• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Melt it all away

Equestria. Manehattan. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall

Terror struck Manehattan. From the inside and the outside. On the outside, one of the 15 Demons that Opal Vivacity unleashed found itself over at Manehattan, already spreading its own form of terror. In this instance, this demon resembled that of a bull. Smouldering and smoking skin adorns its burly head, which itself is crackling with intense heat from within. The sound of a roaring fire escapes the creature's broad nostrils. Its burly head sits atop a small, sinewy body. Scorched ropes are tied around it torso, probably remnants of an encounter with a different, horrifying being. Most likely another demon.

And as for those horns, they were the main catalyst of what was going on. Giant horns dug into the ground as they were bigger than the demon itself. The demon was about the size of a full-grown Snorlax, making it impressively large but the horns were larger as they were not only extremely long, giving this demon some great distance, but they seemed to be made out of metal.

These metal horns had the right amount of strength to mess with the ground but it didn't stop there. The Bull Demon not only had those long horns but the ropes would also be extra weapons, flailing around. Instead of just being around its torso, these ropes would grab bystanders and citizens, lifting them in the air.

But the Bull Demon wasn't the only problem here. Merry Dread, the one who came with the Bull Demon was equally as troublesome. Just not on a chaotic scale. The contest hall that she was in was also being locked up by the scorched ropes from the Bull Demon, keeping everyone inside.

"So, what do you say?" Merry Dread, who currently forced Mew and Glaceon to restrain their own trainers, held out the Box of 100 Demons out to Pinkie Pie and Coco Pommel, who were the only ones in this room that knew about Merry Dread's vampiric presence. "You can sell your soul to this box."

"Sell our soul?!" A truly horrifying suggestion. The Box of 100 Demons had this bone-chilling howl that didn't help. The sound of multiple demons echoed out of it. Neither Pinkie nor Coco could understand a thing and neither wanted to know at all.

"M-Mew...!" Mew, who was trying his best to break free, was starting to move his arms and tail. He tried releasing the Psychic hold he had on Pinkie Pie by his own will, but that was relatively difficult in every way.

"Hm?" Merry Dread would notice this. Mew was starting to fight back against her control. He had the strength to put up a fight thanks to his status as Legendary as the Psychic outline was starting to fade. "I don't think so." But with a wave of her eyes, Merry Dread used her Curse Magic once more.

This time, she would restart the control over Mew's own body movements by forcing self-damage. Mew found himself being hit by a Psychic push via Merry's curse. He felt a vibration go through his head, keeping him in check. However, this switch-up from Merry Dread gave Pinkie Pie a small window of freedom, only to be restrained swiftly.

As for Coco, the ice wasn't stopping at all. Very soon, her entire face could be frozen. She would try and sway her head to the side, but they would catch up eventually.

"As I was saying, you can free yourself from this if you give up your soul. One of these demons will gladly accept. But you should know what happens when such an agreement is taken. Your soul will be placed within the box. Granted, you won't actually be free but at least I won't be controlling them."

"Mm-mm! Still no!" But Pinkie Pie continued to refuse. This was an obvious rejection no matter what Merry Dread would offer.

"Hm. Fine. I can still have my fun with you while the demon has its own fun on the outside. Of course, I haven't forgotten about everyone else here. But after that, I think I'll mess around with Ponyville for a bit. Won't it be shocking when they see your Pokemon being against them?"

"You wouldn't...!" Pinkie Pie gasped before looking into Merry Dread's sharp eyes. And right as the ice reached the rest of Coco's face, Pinkie Pie was next. The ice was already starting to climb on her body. It was noticeably faster than when it climbed on Coco Pommel.

"I would." She replied with zero hesitation. "I'd have to clear out the main problems in that town first though. But I trust that the others can handle that. So, Mew. With a Pokemon as powerful as you, I think I'll have you..." She pondered for a moment, deciding what to do with Mew with a casual tone. It was terrifying for her to be so casual about this but this was to be expected from a vampire that hails from Magehold. "Ah! Sabotage! I always love a good sabotage! One time, I ended up sabotaging my older brother's birthday by turning his own minions against him. I had to wait for a few months for all the seeds to grow. It was an electrifying moment. Literally."

But right as she finished rambling, she saw that her crowd had been frozen over. Coco Pommel was silent due to being trapped within an ice prison. And very soon, Pinkie Pie would be next as her neck was already caught by the ice.

"Mew...! Mew!" Mew would keep trying to resist. Clearly, he had the power to do. It was proven earlier via his own arm movements. Mew knew that if he could continue doing so, he would break free without a doubt. However, knowing that Merry Dread would try and stop him, he needed to try something different.

"Ceon..." As for Glaceon, she hated how she froze her own trainer without having the strength to stop at all. If she could reverse it she could but Merry Dread's curse said otherwise.

"As for your other Pokemon..." Merry would look at the Poke Balls she ended up stealing. 8 Poke Balls were available for her to use and control. The sound of the Bull Demon's rampage went far enough to reach here as even the sound of whips cracking went off. "Yeesh. I think I should reach the rest of the crowd before that behemoth takes all the fun. Come along now."

