. Midnight Lycanroc was one of them. These are the rest." She then took out her Pokedex, showing them the Pokemon of her choice.

"Hm..." Flash examined the list of Pokemon in front of his and everyone's eyes.

"I have plans for these Pokemon when I eventually end up catching them. If I can catch at least two or three of these for the night, then I shall be satisfied. Will you all assist me in this goal?"

"Yes, princess!" The Crystal Empire guards saluted.

"Hm...I think I know of a way to lure them out!" Flurry Heart shouted, raising her hoof as she had an idea of her own for Luna's goal.

Approximately 2 minutes later.

"Ta-dah!" Flurry Heart had placed down an assortment of what seemed to be Pokemon Food. All of which were on plates lined up in a perfect line that would make gourmet chefs and bakers proud. "This'll work!"

"Pokemon Food. A smart idea, Flurry Heart." Luna nodded.

"Isn't it? I learned how to cook in my own free time. Auntie never taught me and mom and dad weren't there to help so I picked up this skill myself. And learning how to make Pokemon Food was easy stuff. Way easier than it looks."

"Yeah...Kinda making me hungry too..." Flash held his mouth open with the other Crystal Empire Guards.

"Oh, you want some? Sure go ahead." Flurry Heart would be happy to gift them some food as she used her magic to grab some of them. "Open wide!"

"I'm not a baby, pr-" Flash spoke but Flurry Heart instantly sent the food into his mouth the second it had opened. The other guards had the Pokemon Food enter their mouths which were still agape. Afterwards, they took a bite out of the Pokemon Food, chewing on it.

"Mmm!" And they certainly enjoyed it.

The first taste anyway. The aftertaste was where things spiralled downwards. Their mouths opened up as they immediately coughed, having a distaste for the food. "Gagh!"

"Ooh. Was it too much?"

"Pokemon Food is only meant for Pokemon, dear." Luna sighed, putting her hoof on the young alicorn's back. "Curry is for everyone."

"Oh...hehe. Whoopsie." She let out her signature sheepish grin. "Oh, Flash. Could you fly up and do an aerial lookout for me, please?"

"I'm on it." Flash saluted as he took the skies. Now he would observe everything from above and give the call for when the Pokemon of Luna's choice were within his sights.

"I shall get into position." Luna zoomed off, taking out some of her Poke Balls, ready for an instant catch or battle. She hid behind a nearby hill.

"Ahem! Now" Flurry Heart cleared her throat before reaching into her bag, pulling something else out. "Now for the secret ingredient that'll get them here. I heard this stuff is great for attracting Pokemon."

Out of her bag, she pulled out a bottle that did not have a name tag on it. But it had a pink liquid inside. After holding this bottle up, Flurry Heart immediately poured it on the rows of food, laminating them with its pink appearance.

"That pink bottle. That's a Sweet Scent, isn't it?!" Luna asked from afar.

"Oh yeah. I bought it two days ago." She nodded, looking at the bottle. "Apparently I got the Sweet Scent Ultra."

"Sweet Scent Ultra?" Luna scratched her mane after hearing that. And that's when her eyes widened, quickly realizing what this meant. She recalled the incident that happened during the Pokemon Festival.

The infamous incident that caused all of the Pokemon in the Crystal Empire to draw themselves towards Ash, sticking to him like glue and refusing to leave his side. That was via the Sweet Scent Supreme. The strongest Sweet Scent. But there was no telling how potent this one could be.

And soon, everyone would find out as they all felt rumbling on the ground. Flurry Heart, Luna and the guards bounced off the ground from this trembling as Flury Heart then used her magic to pick the food up.

"This'll work! The scent's already passed through the air! Come and get it!"

"Flurry Heart, no! You'll attract-" Luna tried to stop Flurry Heart but it was too late. Arriving from both sides. Front, left, right and back were the Pokemon Slide Mountains. The moment the scent went into the air, every Pokemon had been alerted. Even the ones that were awake.

Immediately, they could already be seen approaching from the horizon while some were sliding down on the sloped mountains or even approaching from the skies.

"Oh my..." And Flash was in line for the airborne Pokemon, making him gulp.

