• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The wildest memories

Author's Note:

This chapter is all about the past experiences Ash has had in the movies. Props to whoever can remember these moments. For those who haven't seen most of the movies yet it might be a spoiler for you.

Ponyville, Day. Still snowing to this day.

Ash has been assigned by Rarity and Applejack to foalsit the Crusaders whilst they assist Twilight at her lab. He gladly took the offer, foalsitting them a second time.

"So Ash! What are we gonna do today?!" Sweetie Belle spoke.

"Are we heading to Pokestar Studios again!?" Apple Bloom leaned forward.

"Are you gonna help us catch more Pokemon?!" Scootlaloo squeed.

"Hm...What to do..." Ash thought for a moment, thinking of something new and fresh.

"Pikapi." Pikachu nudged Ash's shoulder. "Pikachu. Pika! Pika-Pikachu?"

"Oh. Not a bad idea, buddy." Ash nodded, taking Pikachu's suggestion. "Alright! Who wants to hear about all the wildest things I've done on my past journeys?"

"We do!" The three were eager to hear.

"We've never actually heard of what you've done. Just that you did amazing things." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah. You must've seen a lot." Apple Bloom nodded.

"Oh, I've seen a lot. Get ready. I'll take you through the most intense moments of my life. How about we start with...Aha! The time I experienced an entire event with the Legendary Birds and Lugia. That was a sight to behold.

It all happened when Tracey, Misty and I arrived at Shamouti Island by accident. Apparently, the people there were getting ready to cast the role of hero to someone. And I just so happened to be chosen by a girl named Melody. I took the role because it sounded like a ton of fun. I was told to retrieve three glass balls from each of the legendary birds and a lot happened along the way. But things really started to pick up when Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres began battling each other, affecting the entire world too by making the weather go crazy. And next thing you know, we also had to save them. And that's when Lugia showed up. Here's the best part.

Inside a giant floating Fortress ship, two Legendary Birds, Zapdos and Moltres were being held and used a sort of power source of the man behind it named Lawrence. A younger Ash alongside Misty, Tracey, Melody and even Team Rocket were attempting to free the two legends.

"Pika...CHUUU!" Pikachu shot a bolt of lightning towards Moltres's prison. However, the energy barrier around it wouldn't budge.

"I choose you! Charizard!" Ash sent out his Charizard for assistance.

"CHARIZARD! The Flame Pokemon fired a Flamethrower towards Moltres's prison, but even that didn't budge. Even with the combined efforts of Pikachu and Charizard.

"Fire and Electricity aren't enough!" Misty gasped.

"We can't just give up! We've gotta keep trying!" said Tracey.

"Well if things are you going to get ugly... we might as well try Weezing!" Jessie spoke.

"Right!" James nodded. "Go!" He tossed the Pokeball, sending out his Weezing to help.

"Weezing! Wee!" The Poison Gas Pokemon tackled itself on the prison, but the barrier sent the Poison-Type flying back and onto the floor.

"Come on you big palooka! Get up and fight!" Meowth exclaimed.

"Ugh! Let's try Arbok!" Jessie sent out her Arbok.

"Arbok! Arbok!"

"Now Arbok! Use Poison Sting!" The Cobra Pokemon shot out sharp needles laced with poison towards the prison of Zapdos. And of course, that had no effect as well.

"Squirtle! Bulbasaur! I choose you!" Ash sent out his other two starter Pokemon.



Soon each of his four strongest Pokemon at that time fired their strongest attacks at the prison, giving it everything they had.

It took a while, but after putting everything we had into our attacks, we finally managed to free Moltres first. Who also ended up freeing Zapdos too. But then, they kept on fighting once they were free. I'll tell ya, it was a real sight to behold way back then.

The two Legendary Birds of Fire and Electricity flew out of the flying fortress, continuing their aggressive battle. Whilst they battled, their attacks were actually destroying the ship in the process. Whether by setting parts of it on fire or causing an electrical surge that blew up many of the machinery built in it. Soon the ship was reaching a state where it was about to crash land, right on Lightning Island.

