• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Drawing power from the Earth itself, Ground

Author's Note:

A friend of mine asked me the other day about how strong the Mane 6 are at this point and everypony else in Equestria. I answered...The Mane 6 are currently capable of defeating a 7th Gym Leader but that would be their limit. Everypony else, especially the ones that don't battle that much could maybe take down a 5th Gym Leader.

To put it in a better perspective, they are all comparable to Late Johto Ash and early Hoenn Ash. They still have ways to go.

The 18 Realms. Grass Realm.

Currently, there was a battle between a Giant Lucario and a giant tree that was a mixture of both the Tree of Beginning and the Tree of Harmony right inside of a broken palace residing in the Pikachu Highlands.

Certainly an odd combination. But then again, this all took place in a Mind Realm. Fluttershy, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Roseluck, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were all heading for the destroyed palace to pass through the open hole. Hopefully, it would be their way of leaving this realm so that everyone else could follow suit.

Also in this realm, approaching the group were Brawly, Bea, Luna, Sweetie Belle and Rumble. They had just witnessed the emergence of this Giga Lucario and merged tree.

Lucario was wrestling with the thick vines as her footsteps shook the ground, causing the trees to shake. Massive rubble from the trembling and rupturing ground had emerged as Fluttershy's group made sure to try and stay away from it.

But that was difficult considering how massive these two were. They had just managed to avoid a large rock that had almost crushed them. Followed by other large rocks that flew everywhere. Lucario had been hit in the face by the vines, staggering a bit as she received multiple whippings.

"Hang in there, Lucario!" Fluttershy shouted at her from below. "Is the hole still open?!"

"Don't know! But if it is, we'll use the Elements again to open 'em!" Applejack replied as trees came flying in her direction due to them being blown out of the soil. She gasped, only for Sceptile to save her via a vine pull. "Thanks, partner!"


The palace was mostly gone by now. Lucario and the Tree's wrestling had damaged it to a large degree that any part of the environment was due for absolute devastation. But this was a bonus. Thanks to the destruction, the hole in the realm could be found much easier.

And it certainly was. Up ahead, the hole could be seen. However, it started to close up from the looks of it. The group hurried as fast as they could to reach the hole before it closes on itself.

But there was one other obstacle that stood in their way. That obstacle came from the tree. Instead of using its vines, it used one of the 15 new elements on its branches. The Ground Element. By using that element, the tree had summoned a massive door that led to the Ground Realm, right in front of them.

"Woah-Woah-Woah!" Sunset screeched as she came to a screeching halt. But from the speed, she was going at and the constant rumbling, that halt meant nothing as she fell towards the open door. Especially with how close it was.

"Sunset!" Fluttershy cried out as she, without a second thought, chased after her friend. She did this before back when they were falling to both the Ice and Poison Realm and she did it again even here. But that didn't matter as the door already had a powerful pull, forcing Fluttershy in it. The pegasus quickly grabbed Sunset Shimmer's hooves before she could fully pass through the door.

Before they knew it, the group had been pulled into the door. The strong pull forced them inside as they were too slow to try and stop it. All except for Sceptile. He tried using his vines to latch onto something. The trees were flying so there was no point in that. The Forest Pokemon tried going for the bigger tree that was currently wrestling with Lucario.

But it was too far. But not too far from Brawly. "Gotcha!" He exclaimed, gripping Sceptile's vines with all of his muscle. His feet were planted firmly into the ground as the potent pull of the Ground Door was even reaching from a further distance. Being a Fighting-Type specialist meant that his body was in shape for something like this. "Hrrgh...!" But it was still difficult either way."

"Brawly!" Applejack exclaimed after spotting Brawly. She was currently held on the hoof by Roxie, who was holding onto both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo for dear life. All of them were struggling against the pull.

"Machamp! Pangoro! Grapploct! I need your assistance!" Bea was ahead of the curve. Instead of just instantly going to grab Brawly, she brought extra muscle to the mix.

Keyword; extra muscle. Machamp, Pangoro and Grapploct had emerged from their Poke Balls, having all the extra muscle in various ways.

The three Fighting-Types grabbed onto them with Bea and Rumble doing the same. However, even with this combined might, the pull of the door was still overwhelmingly potent. Luna came over, ready to use her magic to pull them all back. However, a few of the vines from the giant tree had slipped out, racing towards her. The Princess of the Night blew away the vines with her magic before they could harm her.

