• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Sovereigns of the free heavenly skies, Flying

18 Realms. Flying Realm.

Just now entering the Flying Realm was Brawly's group. After a surprising feud with a quicksand monster that soon became a sandstorm monster in the Ground Realm, they had entered this realm which had its door in the sky, causing some of them to freefall.

And the area itself was as to be expected of a Flying-Type realm. Completely sky-based to the core. Blue skies and fluffy clouds galore. But it was also a fusion, much like the Normal Realm and the Grass Realm. Those two realms had fusions of locations and landmarks such as Pallet Town plus Ponyville and the Tree of Beginning plus the Tree of Harmony, which the Giga Lucario was currently still wrestling in the Grass Realm.

This Realm, however, was a merger of four different locations. Cloudsdale, Pegalysium, Las Pegasus and Sootopolis City. All merged to make one big megacity. Four areas that are naturally found higher above most things.

Brawly, Roxie and Bea had stuck a landing on one of the roofs. Along came Fluttershy, who gently fluttered over, landing on a cloud. And next came their Pokemon, the CMC, Roseluck, Sunset Shimmer and Rumble as they were being gently led down by Roserade via Power Whip and its length.

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy called out for her fellow pegasus friend. "Rainbow Dash! Are you here?!"

"This is like a megacity here. She's probably gotten pretty far right about now," said Brawly. "Only means it'll be harder to find her..."

"She should know about Gardevoir after we told her everything. Hold on, let me check." Fluttershy then went for Xtransceiver, immediately searching for Rainbow Dash's Trainer Number. She clicked on it, waiting for Rainbow Dash to answer as it started ringing.

It rang for 6 seconds until an answer came through. Rainbow Dash could be seen currently flying at great speeds. And alongside her were Soarin and a few other pegasi. And they looked to be in a hurry.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash. We made it through the Flying Door and now we're in the Flying Realm. Are you still here?" She asked.

"Yeah! Pretty close actually! But, Fluttershy! Behind you! Duck!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Duck?" Fluttershy then turned around along with everyone else to see what was exactly behind them. When they did, Rainbow Dash and the others could be seen, but there was something else. A gargantuan form of wind that started slicing the air apart. "Oh my!"

"What is that?!" Brawly gasped as this strange form of wind was rapidly approach as Rainbow Dash and her group ended up stopping in front of Fluttershy's group.

"We've been dealing with that thing for a while! First, some Pokemon showed up and attacked us and now that!" Soarin pointed his hoof at the wind.

"Must be another obstacle that requires defeat, no doubt," said Bea so casually, unintimidated by something that looked like it could slice them all up into pieces.

"I guess so. We've been battling it for a while now, but I'm getting tired already." Rainbow Dash wiped the sweat off of her head. "We need to end this. Braviary! Clap your wings with Superpower!"

"Braviary!" Braviary's wings were lit up a blazing orange energy as he stood in front of everyone else. The bizarre form of wind approached as the Valiant Pokemon clapped his wings together, using the force of Superpower to create a shockwave.

The shockwave travelled through the atmosphere, parting some of the clouds from its overwhelming might. It had also managed to push back the form of wind as well too. However, despite Superpower dispersing- parts of this wind, it was still there, albeit not approaching anymore.

"Still?!" Rainbow Dash growled. "There's not enough force behind it. Maybe if we go Rainbow-Braviary and-"

"We'll give you that extra force." Brawly stepped, walking over to Rainbow Dash. "You all look like you've been ducking, dodging and battling a lot. Let us help."

"We needed the help. Thanks." Soarin nodded in gratitude. "My Corviknight's the only one that can get close to that thing and barely feel a thing. But he doesn't have enough strength to rid of it."

"Enough chatter." Bea interrupted as the enigmatic form of wind approached once more with great malice behind it. The goal was to blow it away with a superior force. AKA a superior force of wind. Thankfully, since both Brawly and Bea had a Machamp, they could exhibit an added force.

