• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Cold Colt

Oreburgh City.

Currently covered with ice along with people, pokemon and ponies frozen. As a horde of Weaviles takes over the place, they all release an icy wind at the group.

"Not good! Run!" Ash yelled as they ran away from the wind. They felt the chill of the icy wind as it was too large to outrun. It was engulfing everything in ice. From the trees to the buildings. It looked like it was going to freeze them all until...

"Onix, use screech!" A voice came out, commanding an Onix to let out a wave of sound that was strong enough to push back the wind. The screech even affected the Weavile's stopping them in their tracks.

"I know that voice... Roark!" Ash recognized that familiar voice, turning around to see Roark. The Oreburgh City Gym Leader.

"Ash! Over here quick!" He called for them as he led the group away from the city and into the nearby route where they could be away from all the chaos.

"Roark. Good to see you. What's going on here? Why are the Weaviles doing this?" Ash asked questions, wanting to know the situation.

"No idea, Ash. One minute everything is normal and then all of a sudden, these two individuals come out of nowhere and start causing trouble. Bringing these Weavile here." Roark answered.

"What two individuals, who were they?" Dash asked.

"One of them is known as Cold Colt," Roark mentioned one of the members. A pony. "The other, I couldn't get his name."

"Well, what did they do to cause this?" Brock asked him.

"They came here to Oreburgh and all of a sudden were commanding an army of Weavile's. They had this purple and blue aura around them, similar to the way they looked. The unicorn was blue while the other guy was purple."

"But why would they do something so horrible like this?" Rarity said.

"I don't know the answer to this. Look, I have to find a way to fix this. Everyone else has been frozen solid by all this ice."

"We'll probably need a fire type to melt this. But I don't have any of mine on me right now." Ash said, letting his head down. Everyone began thinking until Fluttershy got the first idea.

"I know. Why don't we just talk to the Weavile?" Everyone turned to her after she said that, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were the most confused.

"Fluttershy, darling. From what we've seen, those Weavile's are less than likely to talk right now." Rarity said to the shy pegasus.

"Oh, they're just probably in a bad mood. After all, they have that aura around them. So they must not be in their right mind." Fluttershy walked outside to the cold city. She could feel all the ice affecting her body. The Weavile's turned their attention to the unphased pony.

"Now now. Let's all talk about this. You little ones aren't really doing this on purpose now are you?" The Weavile's were ready to pounce on her with their claws on the ready. "I just know that deep down, you all want to go home don't' you?" A Weavile put its claws down, thinking about home for a bit.

"Now look at this. All of this unnecessary ice. Now how would you feel if somepony did something similar to you?" The Weavile's felt calm around her. As if all their aggression was gone. The purple and blue aura around them began to slowly dim down, becoming less visible. The gang were watching this and were amazed.

"Oh geez! I didn't know she was that good with creatures.." Ash said in amazement.

"You should've seen her when she stood up to a dragon. Fluttershy can be so cool sometimes!" Pinkie shouted. All the Weavile's sat down to hear Fluttershy's calming voice, the aura had completely vanished.

"Now then. We are going to make it a team effort to thaw everyone out, okay?" Fluttershy said to then now calm Weavile's.

"You ruined my fun." A voice came from atop the Oreburgh City Gym roof. A colt of ice blue skin and a dark blue mane along with navy blue eyes was seen. His cutie mark was a mixture of both an icicle and a rift, with the icicle piercing through the rift. "So much for that."

"Who are you?" Rainbow Dash said to the young one.

"None of your business granny." He said to her, calling her old compared to his age.

"G-Granny?!" Rainbow Dash twitched her eyes and grit her teeth.

"That's him! That's the pony I saw with the other guy." Roark pointed at the colt. "Cold Colt!"

"So that young troublemaker is Cold Colt? How could such a small little pony cause so much damage?" Rarity responded.

"Cause I'm awesome like that." Cold Colt said looking up with snarky pride.

"You call THIS awesome? This is ridiculous! This whole city's been frozen over!" Rainbow Dash yelled at the colt.

"Where are your parents? I'd like to have a word with them about your silly and irrational behaviour." Rarity exclaimed.

"What parents? Ah, whatever. I wanna have some more fun!" His horn began glowing as it shot out the blue aura only this time. The aura engulfed the Weavile's turning them back to their previous state. Fluttershy backed away as the Weavile's were now aggressive once more.

"If we're gonna save those Weavile's we have to stop him first!" Ash stepped up, looking at a cocky Cold Colt.

"Try it. I've got tons of backup with these little weasels!" The Weavile's moved in, heading to Fluttershy since she was the closest.

"Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Pikachu ran in, using its iron tail to knock the Weavile's away from Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash decided to grab Cold Colt, however, he teleported away from her to avoid Dash.

"Come here you! We're gonna send you home and you're gonna be in big trouble!" Rainbow Dash chased after him, but he kept on moving around with teleportation, laughing with each time he evaded her. Rainbow Dash was getting agitated as she thought of an idea. She flew down lower as she spun around near the snow. She was moving so fast on the snow it created a snow hurricane. The hurricane reached Cold Colt, pulling him in. Dash flew up as he saw him spinning around inside the snowy hurricane.

"Let me out! I'm gonna be sick!" He cried out. Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves as she just watched the hurricane go.

With the others, Rarity had blocked herself from the Weavile's by using an ice block as a shield. "Back you ruffians!"

