• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Returning from Hoenn, the gang had entered back into the pony world, completely unaware of what happened while they were gone.

As they made their way towards the Pokemon House, they were given the horrible revelation. Mostly horrible to Fluttershy.

Once she returned back to her home and the Pokemon House, she saw that every last one of them were gone. And so she let out a powerful, sky-shattering scream that spread across Equestria.

"W-WHERE DID THE POKEMON GO?!" She bellowed, panicking like she's never panicked before.

"They're all gone. Every single one of them. Even the Water-Types are nowhere to be seen." said Twilight.

"I should've never left! I should've left Audi here to watch over! This is all my fault!" Fluttershy was about to cry as she was hyperventilating.

"Calm down, sugar cube. We'll find them. There are a lot of em, so they might not be hard to miss." Applejack reassured her.

"Where do you think they went? Oh! Maybe they stopped being petrified!" yelled Pinkie Pie.

"If they did, they'd still be here at the Pokemon House. There's only one answer to all of this. They've been foalnapped!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Don't you mean Pokenapped?" said Rarity.


"But who would do something so mean?" Pinkie pondered.

"Team Rocket."


"You think it was them Ash, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Oh yeah. They'll take any chance to grab some Pokemon. Even when they're out in the open. We were gone for a while and they know this place's existence anyways."

"That is true. Those chumps are gonna get it!" Rainbow Dash uttered.

"Wait. If they did it, wouldn't Zecora know and stop them? And are they even still in this world?" Twilight commented.

"Oh, they're still here. You see, I've known Team Rocket for a long time. And the one consistent thing about them is that they'll never stop chasing after my Pikachu."


"I say we head and find those bozos! We'll take those Pokemon back ASAP!" Rainbow Dash flew out, but Applejack grabbed her tail, pulling her back.

"Slow down there, Dash. Let's not rush in."

"Applejack's right. Maybe somepony saw Team Rocket. They can tell us where they are." said Twilight.

"I still think we should just go out there and find them ourselves but... whatever." Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves.

So they did. Heading further into Ponyville, they started asking everypony if they had seen Team Rocket, but nopony has. They weren't in their line of sight anyways when the mech came. In fact, not everypony knows who Team Rocket is, only a select few.

"No luck. Nopony's seen them." Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear." Fluttershy kept blurting. "What if something AWFUL has happened to them?!"

"Calm down, Fluttershy. We'll find them. We just have to keep looking." Ash placed his hand on her head, calming her down.

"Then it's the Everfree Forest then." Rarity turned towards the ominous forest.

"Hold on! I think we might have a better second alternative." Rainbow Dash raised hoof up, aiming at Cloudsdale. The one place where Pegasi can get a good view.

At the Everfree forest, deep within it, Team Rocket were relishing in their capture. They've never caught this many Pokemon before.

"Alright. Now for the tricky part. Getting it to the other side without being seen." Jessie said.

"If the twerps and twerpettes are back, they're gonna notice this beauty of a mech and we'll be busted." The Scratch Cat Pokemon chattered.

"I say we take them over the other side, in certain numbers. That way it's less of a struggle." James suggested.

"Good thinking James!" Jessie got a huge sack to fit some Pokemon in. "Now then! Let's see who's gonna fit first?" Jessie went to grab the first Pokemon she saw. A Grimer, until...

The Grimer started to move all of a sudden, making Jessie pull back. From what it looked like, Grimer's poisonous sludge body was potent enough to break free from the petrified state.

"Grime?" The Sludge Pokemon was very confused about where it was. It looked at Jessie, who backed far away from Grimer, not wanting to get the sludge all over her.

"Get that... THING in the bag. Now!" Jessie yelled. James and Meowth took sack as they placed it over Grimer. However, the sack had melted away just by touching Grimer.

"We've hit a brick wall with this thing!" James exclaimed.

Grimer looked around, seeing its fellow Pokemon House members as it just casually slimed away. Team Rocket looked at the one Pokemon that managed to escape, leave.

"Well. It's just one Pokemon. We still have lots more here! Who needs that walking hazard anyways?" Jessie blurted. "Now, hurry up and load them!"

Pokemon were being placed in sacks, starting from the smallest to the largest. Luckily for Team Rocket, most of them were fairly small. Team Rocket laughed, thinking they were finally gonna return back to base with a huge load of Pokemon for once. They hoped that the boss would be proud of them.

Up at Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash had asked any of the Pegasi if they had seen anything and well...

"I did see something weird when I was flying around Fluttershy's home. There was this like... metal cat thing that showed up. I have no idea what it was meant to be. Maybe some sort of Pokemon?" A Pegasus said.

"Really now? Cat you say? Did the cat have a golden thing in the middle of its head?" Dash asked.

"Oh yeah. I could probably sell that for a million bits, ya know."

"And where'd they go next?"

"Well, it looked like they were headed in the direction of the Everfree Forest."

"We've got ourselves an answer. Thanks!" Rainbow Dash thanked the Pegasi as she flew back down to Ponyville. "Yep. It was Team Rocket. And they're still hanging out at the Everfree Forest. Now can I dash off and find them?"

"I guess so. But do-" Applejack couldn't finish her sentence, because Rainbow Dash had dashed over to the Everfree Forest. Applejack sighed as they all followed the muti-colored mare to the forest.

There were now four groups at Everfree. Ash and the others looking for the Pokemon. Adagio who is lost. Grimer who's casually making its way back while leaving acid behind. And Team Rocket who were heading towards the gateway. It's only a matter of time until their paths cross. And when they do, the result will be chaotic. So chaotic that even Discord would shed a tear just watching it.