"Braviary! Superpower!"

"Machamp! Clap your hands!" The two Fighting-Type specialists exclaimed.

"Braviary!" Braviary and the two Machamp performed the same motion. Clapping. But while Braviary needed a Pokemon move to exhibit this force, the Machamp could do it casually. They had made a three-way thunderclap that formed a massive shockwave in the process.

It approached, blowing parts of the enigmatic wind back and destroying parts of it. It proved to be highly effective, this method. And it was the one that made the most sense. It was blown away so badly that it even started flickering, showing signs of fading away.

Rainbow Dash and her group have already been battling it for a while so it was obviously weakened. That allowed for the shockwave to damage it so much that it was practically on the verge of fading away. And this imminent defeat plus exertion of energy reached Gardevoir who was still in the Electric Realm.

Electric Realm.

"Ugh!" Gardevoir grunted because of two things. One, being hit by a super-effective Iron Tail and Sludge Bomb from both Pikachu and Roserade and also feeling the imminent defeat of another one of the many elemental forces that she had made. "Again...!"

"So far so good. She hasn't taken all the Aura I've been letting out." said Ash. "I think I can do this!"

"I shouldn't have doubted you with how careful you should be, Ash," Cynthia said with a smile.

"I can't keep going like this..." Gardevoir uttered, thinking of something on the spot. She knew she couldn't keep battling Ash's group forever. Not while a lot of things were happening in different realms that could be detrimental to her victory and result in a loss.

To switch up her target, Gardevoir had put her hand out, manipulating four different types. She made a cascade of rocks that emerged from the ground, surrounding Ash and the others in an earth barricade. They looked around to see this barricade forming as the ground below was also transforming. It had transformed into water with a quick element change from Gardevoir.

"What's she doing?!" Goh gasped as the water started rising as well as the earth walls closing in on them. They could either be crushed or drowned. And it didn't help that three more elements came their way. Giant rocks falling from above and ice shards.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!"

"Chu...!" Pikachu jumped up towards the rocks and shards with a hardened tail, only to be blown back by a whirlwind of air that pushed him downwards. "Pika!" Pikachu cried out as Ash caught him.

"This won't hold us forever! Return for now, Roserade!" Cynthia quickly recalled her Roserade as the earth walls had suddenly multiplied around them. More of them appeared, closing in with the extra layers only adding the pressure. The water was rising fast as well

"Now's my chance...!" Gardevoir took the chance to leave elsewhere. She made a temporary retreat, focusing on another group instead. She could now see that everyone could bring her focus down depending on what other surprises they would have in store.

She left this realm via teleportation, however as Ash and Cynthia had sent out Dragonite and Garchomph to deal with this predicament. At first, they tried flying out of the blockade, only to be denied by the fierce body of wind. So, they went with the next best option. Breaking the blockade. Dragonite and Garchomp started attacking the earth blockades with Dragon Claw, breaking them one by one. But as there were more of them being summoned at every corner, it could take a while.

Flying Realm.

Over at the Flying Realm, the enigmatic wind was still staggered and recovering from that combined blow. Things were looking good on this side.

"Nice! That did the trick" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "This time it won't pull any funny business when it's under pressure. I just know it!"

"We'll have this finished sooner than we thought then." Sunset Shimmer said. "I just hope Princess Luna's doing okay back to the Grass Realm."

"Once more! Superpower!" Rainbow Dash gave the call for another Superpower clap. Braviary ascended higher into the sky. The Valiant Pokemon flapped his wings, creating another thunderclap. And this was certainly the one to do it as the bizarre wind had been hit on all sides.

And with that final blow, the force of wind had been defeated. While Fluttershy's group might've been late to go against it, they were certainly on time to help assist in its defeat. The force faded away with the only thing left behind being whispers in the wind.

"Finally..." Soarin sighed along with the other pegasi. "Felt like that one went on forever."

