• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Hunter in the forest

Equestria. Hunter J's secret base in the mounains.

Pokemon Huner J. Truly, a terrifying individual. Currently, her base remains the same, a secluded part in the mountains with a well-hidden cave. J has kept this her new base even through harsh events.

Especially the invasion. She took no part in the invasion, staying out of it completely. However, while she did not help with the invasion in any way, she did find herself some goods.

And those goods were from the invasion. Various weapons that belonged to the Empress' forces had been found by J's expeditions. Whether they were still intact or damaged. While most of them had been taken by Celestia's forces, some weren't and were just left behind.

Those were the ones J had collected. And she found herself some profit from this. Certain items she kept to invest and work on herself since J is rather brilliant with technology. But other items she sold on the Pokemon Black Market and received more rare objects for her own gain.

As for the Pokemon of these mountains, they had evacuated, searching for a new home as they were just that afraid of Hunter J.

Right now, Hunter J was ready to head on a new hunt for some Pokemon. And this time, she was upping her game. J had found out about Equestria's exclusive Pokemon.

The Equestrian Regional Variants.

"Regional forms from another world could definitely go for a high price. Possibly the highest they can get." J spoke while gearing up. She wasn't expecting to immediately find Regional Variants. Any Pokemon would do. However, J won't miss up on a chance to find some either way.

She got on her new vehicle. One of them. A specialized van, reminiscent of the one her henchmen used to use. Fast enough to move across the land and it even had the function of moving on water, much like the Galar bicycles. She had stylized weapons that were originally from the Empress' soldiers. But, she personally customized them for easier use.

As if that wasn't enough, some of the robots that had been damaged during the invasion were up for J's grabs, allowing her to tinker around. She was certainly a force to be reckoned with now.

Not only that, but the Desire of Twilight Sparkle fused with her own Desire still resides in her. The two of them have their own inner chatter with J sometimes looking insane by talking to herself seemingly. Then again, no one else notices this.

"I say take the chance to catch one of Twilight and her friends' Pokemon, wouldn't you agree?" The Desire spoke.

"Not yet. She's still friends with that brat. I'll wait for the right moment. Plus, I can't do it all on my own. I need a new team like before." J adjusted her handle on the vehicle. "But those brats are going to pay. That's for sure."

Frenzy Forest. Grass and Water section. Afternoon.

Over at Frenzy Forest, practically a civilization for Pokemon, a few ponies were here for some practice. The Cutie Mark Crusaders plus Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

They've formed their own little adventuring team ever since the second Pokemon Festival and the trip to Ninja Village. Much like how Ash always has his own adventure team in practically every region he has been in.

Right now, Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara were practising for contests. Specifically, they were trying out new contest moves together while Apple Bloom and the others just watched.

So far, it was going that well.

"Lup!" Piplup tumbled on the ground as he was originally at a high place earlier with Purrloin. Purrloin had also fallen over as a result of this slip-up.


"Oh! Are you okay!" Sweetie Belle gasped, rushing over to the Penguin Pokemon.


"Not my Purrloin!" Diamond Tiara picked up her partner. "You're not badly hurt are you?"


"Eugh. That could've gone better." Silver Spoon grimaced as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom nodded in approval.

"No good. It's way too thin and fragile. We need to make it wider and stronger." said Diamond Tiara. "Or else any Pokemon can just break through it."

"I know, I know. Making a maze with Pokemon moves is pretty tough isn't it?" Sweetie Belle chuckled.

"How about another go!" Scootaloo bellowed. "Oh, and don't forget, I'm next up!"

"M-Maybe we can try something else. Then we can work on the maze." Sweetie Belle gave a suggestion, raising her hoof.


"Oh! How about a solar system move! Would that work?!"

"Solar system?" Diamond Tiara squinted her eyes, thinking about that kind of contest move and how it would play out. There were some variables in here but a good chance that it would require a lot of work and muscle to make it happen. It was possible. "Hm...Maybe not now."

"A really long baton!" She then gave her next idea. "Then we can have our Pokemon run on it!"