"What ferocity!" Luna gasped. But as she managed to get rid of those vines, some other vines snuck up from behind her and the others. Luna was focused on the vines near the others to pay attention to the one next to it. It had struck the ground with a heavy magnitude as the pull of the Ground Door intensified. The increased magnitude followed by a shockwave with an increased pull from the door had pushed the alicorn and the others forward.

"Woah!" Brawly cried out as he and almost everyone fell through the Ground Door. Almost everyone. Luna managed to recover herself along with Bea and Brawly. Their Pokemon as well. Unfortunately, everyone else fell through with the door getting ready to close.

"Sceptile!" Sceptile didn't give up, showing how grand his persistence was. While falling through the door, entering a new realm, Sceptile extended his vines, throwing them to the door. He was hoping someone would catch it.

And someone did. Bea's Machamp. She had caught the vine that Sceptiple had thrown as there was something to lead with. Sceptile sighed with relief as that situation got a bit too close. However, the danger wasn't over yet as the realm they were in posed its own danger

The Ground Realm had no one in it. It was just a barren landscape with shattered mountains and constant flowing that battered everyone. And right below was one of the most terrifying things to come across in a barren area. Quicksand.

"Is everyone okay?!" Roxie asked while hanging on for dear life.

"My hooves hurt...!" Scootaloo groaned.

"Mine too!" So did Apple Bloom.

"That got a bit too close..." Applejack sighed before looking over at the long vine that Sceptile had made. "Sceptile pull me up."

Scep." Sceptile was about to do just that. Meanwhile, Machamp at the other realm was doing the same, trying to pull all of them up with Sceptile's vine along with assistance from everyone else. However, the pull of the door was still aggressive and the constant battling with the Giga Lucario and the merged tree wasn't helping due to all the rumbling and tumbling exuding out of their conflict.

"Fluttershy, just fly up there and help!" Sunset suggested.

"Can't. You could drop since you're in the front, Sunset."

"Yeah...You're right about that." Sunset nodded as they were all seemingly stuck in a stalemate at this point. Except, that wouldn't last for long as the quicksand below started moving.

"Dino! Audino!" Audino alerted them after not only spotting the quicksand but hearing it too. All their attention was drawn to the material of both sand and water.

"Heh. It's just quicksand." Sunset Shimmer scoffed as Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom and Fluttershy screamed in fear. "That stuff can't actually drown you, you know that?"

"It can't?" The four of them said.

"Nope. Only happens in movies. Quicksand's way too dense to drown any of us. Just a mucky nuisance so there's no need to wo-"

But just as Sunset Shimmer explained the scientific fact about quicksand, those words were quickly thrown away as the quicksand suddenly flew towards them, grabbing onto Sunset Shimmer's leg instantly. It had the ferocity of a wild beast within it, rapidly spreading towards her.

"EXcept this one!" Sunset screeched. "It's very-" She was cut off once more as the quicksand engulfed the rest of her body surprisingly quickly. Even her face as her words were no longer heard.

"SUNSET!" They all shouted after seeing the quicksand consume her. Sunset had muffled screams coming from the quicksand as only Audino could hear her.

"Bayleef! Help!" Fluttershy screamed for one of her Pokemon. The Pokemon that had the special ability to change fate. Out came her Bayleef.

"Bay!" Upon emerging, Bayleef already sensed the threat of one of her friends. Her leaf on her head acted accordingly. And this time, a huge chunk didn't come off. Instead, a small piece had been torn off of her head. It had then touched the quicksand that Sunset Shimmer was wrapped around in.

Just a touch and those fate-changing abilities, courtesy of Rift influence, had quickly altered fate. The quicksand had been reversed, freeing Sunset Shimmer as she gasped for air. However, the quicksand soon noticed this as it went for Bayleef next.

Bayleef was about to use her vines to grab onto her friends for airtime, only to be interrupted by an aggressive flowing quicksand that had grabbed her. "B-Bay!"

"Bayleef, no!" Fluttershy screeched as the Leaf Pokemon was being carried by it. The quicksand had also split up for a split-second. By doing so, it had managed to break the vine that Sceptile had in half, breaking the connection between him and Machamp.

"S-Scep!" Sceptiple gasped before having his tail and arms grabbed by the quicksand. Soon, the seemingly sentient quicksand had grabbed everyone else by splitting itself up. Soon, it was holding all of them in the air.

