• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Help a Changeling

Near the Crystal Empire, day.

Currently, there was a train heading there with Twilight, Ash, Spike and Starlight inside. Twilight looked outside the window with excitement in her eyes.

"I hope Shining Armor and Princess Cadance don't think it's too soon for me to come back to the Crystal Empire for a visit. But I just know Flurry Heart's grown so much already. I wonder if I'll even recognize her."

"She's the only baby they have, Twilight. I think it'll be pretty easy to figure out who she is." Starlight replied.

"Mrrgh." Twilight made an annoyed grunt.

"Sorry. I know you want to visit your niece as much as possible, and I'm excited to see Sunburst again. I just don't wanna fall behind on my friendship lessons back home."

"Starlight, your work in Ponyville isn't going anywhere. Besides, I think we all know you can learn about friendship anywhere. Right, you three?" Twilight turned to Ash, Pikachu and Spike.

"Hm?" The three of them had food in their mouths. "Mrmprhphgh!" They spoke whilst their mouths were full.

"Swallow you three." Twilight sighed.

"Mrrgh...!" The three of them swallowed their food. "Ugh..! Yeah, totally!" Ash nodded.

"Definitely." Spike grinned.


"You boys..." Starlight shook her head.

"Where'd I put my disguise again?" Spike looked around.

"Disguise? For what?" Twilight asked.

" Last time we came to the Crystal Empire, there was a lot goin' on with the new baby and the Crystalling, but I still got mobbed in the street." Spike dug into the bag he brought along with him.

"I wouldn't say mobbed." Starlight replied.

"And this is just a family visit. I wouldn't want the presence of Spike the Brave and Glorious to turn it into some kind of circus."

"We get it. The Crystal Ponies adore you." Starlight rolled her eyes.

"He did save the Empire. Twice. But still, I don't think your presence will turn our visit into a circus." Twilight leaned in.

"Not if I find the right disguise, it won't." Spike dug deeper into his bag.

"But when we get to the Crystal Empire, won't it look a bit different?" Starlight realized something.

"What do ya mean?" Ash ate some more food.

"I heard it was attacked by Eternatus during the Darkest Day. The whole castle was blown away and the Crystal Heart would've been destroyed if the Swords of Justice didn't show up."

"It is undergoing repairs, that's true." Twilight nodded. "But I'm sure by now they've fixed most of the castle. Hopefully." Twilight rubbed Eve's back.

"Espeon..." The Sun Pokemon purred as the train continued to the Crystal Empire.

Finally arriving there, they expected to see some ponies at the train station as usual.

But when they got there, they noticed that it was empty with nopony there. The wind howled throughout the empty train station as it was practically a barren wasteland now.

"Uh, disguise or not, Spike, I don't think you need to worry about being mobbed. Nopony's here." Starlight said as a tumbleweed passed by.

"Mandi!" The sound of a Mandibuzz flying by was the only other living thing present here.

"It's like a ghost town," Spike replied as he and the others started walking towards the empire.

"I've got a bad feeling about this. Absol, come out." Twilight sent Absol out of his Poke Ball.


"There might be something wrong here. Keep a good look-out, okay?"

"Absol." The Disaster Pokemon nodded as his horn was ready to detect whatever might be lurking nearby.

Arriving at the Empire finally, they noticed how even the streets of the Crystal Empire were empty, just like the train station. Even with the buildings being repaired after the Darkest Day, nopony was outside.

The castle was almost done being repaired since it took the worst damage from Eternatus after all.

"Nothing...?" Ash looked around. "I don't even see any guards out right now."


"I guess I don't need a disguise after all." Spike felt safe now.

But that safety was quickly diminished when all of a sudden, the crystal ponies dashed out of their homes, surrounding Spike. They were all going crazy, cheering and squealing as they picked him up when he least expected it.

" It's Spike the Brave and Glorious!" A pony shouted.

"He's come to save us yet again!" So did another.

Soon, they all started chanting his name whilst raising him and down constantly. "Spike! Spike! Spike! Spike!"

"S-Save you from what?" Spike stammered.

"Did something come here?" Ash tilted his head.

"Why is everypony hiding?" Twilight scratched her mane.

"Absol." Absol didn't feel anything ominous at all. His horn didn't act up whatsoever.

Two ponies of the Crystal Empire noticed Ash, Twilight and Starlight as their excited faces suddenly shifted into worried and doubtful ones as they started to talk behind their backs.

"Oh, it sure looks like Princess Twilight, Ash and her pupil." She whispered.

"But how can we be sure?" The pony whispered back at her friend.

"We can't! Either one of them could be the... you know!" Another pony joined in on their conversation as he zipped away.

"What if this..." The first pony grabbed her friend by the face as she gasped repeatedly. "isn't...the real Spike?!"

"Everypony, run!" The second pony exclaimed which prompted them all to dash off, dropping Spike.

"Ow!" Spike winced as he held his head. "Oooh..."

"Okay. Something strange is definitely going on." Twilight said.

"Ya think?" Spike groaned. Pikachu helped him up as they all advanced towards the castle. The citizens may be acting off today but they believed that Shining Armor and Cadence weren't. They probably knew what was going on.