"Oh, that could work! And maybe a...um..." Diamond Tiara pondered for a moment, wondering what other contest trick they could try. Nothing new was coming up yet.

Piplup and Purrloin wanted to take a quick break as they both sat by the nearest tree they could find, letting out sighs of relief. Their trainers allowed them to rest as Sweetie Belle would use another one of her Pokemon. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara didn't have a second Pokemon with her.

But as they were discussing new ways to improve their contest skills, while also using tips that Dawn had lent them, someone was drawing near here. Two individuals.

Scootaloo was the first to hear the sound of footsteps crunching the leaves of this forest. She turned her head, noticing that it was coming from behind them. "What's that?"

Soon, the rest of her friends turned around as they heard the sound as well. And from what they could hear, it sounded like those footsteps were getting faster. Someone was definitely running.

Piplup and Purrloin removed their fatigue for the sake of their trainers' safety as they stood up. The fact that these movements were slow at first then started picking up with speed was just suspicious. It could be a hostile Pokemon ready to pounce out and attack. And well, a Pokemon did pounce out indeed.

It was a Gible.

"Gible!" The Land Shark Pokemon cried out as it jumped out of the acres of trees, gaining an impressive height.

"Gible?!" Sweetie Belle and the others said while looking up at the Dragon-Ground-Type. Gible had also spotted the ponies below him. And with his mouth still open, he dived down, aiming for the first pony he saw.

Silver Spoon.

"Gible!" With one dive and one perfect aim, the Land Shark Pokemon had placed his mouth on the head of Silver Spoon. "Gib."

"Aaaaaa!" Silver Spoon screeched as she pranced on the spot. And for a good reason. Gible stayed on her head as she flailed her hooves, running around while screaming. "Get it off! Get it off!"

"Hey, Gible!" But shortly after, flying out of the acres of trees was the trainer of Gible. The current Dragon Lord of the Dragon Lands, Ember. "There you are!"


"No, Gible! She's not a snack, get off of her!" Ember quickly rushed over, grabbing the Land Shark Pokemon. She attempted to pull Gible off of Silver Spoon, but the bite of the Dragon-Ground-Type was stronger than expected. There is a reason why his name is related to the motion of biting. "Ngh! You four, help out here!"

"Oh! Right!" Apple Bloom nodded as they all rushed over. A team effort had been made. Ember was mainly holding onto Gible while the little ponies held onto each other with Apple Bloom holding Ember, Scootaloo holding Apple Bloom and so on.

With their combined force and muscle, they managed to pull Gible away from Silver Spoons' head. The four foals fell over while Ember flew back, holding Gible close to her. As for Silver Spoon, she was twitching a tad bit while her glasses were losing balance, almost falling from her face.

"Ugh.." Diamond Tiara and the others groaned after falling on their backs.

"Phew..." Ember let out a sigh of relief as she descended to the ground. Gible himself kept an innocent look on his face as if he did nothing wild in just a few seconds. Ember felt exhausted from her own face. "Gible...Every time...Why are you like this?"


"Ow-ow..." Silver Spoon whimpered, holding her head as Gible's bite definitely stung. He even gnawed on her head for a bit before being pulled off.

"Say you're sorry to her, Gible. Now." Ember made Gible face Silver Spoon.

"Gible." Despite all of that, Gible was respectful enough to give a straight and wholehearted apology. After apologizing, the Land Shark Pokemon received a head pat from his trainer.

"Good boy. I hope you aren't like this when you evolve."

"Ooh! Aren't you um...the uh..." Scootaloo stuck her tongue out, trying to recall the name of Ember. "Spike mentioned you...Ember, right?!"

"I think it's Dragon Lord Ember," said Diamond Tiara.

"Yeah, that's me," Ember responded with a nod. "You're Spike's friends, are you?"

"Eeyup!" Apple Bloom stood up, pulling all of her friends together while Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses. "Cutie Mark Crusaders right here! Plus Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon."

"Hi." The pink earth pony gave a wave with a wide grin. "It's an honour to be meeting a Dragon Lord! I mean, I've never met or heard of one before...so this is really big!"