They were all being restrained by the quicksand as it started pulling them all down. A massive hole in the quicksand had been opened, revealing one more than just the ground. Everyone looked down to see a horrifying sight. There were clothes of Aura Guardians underneath. Including some bones as well. Very soon, they would possibly be a part of this deep underground with remnants.

"If there's anyone I know that can help, it's you!" Roxie dug into her pocket, pulling out one of her Poke Balls before the quicksand could restrain her arm. "Scolipede!"

"Scolipede!" Scolipede emerged as it was free-falling instantly with only the quicksand-covered ground and the open hole for it to land on.

"Use Earthquake!"

"Scoli...!" Scolipede locked onto the ground as it was going straight for the quicksand, preparing for a counterattack on this sentient piece of sand and water. The quicksand also targeted the Bug-Poison-Type, aiming to sink it as well.

Scolipede, thanks to its heavy weight, landed fairly quickly. And after doing so, he allowed the energy of Earthquake to flow. It had connected with the quicksand, causing a golden light to erupt through it.

With a heavy magnitude and force, the quicksand had been dispersed with the ground itself shattering afterwards. The sentient quicksand had suffered damage as the earthquake had temporarily scared it away. Everyone was freed from its violent grasp as they were dropped to the ground.

Sceptile quickly used his vines to catch them, safely bringing them all to the ground while Fluttershy simply flew, holding the CMC in her hooves.

"That was too close..." Brawly sighed, getting on one knee. "What just happened?"

"We're safe for now," Sunset commented. "Hopefully. I didn't think that quicksand could be so aggressive out of nowhere."

They all took some time to catch their breath. The door to the Grass Realm was far from them. It even seemed higher than how it was previously.

"Are you okay there, Roxie?" Brawly looked at Roxie who had looked to have sprained her arm amid all that struggling.

"Yeah. Just a bit twitched up right here." Roxie groaned as Brawly held her arm, trying to readjust it a bit to soothe the pain."I didn't think quicksand could be that rough."

"We're okay right now. Let's just be careful about that quicksand, okay?" Brawly said.

"Pssh. Scolipede's the one who scared it off. We'll e fine. Ow!" Roxie then groaned after feeling another twitch in her arm. Audino quickly ran over to everyone, aiming to use Heal Pulse. They had all been harmed after the struggle.

"How is that we were pulled into all of this mess?" Bea sighed, as the energy of Heal Pulse permeated through her body, healing her wounds.

The CMC looked over to see the remnants of Aura Guardians and what was presumably their phones being absorbed into the earth. Just the sight of this and everything that had happened prior was enough to spark something in the three fillies. Something that was unpleasant to them.

They started breathing in and out in unison consecutively as tears were forming. It didn't help that they had been harmed during this escapade. All of this was enough to make them start crying. All of this was getting out of hand for them.

"Hm?" Fluttershy and Audino heard some sniffling as their attention was turned to the three fillies. "Oh! What's wrong, girls?"

"Nothing...!" Scootaloo grit her teeth, trying to hide the tears and play it strong. But she was failing at it. "It's just that..."

"We wanna go home..." Sweetie Belle whimpered. "I mean we are home but...ya know..."

"I'm scared, Applejack." Apple Bloom was more honest as she curled up, wanting all of this to be over. Her big sister quickly came to her side to comfort her.

"Hey, it's okay, sugarcube. This is all rough on us too." Applejack hugged her little sister. "But we'll get out of this, okay? We've gotten out of worse."

"It's all so scary though..." Apple Bloom shuddered.

"I don't think you have to worry about this, girls," Sunset said, looking at the bones and clothes. "After all, this might not all be real. At least, not after all of this is over since this is all Rift influenced. We're in an entire mind, remember? It's not all real."

"You mean it?" Scootaloo sniffled.

"I can't guarantee it. But I know there's no way we're all falling here of all places." Sunset shook her head.

"She's right, kiddo." Brawly patted the little pegasus on the head. "It isn't time for us all to start panicking yet. Or ever really."

"All we need to do now is head back out there." Bea looked to the door leading to the Grass Realm. "Thankfully, it seems that this door won't vanish like the others. But I'm confused as to why the Giga Lucario was battling against a tree all of a sudden."

"Don't worry about that too much." Roseluck stood up. "Let's hurry before that quicksand returns."

"Princess Luna was with us. She's still over there." Rumble aimed his hoof at the door. "Do you think she's alright?"

