• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Morpeko: The One that Devours all

Equestria. Canterlot. Nightfall.

All was calm during the night. Many were asleep. Some were getting ready to sleep as lights were being turned off on this serene evening. And on this beautiful night, whilst Princess Luna and Darkrai govern the Dream Realm plus the Hyperdream, Princess Celestia was roaming around.

It wasn't quite time for her to clock out just yet. Before she would head to bed, there was one crucial thing that needed to be done. In Celestia's eyes, this was just as important as being royalty.

"Mmm...Midnight cake." She said to herself, thinking about the massive cake that was modelled after Canterlot. But what truly caught her mind was the cake modelled after Cobalion. She couldn't wait to sink her teeth into it. But upon appearing in front of the royal fridge, opening the door, the lip licking, excited and cake-addicted expression on Celestia had been erased from existence.

The cakes. They were gone.

Her Jaw dropped. Her eyes almost popped out of her head. A sunken heart. The cakes that she would continue eating even during the evening had been ravaged. Minimal pieces were left of the Canterlot and Cobalion cake with only Cobaltion's leg and the balcony of Canterlot Castle being left behind.

"No...No...NOOOO!" A cry of sorrow echoed throughout Canterlot, shattering the windows and even going past the city. This cry had the power of the Royal Canterlot Voice behind it. It had reached the Pikachu Highlands, Deerling Forest, Ponyville, Manehattan, Cloudsdale and more. Celestia had never been this thrown off guard and disheartened.

Just as she had cried out, a small yet hyper-fast figure had dashed by, grabbing Celestia's attention. Her eyes shifted, just missing the swift figure. But she did not miss out on what it had left behind. Celestia swivelled to see frosting trails. Frosting that had come from the cakes.

"Voir?! Gardevoir!" Hearing the cry of their Trainer, Passion and Arcanine had shown up, spotting Celestia. Nothing had happened to her. But it was a catastrophe either way.

Celestia used her hoof to scoop the frosting trail, seeing that it stopped near the window. The culprit was long gone and she, unfortunately, did not spot the figure at all. Only a blur. The Sun Princess clenched her hoof. The frosting had been squeezed and splattered on her face as she took a deep breath.

"Passion. Arcanine." She spoke to her partners without even facing them. Her magical presence was rising with her eyes flaring gold. She meant business when it came to her favourite delicacy. "Justice needs to be served."

Soarin's home.

Coming back from the Wonderbolts Academy after a long day of work was Soarin. He had already clocked out for the night but had woken up mid-sleep. All for one reason.


Much like Celestia's love for cake, Soarin loved pies equally. And unlike Celestia, his fridge still had the respective food inside of it. Soarin opened it to see those lovely pies sitting there, making his eyes all wobbly. Soarin stuck his tongue out, ready to consume.

But not while they were cold. Luckily, his Torkoal could fix that. Torkoal, along with all of his other Pokemon, were fast asleep. And even when asleep, Torkoal's flames were still active on his shell. Soarin used the active shell as a way to heat up his pies. He placed one pie on top while placing the rest of them on the side.

Soarin left them to heat up until they were ready. In the meanwhile, he would readjust his bed after crumpling it from all his movements when asleep. It was a common thing for many. However, the moment he turned his attention away from the pies for just a few seconds, entering his bedroom, that mysterious swift figure struck again.

Going from Canterlot Castle to Soarin's Home this quickly only showed its speed as the three pies that were around and on top of Torkoal had been snatched. And with such precision to the point where the sound it made almost became invisible to the ears. It had struck again. First, Celestia's cake. And now, Soarin's pies.

And poor, poor Soarin would come to this terrifying realization. He knew that Torkoal's heat was powerful enough to heat the pies up to a perfect degree in just a few seconds, so he returned with his fangs baring for a bite. Unfortunately, the moment he returned, he was met with shock, horror and disappointment.

The pies were gone. All of them. With only a trace being small crumbs that also led outside much like Canterlot Castle. "M-My pies..." Soarin did not burst out with a booming voice. Instead, he just sat down, looking defeated. He closed his eyes the curtains on his windows flapped ferociously via the nightfall wind.