"I know. But we did it, didn't we?" Rainbow Dash nudged him. "Barely even had to go Rainbow-Braviary or use Mega Evolution. Felt more like filler than anything. So. Who wants to check out more of this place while we're at it?"

"Love to but...we kind of have a rogue Gardevoir to deal with. And I guess a tree too." Sunset scratched her hair. "Wow..." She then started taking in everything that had happened so far ever since they got here. "Is that what you all go through with Pokemon on the daily?"

"Pretty much." They all said in unison. A bizarre and intense venture such as this was not too far off from what they've experienced in the past. Of course, there have been larger moments before that far exceed this but everything that has happened in the past and led up to this was impossible to ignore. They've certainly come a long way.

But as they were getting ready to leave, searching for the next door pop-up, the clouds were suddenly starting to gather. Nothing too uncommon. In fact, it was all-natural. But there was something off. For starts, purple lightning was flashing within them as this drew the attention of the Hearing Pokemon, Audino.

"Audino?" She said, noticing the flashing lights of the clouds as they were then starting to swirl. After swirling, purple lightning had shot out of it with Audino quickly pushing Fluttershy out of the way. "Audino!"

"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped after being pushed by Audino. The Hearing Pokemon then held her partner as the purple lightning almost scraped her ear. The lightning then hit the concrete ground, alerting everyone else to its direction.

"What now?!" Roseluck groaned, knowing that another problem was coming their way. She was used to it by now, but she just wanted to home, that was all. With the clouds themselves trembling and shooting purple lightning out constantly, someone was emerging out of it. With glowing purple eyes and an agitated growl, the clouds had burst with energy, revealing Gardevoir.

"Gardevoir!" They all screamed as the Embrace Pokemon looked down on them with aggravation in her eyes.

"You all have been running around, throwing me off my focus and turning everything I made upside-down itself."

"Well, funny you should mention upside-down..." Sweetie Belle raised her hoof, ready to bring up how the ground turned upside down in the Ground Realm previously.

"Zip it." But Gardevoir cut her off. "I tried giving most of you the chance to leave since you would do the same for me even. But I may have made a mistake on that. Seems I'll have to take my debt away from all of you. All I want is Aura. Especially one of Ash's stature. But clearly, once I leave this realm at last you all can experience the same amount of years I've had to live here doing barely anything but just moving from realm to realm."

"More like you'll continue staying here," Bea replied. You've appeared before us all in larger numbers. I'm sure that even you can't handle this many of us."

"We're getting out of here and leaving you behind for good!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Hoh. That's right. You all haven't seen what I can do except for Ash's group. Let me show you something." To demonstrate, Gardevoir utilized the 18 Types instead of using Pokemon Moves that she already has.

"Wait! M-Maybe we can still talk this through?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Hmm..." Gardevoir narrowed her eyes, pausing her moments for a bit.

"We were just caught up in all of this by accident. We didn't mean to intrude. But we're also willing to help those in need. Like those Lucario who wanted to pass on."

"The Lucario stay." Gardevoir clenched her fist. "And son, every Lucario, in reality, will be a part of Delayed Aura Ataxia, feeding me with Aura to extend my lifespan. You all may not mean any harm, but I'm sorry. I can't take any chances right now."

"Audi! Audino!" Audino started yelling at Gardevoir in the Pokemon Language, which Gardevoir could still fully understand even when talking like this. Soon, the other Pokemon started doing the same.

"Braviary!" Braviary ascended, flapping his wings aggressively at Gardevoir.

"Ma! Machamp!" The two Machamp pointed vigorously at the Embrace Pokemon.

"What are they saying?" Brawly asked.

"It's best that you don't know..." Fluttershy shook her head.

"Fluttershy. This happened before back at the Ground Realm. Why do you insist on taking an approach that's highly unlikely?" Bea asked, unsure of Fluttershy's decision to reason with Gardevoir considering what she had done and was all about.