"Uh, thanks, kid."

"You've got a Gible of your own too? Are you gonna become a great Dragon Trainer like Spike?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm working there. Came here to practice." Ember rubbed Gible on the head. "Since there's something called a Dragon Master, why not take it? All of this Pokemon stuff's caught my attention anyway."

"Sweet! I've got a Gible too! Look!" Scootaloo took out one of her Poke Balls, throwing it up. And once it went upwards, emerging out of it was another Gible. Her own Gible.

"Gible!" And immediately, when Gible emerged, his eyes locked onto the first thing in his vision. That was Ember. Or rather, who she was holding in front of her. A fellow Gible. "Gib?"

"Gible!" Ember's Gible waved at Scooataloo's gible.

"Ble!" After Scootaloo's Gible waved back, he suddenly jumped into the air with everyone's eyes following him. And with that jump, he repeated what Ember's Gible had done.

Just like that, Scootaloo's' Gible had bit onto Ember's head, returning the favour from before. And Ember's Gible didn't respond to this, he just let it happen. As if it was just natural.

"...Seriously?" However, while Silver Spoon started screaming and screeching, Ember just had a disappointed sigh and expression on her face. She's used to this. "Guess it's just a thing for all Gible to do, huh?"


"Come on, Gible! That's a super important ruler!" Scootaloo put her hooves out. If only she could fly at this moment. "Sorry! Super sorry for this."

"Don't worry about it," Ember said as she tried pulling Gible off her head. "Just gotta let it happen, right? But your Gible's got a strong bite as well."

"He sure does." Scootaloo grinned. "Oh! Uh, if you don't mind Dragon Lord Ember."

"Ember's fine," Ember suggested before finally getting Scootaloo's Gible off.

"Oh, okay, um, Ember. Can we have a Pokemon Battle? You know, just you and my Gible? Please?" And with a touch of the usual child puppy dog eyes, the little pegasus had the dragon locked in an enchanting trance.

Not many could evade the innocent and pleading eyes of a child. Those many victims fall prey to its gaze and can't help themselves to act in response. Ember was one of them. But she wasn't too affected by it. Mainly because she already had an answer.

"Sure. Why not?" A smile graced her face as she was now holding two separate Gible.

"Yes!" Scootaloo jumped for joy, staying airborne for a few seconds before descending. It was officially. A short battle between two Gible was about to commence soon, here in Frenzy Forest.

To begin their battle, they stood on opposite sides of the Grass and Water section. Scootaloo stood on the left while Ember stood on the right. As their referee, Silver Spoon took that offer.

"Okay, you two. Just one Pokemon each," said Silver Spoon. "You've got whatever time you want. No limit at all. Now send your Pokemon forward."

"Go, Gible!" Scootaloo pointed her hoof forward with her Gible running ahead, standing in front of her.


"You'll always be my first pick. Get in there Gible." Ember looked at Gible who was latching on her back. Her Gible jumped off his Trainer's back, landing in front of her.

"Gib! Gible!"

"Battle start!" Silver Spoon as her glasses almost fell off from her movements before adjusting them.

"I'll go first! Gible! Slash!" Scootaloo made the first move.

"Gib!" Her Gible lit his claws up before running towards his fellow Gible.

"Use Metal Claw!" Ember put her claw out.

"Gible!" Her own Gible had an attack that could leave a mark as well as it gave off a silver light, much like the other Gible's Slash. He also ran at him.

The two Gible had met their attacks with synchronized slashes. One clash between the two claws and a mild shockwave blew away the pebbles while moving the blades of grass. The two of them went back and forth, trying to hit each other with their own attacks.

"Gible!" Ember's Gible was the one who found an opening, striking at the right moment. And when he struck his fellow Gible, he did it with a slash to the chest, sending him flying with a strong knockback.

"Gib!" Scootaloo's Gible cried out, sliding on the ground while almost tumbling on the ground. But he recovered himself with his claw gripping the ground.