However, once they arrived near the castle, two guards stood in front of them, holding their hooves out. "Who goes there?" The first guard said.

"Um, you don't recognize the Princess of Friendship?" Starlight pointed her hoof at Twilight.

"Of course we recognize her."

"But that doesn't mean it's really her." The second guard leaned in.

"Esp." Eve didn't take too kindly at that notion, so she hissed at them.

"It's okay, guys. They're with me. And any friend of Spike the Brave and Glorious is a friend of the Crystal Empire, am I right?" Spike walked up to them.

"Huh. It does look like him." The second guard rubbed his chin.

"Well, it would, wouldn't it? I'm sorry, but we'll need to see some proof of identification." The first one wasn't so convinced as he negated entrance to the castle.

"We'll take care of things from here." Thankfully, Cadence, Shining Armor and Sunburst had arrived, knowing that it was actually them.

"Oh, Cadance, thank goodness!" Twilight let out a sigh of relief. "What's going on?"

"We can explain, Twily... if it really is you." Even Shining Armor was acting odd to his own little sister. He looked over at Cadence, nodding at her as she knew what to do to make sure that it really was Twilight.

Cadence went up to Twilight, knowing that there was only one thing that could give them clear answer that this was indeed Twilight Sparkle.

"Sunshine, sunshine..." Cadence started.

"...Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Twilight did the same as they finished their little signature dance. They hugged each other afterwards with Cadence being relieved that it was Twilight.

"It's okay, everypony. It's her." Shining Armor said as Sunburst brought along Flurry Heart who was currently asleep with her Manaphy.

"Of course it's her! What's all this about?" Starlight asked.

"A changeling's been spotted nearby." Sunburst gave them the answer and reason why everypony was acting so secluded and judgemental recently.

"A changeling?!" Twilight gasped.

"That's not good." Spike chimed in.

"No, it's not." Cadence shook her head. "After Queen Chrysalis took my place at our wedding and invaded Canterlot with her army of minions and attacked during the Pokemon Festival, we're not taking any chances."

"Changelings feed off of love. And ever since Flurry Heart's Crystalling, the Empire is filled with more love than anywhere in Equestria. It's possible they've come for the baby." Sunburst rubbed Manaphy on the head.


"That's why we posted the extra guards, and why we're—" Shining Armor was about to finish his sentence.

"Checking everypony's identity." Twilight finished it for him.

"I'm sorry for all of this. Flurry Heart's really been looking forward to seeing you." Cadence turned to her daughter.

Flurry Heart cooed as she and Manaphy wrestled each other. "Oh, she's gotten so big!" Twilight gushed at her. Ash, Starlight, Spike and I will do whatever we can to help protect her."

"To be honest, having you here is already a big relief. And this is Absol, right?" Cadence went up to Absol, seeing him for the first time. "I hear you're a really big help thanks to your ability to sense disasters. You must've been protecting Twilight a lot recently."

"Absol..." Absol turned his head away, trying to act all cool like he normally does.

"Espeon." Eve nudged Absol's leg, trying to tell him to act proper and polite in front of a princess.

"Sol." But Absol wasn't about that at all as he scoffed.

"Someone's a bit stubborn." Cadence giggled. "Say hi, Sylveon."

"Sylveon!" Sylveon went up to Absol to greet him. But when she did, Absol backed away, feeling intimidated by Sylveon since she was a Fairy-Type.

"A-Absol...!" Absol winced, slowly backing away.

"Veon!" Sylveon was eager with getting to know Absol as she began following him with light footsteps.

Very soon, Absol and Sylveon initiated a chase sequence with Absol running around and Sylveon chasing him. He seems to not like being near Fairy-Type Pokemon at all.

"Aw, they're getting along already." Starlight said as she and the others watched the Fairy-Type chase the Dark-Type around. The guards whispered in Shining Armor's ear, telling him something that involves the supposed changeling that was around.

"Hmm. The royal guards were wondering if Spike the Brave and Glorious would like to join in the search for the changeling." Shining Armor said what they told him.

"Really?" Spike turned to him.

"Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea, Spike. It sounds dangerous." A very unsure Twilight grumbled.

"Come on, Twilight, this is Spike the Brave and Glorious you're talking to. Have you ever known me to run from danger? Besides. I've got Salamence on my side, so I'll be fine." Spike held his Poke Ball out.

"I guess so..." Twilight looked down. "If things get rough, then Absol will be able to pick it up."

"Right." Spike sent Salamence out.


"We'll have this whole changeling thing sorted out in no time." Spike hopped on Salamence's back as the guards did the same.

"Mence!" The Dragon Pokemon took flight, heading off to the frozen north to seek out this mysterious and elusive changeling.

The Frozen North.

Spike, Salamence and some of the Royal Guards had arrived to search for the changeling as the Dragon Pokemon landed gently on the cold ground. Although, Salamence didn't take too kindly to all this snow considering what his typing was he was freezing.

"S-Sala..." The Dragon Pokemon shivered.

"Oh, sorry, Salamence. Return for now." Spike returned Salamence.

"Spike the Brave and Glorious, you've faced the evil changelings before. What can you tell us?" A guard asked.

