• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Alicorn Confrontation

Empress Twilight's Universe. Her Main Castle Ship. Her Private Library. Day.

An unpleasant meeting had just been made. Between Empress Twilight Sparkle and her niece Princess Flurry Heart. She had come across Flurry Heart going through her many stolen spellbook, reading them when she was not allowed to.

"Auntie!" Flurry Heart gasped.

"Flurry Heart...!" The Empress growled before approaching her niece. "I thought I forbid you from ever coming here...or reading these books."

"I...uh..." Flurry Heart shuddered while backing away, holding the book with her magic.

"Now there's all this chaos upon the ship. Explain yourself, Flurry Heart. What is the meaning of this?" The Empress demanded an immediate answer from the young alicorn.

Flurry Heart was already nervous from all of this. She had been caught in the act amidst this commotion and ruckus. Plus, her auntie wasn't in the best mood right now. Already annoyed and irritated by the disappearance of Luster Dawn and the intruder, facing Empress Twilight with this current emotion could be considered a high-risk zone.

And like always, Flurry Heart's biggest weakness showed itself. She couldn't help but tell the truth in front of her superiors. Every single time. But this time, she spoke the truth with a different emotion. Not fear but bravery.

"I'm taking this book back to the other Equestria to stop your invasion from ever happening. That's what I'm doing."

"You're what?!" The Empress bellowed and roared after that.

"Sorry, Auntie. But I can't let you invade that world. Or any other world ever again." Flurry Heart placed the book behind her. "And I won't let you rule over everything else."

"You little..." The Empress' eye twitched. "After all, I've done and given you, you would go against me for some other world you barely even know?"

"Those worlds' are the Equestria that I used to live in. That mom and dad used to live in before you took them away from me!" Flurry Heart snapped back at Empress Twilight before closing her eyes. She still had some level of fear in her. "I want that Equestria back, not this! After everyone stops you, everything will go back to normal. Like it was before. I know it will."

"Tch!" The Empress kissed her teeth, glaring at Flurry Heart with scornful eyes. "You've always been a major threat, haven't you? Ever since you were born anyway. This is the best of Equestria. One that I made. Besides, Celestia and Luna appointed this throne to me and me alone after they chose to retire. I'm only doing what they couldn't. Think of what you will of my rule, but very soon, I'll bring absolute peace and order to all. And of course, how could I forget Friendship? The main thing that led me here."

"I'll never accept your horrible friendship." Flurry Heart jeered which made the Empress jerk up after hearing that. Her tone was far different from anything she had ever heard.

It was practically official. Flurry Heart was now against the Empress.

"Then you can join your parents as not but a hunk of a rock." The Empress then lit her horn up with dark purple magic, aiming at the young alicorn. Flurry Heart gasped as she knew what was coming next.

Knowing how important this book was and the safety and freedom of other worlds, when the magic blast came out of the Empress' horn, Flurry Heart immediately teleported out of the private library, avoiding the blast.

The blast ended up turning parts of the bookshelf into stone. Including some of the books as well, which the Empress most certainly didn't want. Flurry Heart's new main objective was to leave this world with the book. And she had a Travel Sphere with her to do so. That is if she can evade her vastly powerful auntie.

Empress Twilight saw the books turning into stone along with the bookshelf, so she chose to save the spell until she had Flurry Heart. It would be a terrible idea to harm the goods.

With grit teeth and a scornful look, she immediately pursued the young alicorn. "Don't think you can escape from me, child!" Out of her horn, another spell came out. Multiple rays of purple light came flying towards Flurry Heart as they acted as restraining, similar to the chain spell that Luster Dawn had.

Although, these restraints were much wide and longer than the chains. Plus their speed was greater than them as they moved exactly like how light would.

Flurry Heart immediately put a barrier around herself, blocking the lights from hitting her. But, much like how she was a quick thinker, so was the Empress. The second the lights failed to connect with Flurry Heart, the Emperess manipulated the lights, changing them into another spell.