"Gible! Are you okay?!" Scootaloo gasped.


"Okay! Use Dragon Breath!"

"Gible!" The Land Shark Pokemon immediately released a light blue beam from its mouth at the opponent, almost pushing himself back from the force he gave out.


"Gib!" Ember's Gible spread his claws out, using them to dig through the ground. As he burrowed before jumping in, he made a visible pitfall as well. The beam from Dragon Breath ended up missing Gible after he entered the ground.

"Stay sharp, Gible! He could appear from anywhere!"

"Gible!" Scootaloo's Gible locked his eyes onto the moving dirt that moved through the ground, knowing that his fellow Gible could pop out at any moment.

"Gib!" And he certainly did. Once was close enough, out of the small mound of dirt, Ember's Gible emerged by jumping up, going straight for an upwards slash.

"Ble!" Scootaloo's Gible put his claws together to try and block this upwards slash. It was a success with Scootaloo's Gible being pushed back.

"Okay, Bulldoze, go!" Scootaloo bellowed.

"Gible!" Gible put his claws down before coating his body in an orange aura. The Dragon-Ground-Type bolted forward, ready to bash into his fellow Gible.

"Twister, go!"

"Gib!" Ember's Gible put his claws out, summoning a spiral of draconic wind, ready to fire it. However, this time, Scootaloo's Gible managed to land a hit before that could happen, bashing his body onto Ember's Gible. "G-Gible?!"

"Now Dragon Breath!"

"Gi...Ble!" After bashing his kin, Scootaloo's Gible followed up by unleashing a light blue beam of draconic energy from his mouth. And since he was up close and personal, the beam immediately caught Ember's Gible, pouring on him and dealing super-effective damage.

"Gib!" Ember's Gible cried out before being caught up in a draconic explosion as he tumbled on the ground. "G-Gib! Gible!"

"Now, Gible! Release it!"

"Gible!" Ember's Gible recovered from his tumble by sliding on the ground. He then put one claw out while sliding, and that one claw unleashed a blue spiral of draconic wind that made its way towards the opposing Gible.

"Dodge it, quick!"

"Gib-" Too late for that. The attack was too wide and Gible couldn't find the right moment to evade. Thus, he had been struck by the draconic wind. "Gible!" Immediately, the attack started spinning him around on the spot while also carrying him back, dealing super-effective damage along the way.

Scootaloos' Gible ended up crashing into a nearby tree from it as the Twister had faded away. But it left its mark as Gible felt a bit dizzy from it.

"Now! Double Edge!"

"Gible!" Ember's Gible then rushed at the opposing Gible. While charging, he left behind a gold trail from his movements. Such a powerful move for a small Pokemon like Gible to have.

"Yikes! Gible, quick! Dragon Breath!"

"Gible!" Gible held his head as he saw his fellow Dragon-Ground-Type approaching with a great force behind him. To try and stop this, Gible held his breath longer than he usually does, building up all of the draconic energy he could. And once he found that good amount, he unleashed the attack. "Gib!" A large blue beam came flying out, almost burning away the grass.

Dragon Breath met with Double-Edge as Ember's Gible was closer to Scootaloo's Gible when the impact occurred. A powerful collision happened between the two attacks. But it didn't result in a power struggle clash. Instead, the first contact they made ended in a vicious explosion that eclipsed a small area.

The two Gible's were victims of that explosion as it had engulfed them. Scootaloo and Ember closed their eyes from the explosion and light that came from it. Afterwards, they looked forward to see the end result.

Flying out of the smoke first was Scootaloo's Gible. From a vicious explosion like that, he had unfortunately fainted. But Emer's Gible was still standing. Barely. The recoil damage almost took him out.


"Scooaloo's Gible is unable to battle! So Ember's Gible wins! And Ember too!"

"Hm-hm. Nice." Ember crossed her arms together as her Gible jumped into the air, going for a congratulatory bite. But, Ember grabbed the Land Shark Pokemon with one claw, preventing him from doing so. "Great job, Gible."


"You did good, Gible." Scootaloo went over, helping her own Gible up.