"Well...I guess it's because her situation reminds me of a friend of mine. Discord." Fluttershy turned to the Fighting-Type specialist. "Being trapped here for so long with barely anything to do and being out of reality can feel so empty and crushing."

"Hm?" Gardevoir then turned to Fluttershy after she made that comment, completely ignoring the shouts that were being thrown at her by their Pokemon. Audino also took the time to listen to this as her hearing was directed there instead.

"Wait...That's the reason?" Bea was surprised by that reply. It wasn't anything she was expecting at all. A few of them weren't either.

"Oh, Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash sighed. She knew Fluttershy was like this and so did Applejack and Sunset Shimmer. Her kindness certainly shows when it does.

"Sorry. Maybe now's not the best time for that." Fluttershy said sheepishly while backing away. She then retracted her suggestion, seeing that it probably wasn't the best idea.

"Hah..." Gardevoir only put her hand on her face before looking to the other side. "Just ignore her Gardevoir..."

"If that's what ya think, Fluttershy, then sure." Applejack suddenly agreed with Fluttershy, giving a smile. "But that's gonna be hard cause...ya know." She nudged her head over at the Embrace Pokemon.

"We're with you anyway." Rainbow Dash made her wing feathers form a thumbs-up sign as Sunset Shimmer did the usual thumbs-up with her human hands.

"Mm." Brawly shrugged as he and Roxie decided to root for Fluttershy in that category as well. Brawly's carefree nature helped with that and Roxie, despite how extreme can appear, shares the same kinds of feelings.

"My...You ponies sure are something." Bea sighed, shrugging and accepting this choice.

"Gardevoir!" Fluttershy called for the Embrace Pokemon. "Please listen! I-"

"Save it." But Gardevoir didn't let her finish as she emanated a Psychic and Fairy Aura respectively. "I've made up my mind, my little pony. The Aura is coming with me. And nothing is going to stop me from getting it."

"B-But..." Fluttershy stuttered, not expecting such a rapid and instant answer. Gardevoir didn't even give her a slither of a chance.

"Please. Your suggestions at this point are just fluff and filler to me." Gardevoir put one hand out while another on her face. As for Fluttershy, it looked like she had admitted defeat after Gardevoir's decision, no longer persisting.

"Welp. We tried." Brawly shrugged, tightening his gloves. "It's a battle then."

"Oh? But are you all fit to battle me right now?" Gardevoir then looked at them with a smirk. "As a Psychic-Type, I can tell...you're exhausted aren't you?"

"Mmmrgh..." Applejack grumbled as she knew that Gardevoir was right. Her friends had already faced some titanic situations. Figuratively and literally. And even with Audino's Heal Pulse, they could only give out so much.

"I can also imagine that you Fighting-Type specialists worked the hardest. You must be more worn out than anyone else. So it would be a shame if I had finished some of you off with just a wave of my hand. Wouldn't it?" And to show this, Gardevoir had waved her hand once, finally using a Pokemon move. She used Psychic, sending an invisible blast of Psychic energy that appeared around both Machamp's and Rumble's Riolu in a flash.

"Champ? MA!" The Machamp and Riolu felt a super-effective blow occur on them, sending them flying into their trainers. Brawly, Rumble and Bea gasped as their partners crashed right into them, causing all four of them to fall over. And with that blow, the two Machamp had fainted. "Machamp..."


"It's battle time then!" Rainbow Dash growled her eyes glaring ferociously at Gardevoir. "Braviary, use Steel Wing!"

"Corviknight, you use Steel Wing as well!"

"Roserade! Please use Poison Jab!"

"Bravi!" Braviary and Corviknight both hardened their wings. Corviknight already had hard wings in the first place as Braviary just slapped them on via light energy. Roserade quickly hopped onto Corviknight's back, readying some poison. The two Flying-Types then advanced, taking to the skies and approaching the Embrace Pokemon.