This spell was the Gravity spell. Her personal favourite due to how effective it is. The lights transformed into a dome, similar to Flurry Heart's barrier as they were overlaying it. With that, Flurry Heart's magical barrier was started to be affected with a gravitational field around her, decreasing by each passing second.

"I'll break all your bones like I did to Luna!" Empress Twilight grinned as she further decreased the gravity around Flurry Heart, putting more pressure onto her.

"Urgh...!" The young alicorn strained as she was trying her best to keep the gravity from breaking through her barrier. But, the force of it was starting to crack the barrier.

Flurry Heart really didn't have any defence against gravity. Out of all the spells she has, the Gravity spell is among the most powerful due to it being seemingly unstoppable. To this day, no one has been able to counter it or find a way around it at all. Not even the prodigy Flurry Heart. But there was one who could counteract this.


From within the Ultra Ball, the Renegade Pokemon summoned an Antimatter wave emission, sending out a wave of Antimatter that had erased the gravitational field from existence, right before the Empress' eyes.

Her gravity field was consumed by black and red energy particles before fading away. Like they never existed.


"Huh?" Flurry Heart opened her eyes as she let her barrier down, noticing that the gravity was gone. She knew exactly who caused that.

"How did you do that...?"

"Uh...Lucky spur of the moment?" Flurry Heart shrugged as she wanted to keep Giratina a secret. If she found out about the Renegade Pokemon, then it could potentially create new problems. Seeing that she was being protected by Giratina, Flurry Heart now had major chances to get out of here with the Travel Sphere and book.

However, the Empress could still follow her via her own gateway opening. To juke the Empress out, Flurry Heart decided to think of something as she used her magic to teleport away from this spot. But the Empress would follow her. Not only would she follow her, but she would also make an official announcement, declaring Flurry Heart as an enemy and target that must be caught immediately.

"Need to find the right moment..." Flurry Heart looked at the Travel Sphere. "Auntie will just follow me back there...I need to think of something fast."

While thinking, her Auntie had tracked her down immediately, using her next spell to try and catch her niece. This spell seemed to be some form of clouds in front and around her. Large plumes of them.

Each of these clouds had something specific in them. One cloud had flames, one cloud had lightning and another had ice within it. It was sort of similar to the Pokemon move Tri Attack.

"Chase her." The Empress commanded. And under her commands, the clouds suddenly pursued the young alicorn with the lightning cloud being the fastest of them all. Flurry Heart spread her wings out as she started fleeing from these vicious sentient clouds.

It wasn't just the elements they had inside that made these clouds so dangerous, but the fact that they could change shape as well. The lightning cloud transformed into some sort of creature with a gigantic mouth, the fire cloud became a giant claw ready to grab Flurry Heart while the ice one stayed the same with no change in it.

The lightning cloud shot bursts of lightning like a thunderstorm from its jaws, trying to smite the young alicorn or even paralyze her. Flurry Heart squeaked after hearing the thunderbolt sounds. She does have a fear of thunder, unfortunately.

The guards who were pegasi pursued Flurry Heart through their air, already having their electric staffs ready, mimicking the cloud. Guards from below were galloping after her as well. Some guards were already occupied with Jackie right about now. 50,000 volts of electricity shot out of their staffs as they tried to shoot the young alicorn down as hard as they could.

The giant flaming cloud hands tried to clap Flurry Heart, potentially crushing and burning her at the same time. A horrible way to go. They also tried grabbing her while shooting fire out.

But, she was able to avoid them for the most part as the lightning cloud was getting closer, biting aggressively, ready to gnaw onto Flurry Heart and shock her as the bolts were getting faster and harder to avoid. One of them even managed to graze her hoof, leaving a bit of a sting.

"Ow!" She certainly felt that as she almost fell out of the air. But, she kept going. Flurry Heart looked at the Travel sphere while being chased down by the clouds throughout the castle.