"That was fun! Same-Species Pokemon battles are pretty great!" Sweetie Belle clapped her hooves.

"You did good kid. Scootaloo, right?" Ember flew over while holding her own Gible. "You've got a good Gible like mine. You could've won actually."

"Really? Thanks!" The young pegasus let out a grin. "Next time, can we have a full battle? I mean, you've got a team full of Dragons, right?"

"Well, yeah I do. But I learned something useful. I haven't been catching just Dragon-Type Pokemon. Pokemon from the Dragon Egg group also work."

"Oh. Pokemon like Charmander and Seviper?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"That's right. They're a bit easier to come by than actual Dragon-Types. N-Not Charmander. That was pretty hard to find. Is Spike doing the same?"

"Uh, nope. He's going just Dragon-Types so far." Scootaloo shook her head. "Hey! Now that you're here! Why don't we practice together!"

"Oh yeah!" Sweetie Belle slid over, nodding her head in approval.

"Well, I did come here to practice with my Pokemon so-" Just as Ember would give her answer, right nearby, just north from this area, one of the trees had suddenly been knocked over, startling everyone.

Flying out of that spot were a flock of Tailow, flying furiously as they cawed in fear. Everyone turned in the direction of the tree being knocked down. Some Pokemon there even ran off. A group of Rattata from the Normal-Type area could be seen fleeing. And the reason for this came from one individual.

Pokemon Hunter J.

Her van had broken through the trees with pure power. Soon, the vehicle revealed itself to the eyes of Ember and everyone. And within J's sights, she saw the familiar faces of the five foals she met during the Pokemon Festival.

"Well...well..." J grinned as she opened the hatch, standing up. Afterwards, she showed herself to the group.

"It's you!" Scootaloo gasped.

"Pokemon Hunter J!" Sweetie Belle cried out.

"Pokemon Hunter?" Ember turned to Sweetie Belle before looking a J.

"Nice to meet you brats again," J spoke.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Diamond Tiara roared at the hunter.

"You know what I'm doing. And you won't delay my work, got it?" J threatened them by holding her arm cannon out. "But actually, are those Gible I see? Those are some rare Pokemon to come by, aren't they?"

After saying that Scootaloo held her Gible close to her. From what Ash had told them, J mostly goes after rare Pokemon that would sell a lot on the Pokemon Black Market.

And Gible is certainly one of them.

"You want our Gible?" Ember could already sense the maliciousness coming from J. And from how she was a Pokemon Hunter, she was right to be cautious.

"Go! Ariados!" J chose to try and take the Gible for herself. By holding out one of her Poke Balls, she threw it forward, sending her Ariados out.


"String Shot! Now!"

"Dos!" The Long Leg Pokemon went first, shooting out multiple strings instead of the traditional one. It was aiming for both Gible, ready to overlay them with thick strings.

"Metal Claw, Gible!"


"Gible!" Both Gible had successfully stopped this by cutting the strings apart with their own claws. An obvious outcome that J would expect when coming across a Gible. This wouldn't be easy.

"Hmph. Go, Drapion!" She sent her second Pokemon out to assist in this capture. Out of the Poke Ball and landing near its fellow Poison-Type was Drapion.


"Night Slash, Drapion and Ariados, Poison Jab!"



Both Pokemon rushed forward, ready to restrain and subdue their targets with either one strong slash or some poison seeping into their bodies.

"Gible, Bulldoze!"

"Use Metal Claw!"

Both Gible ran together to try and prevent this capture from happening. Scootaloo's Gible went for Drapion while Ember's went for Ariados.

Scootaloo's Gible bashed his shoulder and orange-coated body onto Drapion's incoming claws that were covered in darkness. Ember's Gible met with Ariados' poison horn with his claw.

"Dra!" In a multi-tasking scenario, while Drapion's claws were clashing with Gible's Bulldoze, it used its long tail, grabbing Ember's Gible with it. The Ogre Scorp Pokemon had also slapped Scootaloo's Gible away with Night Slash, winning the clash.


