• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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An old friend

Canterlot. Celestia's Throne Room

Twilight and Spike arrived at the Sun Princess's throne room, hoping to get some knowledge on rifts.

"Princess Celestia!"

"Twilight. Hello there." She responded.

"Princess. I need some info. It's about the rift. The one in the sky that's connected to both worlds."

"Yes Twilight, I am aware of it."

"Oh good. Then I assume you know of any books where I can learn about them?"

"No, unfortunately." That was shocking for Twilight to hear. Celestia did not know of any books? Impossible.

"But how? Surely there has to be one book on them." She pleaded.

"Believe it or not, Equestria has never had a rift before. Or even across the world. This is the first of its kind."

Now it made sense. Since this is the first rift that has appeared in their world, no one really knows anything about it.

"But, I was visited by Arceus. The creator of the other world. We talked about the rift and its mysterious force."

"Arceus?" Spike questioned.

"Creator?" Twilight followed.

"Yes. He had discussed with me that this type of event has happened before. In other words that is." She was talking about the Rift's previous world mergers and how it found both Arceus's world and hers. "Now it has reached both our world and theirs. From what we know, it is harmless and only merges worlds. For now, I can safely say you don't have to worry about it."

Twilight wasn't sure. It looked very ominous. But she trusted Princess Celestia and took her word for it.

"Alright, Princess. I will."

"Excellent. Now go on out there. You might be able to befriend these humans and pokemon."

Returning to Ponyville, Twilight had barely taken her focus off of the rift. It was just there. But as Celestia said, it was harmless. As she was returned to her home she found out that a Minccino was here. Not only that but she also noticed that her entire library had been cleaned. All the scattered books from earlier are now perfectly stacked like they never left their shelves in the first place. That was just the nature of a Mincinno. If they even see one thing that is not clean or organized they will take action, and nothing will stop them.

"You. Did you do this?" Twilight pointed at the Chinchilla Pokemon. Mincinno nodded in response, standing proudly with a job well done on the place.

"Cino." It said with pride.

"Well.. thank you very much. Beats having me and Spike cleaning up."

"Isn't that true?"Spike replied. Then to the corner of her eyes, Twilight noticed a note that was hanging on her walls. She went over, getting a good look at the note.

"A note? Who sent this?" As she examined the note it read...

"Entertainment is what I desire. Both worlds will create multiple outcomes of every kind. And I will be the one that starts the fire that will spread."

This was ominous and intimidating. Twilight didn't know what to think. But she was more perplexed when saw that note had a name.

"The Rift."

The rift? It had sent a note to Twilight by its own consciousness. Almost as if it was a living being. All those words that Celestia said about it not being a threat were all thrown out the window for Twilight.

"Oh my Celestia. This rift is alive!" Twilight yelled out. "It's plotting to cause some kind of trouble... but what?" And then the note vanished into blue and purple dust. As if it vanished into the air itself. Twilight could not rest on this. She had to find out what this rift was all about.

"Calm down Twilight. Look, why don't you just relax for a while and if it does end up causing trouble, we can just deal with like always. I mean, you and the girls took out Discord and Nightmare Moon, so it should be easy huh?" Spike said to calm her down as Mincinno was on his head.

"Alright. I'll stay alert though. If anything odd happens then I'll take action."

"Awesome. Now uh, I kinda wanna see what's on the other side ya know. Might be some high-class jewels that I've never seen before!"

On the other side, the rift had led Ash, Pikachu, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash to Castelia City as it was being rebuilt after the Ursa Minor attack.

"Goodness. What happened here?" Rarity asked.

"Oh, and Ursa Minor came through and levelled some of the buildings here," Fluttershy responded.


"Hey check out those Pokemon!" Dash pointed at a girl had an Accelgor on her side.

"Oh, that's an Accelgor. They're pretty fast ya know. They can move at the speed of a ninja.

"I mean they look fast but... I bet they're not as fast as me. Still awesome though." Dash responded.

"I wanna show you guys each something you'd like here. Rarity you're a big fashion fan aren't you?"

"Well of course. Those little green things are such great helpers too."