"We could try Fluttershy's calming technique again! It actually seemed to erase the possession!" Brock suggested.

"Right! As long as he doesn't interrupt and shoot that blue stuff at them, we should be fine. Fluttershy! If we give you some distance could you calm them down again?" Ash said.

"Of course! Anything to help them!" She responded with confidence. Pinkie Pie was putting team effort by rapidly moving from Weavile to Weavile. They were fast Pokemon naturally but they were having trouble catching this pink pony.

"Pikachu! Electro Web!" Ash commanded Pikachu who let out an electric web from its tail. The web fell on some of the Weavile's trapping them in it. Rarity had conquered some of them, by knocking them out via ice block.

"You forced my hoof, little ones." Rarity said. The rest of the Weavile's were tired from chasing Pinkie. They had fainted from exhaustion.

"All of them are down and out. Nows your chance Fluttershy!" Ash said. Back with Cold Colt and Rainbow, the hurricane was still going on. It eventually died down, stopping completely as the young unicorn colt fell on the ground, face planted into the snow. Rainbow Dash flew down to the planted pony, emerging victorious.

"Well, that settles that. You couldn't measure up to me kid."

"Just you wait! The Weavile's are gonna come here and freeze you along with your buddies!" He said whilst being stuck in the snow. His voice was a bit muffled but he could be understood.

"What you mean those Weavile's? Oh, right you can't see you're stuck." The gang had appeared with the Weavile's on their side. Fluttershy's calming proved to be strong enough to fizz out the possession.

"Good job Rainbow! Now, all we gotta do is return him to his parents back home." Pinkie said.

"What home?" Another voice was heard somewhere else. It was the man that Roark described. But his appearance was still not visible due to the shade of the trees hiding him. His hands glowed as he picked up Cold Colt from the ground with some form of telekinesis. "We're leaving the boy. There are other locations that we can have fun at."

"Aw.. fine." The colt and the mysterious man began phasing, almost as if their bodies were warping. And just like, they were gone."

"Rats! Gone. Who were those two chumps? And what they do think they're getting out of all of this?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"They said there were other locations they could have fun at. You don't think..." Ash wondered.

"They might cause trouble in Ponyville as well!" Fluttershy said, worried.

"Or even cause trouble in Goldenrod City!" Ash responded.

"I believe we should head back home for now. Just in case." Rarity suggested. "Thank you so much for the trip anyways Ash. I must say I enjoyed myself, especially in Castelia."

"No problem. Sorry if it went all bonkers when this Weavile situation happened."

"And thank you for being here fair Rarity," Brock said with his hands holding her hoof. "Till we meet again on the other side, our bonds will forever be-" Rainbow pushed Brock away as the gang were starting to leave. "Alright. That's enough loverboy. See ya."

"Take care, Roark!" Ash waved him and Brock goodbye.

"You too Ash! And my little ponies! Now Brock. Can you help me find some fire types to thaw them out?"

"You bet!"

As the group returned to Ponyville, something was not right. Everypony and Pokemon felt a bit drowsy. They were all on the verge of falling asleep.

"What's happening here?" Pinkie Pie said, looking at the half-asleep ponies and pokemon.

"Girls! Ash! You're here!" Twilight was the only one who was not drowsy as she arrived. "Glad you're all here."

"Twilight darling, what happened?" The fabulous unicorn asked her.

"Everypony here suddenly grew drowsy by this weird pulse. I was lucky to cast a protection spell. And I saw two individuals who may have caused it. A pegasus and some girl."

"We had a similar experience back at Oreburgh City on the other side," Ash responded. "A colt and some guy."

"Then.. do you think that they're connected?" Fluttershy responded.

"More than that. I believe it has something to do with the rift." Twilight pointed at the rift, what she presumed to be the one behind it all. "That rift... I know this may sound crazy.. left a note for me in my library. Saying that it was doing this for entertainment."

"Woah Woah. You're saying that it has a mind of its own? And it's doing this just to have a good show?" Dash butted in.

"Yes. I'd love to try and explain more but everypony here needs to stay up. Their drowsiness isn't normal. It might be dangerous."

"What do you mean? Being sleepy isn't that bad. It's super relaxing!" Pinkie shouted.

"I know. But something about this one seems ominous. Its almost as if their bodies are going somewhat numb." And she was right. Ponies and Pokemon were starting to feel their bodies get numb all of a sudden. Their hooves, paws, tails, snouts, spikes, doesn't matter. They were all going numb.

"No time to lose then. We have to fix this as well." Ash got serious. "If their bodies are going numb, then we need a healing Pokemon. I can go to the other side and hope I can find at least one Pokemon that knows a move that can help." But before he could do that, the rift suddenly closed up. Blocking any entrance to the other world.

"The rift! It closed!" Twilight shouted out.

"What's the big idea?! OPEN UP!" Rainbow Dash yelled, practically at nothing. The rift had set its next course of fun in motion. And now it was ready to see how things would play out.

"This is bad. Nightmare Night is in 2 days and we don't need everypony to be asleep on a night where you don't sleep!" Twilight yelled, panicking a bit.

"Calm down dear. We can fix this. We're the only ponies left who aren't all numb and droopy. Besides, maybe Ponyville was the only one affected." Rarity said as she was implying something. Twilight picked up on it.

"Zecora! She'll know what to do!"

"Zecora?" Ash questioned.

"Come on girls.. and guy and Pikachu. No time to waste! All of Ponyville is at stake!"

Chapter 7 End!

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