• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Dazzling outcome

The match between Twilight and Adagio at the Canterlot Tournament resumes.

With Twilight finally finding a Pheromosa's weakness, which turned out to be its own light body, the outcome of this battle can go either way now instead of everypony expecting Pheromosa to come out on top.

"Poison Jab!" From Adagio's own command, Pheromosa had used Poison Jab in the form of a dive kick.

"Dewott! Razor Shell!" As for Twilight, Dewott put both of his scalchops in an X-formation, preparing for Pheromosa's attack.

Due to Pheromosa being weakened, she had been slowed down. Now everypony can at least see her movements with a clear-cut vision.

And for a warrior Pokemon such as Dewott, this was perfect. His concentration was always 100%. Meaning that he could see Pheromosa's attacks coming now. Once the dive kick got close enough, Dewott swung his scalchops, clashing with her feet.


"Dew!" Dewott was much more resilient than Pheromosa due to him having the durability advantage. As such, he pushed the Ultra Beast back by raising his scalchops. "Wott!"

"Rush in, Dewott!"

"Dew!" Dewott kept on using Razor Shell as a blade-like aura of water emerged from his scalchops. The Discipline Pokemon lunged himself towards Pheromosa, preparing to slash.

"Dodge it!" Pheromosa still kept her insane speed, but not by much anymore. Once Dewott slashed his scalchops down, the Lissome Pokemon barely managed to avoid the attack. She held her chest since that's where Aqua Jet struck her. If anything, the pain that was on Pheromosa's chest is what was dragging her down.


"Razor Shell! Repeatedly!"

"High Jump Kick, now!"

With two commands going off at the same time, both Pokemon took the skies in unison, moving at the same wavelength. Dewott raised his scalchops whilst Pheromosa lifted her leg up. Once they both entered a clash, they stayed in the air for a while with one trying to overpower the other.

Adagio realized that Pheromosa's speed was lacking this time. Plus, Dewott's Razor Shell is powerful enough to take her out in a few hits. So it was time to improvise.

"Use your other leg for Throat Chop!" Adagio could get creative with her moves as well. By having Pheromosa use her other leg, it was her that won the clash between the two. Dewott felt a kick filled with dark energy smack his face as he was sent down to the ground.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa made a safe landing, shaking her head. The Lissome Pokemon quickly regained her composure, knowing not to lose focus even if she was frustrated that Dewott was putting up a good fight against her. "Phero."

"You're doing great, Dewott. Just hang in there a bit." Twilight said.


"Think you're gaining the advantage, Sparkle?" Adagio scoffed. "This battle is far from over."

"I told you, Adagio. You won't break me. Not in front of my friends. Dewott, Eve and I are gonna win this!"



"Hm...not for long..." Adagio suddenly smirked. The reason why is simple. Pheromosa's fourth move had yet to be revealed. But seeing how Twilight was filling up with hope, Adagio figured that it was the perfect time to crush it. "Pheromosa. Quiver Dance."

"Quiver Dance?" Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"Phero!" The fourth move had been revealed to everypony. The mystical Quiver Dance. The Lissome Pokemon had suddenly performed a mystical dance, skipping across the battlefield as an enchanting green light surrounded her.

"What is that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Quiver Dance!" Ash exclaimed. "Not good...Now Pheromosa's even stronger and faster than before!"


"B-But she was already fast and strong enough!" Starlight gasped.

"It's fine. Pheromosa only has physical moves. But her speed's already been raised..."

"Not good! Get out of there, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie stood up.

"Whatever that is... use Aqua Jet!" Twilight couldn't get distracted by Pheromosa's beautiful dancing. She decided to attack while she was wide open.

"Dewott!" The Discipline Pokemon lunged herself forward, thinking that he could get a hit in since Pheromosa was still dancing.

"Hmph. Throat Chop."

"Phe." Pheromosa's eyes widened, spotting Aqua Jet with ease. Her speed had returned to her, but not only that, it had increased further.

The Lissome Pokemon easily sidestepped away from Dewott, avoiding Aqua Jet without any problem. That's when the one thing Twilight feared finally happened. Pheromosa's appeared in front of Dewott before he and Twilight even saw her move. With aggression and spite, the Ultra Beast smashed her dark-clad foot onto Dewott's throat.