"Oops." Flurry Heart bit her hoof. "Maybe it was too much?"

"Not good. Everypony move!" Luna cried out as she jumped out of the way with an incoming Hippodown charging through the hill she hid behind. She just narrowly escaped it.


"Uh oh!" Flurry Heart gasped as she and the Canterlot Guards immediately moved away from the approaching Pokemon. But they were blocked from all sides considered both land and air Pokemon were approaching. And speaking of Pokemon in the air, Flash was currently trying to avoid the Flying-Type Pokemon and the Pokemon that can fly naturally without needing to be a Flying-Type.

Unfortunately, since there were so many of them, he had been flooded by. "Ow-Ow!" He cried out as he was swarmed by the Pokemon. They dragged him down as they were all going after the food.

Naturally, that would be a good thing because then their attention would be focused on something else. Unfortunately, since there were so many of them, casualties could be made. Especially with Pokemon like Hippowdon who is huge. Luna and Flurry Heart were both the first to see this potential disaster.

"I think not! Darkrai, grab them all with the shadows!"

Emerging from the darkness was the Master of Shadows himself. Once Darkrai emerged, he manipulated the shadows themselves, creating claws that were made to grab any incoming Pokemon. And they worked effectively. The claws grabbed some of the Pokemon their feet and even extended to hold the Pokemon in the air.

Flash had tumbled on the ground after being dragged down by the Flying-Types, but thankfully, Flurry Heart saved him by catching the pegasus. And after catching him, she and the Canterlot Guards stayed back.

"Hm?" Darkrai noticed more Pokemon approaching from the side, going for the good. He had promptly stopped the first batch of Pokemon with the shadows as the next batch were behind Luna, approaching at great speeds. "Luna behind you!"

"Oh!" Luna gasped after hearing Darkrai's warning. For protection, Luna had put up a shield of magic to defend herself from the approaching Pokemon. The Pokemon had charged through the shield, shattering it with their overwhelming numbers and strength.

As such, Luna had been knocked away after the hordes of Pokemon broke through her shield. Darkrai gasped, flying over as he caught his Trainer safely with his claws.

"G-Get that food out of here immediately!" Luna ordered as the food was the massive form of bait. "Make sure no Pokemon harm themselves!"

The Canterlot Guards stood in front of Flurry Heart to defend her. But there was no way that they were going to block the Pokemon when they were charging.

"I'll get the food out of here!" Flurry Heart exclaimed. She rushed over to the food but was almost met with a Dugtrio erupting from the ground. She was almost hit by the emerging Dugtrio if Flash Sentry didn't pull her away. "Woah!"

"I gotcha, princess!" Flash cried out as more Dugtrio popped out, appearing in front of the food. The Dugtrio got the first bite as they created large holes in the ground to bring the food towards their territory.

But the Pokemon weren't having any of that. After seeing the Dugtrio build the holes, they knew what they were up to. The Pokemon wanted the food for themselves.

"Mandibuzz!" A flock of Mandibuzz cawed as they each used Air Slash towards the Dugtrio. The cutting waves of wind struck the ground, scaring the Dugtrio away as it also made the plates of food fly up as well.

"Shroomish!" Some Shroomish used Seed Bomb, shooting explosive seeds from their mouths at any Pokemon that approached the food. The explosion of the Grass-Type attack only further moved the plates food. The Pokemon were practically addicted to this scent now.

"They've gone mad for it," Darkrai said. "They won't stop until either one of them or a group obtains it."

"I'm sorry! Flurry Heart apologized. "I didn't know the Sweet Scent stuff was that strong!"

"Do not worry!" Luna replied. "We just have to focus on stopping this feud over the food at once. Do you still have more of that bottle with you?"

"Uh...All I have is this one that says, Sweet Scent Frantic." Flurry Heart took out another bottle from her bag "I don't know what they all mean, I just bought them because I thought they looked cute!"

"No idea what a Sweet Scent Frantic is but it shall do. Pour it on the Pokemon!"

"Okay!" The young alicorn nodded as she flew into the air, ready to pour it on all of the Pokemon from above. But she would have to get past the Pokemon moves that flooded their area.