"Oh, uh, well, they are changelings, so they can... change." Spike gave a mediocre answer.

"You hear that? These monsters can look like any of us, so be on guard, guards! Even more than normal." But the guards actually went with it.

"And they could be anywhere." Spike pointed in all directions. "So we should cover as much ground as possible. You, search that way!" He pointed west as some of the guards zipped away in that direction. "

And you, search that way!" He then pointed east, causing the other guards to dash off, leaving Spike to be on his own. "And... I'll... just search... here, I guess."

He got to searching like the others, although he was on the more sluggish side. "Not many places to hide." He then spotted a rock. Unless that rock is a changeling. Okay, rock. How do I know you're really a rock?" He was eyeing down a rock of all things.

"Hmm. Not talkin', huh? Well, you can't fool me!" He kicked the rock, but all he got in return was some quick pain as he ended up falling through the snow.

"A-Aaaah!" Spike was now falling down a snow slope in the underground with the rock he kicked, falling into the snow hole with him. He was moving so fast that he could see a part of the underground area where there was a cliff with a deep chasm.

"Salamence! Help!" Spike sent Salamence out for assistance.

"Sala!" The Dragon Pokemon ignored the cold for the sake of saving his trainer. Salamence bit onto Spike's tail, saving him from falling down the chasm as the rock had been destroyed when it crashed into the Dragon Pokemon's body.

Salamence veered on the ground as the snow was so slippery he almost fell, but he was able to maintain his balance, fortunately.

"Whew...Thanks, Salamence." Spike let out a sigh of relief.

"Mence." Salamence dropped him.

"Okay. Maybe it's time Spike the Brave and Glorious went back to, uh, protect those guards." Spike was about to hop on Salamence's back when he noticed from the corner of his eye, he saw something very familiar.

"Sala?" And so did Salamence. With both of them turning their heads, they spotted a second Spike right in front of their eyes who had the same surprised expression as him. But not only that, there was a second Salamence as well, which certainly took the Dragon Pokemon by surprise as well.



For a split second, they were both freaked out, but they quickly assumed it was just a mirror. "Oh. Just our reflection." Spike went over to Salamence as the apparent reflection mimicked their movements, except for when one of them seemed to wince when the reflected Spike got on the reflected Salamence's back.


"Huh?" Spike squinted his eyes as he noticed that slight delay and different action. "Hm..." Spike wanted to see if this was really a reflection at all.

He did this by flailing his eyes around and the reflected Spike did the same. He then grabbed Salamence's horns, flipping over them as the reflected Spike did the same to the reflected Salamence.

He went a step further with both him and Salamence waving their tongues and heads around like absolute lunatics. And the reflected versions of themselves did the same.

"Huh. Just my imagination I guess. Salamence. Use Flamethrower to get us out of here." Spike and the reflection turned around.

"Sala." The Dragon Pokemon breathed fire out of his mouth, melting away the ceiling of snow. But that's when Spike noticed something.

He turned around to see that the reflected Salamence wasn't using Flamethrower at all as the reflected Spike was still sitting on its back.

"Hey..." Spike raised his arm, pointing over at the two of them.

The jig was up. These weren't reflections at all. Instead, they were separate entities. A blue and pink light surrounded the reflected Spike and Salamence, revealing their true forms.

A changeling and a Zorua.

"A-Aaaaah!" Spike screamed, prompting Salamence to turn around, seeing how two different entities were right in front of them. "Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changeling!"

"Salamence!" Already getting defensive, Salamence stomped its foot on the ground, snarling at the changeling and Zorua.

"Zoru!" The Tricky Fox Pokemon hid behind the changeling.

"Wait, hold on!" The changeling spoke to Salamence who was on the verge of attacking at any moment. He took a step forward which alerted Spike who was still panicking.

"S-Salamence! Use Dragon Tail!"

"Sala..." Salamence embedded his tail with green draconic energy as the changeling and Zorua backed away.

"D-D-Don't attack!" The changeling waved his arms around.

"Rua...!" Zorua, who was more terrified than anyone in this area, whimpered with fear, holding the changeling's hoof tightly.

"Mence?" Salamence could see how the Zorua was practically defenceless as he didn't utilize Dragon Tail.

"Huh?" Spike noticed it too as he stopped panicking, noticing how the Pokemon was genuinely terrified of Salamence whilst also clinging on to what seemed to be its trainer.

"It's okay Zorua. See? We're completely untouched." The changeling said to the Tricky Fox Pokemon.


"That Zorua...is your Pokemon?"

"Uh...not really." He shook his head. "We're just friends who hang out with each other."

"Friends? Whuh..." Spike thought for a moment. "I don't understand. Changelings are supposed to be evil... right?"

"Evil? Oh, not me. All I've ever wanted is a friend. And I found one in the form of Zorua." He patted Zorua on the head.


When the changeling said that, he started to recall his past a bit. "From the moment I first split my egg in the nursery hive..."

He remembered being born as the first things he saw in his life was Chrysalis and every other baby changeling that surrounded the hive.

"I was part of the attack on Canterlot during the royal wedding, but I'd never seen true friendship like that! And I couldn't just steal it and feed on its love. I wanted to share it!"

