• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Objective: Obtain the Book

The Human World. Twilight's Home. Nightfall.

On this silent night where many were asleep, Twilight was awake for just a bit. Her Pokemon and her pet dog Spike were already out for the night with Rapidash sleeping outside on her lonesome. Zorua was sleeping on her lap, finding it comfortable along with the pyjamas.

Currently, Twilight was reading a book. More specifically, the book that contained information about the Kalos Region. And especially Yveltal. The Pokemon that the vampires along with the Dread League are pursuing more than anything. There, she learned one crucial thing about the Destruction Pokemon.

"Yveltal lives in a cocoon which it only enters after it has caused destruction to many. The location of this cocoon is never consistent as Yveltal rests wherever. It had once unleashed trouble on a kingdom, turning people and Pokémon to stone. A Pokemon that can just take like so easily...Ooough..." She shuddered at the thought of it.

Just then, catching her off guard and making her jump was a sudden bump in the night. Twilight whimpered from this surprising sound, looking in the direction of its origin. But it was nothing to fear. Not all of her Pokemon were asleep. Munchlax was still active, having a midnight snack.

"Oh...Munchlax. It's just you."

"Munchlax." Munchlax brought over some food, offering the midnight snacks to Twilight.

"Oh, I'm not hungry. I was just about to sleep right now." She later picked up Zorua, standing up afterwards. "Thanks for the offer though."

"Munchlax." More for Munchlax as he started snacking away for the night. As for Twilight, it was time for her to call it a night while also keeping the book safe.

She knew one thing. The vampires would persist in trying to find this book that contains information about Yveltal. It already felt dangerous keeping the book if by chance they find where she lives. But even more so if the vampires would show up in this world. Twilight already knew that this world was in danger by the vampires in their quest to search for Yveltal, so for now, she chose to keep it until a proper way to protect it. This was valuable Kalos history after all. Twilight could do one thing. Keep herself away from vampire eyes at all costs. But for how long could she keep it up?

4 Days Later. Equestria. Magehold. Nightfall.

Over at Magehold, where these vampires along with skeleton ponies reside were all still focused on their mission to find Yveltal. Any information about it would do. Vampire bat ponies were already heading out to the Pokemon World to gather information, also making sure to shield themselves from the eventual sunlight.

Rosa Maledicta, the Lich Queen, watched as the vampires were off to find Yveltal information once more. The only thing they had was of the Pokemon's existence.

"It's been 2 months now and there's nothing about Yveltal yet," Rosa spoke, looking outside the window of her throne room. She wasn't too happy about the slow progress with Yveltal, but she certainly had patience.

"Apologies, Queen Rosa." Fractured Note, her loyal servant stepped forward. "Compared to other Pokemon, Yveltal isn't exactly one that many set out to find. It's so destructive that many refuse to try and learn about this Pokemon."

"That's a fun fact." She smiled. "All the more reason why we need to find it. The Black Crusade would've taken years to accomplish with all of our hard work but with Yveltal...taking a shortcut isn't always a bad idea."

"But I have to ask...is everyone in Equestria and beyond set to become skeletons or are there exceptions? Like those Royal Sisters over at Canterlot."

"No exceptions. Even after they become one of us, my magic will make sure that their magic is still active. We need some things to work, don't we?" Rosa further revealed parts of her Black Crusade. "Besides...I do have one individual I'd like to keep around..."

"Who would that be, your highness?"

"I have a sister at Equestria. I'd say the only pony back there who would've never rejected my dark talents...but I'm not so sure." The Lich Queen spoke while being in deep thought. "Then again, with how naive she was at a young age, I doubt she would've accepted it. Either way, it's all in the past. Everypony there has probably forgotten about my existence anyway. That is until we reunite as they will be nothing but bones to serve me. I'd kill to see their reactions when that day comes."

"Hm-hm." Fractured Note nodded in agreement. That question about that one individual being Rosa's sister wasn't too informative. It only made him wonder who this pony was but he decided to do exactly what Rosa said earlier. Leave it in the past. "So. How should we go about Yveltal, your highness? We have other methods we can try."