"W-Wott!" Dewott staggered back, holding his throat in pain. "Dew..." The Discipline Pokemon got on his knees, struggling to speak due to how hard that attack was.

"Dewott!" Twilight gasped. "Get out of there quick with Aqua Jet!"

"Dew..." Dewott coughed, summoning a veil of water around him. Due to the damage, his throat took, his usual concentration had been thrown off.

"Poison Jab." Continuing the brutal assault, Pheromosa stomped on Dewott's back before he had the chance to escape.



"Dewott! Try Aqua Jet again!"

"Dew...Dew..." Try as he might, Dewott couldn't escape. He moved his body around, twisting and turning with all his might. But nothing. It's almost as if once Pheromosa got her speed back, she was at full power once more.

"Excellent. Use Quiver Dance while on Dewott." Adding insult to injury, Pheromosa did a light dance on Dewott while her Poison jab foot was on him.

And speaking Poison Jab, the inevitable finally happened. With enough uses of it, the poison had finally entered Dewott's body, poisoning him. Now it was even harder to focus and escape.

All the while, Pheromosa's speed had been boosted thanks to Quiver Dance. On the bright side, Pheromosa didn't posses any ranged moves, so the full effects of Quiver Dance didn't go through. But her defence against ranged moves will help her a lot if anything is thrown at her from afar.

"What do I do...?" Twilight grumbled, unsure of what to do. She felt like she was being backed into a corner here.

"What now, Sparkle? Wanna quit? It's not too late."

"Dew...Dewott!" Dewott was groaning, unable to bear the pain any longer.

Twilight saw that if Dewott stayed out for much longer, that would be the end of him for sure. So there was only one thing she could do. "Return, for now, Dewott."

"Dew...." Dewott turned around, nodding in response. It was for the best as he ran over to his trainer.

"We'll get you cured after all of this, okay?"

"What a shock! It looked like Dewott was battling Pheromosa on equal levels but then all of a sudden, everything turned around!" said the announcer.

"Heh. Thought you had a chance? Guess again!" Adagio cackled.

"Just when Dewott was doing so well..." Fluttershy sighed.



"Cheer up. Dewott put the hurt on Pheromosa already. So all Eve's gotta do is finish it off." Pinkie said.

"Yeah, but if Pheromosa's speed is back to normal and even better than before, how's she gonna win now?" Goh spoke.

"Uh...Maybe her Espeon will evolve or something like what happened with Rarity and Flaaffy?" Sweetie Belle shrugged.

"Espeon can't evolve, though." Apple Bloom shook her head.

"Ash. You're the Pokemon expert here. What can she do?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's only gonna get tougher from here. Eve only knows three moves. Swift, Quick Attack and her best move, Psybeam." Ash replied.

"Right! Psybeam! Pinkie stood up. "That's all she needs right?!"

"I would say that but...Quiver Dance just made Pheromosa stronger against ranged moves."


"Oh no...So that means, Eve's going to lose?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"It's not over yet." Ash shook his head. "Espeon's are naturally fast Pokemon. Much faster than a Dewott normally. She may not be able to match Pheromosa's speed, but with Swift and Quick Attack..."

Ash was right on that. Eve's speed was nothing to scoff at. She may be slower than Pheromosa but she was much faster than Dewott by a mile. It was all up to her now.

Celestia this whole time hasn't said a word. She's just been watching the battle closely with all of her attention glued to it. The outcome of this mattered greatly to her.

"Eve. I'm counting on you."


"For all of our friends..." Twilight held breath in. "You're up next!"

"Espeon!" The Sun Pokemon lunged forward, stepping into the battlefield with psychic abilities ready to be shown.

"Hoh? So you're going with that, are you?" Adagio smirked. "All I need is one good Throat Chop and that's game over."

"Like I'd let you...Quick Attack!"

"Esp!" With blinding speeds, Eve was the first to attack, tackling Pheromosa before she even knew it. When Ash said that Eve was much faster than a Dewott, she wasn't kidding.

"They don't call it quick attack for nothing! What speed!" The announcer uttered.

"That's some impressive speed...but it's not enough! Throat Chop!"

"Dodge with Quick Attack!"

"Phero!" Pheromosa shook her head, immediately focusing all of her strength into this upcoming kick. But despite that, Eve actually managed to avoid it by leaving behind an afterimage trail of herself. Quick Attack added onto Eve's impressive speed meant that she could cover a lot of ground in a few seconds or less.