"She-" Sunset, once more in these realms, had been cut off. Mainly by the quicksand creature. It could be seen approaching the group for another round, getting over its fear of Earthquake.

As it approached, it suddenly expanded in size. Its head started resembling that of a Lucario. Most likely a Lucario that belonged to one of these Aura Guardians. Its eyes and mouth could be spotted as it approached with a raging sandstorm. The bones underneath were shattering from its movements.

"Enough for one day..." Sunset groaned. "All these giants...!"

"How many is Gardevoir going to send our way?" Brawly sighed, holding his head as he himself wanted all of this to end as soon as it could.

"Let's try not to fight and-" Fluttershy suggested the peaceful approach like always.

"Sorry. But we won't be taking that approach." Bea thought otherwise. "Our lives have been put in danger multiple times now. Taking any chances is out of the question. What we need to do is defeat the opposing forces that Gardevoir has sent to us. If she won't solve things peacefully, then neither will we."

"I'm afraid Bea's right, Fluttershy." Applejack replied. "Ain't no getting past Gardevoir's reasonings. She might want you gone but she wants me to stay with all my Aura. Same goes for Bea, Brawly and Rumble over here. For now, we play it physical against here."

"I understand." Fluttershy was quick to accept this decision. She then faced the quicksand, also going with the option of battling it. It would be hard to reason with something like this anyway. "Can we end it as soon as we can, please?"

"Already on it." Applejack's eyes flared along with the Keystone in her apple hat pin. The time for Mega Evolution was now. Fluttershy thought the same time. Bea looked at the Dynamax band as she knew there was no chance for Gigantamax in this realm. There were no power spots after all.

The CMC wiped their tears, gaining their brave spirits once more after the encouraging talk from their friends, peers and family. They all collectively held out their Poke Balls, sending out their Pokemon. Piplup was good against anything ground related so Sweetie Belle chose her along with her ace Meowstic.

Scootaloo had a bit of a disadvantage since most of her Pokemon were weak to Ground-Types. And anything Ground related. All except for her Gible and Horsea who were both sent out. And Apple Bloom had a bit of an edge thanks to Emolga being part flying and how she caught so many Grass-Types.

Applejack and Fluttershy readied their keystones, activating them instantly. "Mega Evolve!" They both said as Audino and Sceptile were met with flowing lights of Infinity and Mega Energy respectively. Emerging from the energy were Mega Sceptile and Mega Audino.



"Machamp! Use Bullet Punch!" Both Brawly and Bea said to their Machamp's.

"Machamp!" The two Machamp approached the giant quicksand with steel surrounding their four fists. They were the first to attack as the quicksand creature had claws ready to grab and sink them.

The Machamp had both struck the creature with a swift yet hard hits in the form of 12 fists. The creature had been staggered after the dual blow, but quickly retaliated by using the bones beneath the earth. Bones erupted from below, grabbing the two Machamp by their four arms with a tight grip. "C-Champ!"

"Sceptile! Cut those in half with Leaf Blade!"

"Grapploct! Go and shatter those bones with Liquidation!"

"Horsea, use Bubble Beam!"

"Piplup, you use Bubble Beam too!"

"Grap!" Grapploct leapt off the ground, rushing towards the bones. Piplup Horsea backed Grapploct up with a bombardment of bubbles. Grapploct repeatedly swung its appendages onto the bones, shattering them. The bubbles did the same with constant damage being brought upon the bones while also hitting the creature, making parts of it wet. The two Machamp had been freed, only for the bones to whack them and Grapploct aside. "Grap!"

But then there was Sceptile. Sceptile came flying in, cutting the bones in half while also cutting through the quicksand monster with a stylish slash from his blade. The creature had certainly felt that one due to it staggering as multiple bones dropped to the ground.

And thanks to the wetness that Horsea and Piplup made, the creature had lost some of its body too, taking even greater damage than before. Provoked even further, a whirlwind of sand, a few tremors and bones came their way. They had already forced Sceptile back, going after everyone else.

"Audi! Hyper Beam!"

"Pangoro, meet it with Night Slash!"

"Riolu, Vacuum Wave!"

"Scolipede! Hit them with Earthquake!"

"Audi...!" Audino and her allies would keep it far ranged. The Hearing Pokemon put her hands together as Sceptile flew past her after being blown back by the assault of bones, sand and tremors. Pangoro started throwing white waves of darkness while Riolu unleashed a vacuum from his paw.