He also remembered when Ash and all of his Pokemon defended Canterlot from the Changeling invasion as he was amazed by how Ash had such a powerful bond with every last one of them.

"After that, I knew I couldn't live with my kind anymore. I set off looking for love to share, but..."

"But... what?"

"I'm starving! And there's so much love in the Crystal Empire right now. It's what drew me here! But it's drivin' me crazy!" He was twitching as his body moved uncontrollably.

"That would be from the royal Crystalling. It's pretty much a giant outpouring of light and love for a new baby." Spike placed his claw on the changeling's face, making his uncontrollable shaking come to an end. When he did that, the changeling suddenly hissed at him, prompting Spike to back up.

"Oh, sorry! I'm just so hungry! My friendship with Zorua is what's keeping me going but it's not enough since he's my only friend. And I don't think the Crystal Ponies want to be friends.

Spike thought for a moment. Seeing how this changeling befriended a Zorua made him realize that there was a possibility that he could befriend more than just one individual. "What if I told you there was somepony they respect and admire so much, he could convince them to give it a try?"

"If only that were true." He sighed.

"It is! I mean, I am! It's me, Spike!" Spike stood proud with his Salamence standing behind him. But the changeling didn't respond. He and Zorua just had a blank look on their faces. "Spike the Brave and Glorious? I'm sure you've heard of me."

"Nope. But I was raised by an evil queen. I'm Thorax. I can't believe you want to help me." He gave out his name.

"Why? Hasn't anypony ever just been nice to you?"

The kindness emanating from Spike reached Thorax which prompted him to hiss at the baby dragon yet again. "Uh! S-Sorry! Kindness like that kind of brings it out. Do you still wanna be my friend?"

"Of course! And I am one hundred percent sure I can get the whole Crystal Empire to be your friend too. I mean, I pretty sure Salamence over here now sees you as a friend. Right, buddy?"

"Sala!" The Dragon Pokemon licked Zorua.

"Z-Zorua..." Zorua shuddered after that lick.

"The whole Crystal Empire?" Thorax picked up Zorua.

"Mhm. But uh...maybe I should talk with them first." Spike grinned as there was now a new mission in mind.

The Crystal Empire.

Spike had returned with Salamence as he had told the guards about how he had managed to work his way around the changeling he encountered underground, which heavily confused the guards.

"What do you mean? Did you see the changeling?" A guard said, puzzled.

"Did you defeat the evil creature?" Another one asked.

"Defeating a changeling would be brave, but do you know what would be glorious?" Spike leaned himself onto Salamence's leg.

"Defeating two changelings?"

"Defeating all the changelings?"

"Not having to fight the changeling at all! Because I made friends with him." Spike exclaimed. Saying that prompted all of the guards around him to burst out in laughter after hearing words such as that.

"Oh, wow! For a second I thought you were serious!" A guard chuckled.

"Could you imagine? Friends with a changeling?" Another wheezed.

"I am serious. He wants to be friends!" Spike crossed his arms. But that just made them laugh louder, unfortunately.

"Not only are you Spike the Brave and Glorious, you're also Spike the Hilarious!"

"I'm not joking! The changeling is nice!" But that only prolonged the laughing, unfortunately. Salamence shook his head, letting Spike know that they weren't going to be convinced at the moment.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's funny." Shining Armor entered the room, prompting them all to stop laughing as they put on their serious faces. "The Changeling Queen Chrysalis kidnapped Cadance and cast a spell on me. There's no such thing as a nice changeling."

"You're right, Shining Armor. Sorry. That was a... bad joke." Spike smiled nervously.

"Mence." Salamance patted Spike on the back. That was a complete dud and a failure.

Spike returned to the underground snow area as Thorax was pacing back and forth, waiting for some results. He noticed that Spike and Salamence had returned as he was eager to hear the news.

"So? So? Uh, what did they say? How many new friends do I have?"

"Well, it didn't go exactly the way I thought." Spike hold his arm, feeling bad for his failure to give Thorax some new friends.

"I understand." Thorax groaned. "Well, thanks for trying. I-I guess it's not surprising. How can you expect ponies who looks like this..." He suddenly transformed into a regular everyday Crystal Pony. "to trust something that looks like this?" He returned to his normal form.

Just then, brilliance had struck inside of Spike's mind. "I think I might know!"

A new plan and approach had been created.

Spike returned to the Crystal Empire, but this time with Thorax under the disguise of this random pony alongside his Zorua. They entered the castle with Spike giving the hand motion that said the coast was clear as Thorax peered his head through.

"Spike." Twilight suddenly spoke, startling Spike and Thorax. "If you're done searching for the changeling, Starlight and I could use your help. We're working on a protection spell for Flurry Heart, and nopony takes notes like you."

"Uh, actually, Twilight, I, uh, wanted to introduce you to my friend, uh..." Spike stood in front of Thorax as he was sweating bullets, trying to come up with a name. First, he saw a crystal. "Uh, Crystal, uh..." Then he looked at Twilight's hooves. "Hoof! Crystal Hoof!" Spike chuckled nervously. "My good friend, Crystal Hoof." A fake name had been created by just those two things.