"Espeon!" The move that both of them were betting on. By concentrating all of her psychic power into her gem, the Sun Pokemon fired a multicoloured beam of psychic energy in the shape of a thunderbolt as it tore through the ground, heading straight for the Lissome Pokemon.

"Not good! Dodge it!" Adagio realized that this attack was trouble for Pheromosa since she was Bug-Fighting. If only the Bug part came in handy in this situation. But instead, her Fighting-Type would be her handicap against the Sun Pokemon.

"Phero!" Pheromosa zipped to the side, avoiding the Psybeam with no problem.

"Let's put the pressure on! Swift!" Twilight changed up her battling style. No longer was she playing it smart. Not at all. The new strategy was simple. Overwhelm Pheromosa. Because what better way to beat an opponent who's faster than you than to counteract them with your form of speed.

"Eon!" From her own tail. Eve fired golden stars that went in various directions due to how many there were.

"Dodge them all!"

"Mosa!" Pheromosa used her supple body to zigzag past the stars, avoiding a good chunk of them. But Twilight wasn't about to let Pheromosa get out of this without taking any damage.

"Use Quick Attack!" A sudden combination of moves. Once Pheromosa dodged the final star, she was met with a tackle to face by the Sun Pokemon.


"Right where I want you! Throat Chop!"

"Mo?!" Pheromosa's one eye opened as she let out a fairly creepy grin. Eve was right in front of her, giving her the chance to grab her. Or in Pheromosa's case, stomp on her.

"Get out of there with Quick Attack!" But it was too late. Pheromosa managed to slam her foot on Eve's head with darkness surrounding it.

"Es!" Eve's eyes widened as she coughed, feeling the devastating impact of Throat Chop. The move she hoped she wouldn't get hit by at all. Now she was in the same situation as the others. Pinned down by the Ultra Beast. "Eon!"

"Eve, no!" Twilight leaned forward.

"Should've kept your distance, Sparkle!" Adagio stomped her hoof on the ground. "You and your little purple cat thing are done for! Dig your feet deep into Espeon!"

"Pheromosa!" And she did just that. By increasing the pressure of her legs, Pheromosa's dark-clad foot pressed on Eve's back, causing the Sun Pokemon to strain and groan.

"Esp..." Eve was taking considerable amounts of damage. Not to mention the fact that Throat Chop was still active on the Lissome Pokemon's foot. She slammed her paws on the ground, trying desperately to break free.

"What's wrong, Twilight? Not going to escape this time?" Adagio grinned. "Good. It was useless the first time anyway."

"Come on, Twilight!" Spike stood up. "Get Eve out of there!"

"Why isn't she doing anything?!" Pinkie screamed like a monkey, pulling her mane.

"What do I do...Once Pheromosa pins somepony, they can't escape unless she removes her foot." Twilight thought to herself. "Think, think." Closing her eyes, she was doing her best to figure something out. And during that time, Eve was gradually being taken out by Throat Chop.

"Esp..." She banged her head on the ground, trying a new method of escaping. But that wasn't working either.

Twilight looked over to see Eve smashing her head on the battlefield, trying her very best. She hated seeing her partner struggle so much like this. But actually, Eve's head action gave Twilight an idea.

In fact, it reminded her of something that happened in the first round of the tournament. More specifically, Rainbow Dash's match against Limestone Pie.

"That's it...!" She gasped. "Eve! Use Psybeam on the ground!"

"Huh?!" Adagio raised an eyebrow.

"Eon...ESP!" By unleashing all of her power into one attack, the Sun Pokemon had fired a multicoloured beam on the ground as an escape tactic.

And the result? Success. Once Psybeam hit the ground, it caused an explosion of psychic energy that knocked both Eve and Pheromosa back. Eve didn't take too much damage from it since she is a Psychic-Type after all. But Pheromosa felt the aftershock for sure.

If she never used Quiver Dance before, that Psybeam could've finished the battle. But as a bonus, the aftershock had staggered Pheromosa. Since her legs took damage when she was battling Dewott, her recovery wasn't as perfect as it was before.

"Yes! Now turn around and use Psybeam one more time!"