The impact wasn't too bad considering the ships massive size and durability, but it as still there, causing parts of it to fall off in the end, along with some of it breaking down on itself. Ash and the others made a run from it, escaping from the collapsing ship. They ran down a steep platform that fell off the ship as it led straight for the ground of Lightning Island. It was so steep that they all started rolling down accidentally. But hey, a boost of speed is a boost of speed.

They continued to make a run for it as the entire ship was aiming to fall directly on them all. Thankfully, one of the propellers of the ship crashed into a mountain, causing the ship to simply hover over them. Ash noticed one of the three glass balls. The ball of electricity. He picked it up, retrieving the third one for himself. Zapdos came along, shooting lightning right at them as they continued to zoom off.

Underneath the ocean, Lugia was approaching. It had responded to the actions of the three Legendary Birds and how the entire world was suffering from the rampant weather. The three birds were tearing everything apart. No one wished to get burnt, frozen or shocked. The group managed to reach the boat they came on, using it as their getaway from all of this. The sheer force of their battle was enough to shake the oceans themselves, causing the boat to move the opposite direction of where they wanted.

The boat had come across a waterfall, which could only mean one thing. An immediate scenario where it fell down the waterfall. But it wasn't about to land on more water. Not at all. Instead, it was about to crash land on solid ice that was next to the waterfall. But a stroke of luck came their way. In the form the leader of the Legendary Birds.


The Diving Pokemon broke through the ice by shooting a torrent of water that saved the boat from making a hard impact as it carried the group across the ice. Deep underwater, the cry of Lugia could be heard by everyone.

"What's that sound?" Melody wondered.

"Quick! We may need this!" Jessie spoke as she and Team Rocket unravelled a lifeboat as a spare. The Torrent of Water had saved their life, placing them on solid ground. But this was no time to take a small break.

"Come on! Hurry!" Tracey grabbed Melody's hand as they all continued their run. Their getaway boat, unfortunately, fell down, sinking into the ocean. Once they reached solid land, they all came across the next obstacle that they would have to face. And standing there was none other than Slowking. One who could speak actually.

"Take the treasure and put it there." The Slowking pointed at a shrine covered in snow. The shrine had three areas where the balls could be placed.

"You can talk?" Ash looked over at the Slowking.

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu told Ash to hurry and place the glass balls at the shrine already. The young trainer went up to the first hole, seeing through it. Looking through the hole, he could see how the three glass balls relate to the islands.

"Oh! Fire Island." He looked at the first island of fire, placing the fire glass ball there. "Lightning Island." And then the lightning glass ball. But there was one missing.

"So, you're Ash." The Slowking spoke, getting up close to Ash, startling him. "You're one treasure short."

"Yeah, I know but...how'd you know my name?" He asked. The cries of the Legendary Birds could be heard as they were still going on with their battle, showing zero signs of stopping. At this rate, they'll destroy the entire world before the weather gets the chance to do it. "Cut it out!" Ash ran over to the birds. He got a bit too close since their attacks caused an explosion that was about to spread out. But thankfully, Lugia saved him again by summing that torrent of water from below.

The torrent of water struck all three of the birds at the same time, halting their actions. Everyone turned their attention towards the torrent as they could see a large dragon-like figure rise up inside of it.

Out emerged the Psychic-Flying-Type. And Beast of the Sea. Lugia. The Diving Pokemon.

"The Great Guardian..." Slowking gawked. "Lugia."

"I can't believe it..." Melody stammered.

"Lugia?" Ash was perplexed since this was his first time seeing Lugia as well.


Lugia stood before the three Legendary Birds, letting out its signature cry towards them.

"That sound!" Melody recognized it. It was the same sound that responded to her when she played the instrument.

Lugia came along to stop the three of them. And boy, did it stop them. At that time Lugia was one of the coolest Pokemon I'd ever seen. Still is to this day. If it wasn't for Lugia, who knows what would've happened to our world.

Zapdos and the other birds denied Lugia's request to cease their actions as they began attacking their leader. Lugia soared away from an incoming Thunderbolt whilst flying over a Flamethrower and manoeuvring around an Ice Beam. The three birds chased the larger Flying-Type down in hot pursuit. Lugia's dorsal fins suddenly pulled back, laying on the Diving Pokemon's back as it crashed through the icy ground, heading underwater.