They had both clashed with the bones, shattering them upon contact. As for Scolipede, it had retaliated against the tremor with another tremor, stomping its legs aggressively on the ground as a fissure had come from the tremor collision.

"No!" Audino could finally get Hyper Beam off, unleashing a giant orange beam that even pushed her back from how much force had been exhibited from it. The beam tore through the rest of the bones as if they were nothing, heading for the creature. Unable to currently counter the beam, the Normal-Type attack had struck the creature, causing a paroxysm to burst out with explosive fury.

The bones all shattered as the creature almost fell over, clearly feeling overwhelmed by this amount of power. It was so great that this level of force even reached from this realm to the Electric Realm, where Gardevoir was.

Electric Realm.

Gardevoir had just gotten out of a struggle with Cynthia's Roserade and Goh's Cinderace, floating backwards. She then felt the disruption immediately. But prior to that, she also felt the force of Mega Evolution pass through.

"Again?!" Gardevoir uttered, turning her head. "This much energy is unexpected...What have I been missing out on all these years?"

"She's doing it again." Chloe noticed. "Something's grabbing her attention every time."

"That must be everyone else," said Cynthia with a smile on her face. "Whatever they're doing is excellent and keeping her distracted."

"I don't think so!" Gardevoir heard Cynthia's words, turning to her. "They can go as crazy as they want, it won't matter all that much in the long run. Because one way or another, I'm breaking out of here and gaining the Aura for myself!" With a thundering declaration, she rushed over to the group, ready to continue their battle.

Ground Realm.

Within the Ground Realm, the team had looked onward to see the quicksand creature staggering. It had taken such high damage that its Lucario appearance had disappeared. Now it was just random eyes and a mouth. But afterwards, instead of rising up, it had sunk into the ground.

"What's it doing now?" Sweetie Belle asked as the area went back to being desolate and flat once more. Everyone stayed cautious, anticipating what could happen next.

But no one could anticipate the possibility at all.

After a few seconds of silence, they could feel yet another rupture. They thought that it was just another earthquake or tremor happening. But it was something beyond that.

Just then, the ground was beginning to tilt to the side. Most of them lost their balance from this surprise as they ever fell on their backs or got on their knees. Before they knew it, the entire realm was starting to tilt as done by the creature's abilities.

"It's planning to turn everything upside down!" Bea gasped. "At this rate, it could drop us into the endless sky!"

"That ain't happening! Sceptile, use your vines!"

"Roserade, you do the same with your thorns!" Roseluck quickly sent out her Roserade for assistance.

"You too, Bayleef!"

"Sceptile!" The three Grass-Types used their vines and thorns to grab everyone, holding them close. Then there came the challenge of gripping onto something.

And right below them, or technically above them considering the angle shift, as the realm was tilting with the ground replacing the sky, the sandstorm began forming into something while violently spinning.

The face of the creature could be seen within the sandstorm as it was approaching them, ready to devour the group from a terrifying angle. And if they drop then it was a guaranteed drop.

"We need something to grab now!" Roseluck cried out. "Everything here is flat! We need to make something to hold onto!" There had to be something for them to do. Otherwise, they would they consumed or dropped into the endless sky with no chance of safety.

Brawly and Bea looked at each other, knowing what had to be done. If there were no mounds in this barren wasteland, then they would make the mounds. However, it was Roxie who was ahead of them.

"Showtime, Scolipede! Rock Slide!"

"Scoli...Pede!" Scolipede summoned rocks above its head that were large enough to make mounds. However, keeping them on the ground would be difficult considering how everything was turning.

"Machamp! Stick them in!" Bea and Brawly both said.

"Machamp!" The Machamp worked together, using their arms to grab the large rocks, planting them into the ground. With brute force, they had made mounds while also causing cracks in the ground.

"Now, Roserade! Grab the mounds with Power Whip!"

"R-Roserade!" Roserade had used Power Whip, swinging a gigantic whip of grass to the mounds. She then used the other half of Power Whip to grab everyone else.

And that did the trick. Right after the ground had been turned completely upside-down, everyone was able to stay in one area, not dropping to the ground. They were safe for now as the creature was still approaching.

"Here it comes!" Roxie exclaimed.

"Eat this! Gible! Dragonbreath! Horsea, Bubble Beam! Feed that thing!" Scootaloo aimed her hoof downwards at the creature.