"Espeon!" An airborne Eve blasted another Psybeam downwards at a recovering Pheromosa who still staggered.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa was engulfed in a blast of psychic energy as she went flying across the battlefield.

"It isn't over yet! Quiver Dance once more!"

"Phero!" WIth another mystical dance, Pheromosa increased her defence and speed.

"Swift" Not wanting Pheromosa to get faster, Eve pelted the Lissome Pokemon with mystical stars. But yet again, Pheromosa avoided them, but this time, by using Quiver Dance to dance around them.

"You have no chance of winning, Sparkle! This final Throat Chop is all I need!"

"I can't watch!" Fluttershy covered her eyes.

It looked like this would be the end of Eve until Twilight decided on a decision that would involve Eve's safety.

"Eve. Return." She thought it would be for her Espeon to return for now. And Eve did just that. By walking over to her trainer, she was safe from Pheromosa.


"Good job, out there. Take a break for now."

"Hmph. Switch your Pokemon up all you like. It won't change the outcome!"

"My heart's racing during all of this!" The announcer breathed in and out rapidly. "I need a moment to catch my breath!"

"Alright...that Quiver Dance's going to mess things up for us. If she uses it one more time, who knows how much faster Pheromosa will get." Twilight held out Dewott's Poke Ball.

"Espeon?" Eve looked up at Twilight.

"I know Eve. It's looking rough. But we won't lose. Not with you on our side. Dewott! Come out and use Aqua Jet and follow up with Razor Shell!" Twilight thrust her hoof forward with an unexpected command.

That was something Adagio wasn't expecting. Using a move the moment while choosing the next Pokemon. And that's exactly what happened. Not only that but two moves. Once the Discipline Pokemon ran past the alicorn, Dewott shot himself like a jet, smashing into Pheromosa's chest like before.


"P-Phero!" Pheromosa gasped as her eyes widened. That instant Aqua Jet caught her off guard. But it didn't stop there. Dewott grabbed both of his scalchops, slashing them on Pheromosa's body with a pretty heavy knockback afterwards.

"Dew..." Dewott fell on his knees. The poison was still getting to him. "Wott..."

"Hah! You're still poisoned! Pheromosa! Finish off Dewott with High Jump Kick!"

"Mosa!" A weakened Pheromosa bolted forward with less speed this time thanks to the Aqua Jet and Razor Shell combo.

"Dodge it with Aqua Jet!"

"Dewott..." Dewott barely managed to evade Pheromosa's flying knee as he rolled to the side with an aura of water surrounding his body. That poison was really working its magic.

"Throat Chop again! Don't stop until you land!" This time it was Adagio putting the pressure on. She had grown tired of Twilight's evading antics as she was pouring all of her frustration into these upcoming attacks.

"Keep using Aqua Jet to dodge!" Twilight knew that going up close to Pheromosa right now was a bad idea. So the best option? Make a run for it.

Dewott used Aqua Jet as an escape tactic, aiming at getting far away from Pheromosa as possible. Just like before, a chase scenario had been played out. However this time, Dewott was slowly being defeated by the poison. As such, his Aqua Jet was much slower.

"Dewott can't keep this up much longer...We're gonna have to improvise. Dewott! Throw one of your scalchops!" A risky command by Twilight. Sacrificing his weapons is something that Dewott didn't want at all. But if it means defeating Pheromosa, then he'll gladly do it.

"Wott!" By turning his head around, Dewott threw a single scalchop forward as it travelled through the trail of water from Aqua Jet.

It worked surprisingly. Pheromosa felt Dewott's hard scalchop smack her in the head, putting a halt to her movements.

"Mosa!" A struck Pheromosa held her head in pain. Dewott's scalchops may look like ordinary shells, but they're strong enough to cut through steel itself. Getting hit by one is no joke.

"Dew...Dew..." Dewott breathed in and out, trying to keep himself up due to the poison.

"You shouldn't have lasted this long!" Adagio's eye twitched. "Your Pokemon should be a mess right about now!"

"We're both fighting for the safety of our friends. As such, they're doing their very best to make sure you don't win!" Twilight retaliated.


"How annoying..." Adagio caused a crack to form her stomp. "I wanted to see you struggle and suffer...Why is it that you're able to always get a one-up on me..." Adagio's frustration was building up even further. As if she wasn't frustrated already. All of this was making her blood boil to unimaginable levels.