It did this to kick up another torrent of water, using it was a weapon once more. The Psychic-Flying-Type soared out of the ocean, flying towards the three birds who just managed to avoid it. Articuno froze the entire torrent with a single Ice Beam, but that wasn't going to stop their boss. Lugia burst out of the ice torrent, continuing the chase and battle. Flying forward, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt and Flamethrower kept missing their mark. Only managing to destroy the ground that Lugia flew over.

At the same time, they unleashed their attacks in unison. But even in unison, it wasn't enough to stop a Pokemon like Luga. The Diving Pokemon had blocked each of their beams by pushing them right back at the Legendary Birds. The Beast of the Sea then flew past them, creating a wind pressure so powerful it even pushed them back.

"Though the Guardian of the Sea shall arise to quell the fighting, alone its own will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash." Melody recited the words of the legends.

"This looks bad." Slowking said in a worried tone.

Indeed it was. Even with Lugia involved, that wouldn't stop the carnage. It may be powerful enough to fend them off, but the Legendary Birds still have the capabilities to take Lugia down. Especially if it's on its own.

"And then what happened next?!" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah! What happened next?! How did you manage to solve it?!" Scootaloo jumped up.

"There's a ship that's a fortress...?" Sweetie Belle had her mind fixated on that.

"Well, a lot happened, ya know. And I do mean a lot. But I guess I can finish this story up by heading to the climax. After a while, I ended up helping Lugia along the way. We were supposed to get to Ice Island in order to retrieve the final treasure. But both Lugia and I ended up falling into the ocean by a surprise attack."

Ash had fallen into the sea, knocked out whilst Pikachu trying to get him out. Around them, horrifying water tornados kicked up in the ocean.

"Pikapi! Pika!" Pikachu was doing his best to drag Ash out but it was no use.

"Ash!" Misty called his name as she swam over to him. Thanks to her being a swimmer, this was nothing to her.


"Pikachu! Just hang on!" Misty grabbed them both as she held on to a rope that Tracey had. He pulled the rope, safely bringing the three of them back to shore thankfully.

"Ash!" Tracey pulled Ash up.

"Come on, Ash! Breathe!" Misty tried to wake him up.

"You got to!" Tracey exclaimed.


"Please, Ash! Please! You can't-" Misty kept nudging him until he woke up. The young trainer slowly opened his eyes, quickly realizing he still had to get the final sphere at the shrine. He got up, but his knees were very weak. "Ash!"

Tracey tried to stop him, but there was no stopping Ash once he puts his mind on something. "Let me go! I gotta do this!" He made his way towards the shrine to put an end to this once and for all. Along the way, he almost tripped due to his weak knees, but his friends helped him back up. Ash pushed his limits further and further, tossing them aside in order to save everyone he knew in the world. And it was that push that made him reach the shrine, finally.

"He made it!" Melody smiled along with Slowking.

"Togepi!" Misty's Togepi cheered.

"Have you brought the final treasure, Ash?" Slowking asked.

"Here it is Slowking." He held the ball of ice towards the Royal Pokemon.

"You must be the one to place it."

Ash quickly ran up the stairs of the shrine, standing before it. He placed the final sphere in the middle next to the other two, completing the unification.

All three stones reached to each other, shooting our rays of light that matched their colours. Just then, they all shifted into a green light instead. This green light scattered symbols across the shine, exerting a burst of wind equal to that of snow. That green light turned out to be liquid actually. The liquid that poured across the shrine, going all over the pillars that surrounded it.

"The song!" Misty looked over to Melody since only she could play the Song of Storms. Melody ran up the stairs of the shrine with the instrument at her disposal as always.

All she had to do was play to it. And play she did. She perfectly played the song that represented Lugia. Essentially its own song. Each time she played, the pillars lit up depending on the melody of the song. The beautiful sound that came from it was enough to reach the Legendary Birds, who had been knocked out earlier. Lugia's song woke them up, easing their nerves in a matter of seconds.