She believed that now might be the best time to use it, even while flying through the air. Flurry was worried about Jackie though. She could potentially leave him here in a place this dangerous. Refusing to leave Jackie behind, she started to communicate with him via the ear commutation device.

"Jackie! Are you okay?"

"Everything's going great here." Jackie gave a thumbs up while the Pokemon he had freed were currently going against the Empress' guards,

Unfortunately for the guards, since their armour was made out of aluminium, basically metal, the Ground-Type Pokemon had a field day with them, using moves such as Earth Power, Sand Tomb, Bulldoze and more. But, the guards were holding their own since the Empress already knew about Ground-Type Pokemon.

However, the fury of a Pokemon is unmatched.

"Just freed all the Pokemon. What about you?"

"I have the book! But right now I'm being chased by auntie! She figured me out! I can't leave yet without you!"

"Ah, it's fine. I've got my own Travel Spheres. Besides, I found some new ones in this lab here. Once we deal with the guards here, we'll head home to safety."

"Oh, thank goodness." Flurry Heart sighed. "That means I can-" But before she could do what needed to be done, the Empress suddenly appeared from within the ceiling, almost as if she was camouflaged as she used her gravity spell to send Flurry Heart back to the floor. "Ough!"

"Hm? Flurry Heart? Princess Flurry Heat? What happened?!" Jackie asked, hearing the sound of someone being hurt and what sounded like thunder as well.


"Camouflage spell." The Empress descended, stomping her hoof on Flurry Heart's back, pinning her to the floor. The clouds she created also surrounded the Empress. "Not my favourite but it helps when needed."

The guards had also surrounded the young alicorn, pointing their electrical metal staffs at her from all sides. She was now surrounded and essentially trapped.


"I would've thought you were doing this out of jealousy. That I chose Luster Dawn to be the next ruler of my Empire when my time comes. But, obviously, that's not you."

"L-Let me go...!"

"I could've actually made you something great either way when you would've become older. Not as great as me obviously." The Empress then took the Travel Sphere off Flurry Heart's hooves, looking at it before using her Gravity spell to absolutely destroy it into tiny pieces.

When destroying the sphere, all the Rift energy also blew up as remnants of the device fell in front of Flurry Heart. The Rift energy remained as it flew off into the wind, heading out to who-knows-where.

"No!" Flurry Heart cried out as her ticket out of here had been obliterated.

"I would excuse you because you're still so young. Just like me." The Empress twisted her hoof around Flurry Heart's back while also using gravity to keep her down. "Would you like that? A second chance? I promise you, I can be generous."

"Urgh...!" Flurry Heart tried to break free but it was no use. Thankfully, Giratina was there to protect her. Yet another emission of Antimatter had pushed the gravity field away, erasing it. The Empress was still confounded by what could've possibly done that.

"Again? You're hiding something powerful. I refuse to believe you're capable of destroying my Gravity Field. Then again, you are a prodigy I suppose. You were only lucky to be born an alicorn."

"I-I'm not hiding anything else!"

"Really?" The Empress looked over at Flurry Heart's saddlebag, wondering if something else was in there other than the book. She used her magic to take the book away while also searching inside, wondering what Flurry Heart was hiding.

But before she could do that, Giratina acted again. By sending a telepathic pulse to Empress Twilight and the guards, the Renegade Pokemon tried to overwhelm her mind with horrifying and violent imagery. Just like how it did to that one scientist in the lab here.

"Oh!" The Empress and guards gasped after the pulse went through their mind. Immediately, a plethora of violent images were being shown to her at rapid speeds and a hyperactive pace. "W-What is this?!"

Her eyes were flashing as she lowered them, trying to comprehend what she was witnessing. The guards immediately froze and dropped to the grounds after witnessing everything in a split second. The imagery was too much for them to handle as their minds went numb with little left. They didn't even scream. Just like the griffin scientist.