"Dew...Wott..." However, everything had changed once Dewott's body stopped moving all of a sudden. He knew why this was the case. The poison had finally gotten to him. With his energy finally being spent, the Discipline Pokemon fell to the ground, fainting. "Wott..."

"Huh?!" Twilight shot up. Even Adagio was surprised that Dewott fainted out of nowhere.

"Dewott is unable to battle! Pheromosa wins!" The referee made the call. That was one Pokemon down from Twilight's part.

"Dewott, no!" Twilight exclaimed. She didn't want to believe that Dewott had fainted. But it was true. That poison ended up being his downfall.

"Heh..." Adagio let out a nervous smile. "Haha! Silly Adagio...Getting nervous for no reason." She chuckled hysterically. "I can't believe I was scared! Victory is still right before my eyes!"

"Poor Dewott." Fluttershy sighed. "He did his best."

"Just how powerful are Ultra Beasts?" Starlight said.

Twilight lowered her head, picking the Discipline Pokemon up with her magic as she placed him behind her. "You helped out a lot, Dewott. You deserve a ton of rest now."

"It's not too late to turn around and surrender Twilight Sparkle. But then again. I did want to humiliate you in front of all your friends throughout this entire battle. So don't go anywhere!" Adagio taunted the alicorn.

"Twilight...How will you approach this?" Celestia finally spoke.

Twilight had only one way of approaching this. She knew that this was no time to be upset with her head hung low. She still had one Pokemon left. Her partner and ace. Eve. If Eve can defeat Pheromosa, then all that's left would be Adagio's second Pokemon. Even though she had no idea what it would be.

"This is it." Twilight looked down at her partner. "Eve. We've got only one chance at this."


"What's wrong? Not gonna send forth your little cat thing?" Adagio scoffed.

"Just watch Adagio. Eve will be the one to take out Pheromosa! Go, Eve!" Twilight held her hoof out.

"Espeon!" With one final go, Espeon had stepped forward. This time, she was planning to surpass her natural limitations in hopes of granting Twilight her victory. "Eon!"

"This is it! If Eve faints here...." Pinkie bit her hoof.

"She can't!" Fluttershy replied. "Twilight will make sure that they win this! Right?"

"Oh, Adagio..." Sonata sighed. She didn't enjoy seeing her sister do all of this for the sake of revenge.

"Your little Espeon is still all banged up from my Pheromosa. Mind if I finish the job with a nice little Throat Chop?" Adagio asked, laughing at Twilight's disadvantage.

"Not yet. We haven't lost yet."

"Esp!" Eve hissed at Pheromosa and Adagio.

"What can you possibly do now?" Adagio narrowed her eyes.

"This! Spin with Psybeam!" Taking a page right out Ash's many strategies, Twilight had decided to go for the one trick that always seems to be effective whenever Ash does it.

Counter Shield.

By getting on her back, Eve fired a Psybeam into the air whilst spinning. And it went exactly as she expected to. With Eve spinning, rapid-moving multi-coloured beams of psychic energy could be seen flailing about, whipping the ground in the process.

"What is this?!" Adagio pulled back. She didn't see this one coming. Not at all.

"Yes! Counter Shield!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Using Ash's crazy antics? Sounds pretty smart actually!" Goh nodded. "Right, Ash?"

"Hmm..." Ash was impressed that Twilight managed to pick up on his Counter Shield strategy so fast. But then again, she has seen it multiple times. However, Ash still knew that this battle could go either way.


"Whatever! Use Throat Chop!" Adagio ignored the Counter Shield, thinking it was just a nuisance that could be avoided.

"Phero!" The Ultra Beast dashed forward, covering her feet in dark energy in order to finish the battle once and for all. But both Pheromosa and Adagio soon came to realize that they couldn't just avoid this so easily.

Since Psybeam was moving about haphazardly, acting like a frantic whip, it was essentially protecting Eve whilst also attack every side from every angle.

As such, Pheromosa, on instinct, forced herself back to evade the destructive Psybeam.

"You're kidding!" Adagio growled.

"Try and get close now, Adagio! There's no way you're breaking through this!"

"Why you...I'll break through it alright. With this! Quiver Dance!" Adagio figured that making Pheromosa much more durable was the only way to get past the Counter Shield. "Keep doing it!"