The sun could finally reveal itself as it shined its golden rays down on the land. The tornados had faded away due to the melody of the song. Flowers were once again blooming. The green liquid poured across the shrine, flowing down towards the sea itself. This mysterious green liquid spread across the sea, overtaking every last part of it. The Three Legendary Birds flew up, knowing that the balance had finally been restored to the planet, letting out cries of joy.

And out of the ocean came Lugia, who flew higher into the skies than the others. The golden sun beamed down on the Diving Pokemon as a majestic radiance emanated from it. The green liquid had faded away as it had acted as some sort of restoration substance. The water was now sparkling yet again as the once bland and dry mountains and hills regained their beautiful lush green colours, returning to their normal state. Lugia flew over to Ash and the group, looking down at the young trainer. It offered Ash a ride on his back for helping it back there. He earned Lugia's respect on that day.

Ash gladly took the offer, hopping on Lugia's back with his buddy Pikachu on his. Up they went for a ride. On that day, Ash got to experience a ride on Lugia as they soared across the now beautiful azure skies and the light blue ocean that sparkled around every corner. Melody continued to play the song, continuing this beautiful harmony. And the cherry on top, a dazzling torrent of water shot up from the ocean, moving across the land as if it was the shape of a rainbow.

The three Legendary Birds, Lugia and every Water-Type and Flying-Type here moved alongside each other with Ash and Pikachu taking in this breathtaking sight. The rainbow shaped water torrent gently moved back down, becoming one with the sea once more.

"Everything calmed down finally. The whole problem had been solved thanks to the efforts of me and friends and Lugia. Boy, I'll tell ya. I thought nothing could top it for a while." Ash laughed.

"Oooh...Saving the whole world in a situation like that? I could never." Scootaloo shaking her head.

"Mhm. But I'd probably enjoy the music part!" Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Well...if you thought nothing could top that for a while...what did top that?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh. A lot. I do mean a lot. But one moment that really got my blood rushing was this." Ash was about to explain another intense moment in his life. "I remember this one especially. Mostly because of what happened back at the Crystal Empire. The whole situation with Flurry Heart, Manaphy and the Crystal Empire takes me back to something similar that involved a Manaphy and crystals." You see...me and my friends Brock, May and Max kind of got lost wandering through a bright road that was super hot. Thankfully, we came across the Marina Group who helped give us some water. But you really wanna hear some really exciting stuff? This one adventure involved a Pokemon Ranger."

"A Pokemon Ranger?" The three of them leaned forward.

"Oh yeah. His name was Jackie. And he was the coolest guy I met at that time!" Ash grinned. "A Pokemon Ranger is someone who takes care of a bunch Pokemon in a certain area. And they use these little things called Capture Stylers to have a Pokemon help them. But Jackie's a one of a kind. He was so cool when he first did it!" Ash got giddy.

"He must've been something else huh?" Scootaloo gawked.

"Oh, yeah! He was so cool I even thought of becoming a Pokemon Ranger myself once. Pokemon Ranger Ash. I like the sound of that."

"That's great and all. But what happened at that time? What the intense moment there?" Sweetie Belle asked wanting to hear more of Ash's intense adventures.

"Oh, right! Here's where things really took off. It all happened at the Sea Temple."

It was at the sea temple. I decided to send back the last crystal in order to save the temple. It wasn't easy rushing to the treasure room while the entire place was being flooded with water. First I had to make sure May, Manaphy and Pikachu were alright first.

"May! Get in here! It's Phantom's!" A slightly older looking Ash dragged a small escape pod for May. "Come on you gotta!" He helped both Manaphy and May inside of the pod since it was large enough to fit them both considering how big this Phantom character was. He even placed his best buddy inside the pod.


"Pikachu. You take care of the two of them." Ash requested as he picked up the crystal, closing the pod.


"I have to go put this back." He gave off a smirk, setting himself out to save the temple. "Now you guys just sit tight in there and wait!"

"But Ash!" May cried out.