Merry would continue onwards while also forcing Mew and Glaceon to come along. To add insult to injury, she left Mew and Coco Pommel behind. They were stuck within their ice prisons in this dark room, unable to even turn their heads. Only their eyes could move.

And to make it worse for them, the ceiling started melting. Similar to how the Xtransceiver melted unexpectedly, the ceiling would go through the same thing. Pinkie and Coco moved their eyes upwards as they could barely see the ceiling melting. It was as if it was now made of cake as the solid material was now soft and rather moist.

"I can't do anything...No fair!" Pinkie Pie groaned as the melting ceiling and its transformed liquid texture would immediately drop on her. She was somewhat lucky that it was no longer hard, however, it was still dangerous to be around. The melting ceiling let out black smoke before then making a mess of the floor. It wasn't hot at all. Not what Pinkie Pie was expecting. It was neither cold nor warm. This sensation was bizarre and Pinkie would rather not find out right now.

But if there was one opportunity to try and do something, it was now. With Mew gone, the only thing keeping her contained was the ice as her face was starting to freeze up. Very soon, Pinkie Pie was prevented from speaking at all as all the ice captured her. But before the ice covered her mouth, she uttered these words.

"If I can move with this ice around me, I'll okie do-" And that was it. It was too late. The ice completely encased her, placing her in this chilling prison. At the same time, this room was being covered in the strange melting liquid that came from the ceiling, flooding it rapidly. Pinkie Pie tried moving the ice prison she was in with all her might, hoping that her earth pony strength could do something. But right now, that wasn't the case.

As for Merry, the moment she entered the next room, she would use Mew to grab a hold of them all, unable to control that many of them. Mew was once again forced to use his Psychic abilities on everyone along with Glaceon sending ice across the area.

All of their rampant movements would come to a screeching halt thanks to the amazing Psychic power of Mew. However, some trainers who had Dark-Types would be fine. But that was where Glaceon's ice came in. The walls would freeze over thanks to Glaceon's power before then reaching new victims. This beautiful contest hall was starting to come apart while everyone else would find themselves being encased in ice. The Dread League had already taken advantage of Manehattan.

Equestria. Canterlot. Nightfall.

"Alright. Then it's settled." Back at Canterlot, Celestia was discussing plans with Luna and Cadence. This concerned plans about dealing with the Dread League. "We'll continue making the stairway as soon as we can right after we stop the Dread League. And finding their ringleader helps."

Much like Ash, Celestia was focused on going for the main cause of this problem. Opal Vivacity. All her fellow rulers, minus the presence of Chrysalis, Paramount and Luminary, nodded in agreement.

"Paramount and Luminary will show up with Shooting Star once more. Their son will be completely fine back up there and we'll receive support even from above." "Celestia added. "We have to make this moment count since we've finally gotten somewhere with that bridge. All 7 Powers have come together and we can't let it slip away."

"What about the vampires? We know what to do about the demons but what do we do about the vampires? There are probably way more of them out there." Cadence asked.

"I have that covered." Celestia smiled, having the perfect solution. "Since they want to strike now, the night is the best time for them to show up. Unless the Sun were to conveniently show up at the wrong time. Luna."

"I know." Luna was already ahead of Celestia. The key to stopping the vampire in their tracks was already there. Their performance would be poor if the Sun was up. All it would take was for Luna to lower the moon ad for Celestia to raise the Sun.

They had to do it while they had the chance. Right now, there wasn't a demon anywhere to be seen near Canterlot. Raising the Sun could potentially give away Opal's location. There were also the efforts of Drayden and Lance, who would use their connections to help. Iris, who was still here, would gaze up at the Golden Stairway, seeing that thorns from the giant rose were still there. Some of them even reached the split-off part which was now levitating in space. Despite all the energy coming from the stairway, those roses weren't going anywhere.

However, something else was amiss. When focusing her magic on the Moon, Luna found out that not much happened. In fact, nothing happened at all. When trying to lower the Moon, Luna saw that it was starting to gyrate, slowly moving down instead of at a faster pace.

"What...?" Luna was rightfully confused by this. The moon was moving, but very, very slowly. Almost to the point where it looked like it wasn't moving at all. Right then and there, just as a few seconds had passed, the moon would snap back to its original position, fighting back against Luna's control.

"What's wrong, Luna?" Celestia asked.

"The moon is barely moving! It completely denied my control at the last second!" Luna narrowed her eyes before giving it a second go. Slow movements, then snapping back to place. Once more, the same thing happened. It would only repeat itself as Luna was getting visibly frustrated. Never before has she had the Moon fight back. She would try harder, only for the moon to fight back harder. This would go on as Luna wasn't making any progress.

"That can't be right..." Cadence squinted.

"Let me try." Celestia would try the same thing, using her magic to control the moon. Luna stepped aside for a bit, allowing Celestia to take control. However, the same thing happened to Celestia. The moon would fight back. Her magic wasn't even enough to keep it steady at all. The moon would just stay there. "Oh...Oh no..."

