• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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An Aria of trust

Equestria, Deerling Forest.

A new area created by the two worlds once they crossed over. Where Deerlings and Sawsbucks can found. With some other Pokemon wandering about.

Aria was currently on her own. She had left Adagio, not wanting to involve herself with her anymore. And as for Sonata, she is neutral on her still. So now they were all individuals. Aria sat down on the grassy plains of the forest, taking a small break. She laid on her back letting out a large sigh.

"Day 4 and I still can't sing properly. Woohoo..." She looked up to the sky, seeing some Flying-Types fly about with some pegasi. Seeing this made her realise how dull things have been ever since she had become a pony. Even for her, this was boring. "Ugh. What do I even do now? I can't sing properly, we sirens have split up and I'm just lost on where I am right now." Her stomach also started to growl. "And I'm starving."

Aria stood up, heading to find some food. She originally planned to jump at the Deerling's and cook them, but that wouldn't happen because, for one, she doesn't know how to start a fire being a sea creature at the end of the day, two, she didn't have the strength to do so, and three the Sawsbuck would annihilate her if she even tried it.

"So hungry..." She sat down near a tree, putting her hoof on her belly. Her hunger was stopped when someone came by, seeing her starving. A human. A very familiar human.

"Here." The voice said, lending her a box of berries. Aria looked up to the person who was kind enough to help her and it was none other than one of Ash's greatest rivals.


"What are you doing?" Aria asked.

"Do you want it or not?" Paul said to her. Aria looked up at Paul and the box as she then took it, eating the berries.

"Thanks, I guess."

"What's a pony doing out here starving?" Paul asked her. Both of them had a similar way of talking. Their voices were both cynical and unenthusiastic.

"I'm on my own, okay? I left my sisters and wounded up here."

"And you think that was a good idea?"

"Of course it was. Adagio's just insufferable and Sonata is too zany for me. I'm fine on my own."

"Really? Cause you didn't even bother to attack the Deerling or even attempt to get some of the fruit in the trees."

"Hey! Mind your own business pal! I could do it. I just... don't feel like it."

"Well then get a Pokemon to do it for you. You do have a Pokemon right?"

"No. Why would I need one anyway?" Aria almost finished the box of berries.

"I'm no scientist, but even I can tell that with both these worlds coming together, Pokemon are kind of a must-have even for your world. You won't make any progress in a Pokemon world."

"Alright, smart guy. What Pokemon do you think I should catch then if you're so sure?"

"How about you try catching one of those?" Paul pointed over at the lake where some Lanturn's, Spheal and a Popplio. "If I were you, I'd go for a powerful Pokemon." Paul was one to always go for the Pokemon that had the highest potential and could work the best. Originally he had an aggressive way of doing so, but after his final battle with Ash at the Sinnoh League, the way he views Pokemon and their potential has changed drastically, making him give every single one of them a chance. Every Pokemon is powerful in some way.

"Alright fine. I guess I'll try." Aria stood up. Paul lent her a Pokeball as she went towards the lake. The Pokemon that caught her eye was Popplio. Aria wasn't obsessed with cute things like Sonata but she could see the cuteness factor still. "How did Adagio do it again? Just toss the thing?" Popplio looked up at Aria, waving at her. Aria responded by tossing the Pokeball at Popplio. The Sea Lion Pokemon held the Pokeball on its nose as it normally does with round objects.

"Pop! Popplio!"

"Haha. Very funny." Aria monotonously responded. "Get in the ball." Popplio had launched the ball upwards as its nose tapped the circle in the middle, sending it inside.

1...2...3... Get!

"T-That easily?" Aria was surprised.

"Of course. Starter Pokemon are generally easier to catch than other Pokemon." Paul explained. "Now you got your own."

"Hm." Aria released Popplio from its Pokeball, getting a good look at it.


"So I just keep this thing with me?"

"Of course. Once you've gotten your partner Pokemon, you never leave them or let them go. I know a thing or two about that."

"How so?" She asked.

"I was kind of an idiot to just release my Chimchar. I didn't ever think that it would amount to anything. But later on, it proved me wrong by beating me in a battle." Paul answered. "Anyways. See ya." Paul started to walk off. Aria saw him leave, making her alone once more. But this time she didn't want to be alone. She would've starved if Paul didn't come along so she had to have some company.

"Wait!" She called out for him, grabbing his attention. "This is embarrassing... can you take me to someplace. A town maybe?"

"Can't get there on your own?"

"Well not in my state. I've been walking around randomly for days and I've been starving. I don't have anywhere to go So... would you please..." Aria started to twitch. She's not used to being friendly or even asking for help. She extended her hoof as it was jittering like crazy.