Luckily, Flash Sentry was there to help. He also flew up while sending his Pidgeot out for assistance. "Pidgeot!"

"Pidgeot, Twister!"

"Geot!" The Bird Pokemon would create a way for Flurry Heart to succeed in pouring the liquid over at least some of the Pokemon. A large draconic twister came out of his wings as he flapped them. The Pokemon turned around, witnessing a purple tornado coming their way.

Some Pokemon were unable to stop this as they had been dragged into the Twister, crying out. Some Pokemon moves were even destroyed among the attack.

"Darkrai! Dark Void!" Luna ordered as she flew up. The Pitch Black Pokemon made an orb of darkness in his hand as he held it out. Out of that orb, multiple small spheres came flying out with the intent to put everyone to sleep.

The Pokemon caught in the Twister had been struck by the orb, immediately falling under a status of sleep as they closed their eyes. Even Pokemon that weren't inside the Twister had been hit by the Dark Void. Darkrai successfully put most of them to sleep. But more were coming for the food.

Flash helped Flurry Heart through the sea of Pokemon while also avoiding the Pokemon that arrived from the slides. Pidgeot helped clear the way by being in front of Flurry Heart and Flash Sentry.

"That should be close enough!" Flurry Heart cried out as she found the right moment. The young alicorn used her magic to grab all of the food, bringing it towards her.

Once she did that, all of the attention was now on her. The Pokemon immediately changed directions, dashing, soaring and crawling towards the young alicorn.

"Heat Wave!"

"Pidgeot!" Pidgeot became their shield as he flapped his wings generating a wave of flames that acted like a firewall. Some Pokemon had been knocked back by this heat, including the Midnight Lycanroc from before.


"Aha!" Luna took the quick opportunity to grab Lycanroc as she threw a Dusk Ball at the Wolf Pokemon. Amidst this chaos, Lycanroc had been struck by the Dusk Ball as it pulled it in. Once it landed on the ground safely, the shaking could begin.

1...2...3...Gotcha! Lycanroc was caught.

"Here goes!" Flurry Heart then flew all over the Pokemon, opening the bottle and dropping the liquid. Pink liquid started flowing out as they had landed on the heads or faces of the Pokemon that were caught in it.

And once that happened, that's when the magic could happen. In an instant, the Pokemon had suddenly stopped what they were doing. It was like time stood still. The moment the Sweet Scent Frantic landed on them, they paused as their facial expressions shifted.

And just like that, the Pokemon suddenly scattered away with either faces of disgust or faces of joy. By scattering away, they went their separate ways as the scent coming from the food had been ignored. They were no longer pursuing it.

"They're all leaving...W-What's up with that bottle? What does Sweet Scent Frantic do?"

"Uh..." Flurry Heart looked at the bottle as she flipped it over. She then noticed something written at the bottom of it as it read this.

"Scents will vary between sweet or pungent or both."

"Guess we know why it's called Frantic then, huh?" The young alicorn grinned as everyone sighed, glad that potential disaster was over.

After that, they could all rest. The Pokemon food had been eaten by Pidgeot and some of Luna's Pokemon instead since they couldn't let it go to waste. Luna had now successfully caught herself a Midnight Lycanroc but there was no sign of the other nocturnal Pokemon she wanted.

"Sorry that I caused all of this, everyone. I didn't know those things were so strong."

"I wouldn't blame you, Flurry Heart. That was your first experience with Sweet Scent. It truly is a powerful substance and I shudder to imagine what other varieties exist out there. "Luna shuddered.

"But still...that was a bunch of fun! I could really feel the adrenaline! This has been the best night ever!" She raised her hooves. "Right?!"

"Well...it was something." Flash nodded along with the guards.

"We should do this more often! Get into problems that are super exciting and solve them, huh?" She had a wide grin on her face.

"Uh...p-perhaps not starting it ourselves..." Luna suggested as Flurry Heart let out a sheepish laugh. After that, they all chose to stay together and spend the night away. They had some energy to burn under the moonlight sky.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 489 End.

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