Ash set off to the treasure room with haste. He also had to avoid the rampant rising water levels as well. The young trainer hopped on the higher levels of the temple, jumping from a thin bridge to another thin bridge with the widest gaps. He didn't stop for a second, outpacing the water whilst running on the thinnest platforms he could come across. Ash looked down, knowing that he had to go underwater if he was to get to the treasure room. It was a risky attempt, but danger has never stopped him before.

He turned his hat around, preparing himself as he held his breath. The young trainer took a huge dive into the water, entering the flooded parts of the temple. Ash swam forward, remembering the route towards the treasure room since he and his friends were last there with Phantom.

He reached the treasure room, spotting the one hole where there wasn't a single crystal. That was the spot. But he had been underwater for a while now, and he couldn't continue holding his breath. Ash swam back up, reaching surface level whilst catching his breath. Once he got up, a fountain of water poured on his face, knocking him back down and causing him to drop the crystal. The single and final crystal landed in a hole, getting itself stuck there.

"Oh no you don't!" Ash held his breath once, swimming towards the stuck crystal. Meanwhile, May, Pikachu and Manaphy were still inside the pod, praying that Ash could fix this in time.

"Hurry." May prayed.



On the outside, everyone else was awaiting Ash and May's safe return whilst inside a submarine. The Pokemon Ranger Jack Walker, or Jackie as he prefers, came back up using one of Phantom's ship.

"Jackie, you alright?" One of the family members of the Marina group said to the ranger.

"I'm just fine! Where are the kids?!"

"May and Ash haven't come back yet!"

"What the?!" Jackie pulled back.

Speaking of Ash, he had reached the lowest part of the sea temple. Down there, the water pressure was much heavier, putting a huge strain on his body. But yet, he persisted. He managed to reach the crystal, grabbing a hold of the heavy piece of crystallized rock. With all his might he pulled and pulled, trying to get it out. He gave it everything he had until he managed to do so. However, all that straining caused him to accidentally open his mouth.

The young trainer was being hoisted up by the water, slowly passing out due to all of it as he once again dropped the crystal.

"Please, Ash. Don't give up." May prayed once more, hoping for the best possible outcome.


Manaphy then decided to help out. It did this by, of course, using its signature move. Heart Swap. However, Heart Swap can do more than just swap hearts around. It can actually take the wishes from someone's heart and relay them to another. Essentially making it an energy boost of some sorts. May's wish that Ash can save the temple came from the heart and Manaphy simply sent it over to Ash.

"Please, Ash... Ash. Don't give up. Ash. Be strong."


Ash was slowly waking up, hearing the voices of his two best friends.

"I know you can do it. I know!"


And just like that Ash felt a burst of energy in his body, fully revitalized from his unconscious state. He swam much faster than before, heading up to surface level to catch his breath. He noticed that he was slowly running out of the time. The water had reached critical levels and it looked like the sea temple was doomed. Locating the crystal once more at the bottom, he dives down to retrieve, ignoring how much air he has left. This time, he grabbed the crystal with ease. He swam higher up, arriving at the altar where the rest of the crystals laid. Ash finally the last crystal inside. Smashing it in the diamond-shaped hole.

It was a success. A yellow glow filled the room, emanating from the crystals themselves. Ash looked at this mysterious light as he took it all in. The temple Samiya was in its collapsing state, about to collide into an ocean cliff, but since Ash put the final crystal in place, the temple barely misses and begins floating upwards. Meanwhile, yellow energy beams begin to snake out from the treasure room, wrapping around Samiya as it floats upwards. These yellow energy beams represented the people of the water. One of the yellow energy beams grabbed the pod that May, Pikachu and Manaphy were in, safely bringing the three of them back to the surface on the outside of the temple.

"Mana! Mana, Mana!"

"Hey look!" Max yelled as he looked outside the submarine. Outside, he spotted not just a bunch of Water-Type Pokemon but a Legendary as well. The Sea Basin Pokemon Kyogre was present in this area. "Kyogre!"

Kyogre and all the Water-Types were heading towards the direction of the light as if someone was calling to them.
At the surface, everyone is back on the Blue Lagoon, seeing Samiya rise as the sun is rose up as well.