But unlike the scientist and guards, the Empress actually had a resistance to the pulse. But not by her own mind. Instead, she used a spell that helped to dispel her mind of all of the awful imagery being thrown her way. A sort of mental block spell. But, getting rid of Giratina's imagery was still a challenge as she was concentrating all of her magic.

It also helped that she had the strength of many alicorns, but even so, Giratina, being one Pokemon with its own solo strength that it has earned was powerful enough to match the Empress from what Flurry Heart was seeing.

"Enough!" The Empress yelled as she pushed her magic to the extreme, causing a massive dispel of her mind, larger than anything she's done as all of Giratina's images had been erased.

However, using that much magic actually drained the Empress a bit. Giratina really pushed her there to use a lot. Even the Empress was stunned.

"Impossible..." She breathed in and out. "That took practically a gigantic portion of my magic to push back...even for me. You...What kind of power did you obtain?"

"Ugh..." Flurry Heart groaned as she still couldn't break free.

"You just continue to be full of surprises, don't you Flurry Heart? Well then..." The Empress lit her horn up, gathering destructive amounts of magic. "Let's see how this mysterious power protects you when I unleash all of this magic!"

She cackled as she was practically about to blast her own niece with magic so great that it could most likely carve a hole in this ship. Giratina was prepared to protect Flurry Heart from whatever comes her way.

But this time, it wouldn't be Giratina doing the protecting.

Before the Empress could fire her magic, a different source of magic was coming her way. A magic blast of gold and dark blue colouring had zoomed over, hitting the Empress, guards and clouds all at once due to how wide it was. The clouds had been obliterated while the guards were sent back, even though they were already frozen thanks to Giratina.

The Empress screamed as the blast that had hit her was surprisingly powerful. Powerful enough to not just stagger and send her back, but even leave a lasting effect on her as she tumbled on the ground.

The one who did this was Pyrestar.

The fused alicorn princess stood in front of Flurry Heart, gazing at the Empress with disdainful eyes. She was obviously bound to come here eventually, especially since she was showing up the same day Jackie and Flurry Heart would arrive.

"Q-Queen Pyrestar!" Flurry Heart had a wide smile on her face.

"Leave." She ordered with a powerful tone. It was clear that the fused alicorn was going to take this from here. Understanding her decision, Flurry Heart nodded as she grabbed the spellbook.

Queen Pyrestar kept the gateway that she made open via the Travel Sphere. It would not close until Flurry Heart and the book were away from this world. And that's what Flurry Heart did.

With no hesitation, she passed through the gateway with the book as Pyrestar closed the gateway afterwards, successfully freeing Flurry Heart from any further damage.

"I'll handle everything else."

"Ugh..." The Empress held her head as she stood up. "Who are you...?"

"Hmph. To think that this is what you became in this world with this kind of rule. Honestly, I'm disappointed in you Twilight Sparkle." She spoke with a disappointed tone.

Upon speaking, the Empress was able to tell who this was. The voice was obviously a mixture of Celestia and Luna's voice, giving the clear impression that this was the Queen Pyrestar Empress Twilight had heard about.

"You're Queen Pyrestar? Celestia and Luna as one."

"As you see. And I'm here to clear a few things. For starters, someone who has allied themselves with Ghetsis and Team Plasma cannot be excused at all." The Queen narrowed her eyes.

"Hmph. I don't want to hear anything from you. Especially not when I am an Empress and you are just a Queen." The Empress smirked with a cocky tone and laugh.

"So?" Pyrestar gave a fairly effective response.

"What do you mean so?"

"You're not that special. Those spells were never yours, to begin with. All of them stolen instead of working hard to earn your own. Some Empress you are. If anything, you're just a second-rate alicorn."

"S-Second rate?!" That struck a nerve for sure. "Don't get confident! You may be two alicorns in one but I have the strength of a million alicorns by a margin!"