Twilight knew that any more Quiver Dances meant that Pheromosa would become unstoppable. So perhaps, it was time to take her out for good. "Jump and fire Psybeam!"

"Eon!" Eve jumped off the ground, blasting Pheromosa is a swift Psybeam whilst she was doing her dance. A direct hit, but the Ultra Beast tanked it due to another Quiver Dance.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa skidded on the ground, almost falling to her knees. Even with Quiver Dance, taking damage from Psybeam did a number on her.

"Enough! Pheromosa! Let's finish this once and for all!"

"Eve! Let's pour all our strength into this last attack!"

"Throat Chop!"


This looked like it would be the final clash between the two. A blast from Eve and a kick from Pheromosa. What followed was their greatest struggle yet. Even had fired one final Psybeam with all her remaining power whilst Pheromosa rushed in, pouring every last ounce of her strength into a dark-powered Throat Chop.

The two attacks met with Pheromosa kicking Psybeam, intimating a collision. Now the question remains. Which one will land their attack first?



"Come on, Pheromosa! Breakthrough it already!"

"You can do it, Eve!"

"I can't take this anymore!" Pinkie Pie and Aria held each other, unable to take any more of this aggressive and heart-pounding battle. Nopony could. This entire thing has been intense from the very beginning. And most likely, the final hit will be just as intense of a finale.

"Phero..." Pheromosa was actually gaining the advantage. Throat Chop was slowly breaking through Psybeam as her feet kept driving through the multicoloured blast. Eve couldn't keep her at bay for much longer. Her legs were starting to veer back on the ground whilst Pheromosa was closing in.


"Oh, no! Eve!"

"It's a shame that your defeat will be caused by Pokemon and not my own two hooves! Oh, well! This is the end, Twilight Sparkle!" Adagio laughed.

"Eon..."Esp." Eve lowered her head with Psybeam diminishing in size.

"Eve, please! You have to push her back!" Twilight pleaded.

"Do it, Pheromosa! End it!"


At this point, it was game over. Throat Chop being a Dark-Type move meant that in any situation, it would overcome Pysbeam overall. All of Twilight's friends either gasped, covered their eyes or held their breaths. Celestia narrowed her eyes, preparing to face the outcome of this entire battle.

Even the referee and announcer had their eyes lasered onto the clash. They both thought the same thing. The referee felt like he should just call the match here.

"Please, Eve!"

The cry that Twilight boomed had echoed through the Sun Pokemon's ears. She couldn't fall here. Not to Adagio especially. After all that she's put Twilight through for the sake of revenge, Eve had decided that enough was enough. She didn't want her trainer and the rest of her friends to suffer. Neither did she want to let Twilight down.

Her drive to protect Twilight is something that can even rival that of the closest bonds in Pokemon history. And with that protective drive, something magical happened.

All of a sudden, Eve's body began to flash with rainbows shooting out of her. Her paws stayed firm on the ground instead of moving back this time.

"Espeon...Esp...Eon!" Eve let out a mighty cry that was enough to startle even a Pyroar. Why she let out this cry was for one reason only.

The Sun Pokemon's body was suddenly covered in a rainbow-coloured shine. A light so bright that it was continuously glowing, reflecting of everypony's faces.

"Eve...?" Twilight gasped.

"What the...?" So did Adagio.

"W-What's happening?" Apple Bloom stood up along with everypony else. What did these rainbows mean?

Ash knew the answer to that.

"There it is Her fourth move!" Ash exclaimed.

"Fourth?! Which one is it?!" Pinkie turned to him.

"What else would it be? It's Dazzling Gleam!"

"ESPEON!" With a sudden burst of energy from within, Eve had learned the Fairy-Type move, Dazzling Gleam. No longer did she have psychic energy with her. It was now magic.

And with all that fairy magic circling inside of her, she ended up changing her style of attack. Instead of firing a beam, the Sun Pokemon charged through her own Psybeam with the aura of Dazzling Gleam surrounding her.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Adagio bellowed.

"Dazzling Gleam..." Twilight recognized the move as the hard-hitting Fairy-Type attack. "Go, Eve! Push through!"

"Esp!" Eve had smashed her head on Pheromosa's leg, creating another clash as rainbows flew across the stadium from the impact.

"Don't let her beat you, Pheromosa! Win already!" Adagio bit her own mane, pulling on it. She was getting nervous from all of this.