It was massive as the legends made it out to be. The beauty of the temple could finally be seen in its full glory. A beautiful veil of water surrounded the temple, showing off its magnificent colours.

May, Manaphy and Pikachu opened up the pod, exiting out of it as they were in clean fresh air now. The entire temple was back and in its full glory. Many Wingulls flew near the temple, basking in the light that radiated once the sun made contact with its beautiful material that made its floor and walls.


"Ash. Ash must've done this." May said. But saying that made her realize that maybe Ash had actually sacrificed his life to make all of this possible. The realization made her heart sink as she looked up into the sky. "It can't be...No way..."

"Pikapi..." Pikachu lowered his head, not wanting to believe that his best friend is gone. But unbeknownst to the two of them, the man who managed to cause all this trouble in the first place, a Pirate by the name of Phantom, burst out of the ocean to grab Manaphy, who was the key to all of this.

"You will be coming with me!" Phantom grinned. He took off, riding on his torpedo whilst making a getaway with the Prince of the Sea.


"Manaphy!" May bellowed.

"As long as you're by my side, I can always find the temple!" said Phantom. He only wanted all the treasure from the temple. And nothing else. Usual pirate shenanigans. "Then I can take what truly belongs to me! Haha!"It looked like he would get away with this without anyone else stopping him until...

A single yellow energy beam shot out of the water, racing towards the scene. This beam of light moved at such speeds that it instantly caught up to Phantom. The pirate looked down to see this mysterious light following him. But it wasn't just a simple beam, someone was inside of it. The beam shot up out of the water, rising into the air. The one inside was none other than the one who saved the temple.


"What's that?!" Phantom looked back.

His body was cloaked in the golden light as he chased after Phantom. It almost looked like he was flying.



Arriving at the scene as well, was the submarine the others were in. Ash was chasing Phantom at high speeds, moving up and down like a torrent of water. No matter how fast Phantom moved in his torpedo, Ash caught up.

"Hey! Phantom! I'm taking Manaphy back!" Ash exclaimed.

"You are?! Let's see you try!" The chase was on. Phantom moved ahead but Ash easily caught up by diving in the water to gain extra speed and then rising back up, getting in front of the pirate. The sight of it was bizarre. Everyone else was seeing Ash chase Phantom around the water whilst flying in this golden aura.

"Hey, it's Ash!" The mother of the Marine group said.


"But how...?" The father wondered.

"Whosoever shall wear this crown...shall be known as King of the Sea." The grandfather explained the saying of the legend. And indeed there was a king. Ash rose up as the golden sun beamed down on him. "And it's true! Behold! The Sea Crown! It is the touchstone of the people of the water and the Water Pokemon."

"You became King of the Sea?!" Sweetie Belle spat out her popcorn.

"Mhm." Ash nodded. "I didn't know that until they told me afterwards."


"If you were a king this entire time, why didn't you say anything?!" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Ah, I don't really talk about it that often. Mostly because of how fast it happened." Ash chuckled.

"Then what happened? How did the chase go? How did it end?!"

"Oh, right. The chase. Alright."

Phantom was pretty persistent too. He didn't want to let Manaphy up for one second.

"Where are you going?!" Ash kept up the chase, following every single one of Phantom's movements. From loops to drifts to all sorts of movements in the water. Or even out of the water. Suddenly, a spiral of Remoraid's surrounded Phantom, throwing him off guard. The Jet Pokemon had all led Phantom into a path were tons of Wailmer and Wailord's where. The entire ocean was planning on foiling Phantom as well. They responded to the actions of the King of the Sea.

Phantom even looked down to see the Legendary Kyogre as well. The Sea Basin Pokemon rose up, pushing Phantom's ship upwards, breaking through the surface level of the sea.

"W-WOAH!" Phantom yelled as Kyorge forced him to fly up into the air with his torpedo. That was Kyogre's plan actually. To get him off balance so that Ash could zoom up and grab Manaphy. Which is what he did.

"I gotcha!" Ash grabbed the Prince of the Sea, dashing back down to the sea whilst Phantom fell off his torpedo midair.

"Why you...GAAH!"