He looked outside, unable to catch the culprit that had done this as it was too late. The speed allowed for a swift getaway. And this would certainly not be the last time it would strike.

Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Day.

Over at the Pokemon House, Team Rocket were doing their usual job of helping out Fluttershy at the Pokemon House. It was feeding time for the Pokemon and all their various tastes.

"We're running low on food here." Fluttershy pointed out. "We'll have to get more for everyone."

"That's another 2 weeks of having to get that much new food?" Jessie groaned. "Usually, it's a month or more."

"You know Pokemon. They sure have a big appetite, don't they?" Fluttershy giggled before pouring a bowl of Pokemon Food into Bayleef's mouth.

"True that!" Meowth could agree as he didn't have to help out. He was a Pokemon, as he chose to eat instead of assist.

"Pfft. It's not a big deal! I can whip something up." Jessie rubbed her hands together. "Just you wait."

"While you do that, I'll get some more." James stood up as he would head out to buy some food. "We still have some of that Pegalysium treasure plus actual treasure from Royalty. What a lucky break that we chose to help out, right? We wouldn't have been chosen by that King and Queen for a bit."

"Lucky break indeed..." Jessie and Meowth agreed. Since they helped out at Pegalysium a few times, they were also free to choose their reward. And their reward was simple yet effective. Gold. However, they did tend to burn through it at unnatural speeds.

"Be right back!" James rushed off, grabbing as much gold as he could. Found inside of the Rocketship, he made his way for some big shopping. Gigantic shopping was a better term. This was the equivalent of feeding a family. One colossal family so James would be a busy camper.

To get what he needed especially in the time frame of feeding so many Pokemon, visiting the Pokemon World was the second option. The big cities had most of the things that James would need. Luckily, these past 3 years have allowed Pokemon Food to become common in this world, making it easier for James to have closer options.

The best place to be was Manehattan, which meant a fairly lengthy trip for James. He already selected Ponyville first to buy the first batch of Pokemon Food, causing him to carry some bags. He had plenty within them, but not enough for the entire Pokemon House. He could at least rest his arms when on the train to Manehattan.

As he was heading to the train station for a quick ride, he stopped for a moment to notice a nearby trail of peculiar objects, while also picking up on an electrifying sound.

"Hm?" This trail that James noticed was of seeds. They were highly abundant, even perfectly straight. And the one that was leaving this behind and also eating them at the same time was a Pokemon that was new to James' eyes.

"Morpeko." A Morpeko. Another member of the Electric Rodent family. It could be seen grabbing the seeds while also dropping them at the same time.

"Who's that Pokemon?" Curious, James took out his Pokedex, observing this rodent. However, compared to other Pokedexes, Team Rocket's Pokedex had a bit of an attitude. A lazy one. It yawned while facing Morpeko. "Ahem!"

"What do you want?" The Pokedex questioned.

"Can't you tell me about this one?" James tapped on the Rotomdex.

"Alright, fine. I got it. Morpeko. The Two-Sided Pokemon. As it eats the seeds stored up in its pocket-like pouches, this Pokémon is not just satisfying its constant hunger. It’s also generating electricity. It carries electrically roasted seeds with it as if they’re precious treasures. No matter how much it eats, it always gets hungry again in short order. There. Happy?"

"Perfectly acceptable."

"Morpe?" Morpeko soon noticed James as well. It finished chewing on a seed that it ended up electrifying before noticing the bags of food that James was holding. "Morpe!"

Morpeko became attracted to the bag of food, rushing over in James's general direction. The Two-Sided Pokemon came to a screeching halt, jumping up and down in front of the bags. James put two and two together after reading Morpeko's dex entry.

"Oh. You want some of the food in here?" James asked.


"Hmm..." He started thinking about it. "I need a lot of it for every Pokemon back at the Pokemon House...But one won't hurt!" Deciding to feet this Pokemon, James decided to go for what he would deem the best one for Morpeko. "You're involved with that Electric Rodent family, aren't you? This is what you'd love." He dug into the bag, pulling out a stack of pancakes.