"Ariados!" With Gible being held by Drapion's tail, Aradios struck by smashing its poisonous horn into Gible's neck.


"Ah! Gible!" Ember gasped as Drapion had then used its tail to toss Ember's Gible into the air.

"There!" With Gible being in the air, J took the chance to try and fire her arm cannon. She raised her arm, aiming at the Land Shark Pokemon. She wanted to make this shot clear and precise.

"No, you don't!" But coming to his save was Ember herself. She took the skies, zooming through the air as she grabbed her partner. And at the right time too. J had just fired a beam from her cannon which was actually cancelled out by Ember's pink flame.

Ember's fire was certainly strong enough to counter this stone-turning beam. The Dragon Lord then flew back, landing behind the five foals while placing her Gible down.

"Tch! Get them!"

"I don't think so! Piplup use Aerial Ace!" Sweetie Belle and the others were here to join in.

"Purrloin, use Fury Swipes!"

"Glameow, come out and use Feint Attack!"

"Gible, Slash!"

"Use Dig, Gible!"

All at once, each of their Pokemon went to attack. Silver Spoon threw her Glameow out as the Catty Pokemon was already prepared to attack. They ran alongside each other, approaching the two Pokemon.

Soon, a struggle between both sides occurred. Drapion and Ariados continued to use Night Slash and Poison Jab against their opponents. And just them both were able to handle six Pokemon at once surprisingly. Mainly Drapion who swung its claws at Purrloin and Piplup

Ember's Gible emerged from the ground, hitting Drapion's neck with an upwards hit, dealing super-effective damage. In response, Drapion staggered, allowing Purrloin and Piplup to attack. Piplup slapped Drapion in the face with two Aerial Aces, making Drapion stagger even more while Purrloin swiped her claws a total of ten times.

However, Drapion quickly responded with Iron Tail. It rapidly turned around with superior speed, striking Gible, Purrloin and Piplup with its hardened tail at the same time. The three of them were launched back. Ariados had also used its legs for Poison Jab. Its horn met with Gible's Slash, pushing the Land Shark Pokemon away.

Glameow's method of Feint Attack was clever. She juked the Long Leg Pokemon out, thinking that she was going to strike from the side. But instead, she juked the Bug-Poison-Type out, striking Ariados in the front of its face. A great feint.

After that feint, Gible then attacked the staggered Ariados, using Slash once more. That one Slash was powerful enough to knock the Long Leg Pokemon back while also leaving a mark. It was safe to say that Ember and the others had a chance of winning this with their coordination.

But J wasn't having any of that.

"Let's get this over with." J suddenly put on a gas mask of all things for protection. But what did she need to protect herself from? The answer came from her utility belt. Out of it, she pulled out a purple capsule that was as large as her thumb. This was obviously an item from the Pokemon Black Market.

And with one flick of the item, it hit the ground. One hit and the capsule opened. Out of the capsule, an instant explosion of poisonous smoke erupted from it, spreading at high speeds and covering this part of the forest.

Scootaloo and the others immediately stopped what they were doing before they could give out new commands. That was because they immediately felt the poisonous smoke in the area.

"Ugh!" Scootaloo groaned as she started coughing. The little pegasus got on her floor as her friends soon felt horrible coughs come through them with the area gaining a purple aesthetic. The Pokemon weren't safe from this either. This was similar to the Poison status from the Poison-Type.

"W-What is this....?!" Ember strained with her throat failing her. She got on her knees with her hands supporting her. She coughed furiously, finding it hard to see in this purple smoke. Everyone was struggling. They weren't expecting something like this to happen.

However, the only ones unaffected were Drapion and Ariados. Them being Poison-Type Pokemon benefited them in this situation. It's why J bought the Poison capsule after all.

"There. That wasn't that difficult. Now then." J walked forward, aiming her arm cannon at the two Gible. The Gible were gripping the grass, trying to sustain themselves in this poison. However, Drapion had picked them both up with its tail, preventing them from tying anything.