"Mana! Mana!" Manaphy hugged Ash in joy. Together they swam through the sea with the Water Pokemon all following them. They swam side by side with the King and Prince, aiding Ash in his efforts. All of his friends noticed as well inside their submarine.

"Ash got Manaphy!" Brock spoke.


"Uh, oh." But Jackie noticed something else. All is not well. Phantom makes one last effort in capturing Manaphy by staging an attack with his large submarine. This gargantuan submarine scared off the rest of the Water-Types, mostly the smaller ones. He stood atop the submarine, cackling at Ash.

"I'm back! Haha!"

Ash flew past the Wailord's as both him and Manaphy commanded them and the rest of the Water-Types to attack the submarine from below. Many of the Wailord's smashed their bodies at the submarine, using their world-renowned mass and size to their advantage.

"It's the Wailords!" One of Phantom's crew members said.

"They're doomed! Crush them all!" Phantom commanded.

"Yes sir! Supersonic, away!" The submarine emitted powerful supersonic waves that caused all the Pokemon to enter a confused state. Even the ones on the outside who were weren't even in the water. Even Kyogre was affected by it.

Every single Water-Type Pokemon couldn't keep their focus at all, causing many of them to scatter.


"Phy...Mana!" Manaphy looked back at Ash as he flew out of his arms.


Manaphy then let out its melodic cry whilst using Heart Swap at the same time. This small little melody along with Heart Swap was being used to cancel out the Supersonic. The Pokemon were no longer confused thanks to the efforts of Prince Manaphy.

"Manaphy's singing calmed them all down!" Jackie said.

"The way only Manaphy knows how." May nodded.

"MANA!" The Seafaring Pokemon had the Pokemon continue their attack on Phantom's submarine. This time with extra aggression. The Wailord's continued to smash their bodies against it but this time, the Wailmer joined in for support. Many Mantine had leapt out of the water, firing Bubble Beams at the pirate, almost knocking him off his own submarine.

The Chinchou decided to deal with the electrical devices. They slipped into some exposed electricity, sending Discharge across them all. The overwhelming flow of electricity caused the machines to blow up, shutting the power down.

"Why you...cursed Pokemon!" Phantom growled. "Huh?" He then looked over to see that Kyogre was heading his way. With Manaphy sitting on top of its head. Oh no.

"PHY...MANA!" The Mythical Pokemon commanded the Legendary Pokemon to blast the submarine with all it had. Kyogre did just that by jumping out of the water and firing the always hard-hitting Hyper Beam forward. Once it made contact, all of the crew's useful equipment had been destroyed. Plus, it dealt critical damage to the submarine.

"That's insane! You had all those Water Pokemon at your command?!" Scootaloo stood up.

"Oh, yeah. In that moment."

"Well...do you still have that power? If you went back there that is?"

"I mean...maybe. I don't know. It's been a long time. But anyways...all it took was a Hyper Beam from Kyogre and that was that. Phantom was taking in by Jackie and all my friends ended up being to able to fly in all those yellow beam things as well. Man...what an experience that one was."


"We wanna know more! What was the one that really put you on edge?!" Sweetie Belle wanted to hear more.

"Yeah! Which was the very best of them all?!" so did Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

"Sorry, girls. But I'm afraid that's enough for today." Rarity and Applejack had returned actually.

"Aw...it's over?" They groaned.

"Mhm. You've got a few things to clear up back home, little missy." Applejack picked up Apple Bloom. "Thanks, Ash."

"No problem. I can finish telling you three other parts of my adventure next time. Okay?"

"Okay!" All three of them said as Ash and Pikachu took their leave.

"We should probably tell you what we learned! Wanna hear about some pirates and sea temples?!" Sweetie Belle asked Rarity who chuckled at that.

Yes, Ash has been on a lot of adventures in his past. Ranging from world-ending events, pirates, aliens, floating castles with draconic energy, humans becoming Pokemon, seeing Legendaries battle across an entire city, even the destruction of the entire universe. He's seen a lot. And he's going to continue seeing more wild and frantic events play out right in front of him while he experiences it all as the journey continues.

Chapter 184 End!

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