• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Who is Ash Ketchum?

Author's Note:

Here we have a case of Twilight overthinking as usual without any context this time.

The Origin of the Universe. The book that Twilight Sparkle had borrowed. And in one particular page, where it describes the event of when Arceus lost its Jewel of Life and the entire universe was almost erased because of Arceus slowly dying. However, in that story, a group of people and Pokemon helped save Arceus. Five people in total. They had a mural based on those five people and one of them looked like Ash. Not just like him, identical. This shocked Twilight.

"Ash?" Was it an ancestor? If so then Ash's family must have a fondness for Pikachu's since it was also in there. But was it an ancestor? Because in the mural, the hat was there, but the clothing was similar to what they wore long ago.

"It's definitely an ancestor.. it has to be." She had only seen the picture of the mural. That is until she turned the page, reading the words on that page.. and that's when she saw the name. The words said... "The entire universe had been saved due to the efforts of five heroes. Damos, Sheena, Brock, Dawn and Ash. The land of Michina and the universe lived on without the jewel of life.. as Arceus and the Creation Trio returned.. back to their realm." Twilight knew she wasn't going crazy. Ash's name was right there.

"That long ago..." It became much clearer to Twilight. And the name Dawn was also something she recognized. When she was with Celestia and the others in Lumiose City yesterday, juice shoppe owner mentioned the girl with the unique catchphrase that went "No need to worry" Ash recognized it as his old friend's saying. Dawn. Now it was 100% clear. This was no ancestry situation. Twilight looked out of the window, glaring at the gateways.

"Ash. Who are you?"

A new day has come in both worlds. Today was a much more calm day. Nothing too extreme and nothing too boring. Just a nice warm standard feel-good day. The Bellossom was enjoying this the most. Dancing to that nice Equestrian Sun. Everypony was going about their day in Ponyville. Fluttershy was taking care of both the animals and some Pokemon that had decided to live with her. Rainbow Dash was in her home, learning to bond with her Rufflet and Whirlipede, while Pinkie Pie and her Slurpuff helpers assisted her. A normal and nice day. For mostly everypony that is. Because Twilight was ready to uncover the mystery behind Ash. At least the one she thinks is there.

"Twilight. What's with all this focus on your face?" Spike asked.

"Spike. I've discovered the most unnatural thing yet."


"It's about Ash. I think he may be something else."

"What him? He just looks like a young kid that's all. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"That's just it Spike. He looks young, but apparently, he's been around for billions of years now!"

"Billions of years?! Come on Twilight, that's impossible-" Before Spike could finish, Twilight showed him the page where it mentioned Ash and also showed him the mural.

"Look at this. This all takes place billions of years in the past. And there's Ash right there. Along with his Pikachu."

"Woah. That is convincing. It could just be a distant relative or an ancestor."

"I thought so at first.. but then I saw the name Dawn. You remember how Ash mentioned one her friends was named Dawn back in Lumiose?"

"Oh... Woah.." It all clicked to Spike.

"This means one thing. Ash is older than even Celestia and Luna themselves. But how can he look so young compared to others who are much older than him?"

"No idea. But I don't think you should worry about it too much Twilight."

"Mincinno." Her Mincinno agreed with him.

"Ash might help us figure out how to fix all of this. If he's friends with Arceus the Creator Pokemon...Then his billions of years of knowledge can help us sort this rift issue in no time."

"Uh sure.."

"I'm off Spike. I'm gonna go find out who this Ash Ketchum guy really is." Twilight set out, ready to ask any human who Ash Ketchum is as Spike could already sense an incoming disaster.

The Pokemon World. Right now, Twilight is going around each region asking every human who Ash is. Just to get some answers.

"Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town? Oh yeah.. he's got a name for himself. That kid's been around every region so far. I don't think he'll ever stop until he's explored all of em." A man from Hoenn said.

"Aha! So he's explored every region for all these years. He must've taken millions of years to go through the ones he's been in. He probably has so much knowledge on each of them." Twilight said, getting a solid answer. Although she misunderstood the man on what he meant by explored every region.