"We do. But I believe it's time to work smarter instead of harder." She relaxed on her throne. "We will still set out to find Yveltal and its cocoon, but we need a source to tell us something..."

"I can do that, your highness." Entering the room at the right time was another vampire. Her ear could be seen dispersing with magic, indicating that she was listening in as she revealed herself. A pony by the name of Opal Vivacity.

"Hm? Opal?" Rosa turned to her. "Listening as always..."

"Sorry. It's a force of habit. But eavesdropping can always prove to be useful, can't it? At least in my book." She made a soft chuckle. "Especially when it's outside of Magehold and everywhere else."

"You've been eavesdropping in Equestria again, haven't you?" Fractured Note narrowed her eyes. "There's nothing useful there. Why bother?"

"Oh, Note." She shook her head. "Anything can be useful if you look hard enough. And I certainly have every time I head out during the nightfall. I have an answer to our Yveltal problem."

"Go on." Rosa leaned in with her curiosity piqued. "What did you discover?"

"I believe we can have Mellifera help us. She's the mother to Queen Chrysalis...which means one thing."

"That means..." Fractured tried piecing it together, wondering where Opal was going for. And that's when it clicked. "Ah, right! Chrysalis is friends with Ash Ketchum and he certainly knows something about Yveltal."

"That Ash Ketchum is friends with the one who has the book about Yveltal. It can start with Mellifera, then to Chrysalis. And afterwards, with some adjustments, we can reach the book that we need, correct?" Opal's suggestions with her soft voice were highly tempting and powerful to listen to at the time.

"Chrysalis and especially Ash Ketchum could be the key to finding that book...Ah, Opal! You are a clever one, aren't you?"

"Thank you, your highness." She bowed.

"I could've thought about it first though." Fractured Note said to himself, pouting before shifting his eyes to the side.

"Fetch Mellifera. Her daughter might be difficult to reach with how she and the changelings have changed. But deep within her, I can still sense the old changeling ways." Rosa sat up on her throne. "Wait for us, Yveltal. Your cocoon will soon be ours and after that, the world."

The mission to obtain Yveltal had been altered with a less outgoing approach. The answer to finding the Destruction Pokemon was connected to Ash Ketchum. The one who has encountered many Pokemon over the years. Prior to this, Rosa ordered many to avoid Ash. And now, they were going to gravitate towards him.

Faye Mountains. The Changeling Hive. Day.

The New Changeling Hive. Peacefully located at the Faye Mountains as always, flourishing with life and especially love. It seemed to be increasing even more so with each passing day, only bringing greater life to these mountains. And of course, more Pokemon would flock to it as well.

"Thorax." Currently, Chrysalis was speaking to Thorax within the main throne room. "Eventually, there'll come a time when a new ruler for the changelings will show up. I've been thinking of passing that role onto you someday."

"Me? A ruler?" Thorax pulled back.

"Yes. You were the first to truly deviate from what we used to do. Even before all of this world collaboration, your heart was clearly stronger than ours. I can sense some great promise from you."

"Really?! Oh wow. That's great to hear! But...I thought you would've shifted that position to Ash."

"Ash is already the King of the Sea. He's fine where he is. Besides...I'm not sure the world is ready for a double ruler. Or any world to be honest. You can start now by being my advisor, giving me the best form of advice you can. Can you do that?"

"It's an honour! You can count on me to get it done. Wait till Spike hears about this!"

"Queen Chrysalis!" Interrupting Thorax's gleeful moment was another changeling. She came rushing in, almost bumping her head against the wall from how fast she was moving before coming to a halt.

"Hm? What is it?!" Chrysalis already felt the tone in this changelings voice as the speed she arrived here indicated a fairly serious situation more than anything. "Did something happen?!"

"It's...your mother. She's here."

"Mother?!" Queen Chrysalis pulled back, almost slipping off her throne.