"Phero?!" Unfortunately, one thing Pheromosa didn't take into account was the fact that she was using a Dark-Type move at the moment.

And as everyone knows. Fairy beats Dark. But it gets worse for Pheromosa. She's part Fighting after all. And with Dazzling Gleam making direct contact with Throat Chop. What happened next was clear as day.

"Espeon!" Eve overpowered Throat Chop, slamming her entire body into Pheromosa. What followed was an explosion of magic that emanated a dazzling flash of rainbows that filled the entire battlefield.

The referee closed his eyes along with everypony else since it was a blinding light. The explosion from Dazzling Gleam's impact ended up creating a rainbow that went across the horizon. Starting from Canterlot and ending at Ponyville itself.

The rainbow smoke from the impact had finally cleared with Eve landing down safely on the ground. She was technically a cat after all.

As for Pheromosa. It was done. The impact of Dazzling Gleam had sent the Lissome Pokemon flying into the air, spinning around with such grace packed behind it. Even in defeat, Pheromosa still looked beautiful. She crashed down on the ground, finally reaching her limit as she had fainted.


The referee looked down to see that it was finally over. The Ultra Beast had lost. "Pheromosa is unable to battle! Espeon wins!"

"No way..." Adagio's jaw dropped.

"We beat it..." Twilight froze for a moment. "We beat it! WOOHOO!" She spread her wings out, taking the skies out of joy, enjoying her victory. A victory that was well earned due to how hard she worked to defeat Pheromosa.

And all of Canterlot joined her by cheering along with thunderous and resounding applause. They thought it was impossible, but Twilight managed to overcome it. Both her and Eve. Boy was it close.

"Finally!" Pinkie Pie groaned. "I thought that thing was never gonna go down."

"Twilight and her Espeon are so awesome!" Goh stood up.

"And she learned Dazzling Gleam too! What a major win!" Sweetie Belle squeed as she and Apple Bloom held each other, jumping up and down.

Over at the waiting room, Rainbow Dash and the rest of Twilight friends could rest easy now. Pheromosa had lost.

"That's the stuff, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Told ya she was gonna beat that bug thing."

"Yeah. Whew." Applejack wiped some sweat off her forehead. "She needs to stop scaring us so often, ya know."

Thousands of cheers from every angle, every direction and every part of Canterlot continued to roar across the entire stadium. It truly was a major win. But despite all of that, Ash and Celestia noticed that something was wrong here. There was one major aftermath that was coming.

"Eve! We did it!" Twilight squeed. Despite her cheer, Eve didn't respond. At all. "Eve?" There was a moment of silence. The young alicorn was confused about why her partner wasn't celebrating. After all. She just took down an Ultra Beast. One of the most powerful types of Pokemon there are.

She should be going ballistic with boundless excitement packed behind her spirit. Much like her trainer and everypony. And that's when the reason why she wasn't responding was revealed.

On her last legs, Eve had fallen to the ground, fainting.


"Espeon is unable to battle! Which means that the victor is Adagio Dazzle!"

Out of nowhere, Twilight's victory had been snatched at the final moment. Eve had tired herself out after Dazzling Gleam. It burnt her out completely due to how much energy it took compared to her other moves. As such, she paid the unfortunate price.

Even Adagio was taken aback by this. She thought she lost for good. Sure she had one other Pokemon left, but that was her Kricketot. And he's not even a battler. At all. The only move he has at his disposal is Bide. And nothing else. But with this revelation, Adagio let out a grin.

"So...I won did I?" First, she chuckled for a small bit, taking some time to process this. Secondly. Once she did, she could finally drown in her long-awaited victory that she was anticipating for the longest. "YES!" And third, a thunderous cackle.

The entire crowd fell silent. Their cheers and applause had come to an end. Just when they thought that Twilight would come out the winner of this match, it all turned around in a second.

Ash and Celestia knew this the moment they saw the Sun Pokemon frozen in place.

"I win, Twilight!" Adagio boomed.

An upset and a crushing loss. One that Twilight definitely felt. With Adagio coming out of this as the victor, what happens next is something nopony could prepare themselves for after this one battle as the Canterlot Tournament continues.

Chapter 232 End.

Author's Note:

This was the hardest decision I've made in this story so far.

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