But Gardevoir did not approach back. Instead, she preferred to keep everything far back for the most part. With another wave of her hand, Gardevoir had used the Electric-Type, manipulating it through the clouds.

Just then, a giant lightning bolt came crashing down from one cloud as another appeared. Braviary was the only one who sensed it as he quickly shoved Corviknight and Roserade to the side, just barely evading the lightning bolt as it crashed into one of the buildings, leaving a massive hole afterwards.

Gardevoir scoffed before still using Electric but also going for Flying as well. And with Flying, she had caused a massive headwind to occur, sending the flow towards the three of them. "V-Viary!"

"C-Corviknight!" Braviary and Corviknight were unable to advance due to the strong headwind that was forcing them back. Gardevoir remained safe at this distance, barely needing to move a muscle at all.

"Rade!" But Roserade ignored those obstacles, leaping off of Corviknight's back and heading towards the Embrace Pokemon for a super-effective blow.

Only to be stopped the moment Gardevoir used Psychic on the Grass-Poison-Type, holding her in midair. Gardevoir then glared at the Bouquet Pokemon with a less than pleasant look.

"I've already had trouble with another Roserade. I don't need to deal with you either!" Gardevoir then used the full effect of Psychic, dealing super-effective damage onto the Bouquet Pokemon and launching her away.

"R-R-Roserade!" Roserade cried out, crashing into Corviknight and being injured from the crash. She even made Corviknight stagger from the impact as the Bouquet Pokemon started falling, but the direction wouldn't allow her to land in the city.

"Roserade, no!" Roseluck screeched as she was about to jump off the city just for her partner. Applejack and Rainbow Dash quickly held her back before she could do something so risky.

"B-Braviary!" Braviary cawed, trying to power through the headwind to save Roserade. But Sceptile was already on it, using his vines and extending them to reach Roserade. They were long enough to grab his fellow Grass-Type as they wrapped around her gently.

"Sceptile!" Sceptile then leered Roserade in back to a safer area. Roserade had unfortunately fainted from that attack with her face looking peaceful upon fainting. "Tile.

"Ah! Roserade!" Roseluck went to hold her fainted partner. Roserade then opened her eyes slowly, looking up at her partner.


"Please rest for now." Roseluck then returned Roserade to her Poke Ball, allowing her to rest after all she's been through within the 18 Realms.

"Brave Bird!" Rainbow Dash and Soarin both exclaimed.

"Via...Braviary!" Braviary and Corviknight managed to power their way through the headwind, using Brave Bird to do so. After breaking through the headwind, they both crashed into Gardevoir with blazing auras, causing the Embrace Pokemon to gasp and stagger. But as a result, they had both received recoil damage.

"Why you...!" Gardevoir roared, returning the favour to the both of them by unleashing a large wave of fire from her mouth instead of her hands. The fire had emerged right after the Brave Bird impact, engulfing the two Flying-Types. Corviknight got the worst of it due to him being Flying-Steel as they were both carried away.

"Steel Wing!"

"Corviknight!" Corviknight and Braviary quickly went back in for another attack. They approached Gardevoir in unison, swinging their hardened steel wings onto the Psychic-Fairy-Type. Gardevoir received a double super-effective blow from their coordinated attack. She grimaced before being sent flying through the air.

"Nice hit!" Rainbow Dash and Soarin cheered, giving each other a high-hoof.

"This isn't over yet!" Gardevoir recovered in the air with her eyes glowing red. She had manipulated the elements once more just with an eye glow as more lightning bolts came crashing down at greater ferocity.

"Bra!" Braviary and Corviknight started flying around, avoiding as many lightning bolts as they could as to not get zapped and knocked out of the sky.

"Let's help out! Frenzy Plant, Sceptile!" Applejack joined the fray.