She certainly did not expect her mother to visit this hive, especially with how radically it deviated from the old hive and the one even older than that. This would be a place that Mellifera would refuse to ever come to. This was something that Chrysalis had to see. Lo and behold, the changeling was telling the truth. Just now arriving at the new Changeling Hive in the Faye Mountains was the former Queen of the Changelings.


Upon arriving here, Mellifera was actually visibly impressed with one thing. The amount of love radiating this from the mountains. Considering that the Fairy-Types got along well with the changelings, the love was at an all-time high and could potentially increase even more.

Her presence was noticed from atop a hill, startling the many changelings who saw her. Mellifera paused for a moment, taking in all of the love. It was amazing. The amount of love radiating from these mountains was something that Mellifera thought she would never see.

"Unbelievable..." She spoke, closing her eyes and absorbing the love. "I haven't fed on love for so long. Especially love this powerful...How could I have almost skipped out on this Lovemine?!" She cackled as the magic she was receiving from all of this love was stellar and enough to make her elated.

It was so powerful that even her mane, which signified her massive lack of love feeding for centuries was starting to lighten. Its light green appearance gained a bit of a darkish green tint to it. Mellifera then trotted down the hill, soaking up more of the love. This brought her to the hive where she would see all of the changelings living here.

Mellifera had not seen other changelings aside from her daughter for years now. She would be lying to herself if she said she was thrilled to see others as when the former changeling ruler observed them, walking past the group and their Pokemon, her judgement had already been passed.

"This is repulsive." Mellifera immediately showed her absolute disgust for these new changelings. "I thought my daughter was repugnant in what she had turned into, but this is downright vile. This is what has become of the changelings of this generation? Pathetic."

The changelings took offence to that but not to the extent where they would be brave enough to say something about it. Mellifera approached some of them, already sensing some love coming from their magic. That was the only positive thing she could think about them. When approaching the changelings, the moment she got close, they backed away, holding their Pokemon close to them.

"Not even brave and strong enough as before. What happened to that fierce disposition you all had?" Mellifera was greatly disappointed in how passive these new changelings had become. Gravely disappointed.

"Mother!" Calling out for her mother was Queen Chrysalis as she had drawn Mellifera's attention. "What are you doing here?"

"Hoh? Can't your own mother come by and visit? Especially when the rest of changeling-kind are present here?"

"I mean...you can but...Why?" Chrysalis squinted her eyes. "You certainly won't be a huge fan of all of this. You even said it yourself. So why come here?"

"Why? Well...as much as it makes me want to combust from saying this..." Melifera closed her eyes before twitching. The next batch of words she spews out was certainly poison to her ears. "I want to spend some time with my daughter." Upon saying that, a part of Mellifera shattered.

Equally as struck was Chrysalis. But she was shocked instead of disgusted. She couldn't believe her ears as that sentence from her mother seemed like a one in a million chance of ever being said. "S-Spend time...with me?"

"Correct. We are family after all." Mellifera continued. Chrysalis was processing this whilst Mellifera thought to herself immediately. "Of course...not without a reason. Indeed you to lead me to that Ash Ketchum boy. And after that, the book that holds information about Yveltal..."

Indeed, Mellifera was only here for the same purpose of what the Dread League sought. In fact, she was already aware of the Yveltal approach the moment she visited Magehold months ago. She started thinking back to the conversation that was had between her and the Dread League.

Magehold. Last Night.

"So. That is your plan?" Mellifera said to Rosa Maledicta.

"That's right. Not exactly foolproof yet but we can make it happen. And in return, we will spare one location. The Faye Mountains." Rosa replied.

"What are these Faye Mountains exactly?"

"A mountainside filled with love." Approaching her was Opal, who had planned this from the start. "Fairy-Type Pokemon exhibit the most love out of any Pokemon and they filled a mountainside with all of that love. There is so much that it could satiate the hunger that you've been missing for so long..."

"Tempting..." Mellifera liked what she was hearing. "I have been craving for massive love for centuries now. And you will spare these Faye Mountains even during your crusade?"

"Of course. All of that love that originates there will be yours to have. Granted, everyone else will be a skeletal subject to me but we can work something else out, can't we?" Rosa chuckled.