"Fine. I'll lead you to the nearest town. Come on. But don't get lost okay?"

"Pssh. I won't get lost." She followed Paul through Deerling Forest, hoping to get somewhere. Deerling Forest was pretty wide so it would probably an hour or two to find any sign of civilization. Deerling's had sat down, eating some grass and fruit in the process. Time was passing, 23 minutes exactly. Aria wanted to break the silence somehow. "So why's a human visiting our world? What's got you so interested?"

"I'm not that interested in this world. I just came here to see what Pokemon I can catch to make my team stronger. If I'm gonna be the best trainer, I need the best team possible. And to beat him someday."

"Well... how strong is your team so far?"

"For what it is, it's powerful. My Electivire is my ace. The rest are good for strategy and traps like my Drapion and Gastrodon."

"You sound like a seasoned trainer at least."

"I've been at this for 14 years now ever since I left my home at Veilstone City. I've got a long way to go if I wanna prove myself as the very best."

"Hmph. You sound a lot like-" Aria's words were stopped as Paul heard rustling in the deeper part of the forest.

"Hold it." Paul shifted his eyes about, searching for where that sound came from. An ominous sound came from that location. Aria got a little scared as she hid behind Paul.

From the forest was a Houndoom, lunging over at the two of them.

"A Houndoom? I can add that to my team." Paul sneered as he moved away from the Dark Pokemon's bite. "Electivire. Stand by for battle!" Paul tossed his Pokeball out, sending out his ace Electivire, the Thunderbolt Pokemon.

"Electivire!" The thunderbolt Pokemon cried out as it beat its chest in excitement. Aria continued to stay behind Paul. Houndoom terrified her due to how intimidating it was. And she had a mild fear of dogs, but no one else needs to know that.

Houndoom howled at them, going in for a Fire Fang.

"Gotcha. Electivire. Brick Break!" Paul commanded his Electivire as it raised its hands up, slamming them down on Houndoom's back, making it fall down to the ground with major damage being dealt to it. "Good." Paul took out an Ultra Ball, tossing it right at Houndoom as it connected, sending the Dark Pokemon inside the ball.

1...2...3... Get!

"Easy. Return Electivire." He returned his Pokemon as he picked up the Pokeball that had his newly caught Houndoom. "I'll make sure you're strong enough to carry me to the top. You can stop hiding behind me now."

Aria's tail perked up as she moved away from Paul. "I wasn't hiding." She said, not trying to show her obvious fear of dogs.

"Yeah sure. Tough girl." Paul taunted.

"Let's just keep going already, okay?" Aria echoed as she blushed at the embarrassment. Never before has some managed to taunt her and be this calm about it. The only one other individual Aria knows of that's done this, was herself at others. If anything, Paul was a perfect parallel to her many traits. That made Aria feel a bit mad at that. It's only fun when she's cynical to others.

As they journeyed on, they finally came across some civilization. It was small but it was something. A small pony town that wasn't really known to many. It was a grey blur compared to everywhere else.

"Oh? Visitors." A ragged Pony greeted the two of them. "How may we help you?"

"Hey. I'm here to drop this one off." Paul explained.

"I have a name you know."

"Apparently she's got nowhere to go. Think your town can take her?"

"A new townsfolk? We'd love it! Right everypony!"

"Mhm!" They all agreed, popping their heads out of the windows and nodding. Aria took a look around the place, seeing how run-down it was. The buildings looked like they could fall apart at any minute.

"Actually... I think I'll just keep tagging along with this guy until I find a new town."

"Aw..." The whole town said, lowering their heads. Paul had then noticed one pony who wasn't moving around like the rest. She was just sitting there, staring off into the distance.

"What's up with her?" Paul asked about the lone pony.

"Oh her? That's Cozy Glow. We don't know much about her ourselves. She's just kind of there. We don't even know who her parents are or where she came from. But we're happy to have her as a fellow citizen."

Cozy Glow had heard them talking about her, but she didn't care. The only thing on her mind was... more than safe thoughts.

"She is... an odd one though. She does say some of the wildest things at times."

"Hm." Paul took a small interest in Cozy Glow, walking up to her. The young pegasus had looked up at the purple dressed human.

"Can I help you, mister?"

"So, you're a strange one according to them, eh?"

"Me? Strange? Of course not. I'm just different compared to them." Cozy giggled.

"Sure." Paul replied, ready to walk away from this town.

"Golly mister. What's that you got there?" Cozy Glow aimed her hoof at the Pokeball sitting on Paul's pockets.

"This? It's a Pokeball. I assume you know about Pokemon at least."