"Morko-Pe!" Morkepo had a wide smile before then grabbing the stack, chewing away like there was no tomorrow. All Electric Rodents loved pancakes and thanks to Fluttershy, James knew this.

"Good isn't it?"

"Morpeko!" Morpeko agreed before swallowing it all. It had a good fill. And to repay James for feeding it, Morpeko grabbed one of the seeds that it leaves behind, quickly shocking it to give it a unique taste before then holding it up to James. This was how it would repay James for feeding it something so delicious. Plus, it just wanted James to try it. "Morpe."

"For me?"

"Peko!" The Two-Sided Pokemon nodded, insisting that James gave it a try. James would gladly do so, wondering what these seeds tasted like, especially when electrified. A quick toss into the mouth with some chewing and the Team Rocket Member got to experience the electrifying taste.

"Mmm! Amazing!" James's hair almost stood up. "Your dex entry lived up to it! Thank you."

"Peko-Mor!" Morpeko cried out with a jolly tone before then digging into its pouch once more to pull out some more seeds to consume. However, the shocking realization kicked in for Morpeko. The seed it had given James was the last one. Its pouch was empty with its hand touching nothing but air. "Mor..."

"Hm?" James stopped for a moment, observing a change in Morpekeo with black lightning sparking up.

"Morpeko...!" Morpeko growled as this absence of seeds certainly triggered something within it. The Two-Sided Pokemon started glowing with all of the black lightning expanding, causing James to jerk back a bit. Once the light and lightning faded away, Morpeko had undergone a quick transformation. One that was the polar opposite of Morpeko's jolly self. Pure anger. "Morpeko!"

"What's this!?" James held out the Pokedex once more, observing this change in Morpeko. The Rotomdex still felt lazy, not feeling like reading it out again. "Hurry up!" But James shook the dex, forcing it to.

"Morpeko. The...you know what it's already called. This is its Hangry Form. Intense hunger drives it to extremes of violence, and the electricity in its cheek sacs has converted into a Dark-type energy. Hunger hormones affect its temperament. Until its hunger is appeased, it gets up to all manner of evil deeds."

"Evil deeds?!"

"That's right. So you'd better get to feeding." The Pokedex then shut itself off as Morpeko locked onto the bags of food that James held. Those would suffice. James grit his teeth before then holding out some more food to Morpeko before things could get hairy. That dex entry was enough to make him know of the stakes.

"Morpeko!" Morpeko lunged forward, snatching the food off of James' grasp. James gasped as Morpeko ripped the box the food was covered by to shreds with such ease.

"Hah..." James sighed as he already wasted two batches of food that were meant for specific Pokemon back at the Pokemon House. "Couldn't you have just eaten the seeds you left behind?"

"Morpeko!" But Morpeko could care less as it started chewing away at all of the food for specific Pokemon. But Morpeko didn't have a general taste preference. When it was in its Hangry Form, all food was acceptable to it. James watched as one half of the food for the various Pokemon was all stripped away.

"What a terrifying sight." James wiped the sweat from his forehead before looking at the first bag. "I've already given it two. If this is how it's always going to be when it's hungry, then I feel for the poor creature that it comes across.

"Mor...Morpeko." Morpeko had filled itself, satisfying its hunger. Because of this, the Two-Sided Pokemon had reverted to its normal form.



"Excellent. Now, you keep looking for food, alright? I've got places to be." James laughed before walking off. However, instead of leaving him alone, Morpeko chose to follow James.


"Y-You're following me?!" James took notice as Morpeko held out another seed to James.

"Morpeko." Out of the good of its heart, its dual-sided heart, it wanted to repay James once more for feeding it. Second time in a row. James scrunched his face as he did not expect this Electric-Dark-Type to follow him. Neither did he want it to.

"Uh, I'm flying solo here so..." James took the seed either way before deciding to fast-walk, hopefully losing Morpeko.