"Nice to meet you." Thorax or Crystal Hoof greeted Twilight with a hoofshake.

"Oh. Well, it's, uh, nice to meet you, too. How do you know Spike?" Twilight asked him.

"Oh, uh, Spike and I go way back."

"To the Equestria Games! That's when we met. We've been pen pals ever since." Spike squeed.

"Pen pals? Spike!" Twilight got in Spike's face, liking the sound of a pen pal. "You could have been using my pen pal quill set! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, I... I pretty much only write to him when you and Starlight are... studying."

"I like to brag to all my friends about my letters from Spike the Brave and Glorious." Thorax stammered.

"Yeah." A nervous Spike laughed along with Thorax as Eve was a bit creeped out by this, hiding behind Twilight.

"Zorua." Zorua hopped off Thorax's back, greeting Eve.


"Zo!" Whenever a Zorua greets someone or meets someone new, the most common action is transforming into the person in front of them. Which is what he did, by transforming himself into Eve.


With a small giggle, Zorua transformed back. "Zo-Zo-Zorua!"

"Well, I'm sure Starlight and I can manage if you want to spend time with your friend."

"Great! Crystal Hoof promised to take me around the city."

"Hm. Come on Eve." Twilight walked off with Espeon jumping on her back.

As Twilight left to return to Flurry Heart, Spike and Thorax could deem this as a stunning success. "Oh, that was amazing!" Thorax shouted with an excited tone.

"Told ya." Spike grinned, feeling proud of his success. But this was just the beginning.

Spike then started to give Thorax a tour of the Crystal Empire from the outside as the disguised Changeling had the face of a child in a candy store.

Absolutely ecstatic.

Many ponies had mellowed down since there was no sign of the changeling that they all feared as they approached Spike and Thorax.

With Spike being Thorax's cover-up and Salamence acting as a sort of bodyguard, things were going swimmingly as they were chatting with the crystal ponies so casually.

The crystal ponies wanted Spike's autograph on their photos of him and that's what they got. Spike signed his autograph whilst Thorax and Zorua passed the many photos to spike.

Ponies were starting to talk to Thorax which also went smooth as some of them found Zorua to be amazingly cute from its shady yet small appearance.

Eventually, Thorax saw something that caught his eye more than the empire itself. Or rather, someone. That, someone, was Ash who was currently teaching a young crystal pony new battle strategies for their upcoming gym battle.

"A-A-A-A-A-A...." Thorax aggressively poked Spike on the back, trying to grab his attention.

"Ow!" What is it?" Spike turned around.

"A-A-Ash..." Thorax stammered as he was frozen when he saw the trainer.

"Yeah, it's Ash alright." Spike nodded. "What's the big deal?"

"I've been wanting to meet him! Especially how he managed to affect the others!" Thorax grinned.


"There were three changelings who've met Ash a while ago after the Royal Wedding. When they came back to the hive, they kept on talking about how Ash was so kind to them. I mean they didn't like it from what I heard but I certainly did."

"Really now..." Spike's eyes widened.

"I think I can talk to him in my normal state." Thorax was about to approach as a normal changeling but Spike held him back.

"H-Hold on! Maybe doing it in public isn't the best way to go."

"Oh, right." Thorax moved back.

"But are you sure it'll be okay to just show your true self to Ash?"

"Well...they said that Ash didn't care who or what they were. But that just creeped them out. So he won't mind at all...I hope."

"Hmm..." Spike thought for a bit. "I guess Ash is super understanding. Alright. But let's do it somewhere quiet."

"Alright." Thorax nodded as he and Spike approached Ash with heavy confidence in their hearts. Well, most of the confidence is brimming within Thorax.

"Use that and you won't have to worry about Flame Body," Ash said to the little pony.

"Okay! Thank you. Mr Ash!" The little pony thanked him, before running off with her parents.

"Alright. Shining Armor said he wanted me to help him go beyond being mutual with Honedge. So..."


"Ash!" Spike called out his name as Thorax stood behind Spike.

"Oh, Spike. How'd it go? Did you find the changeling yet?"

"About that...Can we talk to you in a more private area...? With my friend over here." Spike requested.

"Sure." Ash nodded as Pikachu climbed up his shoulder. He noticed how Thorax was shaking uncontrollably as if he was about to explode at any moment.

They went to a secluded area in the empire with a fairly small gap that can be considered a back alley to some humans if they ever come across it.

"Alright. Go, Thorax." Spike gave the call.

"Okay." Thorax held his breath in as a blue light consumed his body with Ash and Pikachu watching closely. Out of the blue light came the true Thorax instead of the disguised Crystal Hoof as he revealed himself to Ash.

"Oh! A changeling?!" Ash gasped.


"D-Don't freak out! Thorax here is my friend!" Spike squeed. "He just wanted to meet you that's all."

"Yeah! I've been looking forward to this!" Thorax nodded aggressively. "I've heard great...even though they didn't like it...things about you, Ash! From the other three changelings!"

"Other three changelings...?" Ash thought for a moment, recalling when he had met three changelings in the Faye Mountains during his trip there. "Oh, yeah I remember them." Ash nodded. "Are they doing well?"

