• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Truth about the Rift

Author's Note:

I get to reveal some juicy stuff in this chapter.

Within Ash's Mind of Aura.

"Ash! Ash!" Words cried out to Ash Ketchum, calling for his name. He could hear the voice of Twilight come through. But others joined in. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and more. But he couldn't see them. That was because he was once again back in his mind. A result of Delayed Aura Ataxia. However, this time, it wasn't his own Aura that caused it. Ghetsis' Aura was at fault now.

"Man...What happened?" Ash held his head before looking around, hearing the voices of his friends. He then recalled what happened back at Manehattan. He went to fix one of the gateways, only to have his arm suddenly attacked by Ghetsis' Dark Aura, putting him in this Ataxia. "Oh, right! What was all that about?! I can't believe that put me in this."

Ash then scratched his hair, still hearing his friends call out to him. Now that he was in here, he was wondering if he could summon any of his friends in here just like before. Granted, they were asleep when he managed to get them, but no shame in trying now.

However, before he could do that, someone was showing up in the distance as Ash took notice. He stayed on guard as the silhouette of a human could be seen approaching. Ash was fearing it might be Ghetsis. He was also able to enter here before. It wouldn't be farfetched to believe he would do it again. But as the silhouette came closer, it was a familiar face.


Except it wasn't. This was the same entity that takes on the appearance of loved ones. It happened with Celestia when she became unconscious. Still, this entity was unknown but it was seemingly related to the Rift somehow.

"Mom?!" Ash gasped.

"No, sorry." Delia shook her hand. "I'm not your mother, Ash Ketchum."

"T-Then? Who are you?" He wondered.

"Oh. Have we not met before?" Delia pondered for a moment with her finger on her chin. "I met Celestia...Did I meet Luna? No that was Lunar Ire? Oh well, never mind that. Allow me to introduce myself. The reason you see me as your mother is that my fifth-dimensional form doesn't allow it."

"Say what now?" Ash was still confused.

"What you are seeing right now, Ash Ketchum is only a projection of what holds the most sway in your hearts. Your mother being one of many." She explained as she then transformed into Professor Oak. "Like so."

"Ooh." Ash nodded, understanding it.

"You took a surprising hit there, Ash, my boy," Oak said. "Having that Dark Aura latch onto you like some sort of leek. Well, good thing Celestia was there to save you. Her Boundless Cutie Mark is a miracle isn't it"

"So that Dark Aura. What gives? Is that new with the gateways since Ghetsis messed with them?"

"It is." He nodded. "Unfortunately, what was once a fun way for two universes to connect and bond has turned into an inconsistent mish-mash. Many known locations aren't the same anymore, and there's just confusion now. Plus, getting through isn't as pleasant anymore."

"And they can't get through either..." Ash lowered his head. "Man...I didn't think that's why he forced me to use my Aura too."

"Shame really. But, there's little you can do. On the bright side, that Dark Aura only affects you. Anyone else without your Aura Patterns will be immune from any leeching."

"I gotta do something!" Ash balled his fist. "I gotta stop Ghetsis as soon as I can and help everyone get back home."

"Ah, slow down, slow down." Oaky flailed his hand downwards. "I came here for a reason. Not just to visit you in your unconscious state."

"Oh yeah?" Ash sat down.

"You see, Ash. I came here for assistance. Please listen." Suddenly, the entity had become Lyra Heartstrings. "I need to talk to you about the Rift. I need your help."

"Help?" Yeah sure, what's up. Is something wrong?"

"This is going to be a long story. Listen closely cause I have a lot to say..." The entity shook her head before transforming into Bayleef. It was surreal hearing Bayleef speak just like Ash while also having the tone and pitch of Bayleef. "You see the Rift and I are related."

"Related huh?" Ash scratched his hair. "Mmm...I don't know if I see it, really."

"Okay. I'll stop being cryptic. I should've told Celestia this sooner. You see, the Rift and I were once humans. We came from Earth as well. Another earth in another reality.

"You were humans?!" Ash gasped. "No way!"