"Yeah, that Ash kid had made some milestones. You should've seen him at the Sinnoh League. He made some sort of shield by getting his Pokemon to spin." A woman from Sinnoh said.

"The kid from Kanto? If I could describe him, it'd be tenacious. The kid doesn't know the meaning of the word gives up. Even when he loses he's always positive." A trainer from the Unova region described him.

"I like him cause he has so many cool flying type Pokemon!" A young child said with glee.

"His Pikachu's like.. pretty cool ya know.." A girl said with a monotone voice.

"The kids almost became a Frontier Brain.. but he liked turned it down." A surfer said.

"I wonder how he manages to come up with nigh-impossible tricks that guarantee him victory most of the time. I'm still blown away by that battle he had with Conway." A pondering girl wondered.

"His Greninja's pure speed. I mean I could barely keep up with it when it was battling against that Sceptile!"

"His Pikachu is like... CUTEST!"

"He can pull off a lot of things even with Pokemon that aren't fully evolved."

"I remember that time he won the Cameran Palace Battle Tournament and was rewarded the title of Hero of the Year. Man, that battle against Kidd Summers was awesome.."

And the final person she talked too...

"I saw him in like sort of golden light while flying in the air with water.. it was weird but pretty nice."

Twilight had gotten a lot of answers and info about Ash. Based on all the info she's gathered, only one of them grabs her attention. The region part. The rests were just feats and character descriptions.

"Okay.. so from what I can tell.. he's got a name for himself. But that exploring every current region is great. I'll just go and ask him what he's all about and if he has any long-lasting knowledge that can help us." Twilight took the gateway towards Ash's house, entering Pallet Town.

Once she entered by opening the door, she was met by his mother. Delia Ketchum.

"Oh hello. Can I help you?"

"Hi. Is Ash here?"

"Oh, you must be one of Ash's pony friends. No, he's not here at the moment. He's gone off to venture in your world with Pikachu again. In the meantime would you like Mimey to make you some poffins?"

"No thanks. But quickly... can you tell me what's up with Ash?"

"What's up with him? Well, where can I start..? I guess with the fact that he has one major goal."

"What is that?"

"To become a Pokemon Master. He hasn't let that dream go away not once."

"Pokemon Master? What could that be?"

"No one knows."

"Hah?" Twilight was confused.

"There's never been a Pokemon Master before. No one even knows what it is, how it's achieved or if it even exists. Most high ranking people in this world are mostly Champions. But even they aren't close to this master rank that is unheard of. That's why Ash is so dedicated to this goal. He wants to be the very best, but not just that. He doesn't just want to become a Pokemon Master.. he wants to be THE Pokemon Master. The first of its kind."

"A Pokemon Master.. unknown to everypony... Sounds like he's a real go-getter despite how long he's been around."

"Oh, you don't know the half of it, dear. Despite how many times he journeys the world, he's never once thought about stopping. Even when he comes home he can't wait to explore the world more."

"I see.. well it's been great talking to you... but I gotta go. Bye!" Twilight headed off, returning to her world in Ponyville.

"This is bizarre. Billions of years old. Region explorer. Pokemon Master? How hasn't he achieved a goal like that if he's been around for so long? He's older than everypony in this world! Unless... could it be?" Twilight thought hard for a minute... thinking and thinking until she came up with a ridiculous idea. Maybe... Ash is some sort of deity that roams this world as an immortal!" Clearly.. that wasn't it. She came up with this ludicrous answer... if only she knew the full story of why and how Ash was in the mural.

"Alright. Time to find Ash and get some answers." Twilight headed off, asking anypony if they had seen Ash.

"The boy with the thunderbolt markings on his cheeks? I saw him go into Rarity's shop." Lyra said. Twilight entered the said shop, only to find Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Opalescence and the Sewaddle in there.

"Rarity! Have you seen Ash?"

"Oh yes darling, he came by earlier. Just missed him though I'm afraid."

"Ugh.." Twilight zoomed out, heading to the next pony who she hoped had seen him anywhere.

"Oh that Ash kid? He came here to buy some plums.. then I believe he was headed to Sweet Apple Acres."