"Hm. I will do it but...I need to ask one thing." Mellifera agreed, however, with a final question. "What of my daughter? Will she be a part of this crusade? You spoke about her when we had that conversation months ago. What will become of her?"

"Oh, your daughter. That depends. What do you want for her?" Rosa trotted over to Mellifera. "She is your daughter after all. Your responsibility even with all of those years that have passed by and her status as the current Changeling Queen. But, clearly, you show disdain for the new changelings' ways and the path your daughter has taken. So, it wouldn't be too much of a loss if she was involved...unless you're of a different opinion?"

"..." Mellifera continued to stay silent, not giving a single answer to this question. She did despise what the changelings had become, but there was something within her holding her back.

"Well, we'll also sort that out when it comes." Rosa shrugged, teleporting back to her seat. "Once we find the house of this girl, the book will be ours to grab. But make sure that Ash Ketchum is not present there. We only need him to tell us the location of this world instead of going there with him."

"Could we perhaps find a way to keep our original forms?" Fractured Note asked. "My appearance in that world is...eeugh."

"I have this." Catching them off guard, Opal had held out an object straight from Equestria. A Shift Stone. Founded Trixie which had soon been given to others and now, Opal had one. "This'll be the answer to your issue."

"I will be off now." Mellifera turned. "Though I do despite taking requests and orders from others."

"What choice do you have?" The Lich Queen smirked. "You lost so much, Mellifera. You are no longer a queen after all, correct?"

"Hmph." Mellifera said nothing before then leaving the castle and Magehold entirely.

Present day. Faye Mountains. Changeling Hive.

"Well...if you came here for that, then I suppose it's not an issue." Chrysalis walked up to her. "You are still my mother after all. Welcome to the new Changeling Hive. It's still odd to hear it but we can catch up, can't we?"

"I suppose so." Mellifera scoffed. "If we are to catch up, I'd rather not it be here of all places with these sorry excuse fr changelings."

"Mother! These are my subjects! You can't go insulting them even with their new looks."

"I do what I want." Mellifera flipped her mane before noticing one oddity. Amongst all of these colourful changelings, there was one who stood out amongst them all. Someone who was in between the purity changelings forms and the old forms. This caught her attention. "Oh? Hold on...Who is that changeling?"

"Oh. That's Pharynx." Chrysalis introduced. "He's...not exactly all for our news ways of approaching love. So, he is stuck in between the new and old."

"A part of me just rekindled some hope." Mellifera smiled as that was the best news she's heard so far apart from the massive love located in the Faye Mountains.

"Ah, you should probably meet your newest granddaughter." Chrysalis then decided to introduce her to Anthophilia, holding the youngest changeling up to Mellifera. The former Changeling Queen was met with the baby as it had startled her.

Anthophilia giggled as she poked Mellifera's nose upon meeting her for the first time. Meliifera flinched, shaking her head afterwards. "Gh!" She cried out after the initial touch. She even spotted strange sparkles flowing out afterwards. "What is this magic?"

"Anthophilia here was born with tremendous magic. Similar to me when I was small. Here. You can hold her." Chrysalis offered Mellifera a chance to hold Anthophilia.

Mellifera was somewhat intimidated by Anthophilia's colossal magic presence as she held her hooves out. Anthophilia flew into Mellfiera's hooves with the oldest changeling now holding the youngest changeling. Anthophila kept poking Mellifera, this time, on her stomach and close to her neck.

Mellifera had an unimpressed expression plastered all over her face from Anthophilia's constant poking. The baby changeling them forced herself to climb up Mellifera, hugging her face. "Isn't she sweet?" Chrysalis chuckled.

"She's just as clingy as you were when you were a baby." Mellifera sighed."Anyway. I suggest we go somewhere. That Ash Ketchum friend of yours."

"Ash? You want to see Ash?"

"I figured if I am to spend some time with you, I should get to know those close to you, shouldn't I? Your daughter here is already one step ahead." Mellifera tried pulling Anthophilia off, only for the baby to latch herself back on.