But Morpeko did the same, easily catching up to James. James then increased his walking speed some more, almost jogging, only for Morpeko to do the same. James got closer to the train station, unable to lose Morpeko. It was truly tagging along, much to James's chagrin.

The train to Manehattan.

James failed to lose Morpeko as he ended up sitting on the train next to the Two-Sided Pokemon. Along the way, Morpeko had gathered up more seeds, keeping them in its pouches as the train to Manehattan was on the move. Morpeko was burning through the seeds as it didn't have many places to go inside of a train, giving it enough time to eat in a stationary position.

"Why me?" James sighed, wondering why he was the sole individual that Morpeko managed to latch onto.

"Aw, what a cutie!" Observing Morpeko and appreciating its cuteness was a nearby pony. "It looks like a Pikachu."

"It should. A member of that Electric Rodent Family as we call them." James replied. "But it's not cute for the most part."

"I don't know about that." The earth pony hopped off her seat, walking up to Morpeko. Other ponies who adored adorable Pokemon flocked towards the Two-Sided Pokemon. "Look at the way it eats."

"Peko. Morpe?" Morpeko looked over at her, holding out some of the seeds and offering them. When it wasn't hungry and craving for a bite, it had a surprisingly charitable and generous nature.

"Aw, for us?" The ponies gladly took the seeds that were also electrified to give them that extra taste.

"It's nice and cute now..." Only James knew about Morpeko's secondary side. And that would come sooner than expected. Morpeko hadn't gathered as many seeds as it would usually gather due to one detail. The train station was already nearby when gathering new seeds, making Morpeko's resources limited. Manehattan was also nearby as this train ride would soon come to an end, only bringing a foreboding sense of danger.

The ponies enjoyed the taste of the seeds, relishing it. Some of them even fainted from the sheer taste of it. Morpeko dug in for some more, however, the second it had given the ponies some of the seeds, that was the last batch. "Pe...Morpeko!" Naturally, being low on food, Morpeko's anger had resurfaced with black lightning sparking out.

"Not again!"

"Morpeko!" Morpeko's Hangry Form returned into the fray before then releasing its anger afterwards. It did so by stomping on the seats, managing to shake this part of the train as the ponies lost their balance. This attack was Stomping Tantrum as it made some of them bump their heads on the seats.

"Woah! Hey!" They cried out. The black lightning from Morpeko had also scattered, shocking them too. As if they weren't already dealing with Stomping Tantrum.

"Morko-Pe!" To further let its anger out, Morpeko had then used its signature move Aura Wheel. Hangry Mode Morpeko formed a light blue wheel of energy around its body that it did by just running on the spot, ready to charge. The group of ponies held onto each other, fearing that they were its target. Some of the black lightning from before had already shocked them, giving them a good indication to be intimidated by the Two-Sided Pokemon.

"Here! James held out some more food to it before it could start attacking. This time, he chose multiple foods instead of just one. Morpeko paused the Aura Wheel before then grabbing the offered food. It wasted no time in eating what it was given.

"Mor! Morpeko!"

"Phew..." James managed to avoid another disaster as the train to Manehattan had finally stopped. The group of ponies stood there frozen with electrified and puffed up manes before seeing James get up and leave. Morpeko, even in its Hangry Form, continued to follow James while carrying the food it was devouring. "Sorry about that! But it still has its charm, doesn't it?!" James apologized to them before leaving.

"...He's right. It is still cute like that." One of the ponies could certainly agree with James on that before falling over with a smoky body.

Manehattan. Afternoon.

Arriving at Manehattan, James noticed how the first bag was almost done. Giving Morpeko multiple foods was tearing away at the food meant for the rest of the Pokemon back at Ponyville. Even some food that Pinkie Pie had made had been devoured.

James knew that he couldn't keep Morpeko around. Not with these bags of food in danger. It could be worse when buying food here at Manehattan, which currently had the biggest spot for Pokemon Food. He had to lose Morpeko.