"Yes way. Have you noticed that Rift sounds like a boy and a girl when it speaks at the same time? Truth is...they're two people in one. My son Lucien and my daughter Sienna."

"Lucien and Sienna?" Then it hit Ash. Lucien and Sienna were already roaming out there free, sharing the same name and connections to the Rift. "Woah...So are you like um...Their mom and dad?"

"Good catch on, kid. We also became one. But not without reason. You see, in our time, our world had developed amazing technology by that time. Technology that allowed us to do amazing things. Ah, it was wonderful."

"I bet. Man, I really wanna see it now!" Ash got all giddy. "Wait, so then...who are Cold Colt, Emerald Aura and Obsidian? Your kids too? I mean, they appear as ponies and stuff..."

"Oh, those three? They were horses back at our stable home." The entity chuckled. "I didn't think I'd ever seen them in such deformed yet adorable forms. But anyway, while we made amazing things, there was one creation that was far too risky. And it led to the creation of the Rift and the fifth-dimensional form you cannot see."

"What happened? Did something from it hit you?"

"Well..." The entity sighed before turning into Cadence. "That's where the sad part comes in. An invention known as the Empyrean was our greatest and most volatile invention yet. It was meant to discover alternate worlds and see what was out there. But it became unstable in the long run. My children worked at the facility where that invention was made. The Empyrean started malfunctioning. Not just threatening to blow up like any machine, but it had the potential to obliterate multiple countries off the map. Possibly even the world if further development continued.

"What made it go crazy?" More questions were asked by Ash as he was enveloped by this story.

"It's unknown. But aside from that Lucien and Sienna aimed to solve it. They were like you. They had powerful ambitions and a drive to never give up despite the circumstances. But that's exactly what led to them undergoing a transformation. When trying to stop the Empyrean, the quantum particles it exuded were also becoming unstable. Within the midst of the meltdown, my children were struck by these particles. Bathed in the radiant light it gave out, they were torn to pieces by the force of the Empyrean. Instantly they were vaporized, much to my dismay."

"So...if they were vaporized..." Ash thought for a second. "How'd they keep living? I'm kinda getting lost here?"

"Ah." The entity clapped her hooves before appearing as Fluttershy. "That's where things get odd. The quantum particles ended up transforming over time. Not instantly though. Their consciousness began to progressively attempt to retake material form. Instead of appeasing separate, they became one."

"Those particles fused them..." Ash caught on quick as always. "That is pretty odd."

"Mhm. But not only after becoming one being, they even gained the capabilities of the Empyrean and more. The failure of the invention made a single entity capable of not only visiting other worlds but also gaining memories of their timelines, how certain events play out and the power to manipulate that as well."

"And that's how it all happened. So did the same thing happen to you? Where you hit by those particles when it was failing and stuff?"

"I learned of my children and what had become of them. Turns out, those particles did more than just change their appearances and merge them, it also changed their mindset too. It even started calling itself the Rift. With this new mindset, it had new ideals and ambitions in mind. The Rift branched off and formed its own path in the long run. If there's a Pokemon that I would relate it to. It's Zekrom. The Rift had ideals, wanting absolute freedom in every way. Not a bad idea.

"Not at all." Ash shook his head.

"But, perhaps it gained too much freedom. For better or for worse. It instantly travelled to other worlds to experience them. Either it was Lucien's sense of curiosity or Sienna's creative mind, the Rift couldn't help but interfere with those worlds. As for me, I forced myself to be hit by those particles. But I received a different outcome than my children. Only my appearance changed. The fusion still happened. However, I gained less power than the Rift. I was limited in what I could do. Entering minds is the best thing I have to offer."

"I get it now. Man, your inventions sound pretty intense. Just like Silph CO. and a bunch more.

"None more intense than the Empyrean. It...didn't seem like a bad thing at first. But, the Rift got too carried away once he discovered other universes with their unique realities. Faster than I thought."

"Yeah, Celestia told me about that. I think even Arceus was the first to tell her when everything crossed over, right?"

"Right on, kid. In fact..." The entity then transformed into Serena, standing up and holding her hand out. "I have that exact same conversation. Here's how it went." She then summoned a projection of Arceus and Celestia meeting for the first time.