"They're uh the same as usual like every other changeling. But they're less aggressive nowadays. I think it's from when they met you."

"Wait. That whole changeling meetup thing was real?!" Spike shouted.

"Mhm," Ash replied. "We ended up meeting each other at the Faye Mountains. They were out searching for Fairy love, got into a bit of a mess and I helped them recover thanks to the Fairy Pokemon."

"That's why I wanted to meet you! Ash." Thorax placed his hoof out. "W-W-Would you be my friend?"

"Hm?" Ash looked at Thorax's hoof. "This is all so sudden. I'm kinda surprised that you and Spike are friends. And you've got a Pokemon of your own. I thought changelings didn't want Pokemon." Ash rubbed Zorua's chin.


"Zorua's not my Pokemon. We're just friends. He's my first friend anyway."

"Oh, I getcha."

"Ash...You're actually okay with this?" Spike was taken aback.

"Yeah. He's your friend after all. Then I'll consider him a friend too."

"Pikachu!" Pikachu greeted Zorua.

"Rua. Zorua."

"Guess I should've expected this. But I didn't think you'd accept him so easily, Ash." Spike said. "You did battle against Chrysalis's entire army on your own after all."

"Yeah, I know. But doubting others is way too easy. I learned that when I went to Alamos Town and met the Darkrai that lived there."

"Oh yeah..." Spike thought for a moment. "I guess Darkrai is kind of a misunderstood Pokemon."

"Most Dark-Types are." Ash picked Zorua up. "But just like your friend Thorax, they make some pretty great friends."

"Zorua!" Zorua poked Ash's nose.

"So we're actually friends?!" Thorax grinned.

"Oh, yeah. Nothing more to it."

"See? Told ya we'd make friends easily." Spike nudged Thorax.

"This is wonderful! But...What about the others?" Thorax was still unsure about everypony else. Ash was easy due to his accepting nature over every species, but ponies like Shining Armor are going to be hard to get through.

"Don't worry. If we can become friends with Ash, then there's no doubt that Twilight and the others can be your friend too!" Spike reassured.

"Yeah, but be careful, Spike." Ash suddenly replied. "Everyone's on full alert. If they see a changeling, then it's go-time."

"He's right, Spike. What if they're not as accepting as Ash?" Thorax shuddered.

"Uhh..." Spike pondered. "I uh... I don't know but...we'll have to try. Maybe stick to Crystal Hoof for the meantime, okay?"

"Alright. And thanks, Ash. For being my friend."

"No problem." Ash gave a thumbs up.


Ash was easy enough. It was light work to make friends with him considering who he is.

But everypony else, that's another story.

Spike and Thorax, now in the form of Crystal Hoof, re-entered the castle as they were going to try and make more friends. This time with the princesses and Shining Armor. And possibly to an extent Flurry Heart.

"I don't know Spike..." Thorax suddenly spoke. "I was okay with showing my true self with Ash but...I can't keep pretending to be a crystal pony forever."

"Relax. You're winning them over. Pretty soon, nopony will care that you're a changeling." Spike replied. They made their way towards the throne room where Twilight, Shining Armor, Cadence, Flurry Heart and the royal guards were.

"Spike!" Cadence exclaimed. "Twilight told me you were off with a friend."

"Uh-hehe-ha..." Spike chuckled nervously.

"And any friend of Spike the Brave and Glorious is a friend of mine." Cadence smiled as she allowed Thorax to see the baby for himself.

The undercover changeling went up to the crib, spotting Flurry Heart and Manaphy as his pupils expanded from the sight of them. Flurry Heart cooed as Manaphy rested on her head.

"Oh, she's so beautiful!" Thorax gushed. There's so much l-love around her...! I... I...!" The amount of love radiating from Flurry Heart was abnormally overwhelming. So overwhelming that Thorax couldn't take it.

He backed up, feeling his body being perplexed by the love of this one single pony who was a baby as he couldn't focus on his transformation at this rate.

Thus, his true form had been revealed as he reverted to his changeling self.

Naturally, they all gasped as Thorax hissed by instinctive nature.

"I..." He began stuttering as he backed away, trying to control and restrain himself with repeated hisses. "I'm so......sorry...! I can't..." The hissing just wouldn't stop no matter what. "Can't...stop!"

"Spike! Get away from the changeling!" Twilight exclaimed as she used her magic to pull Spike away.

"Esp!" Eve jumped in front of Twilight, snarling at Thorax as she was ready to attack. However, strangely enough, Absol didn't do anything. He just observed instead.

"Wait, no! You don't understand!" Spike tried to explain himself.

"This changeling replaced your friend to get close to the baby! What other explanation could there be?!" Sunburst said.

"I..." Spike was left speechless as he saw how everypony had narrowed their eyes at Thorax along with Eve and Sylveon whilst Thorax kept hissing. "...I don't know."

Hearing that made Thorax whimper as he teared up. There was no point in staying here at this moment considering the hostility that filled atmosphere.

All he could do now was leave as he fluttered away. Zorua chased after his partner since he was most likely seen as an ally to an enemy.