"Here!" James dropped the entire first bag in front of Morpeko. "All of this is yours to eat, okay?"

"Pe? Morpeko!" Morpeko was elevated from this. It couldn't believe that James would give it all this food. Accepting James's offer, Morpeko leapt inside of the bag. It was now surrounded by food, rummaging in the bag with its entire body perfectly fitting in it. This gave James the chance to lose it.

"Now chew slowly, okay? Don't want to get sick do we?" James slowly backed away as Morpeko was distracted by the food. A perfect getaway. He then dashed like the wind, running as fast as he could.

Finally, James had distanced himself from the Two-Sided Pokemon. Morpeko had yet to notice that James was gone. Too busy scarfing down all of the food within the bag. James looked at how much gold he had left. While it was enough to buy some more food from Manehattan, the estimated amount was cut in half thanks to Morpeko.

"I'll have to find a way to get enough. I hope I can." said James as he had then approached the store for Pokemon Food.

Meanwhile, Morpeko was just obliterating the food around it. All of this would be enough to satiate its hunger. However, there was one drawback that James forgot. Manehattan did not have a trace of seeds. With no seeds for Morpeko to grab, this could be a problem.

Morpeko's nose had picked up on some food around Manehattan. From the restaurant to various shops, different foods of different kinds were in the air. Morpeko knew exactly where it would go afterwards.

2 hours later.

James spent a while buying as much food as he could. He had to compensate for the devoured food thanks to Morpeko, meaning that it would be going for cheaper products that may or may not cater to certain Pokemon. He gave up a lot of his gold for all of this food while also gaining a bag bigger than the previous one and the one he was currently holding combined.

He left the store, feeling some weight from all the food he had purchased. But all of this would be enough for the Pokemon House, coupled with Jessie and Fluttershy's cooking. Plus the assistance of Zecora so it was not a total loss. However, the moment he stepped outside, Morpeko stood in front of him.

"Morpeko." No longer in its Hangry Form, the Two-Sided Pokemon stood before James with a cheery face and a pair of grapes in its hand.

"Geeeeh! How did you know!?" James almost dropped the food. Morpeko stood beside James, sniffing the new food he had gathered. He truly latched himself onto James, which was not a good look.

"Hey!" Just then, somepony had shouted in James' general direction, alerting him. "You there! Do you have any idea what you've done?!"


"All of my food! Gone in mere seconds!" One of the many store owners of Manehattan bellowed. And it wasn't just that store owner. Another one could be seen appearing. And another. And another.

"It took us a long time to gather and grow most of those!"

"Now it's all history because of that thing!"

Even ponies from the restaurant approached. "Our romantic dinner date...ruined...!" One stallion cried out with the mare next to him shaking her head in disappointment and disapproval.

"Wait...You didn't..." James slowly turned his trembling head to Morpeko, who was currently eating grapes. Judging from what James was hearing, Morpeko had done something on a city-wide scale.

"Morpeko." Indeed, Morpeko had eaten from every store in Manehattan in the span of 2 hours.

"And hey! Aren't you the guy that sold us those fake Master Balls?!" One mare recognized James, recalling the event back at Canterlot.

"Uh...Gotta go!" James made the conscious and best decision to run while he still could. He zoomed off with all of the food at his disposal. At least he didn't have to worry about the gold since he spent it all. Morpeko followed after James, jumping onto his leg. Was not a good look for him yet again. "Not on me!"


James now had an angry mob after him, mainly targeted towards Morpeko. But since Morpeko had stuck by James the most, it was assumed that it belonged to James. James looked behind to see a horde of mainly store owners and some furious restaurant customers chasing him down. James wondered how did it come to this in such a short amount of time?

But it wasn't just them.

Out there in Canterlot, Celestia was vowing for justice. Justice for her cake. She had one way of trying to find the culprit. Scent. All canine Pokemon had a strong sense of smell and thankfully, Arcanine was one. After getting a sniff of the frosting, Arcanine started to deduce who was responsible for this. Celestia was ready to bring justice as the journey continues.

Chapter 743 End.

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