"Gi...BLE!" Gible and Horsea did just that. Sending a draconic breath and a barrage of bubbles its way. It was made even better since the quicksand creature had its mouth open. The attacks went down its throat, instantly throwing the creature off its flow. It cried out before moving to the side to recover for a bit. Parts of it had been destroyed thanks to the water of Bubble Beam.

The creature then entered the ground above in the same way a sandworm does. A just like a sandworm, it was moving through the ground in a c-pattern. It came back around to attack the trainers and their Pokemon once more.

"Protect, Audi!"

"Audino!" Audino rejected that, using Protect to form a giant green barrier around her friends. The creature had crashed right into the shield, making zero progress while also being pushed back from the initial impact.

"Hold it with Frenzy Plant, now!"

"Scep...Tile!" Sceptile then stabbed his tail into the ground, causing giant roots to erupt out at great speeds. They instantly wrapped themselves around the quicksand creature, preventing it from making another attempt to escape.

"It's right where ya'll want it! Get it now!" Applejack said to her friends.

"With pleasure! Liquidation, Grapploct!"

"Bayleef, use Magical Leaf! Audi! Hyper Beam!"

"Meowstic, use Psyshock! Bubble Beam, Piplup!"

"Earthquake, Scolipede!"

"Riolu, Final Gambit!"

"Grapploct!" Grapploct summoned water around its appendages, quickly aiming them at the quicksand creature as it and its allies all unloaded some of their strongest moves onto this Ground Monster.

The creature, unable to fight back due to the restraints from Frenzy Plant, had been bombarded. Leaves, bubbles, thick masses of psychic energy, a giant sphere with blue fire inside of it, spurts of water, an earth-shattering golden light and a massive beam of energy are what had consumed it.

All of those combined attacks did the trick. The creature could only take so much. It had been defeated as a cry of defeat made that very clear. After that combination attack, the creature dissipated with all of the sand flowing into the air. The dust was settling after the destruction had come and gone.

And due to this defeat, the Aura permeating within this realm had left, leaving elsewhere. They had defeated another imposing force that would've potentially made them a part of the ground if possible. Right on time, Audino and Sceptile's Mega Evolution's had ended.

"Whew..." Applejack sighed. "That's another one down..."

Right as it had finished, much like before with the previous realms after a stunning victory, another door had appeared. And this one ended up being in the sky. Floating there and having a larger appearance than the previous doors, this one had the symbol of the Flying-Type.

"Lookie there!" Apple Bloom pointed out the new door floating in the sky. "There's another door! Looks like it's Flying."

"That means we're all one step closer to finishing every realm, right?" Roxie said. "That's what I like to see."

"Rainbow Dash is through there, isn't she?" Fluttershy asked. "Do you think she knows what's going on?"

"Beats me. But we'd better head over there and get to Princess Luna too." Applejack replied as there was one other option. Considering their position, they would have to enter the door at this angle. "Uhh...Ya'll ain't thinking what I' thinking, right?"

"I already am," Bea replied with narrowed eyes. The door is wide enough anyway. Let's go." Without a second thought, Bea had removed the whip of ROserade off her, freefalling towards the door. Everyone gasped at her action, but Brawly went along with it too.

"Only way!" Brawly exclaimed, turning around and delivering a thumbs up. "Woohoo!" And he found some enjoyment in this free fall as he and Bea managed to successfully pass through.

"Well, I can fly, so it's okay with me." Indeed, Fluttershy had the advantage of flight. She flew towards the sky which was still upside down while also using her Poke Ball to retrieve Bayleef. "It's best that you all have Roserade gently bring you down with her whip."

"They can have that! I'm jumping! Geronimooooo!" Roxie chose the more radical option, jumping out of Roserade's whips and going for the door with her hands up, jamming her head.

"Ooh! Us too!" The CMC wanted a piece of the action. Their fears had been wiped away after they had won the battle, bringing their spirits back up.

"No, you ain't!" But Applejack stopped them. She wouldn't let children do the same action either. Far too risky anyway for their age and poor Scootaloo could not fly.

"Aww..." They each groaned as Roserade would be their guide towards the door, gently moving downwards while still having Power Whip active.

Another realm conquered with another defeat on Gardevoir's side. Only 6 Types remain in 6 doors. And with everyone currently moving through all doors to help each other out, these realms could be cleared faster than how everyone started.
But the threat of Gardevoir and to an extent the giant Tree of Beginning and Harmony was still ever-present plus the Aura of a few specific trainers as the journey continues.

Chapter 651 End.

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