"Oh you gotta be kidding me.." Twilight felt like she was moving all over the place, looking for this one guy. At Sweet Apple Acres, she asked Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith if they'd seen him.

"He just came by to get a few pieces of Apple Pies. And that's about it. He is headed to Fluttershy's cottage though." Applejack explained.


"Why is he moving all over the place?!" Twilight rushed out, hoping to get to Fluttershy's cottage before Ash leaves. Arriving there.. she was too late.

"Oh, Twilight. Can I help you?"

"Fluttershy.. please tell me Ash is here."

"Sorry. He left a while ago."

"Oh come on! I've been moving all over the place!"

"But.. he is gonna stop at Sugarcube Corner and just there alone. I don't think he'll be moving around anymore."

"Perfect! I'd better get there to make sure!" Twilight moved as fast as she could, teleporting to save up some time. She had arrived at Sugarcube Corner, hoping that he was still there. "Please be here." Opening the door, there he was with his partner Pikachu.


"Oh hey, Twilight."


"Wait.. what is all of this?" Twilight got a good look at the room and saw that it was ready for some sort of birthday party. "A birthday?"

"It's actually an Anniversary! For these two chuckleheads here!" Pinkie Pie said, pointing to Ash and Pikachu. The rest of the Mane 6, including some ponies, had entered SugarCube corner.

"Your anniversary?"

"Yeah. Todays' the anniversary of when I and Pikachu first met. Good times ya know."

"We heard about this, so he came to us to prepare a special occasion. He hasn't had anything special for their anniversaries you know. He came to me asking for a special outfit." Rarity started.

"Then he came to me for some plums, since his friend here started to like the plums that I make." The earth pony followed.

"After that, he came to Sweet Apple Acres to get some pies for everypony to eat. His treat for their anniversary." Applejack then continued.

"And finally, he asked if I could help decorate for him." Fluttershy finished off.

"And I did the invitations."

"Oh.. that explains a few things," Twilight said.

"Mhm. This is gonna be the best anniversary ever. We've never had a party during our anniversaries!"

"Pika-Pikachu!" Everypony began to start the anniversary party, congratulating the two of them. Ash had put on Rarity's outfit as it fit him perfectly. A blue jacket with yellow lines on the side followed up with grey jeans and some red and white shoes similar to that of his Kalos getup. This was Rarity's first time dealing with human clothing also.

"Awesome! Thanks, Rarity."

"You're a welcome darling."

"You rock blue just as good as me Ash." Rainbow Dash complimented him. They were enjoying the anniversary along with Twilight who walked up to the two of them.

"Well. Happy Anniversary Ash and Pikachu. Being around for this long.. billions of years even isn't easy. I can only imagine all the things you've been through."



"Your age. How long you've been around for."

"We haven't been around for billions of years."

"..Hah? But you were around when you saved Arceus and the universe billions of years ago. I saw it in the book.. and you were in a mural too! You've explored many regions through your years!"

"Oh that. Yeah about that.. Dialga sent us back in time to help Arceus get back the Jewel of Life. Our friend Damos just made a mural of us since we helped him out."


"S-So you're not an immortal deity who's been around for billions of years?"

"Nope. Truth is, this is our 22nd Anniversary."

"22nd?! You don't look like it though! How are you so young?!" She yelled.

"I uh don't know... but I think it might have something to do with Ho-oh... We don't quite know yet. But we're enjoying our adventures while they last ya know!" They both had a grin on their faces.

"Hahaha...hahaha... Time Travel.. that's it huh... Silly Twilight. Should've known. Hahaha! Immortal Deity." She was starting to go a bit crazy as Spike walked up to her.

"You know Twilight.. you could've just continued reading. The next page tells you about this Dialga guy."

"OH... Oh..." Twilight sank into the ground, feeling foolish for overthinking all of this.

"No need to worry Twilight. It's in the past now. In the meantime.. enjoy the party." Ash said. Twilight sighed as she got up, joining in. After all that, she could now see that Ash is just a boy with an electric mouse for a friend. He wasn't out of the ordinary. He was just a Kid from Kanto who has had a lot of adventures.

Chapter 19 END

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