"Don't you want to get to know every changeling here instead? And what we've been doing?"

"Bah! Absolutely not!" Mellifera immediately denied.

"Oh, come now. It will be fun." Chrysalis insisted. "After all, you are still a changeling. And in changeling territory. So at the end of the day...my word is final." The Changeling Queen smirked, winking at Mellifera. "You're the one who taught me that, correct?"

"Curses...I did teach you that." Mellifera growled as her own teachings came back to bite her. This only slowed down the progress that Mellifera was shooting for as she was forced to spend time with the other changelings. It would take a while before she could get to Ash.

Magehold. Day.

Even during the day, cloudy skies covered this hidden land which was a blessing for the vampires. Currently, Opal Vivacity had left the castle before then looking to the skies. On a black cloud that had constant thunder rumbling, another vampire was resting on it before having her name be called out by Opal.


"Mmm?" The pony resting on it dropped straight through the cloud, yawning for a bit before descending in front of her fellow vampire. A pony by the name of Spectrum Shade had appeared.

"What is it, Opal?" She asked.

"Her highness has entrusted us and many more to continue searching for the book involving Yveltal," Opal explained. "More than that, we shall be the ones who go for the cocoon next."

"Really? That's an honour!" Spectrum cackled. "But wait...we haven't even gotten close to finding out about Yveltal. And isn't that book still missing?"

"I gave a clever suggestion to her highness." Opal paced around Spectrum. "Mellifera is currently with Chrysalis, who is close to Ash Ketchum That is our best lead to the Human World and the girl that has the book."

"Okay. Not a bad idea." Spectrum Shade nodded in approval. "But ya know...when I caught wind of this, I said that we should just bust the whole place up and grab the book. But no one took that advice."

"You are best at causing a ruckus but only at the right time, Spectrum. Who knows? Maybe when we get there, you can do exactly that. And I could d some of my sweet talking too when we get there maybe."

"Isn't that Sweet Fang's job?"

"Speaking of which..." Right on time, Opal had swivelled to reveal the incoming vampire pony who had just left one of the castle doors. The pony that Spectrum Shade recently mentioned. Sweet Fang.

"I'll be coming with you," said Sweet Fang. "Opal here is the charm and beauty. I can just handle the other sweet-talking."

"What other sweet talking? There's only one and she uses it all time time." Spectrum nudged her head in Opal's direction.

"Mmhm-hm-hm." Opal chuckled with a soft voice as always. "That much is true. I am so brilliant at it that I managed to grab these." Just then, catching them off guard, Opal had used her magic to summon specific items.

Poke Balls.

Poke Balls had been dropped in front of her fellow vampire bat ponies in impressive numbers to boot. Spectrum had been bumped in the head by one of them. "Ta-da~"

"These are Poke Balls!" Spectrum gasped, picking some of them up.

"With Pokemon already inside of them." Opal closed her eyes, smiling softly as she continued Spectrum's sentence.

"You already caught some Pokemon?!" Spectrum couldn't believe her ears.

"I did some convincing to the ponies selling them to give me as many as I need. And I had even convinced the Pokemon to come with me. The perks to being so attractive are astonishing, aren't they?" Opal revealed that it was beauty that led to this massive supply of Poke Balls and some convincing via looks. "I've given some to the others already. This will change things, won't they?"

"Does the queen agree about this?" Sweet Fang asked.

"She permitted me in doing so. But after all of this is over, these Pokemon will become skeletal servants at the end of the day. Just remember that. Now then. How about we all wait near the Faye Mountains?" Opal giggled as she, Spectrum Shade and soon other vampires set out on their mission.

It was simple. Have Ash lead Mellifera to the Human World and especially where Twilight was currently keeping a Kalos Book, containing information about the Pokemon they need. Rosa Maledicata waited patiently, having good faith in her servants and to an extent Mellifera.

"Wait for us, Yveltal." Rosa used her magic to summon herself a drink with thunder viciously rumbling in the skies. "Your power will make my goal realized."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 757 End.

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