"We're almost out of this horror show! Let's get a move on!" Meowth bellowed.

"Where are they?!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"HELP!" Adagio yelled.

That's when they ended up crossing each others paths. First, it was Rainbow Dash and Team Rocket.

"You!" Rainbow Dash grit her teeth as she snorted like a bull.

"EEK! We've bee seen!" Jessie squeaked. "Quick! Make a run for it!" Team Rocket took off, running as fast as they could, but they could never outpace Rainbow Dash, who tackled Jessie and James to the ground.

"You guys are gonna get it now..." Rainbow Dash grinned. However, she forgot one more member. Meowth.

"Hehehe! So long you multi-colored menace!" Meowth got a pretty good distance, but he ended up bumping into Adagio, stopping him in his tracks. "Wha? You again?!"

"Get me out of here!" Adagio grabbed Meowth, shaking him. Then along came the rest. Twilight and the others had arrived to the scene.

Adagio and Twilight immediately noticed each other.

"YOU?!" They both said to each other.

"Twilight Sparkle. I've been waiting for this moment. You. RUINED ME!" Adagio lost it as she lunged at Twilight, tackling her.

With all of this chaos happening, Discord arrived. He is attracted to it after all. He watched from above a tree, seeing all of this go down.

"Now THIS is entertainment!" Discord got out a recording set to film the whole thing. "Let's see the beginning middle and end."

Adagio was pulling Twilight's hair with her teeth, straining the alicorn. Applejack used her lasso to try and pull Adagio away from Twilight, but it only made the hair pulling worse since Adagio's teeth wouldn't let go at all.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Twilight was in pain. Even an alicorn was no match for the anger of a vengeful pony.

Jessie and Rainbow Dash were having their own scuffle, as Jessie was trying to push Rainbow Dash away from me.

"Why don't you bug off, rainbow pony?!"

"Give back the Pokemon first!"

"You wish!"

Rarity had jumped in the mess, trying to pull Jessie away from Rainbow Dash. And it was only a matter of time until the rest of them joined. Pinkie Pie had jumped in just for fun.

Fluttershy couldn't take all of this as it was making her stressed out. How could it get any worse?

Adagio tossed Twilight aside as she landed on Pikachu. Pikachu got hurt by this and aggravated himself. And out came a sudden burst of lightning. Shocking everyone.

From Ponyville, you could see bolts of lightning rise up from the Everfree Forest in the distance.

That's when Fluttershy had enough. Her eye twitched as she finally snapped. She had enough. Of all of this.

"ENOUGH!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, making everyone stop. "I can't take it anymore! Audi! Hyper Beam!"

Fluttershy had taken command of Audino who charged up a Hyper Beam, aiming at Team Rocket. They started to panic as a huge beam of energy had hit them dead on. A large explosion followed after that as Team Rocket were sent flying into the air.

"We were so close! All of those Pokemon the palm of our hands." Jessie was about to throw a fit.

"This time it wasn't the twerp that sent us flying. For once in a long time." James sighed.

"So much for the perfect getaway." Meowth slumped on Wobbuffet.


"We're blasting off again!"

Fluttershy, who was breathing in and out with seething anger had started to calm down a bit.

"Calm down there, sugar cube." Applejack said to the enraged pegasus. Fluttershy snapped back to normal, blushing a bit.

"Oh, dear. A bit too much?"


"That's great we've solved that problem. But there's still her." Applejack was referring to Adagio who had crazy eyes on her.

"Twilight. What's her grudge on you, darling?" Rarity asked.

"It's a long story..."


"Well, you deserved it. After what you were doing back at the parallel world." Twilight commented.

This didn't help. It only ticked Adagio off even more as she lunged forward to attack Twilight once more.

"Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Pikachu had stopped Adagio's attack, sending her flying.

"I won't forget this!" Adagio yelled, flying off into the distance.

"Finally. It's over." Spike slumped on the floor.

"Not yet. We still have to get the Pokemon back. We already have some that Team Rocket nabbed here." Ash picked up the sack, letting the Pokemon outside.

Discord teleported to the group, clapping ferociously.

"Splendid! Splendid! That was amazing!" He gave 10 out of 10 cards to the whole thing. "Now THAT is what I call chaos. I knew you little ponies had it in you."

"Discord. Were you watching this entire time?! Why didn't you help?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"And spoil the fun? You were all so passionate and into it. I'd just drag you down. Do you think that next time you come across that Adagio pony, you'll wear armor and wield weapons next time?"

"Ugh. I'm too tired to handle any more of this. Let's just go." Twilight sighed. But before they could go, Fluttershy had noticed Grimer walk here.

"Grimer? You're okay and moving! How?"

"Grime. Grimer."

"You have no idea? You just started moving freely again?" Fluttershy translated.


"At least you're okay."

The rest of the Pokemon were brought back to the Pokemon House, still petrified though. They had to wait until Remedy Roy finally had a cure for it.

"Thank you so much everypony. I still feel like it's my fault for leaving them alone like this." said Fluttershy.

"Don't worry Fluttershy. At least we got them back. And I can bet you that they'll be cured by Roy in no time." Rarity reassured her.

"Thank you all so much!" Fluttershy went to hug her friends, having a heart-warming moment.

It was a long and eventful day. From Hoenn to Ponyville to Everfree. The days are only going to get longer as time goes on in this connected worlds. As the journey continues.

Chapter 72 End!

Author's Note:

Publishing chapters daily is fun and all but now I feel publishing new ones 2 days apart at times. It can vary.

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