"Scep...Tile!" Sceptile slammed his hands on the ground, causing extremely large and long vines to start rising as they frantically rushed towards the Embrace Pokemon who was hovering there, witnessing the barrage of roots.

"Braixen! Run up on those vines and use Fire Spin!" Sunset Shimmer pointed ahead.

"You too, Gible! Get in there with Bulldoze!" Scootaloo said to her Gible. "And Horsea, help out from afar with Bubble Beam!"

"Go for it with Aerial Ace, Piplup!" And Sweetie Belle did the same to her Piplup.

"Braix!" Braixen and the others quickly hopped onto the vines that Sceptile made, running on them. Apple Bloom quickly took out one of her Poke Balls, sending out her Emolga for assistance.

"Come out! Heracross!" Brawly had more Pokemon in store. His Heracross. Out came the Single Horn Pokemon, instantly spreading its wings out.

"Get up there, Scolipede! Use Sludge Bomb while you're at it!" And Roxie still had her Scolipede who was already running on the vines.

"Grapploct!" Restrain her with Octolock!" And finally, there was Bea's Octolock who was the last to run up the vines. Gardevoir would have to face all of them, which she was already getting tired of.

"Ugh..." The Embrace Pokemon groaned before using Fairy Magic to heal herself as if all of that damage never happened. Afterwards, she covered her hands in Psychic Energy, preparing for the worst.

Approaching first was Gible who had glowing hands that would utilize Bulldoze. Gardevoir barely tried with Gible at all, swiping the air to send a flicker of Fairy Magic that then blew up in his face. "Gible!"

Gible cried out before being knocked out of the air, fainting from that one attack. Braviary quickly caught him, saving him from falling to his demise as Gible had failed.

After defeating Gible, Gardevoir flew to the side, avoiding the barrage of poisonous sludge and beams of bubbles that came her way from Scolipede and Horsea. And she did even more than that. She used Psychic to grab the sludge and bubbles, manipulating them herself.

"Hera...!" In came Heracross with Megahorn, going for an overhead attack. Gardevoir quickly redirected the bubbles and sludge towards the Bug-Fighting-Type, hitting it with them both as Heracross had been bombarded with them. "C-Cross!"

"Loct!" But that focus on Heracrss allowed for Grapploct to jump in and get Octolock off, wrapping its many appendages around Gardevoir. "Grapploct!"

"Urgh...!" Gardevoir groaned as she was about to feel the overwhelming grip of Grapploct. Coupled with that, now that she was restrained, that allowed other Pokemon to come in and deal some free damage. Such as Corviknight with Steel Wing plus a swift aerial ace from Piplup.

"Pip...LUP!" Piplup smacked Gardevoir in the face with confounding speed as Corviknight followed up with a heavy wing slap from Steel Wing, leaving Gardevoir bewildered. But she quickly recovered with her body heating up. The Embrace Pokemon had used the Aura of Fire to increase her body heat to a point where Grapploct couldn't even hold onto for too long.

"G-Grapp!" But Grapploct persisted as the vines from Frenzy Plant were still moving around fiercely, hitting Gardevoir's head and legs.

"ENOUGH!" Gardevoir had an echoing shout as she both blew Grapploct back with a large Psychic pulse, causing super-effective damage to the Tantrum Pokemon and pushing others back as well while also manipulating the weather too.

Everyone started freefalling after the pushback, only for the vines of Frenzy Plant to catch them safely. Along came Braixen, running ahead of everyone else and unloading a spiral of fire onto Gardevoir while she wasn't looking. "Braixen!"

"!" Gardevoir gasped, closing her eyes as the spiral of fire engulfed her. The flames battered on her body, dealing damage over time. Gardevoir then snarled before making water fall from the clouds. And not just droplets, but fountains worth of water as they poured heavily.

Braixen looked up to see the water from above heading her way. She gasped, quickly putting up a Psychic Shield for protection. "Xien!"