"Hmph. Impudent, cocky child. I've been around longer than you've ever been. I have my own tricks up my sleeve..." She gave a smirk that could be considered beautiful and intimidating at the same time.

As Jackie was getting ready to leave this world after rescuing all of the Pokemon here and grabbing some personal souvenirs, the showdown of two alicorns, technically three, was about to happen.

Whatever happens in this castle ship could be disastrous for everyone.

The Village of Dragons, Day.

Spike was still training. Right now, he was still in his meditative state, trying to communicate with every dragon here. But so far, he was only able to communicate with his Axew, Salamence and Druddigon only.

The golden flame-like light around him remained as he was absolutely silent. His Pokemon have been watching him for a while now as well as Drayden and the Elder.

Spike hasn't said a word.

"Hm. He's been doing it for quite a while now." Drayden noticed. "Odd."

"Spike. It's alright to take breaks here and there." The Elder suggested

"..." But Spike was silent. A bit too silent. To the point where he wouldn't even respond which was a bit concerning to his Pokemon, Drayden and the Elder.

"Spike?" They knew that something was off. Curious as to why Spike wasn't responding, Drayden walked up to the baby dragon, waving his hand in front of his face.

When he did so, it was quickly revealed what happened to Spike. He wasn't in some hyper-meditative state. Instead, he was asleep.

"Asleep." Drayden pointed out. "Guess he's still tired from yesterday. Dragonspiral Tower is a fairly big place."

"Oh..." The Elder nodded.

"Ah!" Just then, Spike woke up with his golden light fading. Seems that his little nap was over as he woke to see his Pokemon, Drayden and the Elder. "Oh geez...Dozed off there..."

"Seems so." The Elder chuckled. "But, I just say, that was impressive."

"Impressive? Did I reach all the dragons here?"

"Not exactly. Instead, you did something new that I've never seen before." The Elder shook her head. "Despite being asleep, you managed to keep your draconic light active. Naturally, it only works with those awake...but you've found an alternative."

"I did it while asleep?"

"Seems that in your sleep, you still had a clear state of mind," Drayden observed. "That shows great promise."

"Hehe...Thanks." Spike chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "But, I think I gotta speed things up a bit. To get to Kyurem and back home to help all my friends when that invasion comes."

"Well, you've essentially learned how to communicate with your Pokemon. But, communicating with other Dragon Pokemon still hasn't been achieved yet." said the Elder.

"Yeah...I gotta work on that."

"You can develop on it. But you don't have to sit out here forever to do so. The Champion of our Region Iris managed to develop her own abilities during her journeys. Not by staying here forever." The Elder explained.

"Seriously?! I can learn it along the way?!" Spike stood up.

"Seems to me that you've already been doing so early on before you knew of us. Having a good grasp of the light is a good sign of that." Drayden replied.

"Alright!" Spike grinned. "That means I can head out there and find Kyurem while getting better. Bet I could catch some more Dragon-Types along the way. Maybe some rare ones that not many have! Oh, might if I ask, Elder? Is there a place where I can find even rarer Dragon Pokemon?"

"Well now that you mention that. Before you leave, I have two things to show you. One of them is a gift." The Elder went to the outside of her tent.

"Hm? Two?"

"This is a common result for those wishing to be Dragon Trainers. Since you've already possessed the dragon's light and can communicate with your Pokemon, it's only natural, or rather a habit of mine, that I gift you a new friend."

"Remember what I said earlier, Spike?" Drayden turned to Spike. "How the Elder gives Dragon Pokemon to Dragon Trainers that are coming of age?"

"Yeah, I remember." Spike nodded before realizing what this meant. "Oh, wait! You mean-"

"Here, Spike. A new friend to help you along the way." The Elder brought a basket with her. And in that basket was a single Dragon-Type Pokemon. It was none other than the Irate Pokemon.



"Oh, it's-" Spike gazed at the Dragon-Type before realizing which Pokemon it resembled. A fairly infamous and feared Pokemon across Equestria. "Wait...Is this Hydreigon's pre-evolution?" Curious, he took out his Pokedex to scan the Irate Pokemon.