"After it! Don't let the changeling escape!" The royal guards chased Thorax down.

"I hope your friend is okay," Cadence spoke.

"Yeah... Me too." Spike said silently, tearing up.

"Sol..." Absol had observed the entire situation. From the first look and how Thorax was acting, the Disaster Pokemon had already come to a simple conclusion.

Thorax was now being hunted down.

Guards were now plastered everywhere across the empire as they were on the lookout for Thorax. All the while, Spike had his head lowered, walking in the streets as he felt guilty for not sticking up for his friend.

With his head low and his only view being the ground, he ended up bumping into Ash and Pikachu, falling on his back. "Ow!"

"Oh, sorry Spike. You okay?" Ash helped him up.

"Fine...at least physically." Spike stood up, sighing.

"What's wrong?"


"You were right, Ash. It wasn't that easy...Not even close. I barely did anything back there."

"It's about Thorax, right? I guess something must've happened that made all these guards come out here."

"I don't know what I was thinking. I could've said something but...now he's probably long gone from here."

"Got nervous, right? I know how ya feel. Trying to stick up for someone who's not so liked by others can be pretty tough to get by."

"How do you do it, Ash? You seem to make friends with pretty much anyone." Spike sighed. "I'm just..."

"The same." Ash kneeled. "You already made friends with him in a short amount of time. That's some Grade-A friendship skills if you ask me."


"Really...?" Spike looked up at him.

"You're already awesome at making friends. Even with ones no one else expects. Guess being heroic isn't the only thing so magnificent about you." Ash gave Spike a light nudge.

"Gee...thanks, Ash."

"No problem. Go on." Ash stood up. "You can still catch up to him if he just left."

"R-Right! I think I know where he might be!" Spike sent out his Salamence.


"Let's go, Salamence!" Spike hopped on Salamence's back.

"Sala!" The Dragon Pokemon already knew where he had to go and what needed to be done as he took flight, creating a shockwave that almost blew Ash's hat off.

"W-Woah...!" Ash held his hat as he saw Spike and Salamence fly off into the distance. "Guess we'd better see how things are inside."


And that's what they did. They already knew with how cautious the empire was, now that the changeling had been revealed in front of their very eyes, they've gone above and beyond cautious as even the inside of the castle was flooded with guards.

Left and right, zooming and searching every part of the castle, even the parts that hadn't been repaired yet thanks to Eternatus, there was no time for rest whatsoever.

Needless to say, Ash and Pikachu were amazed by how active the guards were right now. More than they usually are.

"Ash! Pikachu!" Twilight flew over to them. "Are you two okay?"

"Yeah. We're fine." Ash nodded. "But uh...Can't say the same for everyone here. I've never seen them move around this fast before."

"They have to. The changeling had just been found. Even if it looks like a bit much, it could be anywhere. Have you seen it anywhere?"

"Well, Spike's gone after Thorax to talk to him so searching here's a bust. But I guess this psyches them all up more than ever."

"Pikachu." Pikachu nodded.

"What?!" Twilight gasped.

"Spike's gone directly to the changeling?!" Shining Armor exclaimed as the royal guards surrounded Ash.

"He could be in trouble!" Cadence bit her hoof. "All by himself...!"

"Nah he's fine." Ash shook his head. "Besides, he's got Salamence with him."

"Where is he?!" Shining Armor asked.

"The Frozen North. But I think we should let them talk instead of interrupting."

"What?" Twilight pulled back. "Ash! Why would we let Spike just go to him and talk?"

"Because they're friends."


"Friends? There's no way anypony can become friends with a changeling." Shining Armor shook his head.

"Spike sure did. So did me and Pikachu." Ash rubbed Pikachu's chin.


"Ash...you really made friends with a changeling?" Starlight said.

"Mhm. It ain't so bad, ya know! Plus Thorax and Zorua kinda work well with each other. Even if Thorax and Zorua aren't like Pokemon trainers. Guess they don't know about Poke Balls yet." Ash chuckled.


"Friends..." Twilight thought for a moment.

"Absol." Absol responded to Ash's words, walking up to Twilight. "Sol." Absol looked Twilight in the eyes. Even if he couldn't communicate appropriately with Twilight, much like many Pokemon, the eyes can somehow be the best translator.

Twilight stared into Absol's eyes, seeing how the Disaster Pokemon was seemingly agreeing with Ash. Then, something hit Twilight's head.

Absol had essentially reminded Twilight about the words that Queen Serperior once said to her in PokePark. Words that were kindly translated by Fluttershy.

"Queen Serperior says that for many years, the ancestors of most Dark-Types have been the cause of terrible outcomes that affected the future. It's due to their actions that their descendants are misunderstood or even shunned. The Dark Aura that lays within them spreads to all Dark-Type Pokemon as the years go by."

And she even remembered how she replied to Queen Serperior's words when Fluttershy translated them.

"So, that's why they have a bad reputation...huh. But still! We've seen some Dark-Types be accepted by others. Luna's Darkrai is a friend to most of Ponyville and Canterlot, and these Bisharp here ended up saving our lives when the other Bisharp's attack. There has to be a way to get everypony to know that not all Dark-Types are bad."