"Yes. This mysterious force has been in countless other worlds. Worlds where men in blue and red fly across the skies, where creatures move faster than sound itself, where wizards dominate the world. And now it has come to us."

"So this force has been present everywhere else. But why does it do this then?"

"From what I can tell, it seems that it does this to see what the outcome would be if the work different universes became one. Almost like entertainment to it. After it is done, the two worlds return to normal and it leaves."

"Ash. You are the only one who understands the Rift." The entity said before appearing as Pikachu. "You understand why it does what it does. You even said that you also like to experience new things and possibilities, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did." Ash nodded. "I get why it's doing all of this. "I wanna have fun too. But not when it puts my friends and everyone else in danger."

"I tried stopping the Rift but...it moved from universe to universe too fast for me to find it. Mostly because it was unsatisfied. But this is the longest one so far, so I was able to find them Unfortunately, I can't reach them...But I think you can."

"Me?" Ash pointed at himself.

"Yes. Can I trust you, Ash Ketchum? Help me bring my children back. I want things to go back to how they were. So that we can go home and become human again. Even if the Rift is eventually unsatisfied and prepares to leave. No matter how you help it with whatever method. I just want my children back along with my horses."

"Yeah." Ash suddenly smiled, giving his signature promise look. "You can count on me. Even if it takes until the end of this crossover, I'll get them back to you, no matter what. Wait, what about Cold and the others? Do they have to go back too?"

"Cold seems happier here. It would be best if he remains with his new friends and family. Emerald...well, that's up to her in the long run."

"I got it. I'll handle things from here. No need to worry!"

"Thank you." The entity smiled before slowly fading away as stardust. "By the way. I'll wake you up from your Ataxia now. Don't want you missing out on something important."

Reality. Equestria. Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Afternoon.

"Ugh..." Ash groaned as his eyes slowly opened. The first individuals he saw were Pikachu, Twilight and Barry. He was currently laying on a guest bed as Arcanine licked his face. "Oh, man..."

"Pika-Pi!" Pikachu instantly hugged his best friend after he got up.

"You're up! And it didn't take a whole day or more!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Woah...How long was I out for?" Ash held his head.

"Just under 50 minutes! You're getting better!" Pinkie Pie cheered, blowing on a trumpet with confetti flying everywhere.

"Oh. Well, I was kinda woken up earlier so yeah." Ash chuckled. "Oh, Barry. You're still here."

"Had to check on you. Good news though." Barry snapped his fingers. "Everyone's heading through Castelia to head home. Your little Aura thing totally worked. That's gonna be a lot of airplane tickets though."

"Great." Ash sighed. "Glad it worked."

"But, Ash." Suddenly, Celestia walked up to him. "I would advise staying away from the gateways for a while. After seeing that black aura pop out and latch onto you, it's too dangerous, especially for your health."

"You sure? But I gotta get everyone home."

"I know. Just until I can find a way to force Ghetsis' Aura out of the gateways."

"Alright. I got it." Ash nodded before getting off the bed. "I'll keep it cool for a bit. But I've got something super important to say. You guys have really gotta listen to this."

Approximately 7 minutes later.

"Seriously?!" Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Spike and Pinkie Pie each bellowed, causing the glass to shatter.

"I'm a stable pony?!" Cold stood up, shaking Twilight out of shock. Ash had told them everything as everyone within the room was stunned by how the Rift used to be humans, how Lucien and Sienna are what the Rift used to look like, Emerald, Cold and Obsidian being stable horses and so on.

"You met it as well, Ash?" Celestia leaned in. "I thought I was the only one who saw that entity. Who knew it and the Rift were humans from another universe? That would explain a few things."

"I wanna help get their kids back. And also keeping things the way they are."

"Hold on!" Cold interrupted. "Wh-What about me? Does that mean I have to head back too?"

"No. You're okay. It said that you can stay since you've found a nice home here. Emerald...that's her choice and all that."

"Phew..." The Rift Pony unleashed a relieved sigh.