"Deino. The Irate Pokemon. It tends to bite everything, and it is not a picky eater. Approaching it carelessly is dangerous. Lacking sight, it’s unaware of its surroundings, so it bumps into things and eats anything that moves. Their bodies are covered in wounds. If it likes what it tastes, it will commit the associated scent to memory."

"This Deino, like many Dragon Pokemon here, hatched from an egg. I give her to you as a reward for raising such wonderful Dragon-Types." The Elder complimented the rest of Spike's Pokemon, making them feel proud of themselves.




"Thanks, Elder. Hey there, Deino." Spike moved his hand forward, wanting to pet the Irate Pokemon. Her hair and fur seemed very compelling. "My name's Spike. I'll be-"

"Dei...No!" Just then, without hesitation, the Dark-Dragon ended up biting onto Spike's arm in response to him.

"OW!" Spike cried out as he pulled his hand back, blowing on it aggressively. Bite marks had been made around his wrist as they seemed incredibly deep.

"Oh, right. She's a heavy biter. Then again, all Deino are heavy biters." The Elder chuckled. "You might want to look out for that in the future."

"Yeah...I'll remember..." Spike flailed his hand, holding it. "What was the second thing?"

"The second thing. Well, I'll say that you picked the right week to go on your quest." The Elder opened her box of valuables related to Dragon Pokemon. "Just recently, a special kind of item discovered out in the mountains of Unova."

"Really? Which item?"

"Here." The Elder grabbed a book of Dragon Pokemon and certain objects, opening it to a specific page. There, Spike was shown a special kind of circular item.

"The Soul Dew."

"Soul Dew?"

"There are only two of them in this world that are known. One that exists in Alto Mare in Johto, and another that has just recently shown up. This special item can be both destroyed and recreated by two Pokemon."

"Two Pokemon?"

"Latios and Latias." The Elder then flipped the page to where Latios and Latias are.

"Latios and Latias?" Spike quickly took out his Pokedex for this. The best part of the Pokedex is that it can scan any Pokemon without having the real deal being in front of them. Images can work too.

"Latias. The Eon Pokemon. Latias is highly sensitive to the emotions of people. If it senses any hostility, this Pokémon ruffles the feathers all over its body and cries shrilly to intimidate the foe. Latias is highly intelligent and capable of understanding human speech. It is covered with a glass-like down. The Pokémon enfolds its body with its down and refracts light to alter its appearance.

"Latios. The Eon Pokemon. Latios has the ability to make others see an image of what it has seen or imagined in its head. This Pokémon is also intelligent and understands human speech. Latios will only open its heart to a Trainer with a compassionate spirit. This Pokémon can fly faster than a jet plane by folding its forelegs to minimize air resistance. It is a tender Pokémon that dislikes fighting."

"These two Pokemon can sacrifice themselves and form a new Soul Dew, using their spirit as a vessel. However, for the longest time, only one was ever recorded and discovered in Alto Mare until last year." The Elder explained.

"We believe that this Soul Dew actually comes from another universe."

"Another universe?!" Spike gasped.

"One day, multiple new gateways formed across the land. Both seemed to have Aura and Dark Aura around them. No one knows what caused this chain reaction of gateways to appear so haphazardly." Drayden began breaking it down. "But, out of one of these gateways, the Soul Dew arrived. A Shiny Collector happened upon it."

"Aura and Dark Aura...?" Spike was thinking back to who were the two that possessed those. Ash obviously had Aura but he also heard something about Ghetsis holding Dark Aura.

Not to mention, when the two trainers Red and Blue first appeared via a gateway, they were alternate universe variants of Ash and someone named Gary Oak.

In fact, They showed up one day after the rescue of Cold Colt from Ghetsis and Team Plasma in Saddle Arabia. Just before Ash and Ghetsis battled each other on that day. Spike then put the pieces together and came to a shocking revelation.