"Rainbow Dash! Now might be a good time to use Rainbow-Braviary, don't you think?!" Soarin said to her.

"Bit tired from everything that's happened before! I can't use Rainbow-Braviary freely!" Rainbow Dash shook her head. "If I do now, I could pass out for sure."

"I'll help with that! Audino! Use Heal Pulse on Rainbow Dash!"

"Audino!" Under Fluttershy's order. Audino ran over to Rainbow Dash, ready to bring her energy back up so she could at least use Rainbow-Braviary for a while.

"I think not." But Gardevoir would not allow that. She swiped her hand, causing poison to appear out of thin air. A poison wave came flowing out, landing on the vines of Frenzy Plant. The poison instantly melted them away, making the free platform that the non-airborne Pokemon could stand on quickly fizzle out thanks to the Poison.

Every instantly started running back to the city before the vines could melt away completely. Corviknight was fine, however. Being both immune to Poison and having aerial advantage too. He came crashing in with Steel Wing, only to be stopped by Gardevoir's Psychic. "Corvi?!"

"Hmph." Gardevoir scoffed before noticing that there was one more. Heracross. Heracross came flying in from the side with Stone Edge, sending multiple rocks in Gardevoir's direction.


Gardevoir had been struck in the face by one of the stones while being pummeled by them. And to make matters worse for her, Rainbow Dash and Braviary had entered Rainbow-Braviary as seen by a pillar of rainbows. "W-What is that?!" She said, looking with one eye open as the rocks kept coming.

Bursting out of the rainbows was Rainbow-Braviary, soaring through the skies with a trail of Rainbows behind him. Braviary was faster than ever as he caused a Sonic Rainboom in a spurt of speed. Bewildered by this transformation of Braviary, Gardevoir hadn't thought of something to do next.

Caught off guard, Gardevoir had been hit by a high-velocity Brave Bird that knocked her sideways. A trail of rainbows could be seen above as Gardevoir's hold on Corviknight was broken. She was launched from that hit, flying through many clouds.

Straining, Gardevoir managed to make one of the clouds solid, crashing into it to stop her launch. But she ended up harming herself after that. Despite her amazing power and utility over all 18 Types, she was certainly struggling with this teamwork.

"That did the trick." Rainbow Dash nodded before holding her head due to the recoil of Brave Bird and how she and Braviary felt the same thing once in Rainbow-Braviary. "Do you think she's down and out?"

"No..." Bea said as she looked ahead. "Somehow, she's still standing after all of that."

"What?!" They all gasped as they found it hard to believe that Gardevoir could withstand all of those attacks and especially that last attack which was at top velocity.

Indeed, she withstood it. However, that didn't mean it didn't do a number on her. The Embrace Pokemon had tatters all over her body from that beating she had taken. But, she quickly negated all of this by using the healing properties of Fairy Magic and also Grass.

"Hah..." Gardevoir breathed in and out before sitting up. "I'm fine. I can't lose here. Not until I've broken free and gained enough Aura to last me an eternity."

"Audino!" Audino could her Gardevoir as she gasped. Everyone then looked ahead to see the stature of the Psychic-Fairy-Type approaching over the horizon. She looked perfectly fine. Healthy to the core.

"That can't be!" Brawly yelled.

"When you have so much Aura at your disposal, anything is possible!" Gardevoir spoke with a booming voice. "Hit me all you want, I can do this all day. My Aura amount is what makes me close to immortality. As it stands, you all can't defeat me."

"As if!" Rainbow Dash growled before holding out another Poke Ball. "Everyone's got a weakness! And we're so gonna expose it on you!"

"Not ever. I'm tired of playing around." Deciding to end this immediately, Gardevoir had used her Psychic energy from afar, focusing it on Rainbow Dash's hoof.

"Ough!" Rainbow Dash gasped as her hoof felt heavier from the pressure of Psychic power. She fell to the ground with the Poke Ball rolling away. "Grrhh!"