"Don't tell me...Did the vampires already plan for this?" Cadence shuddered as the possibility of the vampires doing something to the moon was possible, considering their vast weakness to light.

"Curse them!" Luna bellowed, shaking her hoof into the air. "How did they even do it? Messing with the moon in such a way that even we can't control it."

"I don't think it's a vampire doing this." Celestia shook her head before using her magic to heighten her vision, just for this one moment. She was able to look further because of this, focusing on the moon. She couldn't get far with it but Celestia could certainly see something there. A dark purple aura could be seen flowing across the moon. That was the most glaring part without a doubt. "Something's in or around the moon!"

"What?!" Iris, who heard this conversation, gasped. "What is it then?!"

"If the vampires want the moon to stay this way...then it stands to reason that one of the 15 Demons would be behind this." Celestia would immediately chalk it up to one of the 100 Demons being responsible for this aura. "Either there is a demon on the moon or it's affecting the moon from afar."

The Moon and to an extent, the Sun were out of the equation for now. Something was amiss with this giant rock. And this strange occurrence would undoubtedly allow the vampires to continue their actions for as long as they want.


As for Manehattan, at this point, there was seemingly nothing else that could be done with it. The Bull Demon was already the defacto overpowering force as all of these scorched ropes kept many at bay and the horns would act as the ultimate weapon.

Not only did these horns dig into the earth, but they started sucking up something underneath. The horns could be seen bulging and expanding as energy began flowing through the horns of the bull. No one knew what this was and they'd rather not find out. Not that they could do anything with their current predicament.

But someone could do something. Or rather, an entire group. Appearing from the skies was an Air Slash, commonly associated with Flying-Types. These blades of wind tore through the air before then meeting what the Bull Demon. The ropes would be sliced off, freeing some of the ponies from the demon's grasp.

This was one other than the Wonderbolts, who were already informed of this vampiric attack. Plus, Manehattan was a hot spot for the Pokemon Festival. They showed up, immediately setting their sights on the Bull Demon as that was the obvious main problem here. But another problem was the Contest Hall and how it had been damaged from the outside thanks to the Bull Demon's ropes.

The demon would snort before then raising its horns out of the ground. The length of its horns, coupled with the size of its body, was large enough to higher parts of the sky. It would lock onto the Wonderbolts once they interrupted, swinging its horns around.

"Oh!" Soarin's eyes bulged out, almost breaking his goggles. The horns nearly reached him and his Corviknight before missing. "Hah..." He took a deep breath as the sharpness of those horns was nothing to scoff at. In that instance, his life flashed before his eyes. "Are you alright, Corviknight?"


"That's one of those 100 Demons? Eugh..." Misty Fly commented on the Bull Demon's appearance. "Lives up to that demon status. And there are 100 of these guys?"

"Ah, it's fine. We only have to deal with 15 and it's back to the festival. Even though...I was about to enter a food-eating contest and there would be pie there too." Soarin had tears dropping from his eyes. "And it was meant to be tonight too!"

"You can sulk about it later Fleetfoot replied. "You might not even get next year's eating contest if we don't stop this bull."

"Oh! Good point!" He wiped away his tears, knowing that there wouldn't be another food-eating contest if Manehattan was destroyed by the Bull Demon. As such, it would be the Wonderbolts against the Bull Demon. Land vs Air. Although, the horns could cover the air as well. "Go, Corviknight! Flash Cannon!"

"Cor...!" Corviknight, alongside his fellow airborne Pokemon, would continue attacking the Bull Demon, turning its attention away from the innocents and towards those who would truly scuffle with it. However, not every Wonderbolt was here.

Some Wonderbolts would focus on the Contest Hall and damage control, ensuring that no one else would be harmed in the process. And among them, their leader, Spitfire, entered the contest hall. But not before getting rid of the ropes that stood in her way.

"Scizor!" Her Scizor would slice the ropes in half, focusing on the entrance. He had the sharpness to make it happen as a way-in had been made. Once open, the Wonderbolts would quickly advance inside, seeing if anyone else was trapped inside and hadn't yet been smushed.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case. The hall was still in one piece, but from the inside, it wasn't as peachy as it usually it is. A few things were a bit off. The first was the obvious melting. Thanks to Merry Dread's magic, the hall was melting from different sides, no longer being solid and strong like they usually are.

There was also an unnerving chill which was the cause of Glaceon's ice, albeit unintentionally. Where do they even begin with this mess? There was already a bit to cover, but they wouldn't let that stop them. Not when there were multiple of them to handle different scenarios.

"Weird..." Spitfire grimaced at the melting walls as she and her friends had yet to reach the other rooms and the main hall, unaware of what was waiting for them. "Let's split up and cover some ground. That'll be easier. If you see something, call out right away."

But in actuality, they would all see something. It was only a matter of time. And right now, while they weren't fleeing much like the bystanders outside, the victims in here were in equal peril. Frozen and silent while everything around them melted away. Powerless to do anything and the culprits were powerless to stop themselves.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 970 End.

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