Ash and Ghetsis were responsible for creating gateways to other Pokemon Universes. And there's no telling how many they've made and what has come through here.


"The Shiny Collector did not need the Soul Dew, so he left it in the mountains. Passerbys and travellers are now the ones who speculate that they've seen a Soul Dew before. But because of its elusive nature and aura, it is practically an illusion." The Elder turned the page back to the Soul Dew."

"Oh...So Latias or Latias are in there?"

"Maybe. This Soul Dew might still be the original instead of a newly created one. But, our own Latios and Latias exist in this world. A few of them but not many."

"Then it's settled! I'll also go after the Soul Dew as well and maybe one day, I'll catch Latios or Latias. Or maybe one of them's actually inside it, I don't know." Spike shrugged. He was okay with either of the outcomes.

"That's the spirit, boy." Drayden nodded in agreement. "So, I assume you're off to find Kyurem now?"

"Mhm! Along the way, I'm hoping to find the Soul Dew too. Any idea on where Latios and Latias normally are?"

"Johto and Hoenn. Those are the best options you have to search for them." Drayden answered.

"Got it! Okay! Kyurem, here I come! Let's go, Deino!" Eager to get things started, Spike got out a Great Ball, tossing it at the Irate Pokemon.

Once the Great Ball pulled Deino in, it landed in the basket as the shaking had begun. Now to wait for the result even though it was obvious by the Elder's choice.

1...2...3...Gotcha! Deino was caught.

And with that capture, Spike picked up the Great Ball, sending Deino out of it. The Irate Pokemon's expression remained the same either way. He then recalled Druddigon and Salamence to their Poke Balls.

"Axew!" Axew greeted his new teammate.

"Dei!" Just like how she did to Spike as a greeting, the Irate Pokemon also took a bite into Axew's hands. It was clear that this was going to be common to practically everyone very soon.


"Good luck out there, Spike. It would be nice if you could tell us what your experience with Kyurem would be like when you get back." The Elder bowed.

"Got it." Spike put his backpack on as he walked out of the tent with eagerness. Axew and his new teammate Deino followed the baby dragon wherever he went. Although, Deino seemed to be a bit slower.

Spike waved goodbye to the residents of Dragon Village, promising to come back with a riveting story about Kyurem while Drayden and the Elder watched him run off.

"Hm. That reminds me. Few trainers have a Latios and Latias with them, don't they?" The Elder asked Drayden.

"Certainly. I still remember that one trainer so powerful that had both a Darkrai and Latios. I guess the newer generations of trainers are just getting stronger and stronger, aren't they? Eventually, us old generations might pale in comparison soon."

"Mhm." The Elder could certainly agree with that.

Canterlot. Equestria. 1 hour to the Afternoon.

Flurry Heart had entered Canterlot Gardens after running here from the outskirts. She had just returned to Celestia and Luna who were listening in on everything via the hidden cameras. Reshiram was still laying there. Jackie by this point had also left the Empress' universe with the stolen Pokemon and certain items due to things get a bit too destructive.

"M-Made it..." The young alicorn breathed in and out as she fell on the ground, dropping the book. Her body was in a bit of pain due to the previous events. "I got the book and everything..."

"Flurry Heart! Are you alright?!" Celestia rushed over, helping the young alicorn up.

"F-Fine...Back's a bit sore though." But don't worry about me. We have the book now."

"We know but...Queen Pyrestar's the one we're worried about." Luna looked at the camera, seeing it tremble from what could most definitely be the feud between Queen Pyrestar and Empress Twilight.

She was the only intruder left on the ship at this point, causing a ruckus as she had one goal. To completely halt the invasion and sabotage everything. At least, what can sabotage.

"She'll be fine," Celestia reassured. "Right now, let's focus on learning this Pirouette Spell."


As the journey continues.

Chapter 432 End.

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