And looking at Absol, Twilight remembered his dex entry and how he had been misunderstood since people thought he brought about disasters. When in reality, he was just trying to warn them. As with many Absol's throughout the years.

"Oh," Twilight said. "Cadence. Shining Armor. I think Ash is right. Maybe we should let Spike handle it on his own."

"Why?" They both turned to her.

"Well, like Ash said. Because they're friends."

Meanwhile, at The Frozen North, underground.

Spike and Salamence returned to find Thorax if he was still here that is.

"Thorax!" Spike called out for his friend's name. "Thorax! Zorua!" He then tried calling for Zorua as well.

"Zo." Spike got a response as Zorua revealed himself by hiding behind a pile of rocks. "Zorua?"

"Oh! Zorua!" Spike hopped off Salamence's back, running up to the Tricky Fox Pokemon. "But where's Thorax?"

"Right here," Thorax responded as he was lurking in the shadows, right near the darker parts of the underground. "Why'd you come back here?"

"Because you're my friend. I just wish I had been one to you. I should've said at least something, ya know..." Spike sighed, feeling very guilty.

"It's okay, I know it's hard. Everyone in the Crystal Empire loves you. I couldn't ask you to give that up for me." Thorax lowered his head.

"You don't have to ask." Spike turned around, walking with confidence as he got on Salamence's back. "Get on."

"What are you gonna do?"

"What I should've done in the first place."

With 100% confidence, Spike returned to the Crystal Empire with Thorax by his side. This time, he had a ton of poise assurance in his heart as he was ready to defend his friend.

He came face to face with everypony, ready to speak his mind and say what he had to say. Twilight, after reminiscing about her experiences and lessons revolving Darkrai, approached Spike with something different in mind.

"Spike. Listen...I know you're probably not happy about us chasing your friend out and all...but if you have something you need to say then go ahead."


"Out of all the lessons I forgot, it had to be the one that Queen Serperior taught me. You know what I mean, right?"

"I know what you mean. Honestly, becoming friends with Thorax reminded me a lot about Dark-Types. In a way, changelings are like Dark-Type Pokemon. Sure some of them are cruel to the core like Malamar and Ghetsis's Hydreigon, but others can be great and a blast to be around, like Darkrai and Absol."

"Sol." Absol nodded.

"Just like those two...I can't judge someone based on some bad eggs from their group, ya know. And I know some of you guys still don't trust Thorax or any changeling, but, if that's the case, then I'll keep defending him and I'll stick by him at all times. Because he's my friend."

"...Yeah. Spoken like a true Pokemon trainer." Ash nodded.


"Well. If Queen Serperior were here, she'd be proud of you, just like how I'm also proud of you Spike." Twilight smiled. "You're both a great Pokemon trainer and a worthy hero.

"Aw geez..." Spike squeed as Salamence licked him.

"As the Princess of Friendship, I try to set an example for all of Equestria. But today, it was Spike who taught me that a new friend can come from anywhere. I guess everypony still has things to learn about friendship. Even me! And if Spike says Thorax is his friend, then he's my friend too." Twilight put her hoof out.

Seeing how Twilight was actually offering a true hoofshake made Thorax walked up to her to do the same. With confidence, a certified hoofshake was made.

"Thank you." Thorax wiped a tear.

"On behalf of the Crystal Empire, I would like to extend my hoof in friendship, and I'm sure all of my subjects are eager to do the same." Cadence suddenly spoke.

"Zo!" Suddenly, right beside Cadence, there was a second changeling just standing next to her. This startled Cadence as it was then revealed to be Zorua who giggled afterwards. "Zo-zo-zo-Zorua!"

"And Zorua too." Cadence patted Zorua on the head as all the guards let out resounding cheers. Absol felt at peace, knowing that someone he can relate too had also found their own form of peace as well.


"And Absol. I guess I should apologise to you as well." Twilight turned to her partner. "Becoming your trainer should've made me-"

"Sol." Absol put his paw on Twilight's mouth. She didn't have to say anything else. Plus, Absol could do without the whole heart-warming touchy-feely stuff since the room already has enough of it.

"Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Thorax. I'm sorry we didn't take the time to get to know you. Maybe we can change that now." Shining Armor said to Thorax.

"That'd be so amazing! I want to know all about friendship, and maybe one day I can take that knowledge back to the Changeling Kingdom! If my kind learned how to create love for one another, maybe they wouldn't have to take it from others!"

"To Spike the Brave and Glorious!" A guard exclaimed, prompting the others to cheer even further.

Dragonite came out of its Poke Ball, enjoying the positive vibes here whilst Starlight's Hatterene wasn't feeling fond of it all. She was like Absol, but her feeling on positivity was a bit more on the extreme side as Dragonite hugged Thorax and everyone near him.

"Looks like you were right after all." Starlight turned to Twilight.

"Right about what?"

"Friendship lessons can happen anywhere."

With a brand new and unlikely friend being gained thanks to Spike's own efforts, a new kind of bond had been formed between a dragon and a changeling and now very soon, ponies. With Thorax being the first changeling to make a hefty amount of friends, the future seems unpredictable for them from now on as the journey continues.

Chapter 295 End.

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