But it wasn't just her. Gardevoir expanded her Psychic power, putting the pressure on everyone. They all suddenly dropped from the pressure with one of them getting on their knees, all four, or were barely able to stand up at all. Braviary, Corviknight and Heracross were being forced down as well while still in midair.

And to show just how serious she was getting, the buildings within this merged city were starting to be ripped from the ground below. Windows shattered, other buildings started falling apart and toppling from this force of energy being exhibited. Everyone looked around them to see Gardevoir's true strength being shown on display.

Before they knew it an abundance of buildings had been raised into the air, hovering over them all. From how it looked, Gardevoir would do either two things. Slam them or drop them. Either way, it would result in them being crushed.

"Sweet Celestia..." Roseluck's jaw dropped.

"That's ridiculous...!" Applejack shook her head, trying to move. But she couldn't. The children were the most afraid as their fears were returning to them.

"Giving me so much trouble...I could be feeding on so much Aura right about now!" Gardevoir roared as her frustration was showing. "The Aura pattern that is similar to the long-gone Sir Aaron. If any a few of you didn't have Aura within your bodies, I would crush the majority of you. Keyword, majority. I won't need some of you. This is where you'll stay for all eternity!" Gardevoir then raised his hand, ready to drop the buildings on some of them.

They would be trapped underneath the buildings for eternity. Somehow, a far worse outcome than what else they had in mind. However, something got in the way. Or someone. Verbally instead of physically.

"Wait, don't!" The voice of Fluttershy came through. Gardevoir quickly gasped before looking at Fluttershy who was also being held down by the Psychic pressure. Gardevoir looked at the pegasus for a moment before something sparked within her for a split second. Fluttershy then looked up at Gardevoir with helpless eyes.

The Embrace Pokemon then grunted, closing and twitching her eyes for a bit before tossing the buildings elsewhere. She did not bury them underneath it after all. Instead, she went for a different approach. With another wave of her hand, Gardevoir had used the Aura of Grass, causing a sleeping armour that wafted around most of them.

Unable to move away from the aroma because of the Psychic pressure, they started feeling drowsy, ready to go to sleep with barely any resistance. Aside from Brawly, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Bea who were trying to resist it.

"I...Oh..." Scootaloo yawned, falling asleep instantly along with the others. Next was Roseluck who dozed off with Grapploct following suit.

Gardevoir then appeared in front of them with teleportation with her shadow casting over them. Unable to resist, Brawly and the others had fallen asleep from this sleeping aroma. The only one left awake was Fluttershy. But that was from Gardevoir's command.

"P-Please don't do this..." Fluttershy groaned as her hooves felt like they were going to give up. In response, Gardevoir had kneeled to face Fluttershy, looking her in the eyes.

"You..." She said before pausing for a moment. She then held Fluttershy on the face for a moment. "You're a kind one. You're free to go. Sorry about what happens next, however. This is what I have chosen."

"What?" Fluttershy gasped as Gardevoir had then used her Aura once more to summon a door underneath Fluttershy. This door led to the same area where the hole in the 18 Realms had been made. The potential way to leave the 18 Realms. Gardevoir allowed Fluttershy to leave. However, even she didn't know if that hole led back to reality. But she would try anyway. "No! Wait!"

Gardevoir cut her off, dropping the pegasus through the door. She did the same to Audino as well as she and Fluttershy were now entering back into the Grass Realm where the hole could be found. Afterwards, Gardevoir had closed the door, saving two individuals and keeping the rest.

"Goodness..." She sighed, feeling a bit annoyed y what she had just done. "Forget about it for now, Gardeovir. Now then...You lot."

Gardevoir then turned to Brawly and the others, ready to do what she needed to do. Brawly, Bea, Rumble and Applejack had Aura so it was free feeding for her. But besides that, knowing that they were massive threats, something else had to be done.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 652 End.

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