"Put my Gible down...!" Ember growled as she tried breathing fire from her mouth. But with all of this poison, that wasn't happening.

"You big... bully...!" Scootaloo groaned as she was on the verge of fainting.

"Actually...I think we can bring a few more with us." J looked at Piplup and the other Pokemon. Not only that, but she also looked at Sweetie Belle. "Plus, I hear ponies can go for a lot. Especially the unicorns."

"W-Wha-" Before Sweetie Belle could finish her sentence, the moment she looked up, J fired the beam from the arm cannon at her. One hit and poor Sweetie Belle was one of the victims.

Her whole body was being turned to stone, starting with her face and ending at her tail. Sweetie Belle was now a stone statue.


"Sweetie Belle!" Her friends all gasped.

"Next." J turned fired her cannon over at Ember's Gible, turning him to stone next without hesitation. Ember's Gible was the second victim.

"Gi-" No words from him anymore.

"Gible!" Ember cried out.

"And as for you-"

"Aggron!" But obviously, this wouldn't go on forever. After all, one of the Pokemon living in this area was Aggron. Aggron came running over, furious for a few reasons.

For starters, the poison was polluting the forest and this was also where Aggron acted as a gardener, looking after its environment. Including the Pokemon that lived here. Needless to say, Aggron was not happy. Not at all.

And he came with help. Some Pokemon were braver than others. Mainly Vespiquen from the hive in the forest alongside her Combee. They could be seen approaching towards J. Since Aggron is made out of Steel, he would be fine moving through the poison with a perfect immunity.

"Tch. This I don't need." J could see that things could get ugly if she stayed with Aggron here. "Let's go!" She then returned her Pokemon before grabbing the statues. Hunter J then carried Sweetie Belle and Gible with her, making a run for it.

"C-Come back...G-Give me back my Gible...!" Ember put her claw out, trying to get up. But she ended up fainting along with everyone else. J placed the statues she had in the back of the van. The hatch opened automatically after the van recognized her appearance.

"Vespi!" Vespiqueen ordered her subjects to attack. She and the Combee had used Gust, sending a barrage of spiralling wings towards J and her van.

The hunter jumped into her van while the hatch had closed. The moment she got inside, her van was met with a bombardment of Gusts. The wind they made was enough to slightly lift the heavy fan up. But not by much.

J growled as she kicked her van into high gear. By doing so, the van accelerated immediately, moving through the ground with great speeds. And with that high speed, she zoomed along out of here, evading the rest of the Gusts and the slow-moving Aggron while also breaking through some more trees.

J had escaped.

Vespiqueen, her Combee subjects and Aggron had come to a halt. They weren't quick enough to stop her. After coming to a halt, the poisonous smoke was still present here. It wasn't fading anytime soon. It wasn't permanent but it certainly had an effect. That is until someone blew it away.

"Delphox!" That, someone, was Delphox. By using her Psychic powers, she blew away the smoke of poison that polluted the area as if it was nothing. Aggron, Vespiquen and the Combee watched the Fox Pokemon remove the poison with her wand.

And just like that, the forest was clear of Poison. However, there was still the issue of Ember and the others. The poison would soon end their lives if they weren't treated.

"Phox!" Delphox ran over to the fainted ponies, dragon and Pokemon. She could see the visible poison marks on their faces and bodies. They had been hit hard by it.

Clearly, since Pokemon poison is far greater than regular poison, this was a critical situation and they needed treatment immediately. The Fox Pokemon kneeled, putting her hand on Ember. "Del! Delphox!"

Delphox told Aggron and Vespiquen to assist her in getting them to her hut. She knew how to treat them. Her Psychic abilities unfortunately couldn't interact with their inner bodies. Something else would have to do.

Aggron and Vespiquen agreed to help. The Combee were sent to do the queen's work while Aggron went over with his shadow overlaying them.

An unfortunate event. What started as a fun training day to help improve themselves, turned into a horrible scenario where they came across Pokemon Hunter J. Now their best friend and Pokemon were due to be sold on the Pokemon Black Market as the journey continues.

Chapter 502 End.

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