"Looks like we've got more than just Jirachi and Ghetsis to worry about, huh?" Ash laughed. Despite everything he had been told and all that's happened, the Kid from Kanto always kept a positive aura around him at all times. "Oh yeah. Celestia. You wanted to head to the Sea Temple, right?"

"Yes. I've already informed Cadence. She says that Manaphy will be glad to help." Celestia replied.

"Then let me help too." Ash put his fist on his chest. "I can't let anything bad happen to the Sea Temple. Plus I know some stuff. So does Jackie."

"Jackie's been there?" Twilight responded.

"Any help from you is wonderful, Ash. And Jackie, of course." Celestia nudged Ash. "We'll certainly reach the Sea Temple before them. And on a better note, it seems that the Pallet Town gateway is active still."

"Oh yeah?" Ash looked outside the window to see some humans passing through the Pallet Town gateway, entering Kanto. Taking a plane would cost a lot due to this confusion. And it was honestly an Arceussend that this gateway was the only one that had been untouched by Ghetsis' Dark Aura. "Good news for us, huh?"


"What about Lucien and Sienna? Think they're gonna listen?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Hardly." Rarity shook her head. "I'm positive they're fully under the Rift's orders without any sign of second thoughts. They've already caused problems for us. I fear the other problems they could bring our way."

"They won't be easy to talk to." Twilight shook her head. "But we'll have to try and when we meet with them again."

"We'll talk to them either way." Ash put his hat back on. "But other than that, we've still got the rest of the day to go. Let's see what's up ahead!"


After his recovery, Ash took some time to hang around Ponyville. Downtime was needed. After finishing the Canterlot Tag Battle Competition, restoring a gateway, being leeched by Dark Aura and going through Delayed Aura Ataxia, Ash needed this without a doubt.

He saw that while some humans were passing through the gateway to Kanto or either Unova, some were hanging around for a bit. Either they weren't bothered to pass through or just wanted to experience Equestria for a bit. In a weird sense, Ghetsis' actions had brought everyone closer in a way.

Ash sat down on a bench, yawning and stretching his arms. He had a lot to deal with ever since that entity had given him new information. But he was prepared to tackle it like always along with his partner Pikachu. But something else was on his mind. Something that Ash knew he needed to do.

"Buddy..." Ash said to Pikachu while looking into the sky. "What Ghetsis said back there was right." He then started recalling what Ghetsis said to him back at the human world.

"After all, when it comes to what we know...you're not as well-versed as me, are you? I've tapped into Dark Magic and discovered Dark Aura in the process. From my time training alone, I've discovered many unique tricks and abilities that I can utilize and possibly to their full potential. You on the other hand...barely know that much about Aura apart from a select few. You know barely anything as compared to the versatility I've obtained."

"Hate to admit it, but he's right. I gotta get on his level and more. I gotta work on my Aura and strengthen it. Me and Lucario."


"If I want to protect my friends, I need to go through with it. And I know you'll help me all the way as well. Right, buddy?" He closed his eyes before grinning at Pikachu.

"Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu agreed as they gave each other a high-five.

"Hey, Ash." Just then, showing up to the scene was Barry. He had yet to leave despite their being a gateway to Kanto right here in Ponyville.

"Oh. Hey Barry." Ash sat up.

"Good luck on your whole saving everyone thing." Barry held his hand out. "Wish I could come with you to that Sea Temple and take out some bad guys, but I've got stuff I wanna do. Like beating Leon."

"I hear ya." Ash stood up, holding Barry's hand. "If you're ever feeling curious, you can always join in. Pikachu and I will be ready. And even more ready for the Pokemon World Championships. Cause we're in it to win it!"

"Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu got on Ash's shoulder, pumping his fist.

"We'll see about that! Catch ya later!" Barry gave a peace sign goodbye before rushing off. But, he didn't head for the gateway. Instead, Barry went straight for SugarCube Corner, unable to resist what it had in store.

As Ash carried on with his day, he felt the presence and essence of the mysterious entity that requested his help nearby, informing him of what needed to be done. The entity resided in the wind as a background force. Just like it said before. Ash was already set on fulfilling that promise as the journey continues.

Chapter 579 End.

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