"I do know about them. And I want one. So badly!" Most ponies want Pokemon to either befriend them or keep them as a pet and so on. But Cozy wanted one for... very different reasons.

"Well, you work on that later. I'm out of here." Paul had bid his short farewell to this town as Aria followed.

"Hey, wait for me." Aria called out.

"You're seriously tagging along with me?" Paul looked down at her.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I just need someone to get me to civilization... and not this."

"Alright. The next town or city we come across, I'm leaving you there."

"Hmph. Whatever." The two of them ended their banter as the town had waved goodbye. Cozy Glow, however, held a Pokeball in her hoof. She had quietly snatched it from Paul, making it hers now. An ominous look dwelled on her face as she knew which Pokemon she had to catch first.

Paul and Aria continued their long walk through Equestria until it was finally time for the day to end and night to arrive.

"It's getting late now. I'm gonna clock out for tonight." Paul said, stopping his movements. He sat near a tree, resting his head on it.

"You're just gonna stop here? Shouldn't we be getting a move on?"

"When you're on a journey, you'll end up in situations like this. Don't you think you should get some sleep too?"

Aria was feeling tired after what happened today, so she needed the rest without a doubt. "I guess so." Aria sat down, resting near a tree as well.

The night went on as it usually does. Both were having their usual dreams. Paul was dreaming about how he was going to stand at the very top. As for Aria, she was dreaming about her sisters. In her dream, she saw her sisters separate from her. Both going on their own separate pathways. Even if she hated how Adagio acted and how annoying Sonata was they were still her sisters.

She curled up in her sleep, wanting to get rid of this nightmare. This was her first nightmare in ages. And considering how long sirens live for, it's been a very long time since she's had one. But something had put her to ease. Her Popplio came out of its Pokeball by itself. It went up to Aria, sleeping next to her. The warm and comforting love of a Pokemon had reached even the cynical and unenthusiastic Aria Blaze.

Along came morning. Paul was the very first one to wake up. He had to get going. He wanted to return back to his world very soon by heading to the location of the rift that he came through. He saw Aria sleeping with her Popplio, still dozed off. Paul cupped some water from the river in his hands, dropping it on Aria.

"Up you get."

Aria felt the cold water splash on her face, waking her up with a shock.

"Hey! What'd you do that for?!" She yelled, waking Popplio up too.


"Time to get moving. I've got places to be and you need to be somewhere at least." Paul said with a commanding voice. Aria gave off a small 'Hmph', getting up and returning Popplio to its Pokeball. "I know one place that's nearby. You can stay there and then I'll be off."

The two of them continued their walk, heading to that certain location that Paul mentioned. Aria looked around and noticed that the area she was walking in looked familiar. Very familiar. Almost as if she has been here 3 days ago. They walked for an hour until they reached their location.


"This place. It looks much better than that other town."

"I've been here before... oh geez." Aria placed her hoof on her face.

"See ya. I'm out." Paul bid his farewell to Aria, finally walking on his own.

"Hey wait!" Aria stopped him as he turned around. "I don't normally say this... but thanks... for helping me find someplace to be. Even if it's the one place I didn't want to come back to."

"Hmph. You're welcome I guess. Later."

Aria looked over at Ponyville, then back to Paul. Strangely enough, she didn't want to say goodbye to him yet. Even though they met yesterday, they formed a small bond. It's not that big or special but it's there. Their two personalities clashed as they had a lot of banter when they were walking for those past hours.

Aria had decided to stay here in Ponyville. Maybe they will all accept her as they have with Sonata. She walked over to the active town, ready to try and make a living here. She has nowhere else to go anyways. The first pony who she came across was Sonata, who was smiling at her, waving.


"Welcome back sis!" Sonata run over, glomping her sister. Usually, Aria would hate it when Sonata just hugs her for no reason what so ever. But this time, she was happy that she hugged her. That nightmare she had made her realise that she didn't want to stray away from her only family in the world.

"Uh yeah. I'm back." She pushed Sonata way with one hoof.

"So! Have you decided to be here?! The home that they gave me is super sweet!"

"I guess so. This town is pretty decent. I might consider not feeding off their negativity."

"Great! Come on! Check out my home and how I totally made it all stylized!" Sonata dragged her monotonous sister, heading towards her home. Paul had watched over from the distance, seeing Aria reunite with her sister. He gave off a small smile as he walked, taking the long journey back to his home.

"Good luck, pony."

Chapter 80 End.

Author's Note:

Normally, Paul would meet Ash in this chapter, but with Journeys bringing back old characters... I'm saving it for when that episode happens. Eventually.

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