"Oh, you mean Sewaddle!" Ash exclaimed.

"Sewaddle?" Rarity questioned.

"Sewaddle's known as the sewing Pokemon. It makes clothes by using the sticky thread it produces. Mostly on leaves. Fashion designers love using it as a mascot ya know." He explained the description of the bug Pokemon.

"Then that means I have a very important Pokemon in my shop! Oh, how wonderful!"

"Yeah important to only you.." Rainbow quietly said.

"Hush now!" Rarity yelled back at her.

"Well, there's also the evolved form of Sewaddle. Swadloon and its final evolution Levanny."

"I'm sorry did you say evolution?" Rarity asked. She, Pinkie Pie and even Fluttershy had no idea of Pokemon evolving. But Rainbow Dash did.

"Oh yeah. When I was hanging out with Brawly, he told me about evolution. Apparently, these little guys can do that. One minute their small and the next thing you know they get bigger! Ain't it awesome?!" Rainbow Dash said from her time at Dewford.

"Well not all of them. And some don't get too big." Ash correct her.

"Not all of them? What do you mean, Ash." Fluttershy asked him?

"Well, some Pokemon can't evolve. They stay the way they are. Some only have one stage. It's a weird thing even I don't get myself sometimes."

"Aww, it'd be cool though. I could only imagine what they'd all look like fully evolved." Rainbow Dash was imagining just that. When she was hanging out with Brawly he showed her and Scootaloo some trainers Glalie and how it evolved from a tiny little Snorunt."

"What about Pikachu, Ash? Can he evolve?" Pinkie Pie asked him.

"Well, Pikachu started as a small little Pichu as they all do and its final evolution is Raichu. Though Pikachu doesn't want to reach its final form and to be honest... I love him the way he is and respect his choice of staying this way. Isn't that right buddy?"

Pikachu nodded in response as he had a precious smile on his face. Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity were heart warmed by that statement.

"How precious. You two are such good friends!" Rarity cried out.

"Eh." Rainbow Dash merely found it too sweet for her. As the continued to walk along the streets of Castelia, going through the large crowds, someone had spotted Ash in the distance. An old friend. As the group sat down on a bench near the fountain of the city. They needed a small break as Ash recommended they try Casteliacones. Beloved ice cream of the city.

"Look who it is." A voice called out towards their direction. Ash turned to the location of the voice and who did he see?

"Hey, Ash." Brock was here.

"Brock! Oh sweet! Nice to see you here!" He was happy to see his old friend again. Though they had their reunion back in Alola along with Misty, it was always nice to see each other. After all, they've been travelling together for the longest after their adventures in Sinnoh. "What are you doing here in Unova?"

"I decided to take my Pokemon Breeding skills to other regions. I was recommended Unova since some pretty rare Pokemon can be found here." He as a Pokemon Breeder. Once he wanted to become a doctor but the dream of a breeder seemed more akin to him.

"Oh, you two are friends as well? Well hello there." Rarity said, greeting Brock. Brock turned his attention to Rarity and was instantly smitten.

"WOW! WHAT A BEAUTY!" He zoomed over to Rarity, kneeling to her. "My dear. Though we may be of different worlds and different species, I can feel our bond is close. Closer than anything in both our universes."

"Uhh.." Rarity did not know what to say. Brock was usually attracted to females. It seems ponies are no expectation if they are beautiful. And to put a stop to it, out of his Pokeball came his Pokemon Croagunk, who let out a poison jab that struck Brock's back, making him fall on the ground to stop his shenanigans. Someone always has to be there to do it.

"Ah good to see you're still the same Brock." Ash hadn't missed Brock's charisma and personality one bit.

"Now that's comedy!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh wow. A frog Pokemon. What's your name, little guy?" Fluttershy got off the bench, looking at Croagunk.

"That's a Croagunk. Ya know Fluttershy.. since you love Pokemon so much right now... I think you might need a Pokedex."

"A Pokedex?" She wondered.

"Right. It's a device that holds all the information about every Pokemon in the world. It's pretty nifty and helped me out in my journeys a lot.

"Huh. I would like that. But I'd prefer to learn more about Pokemon by being with them in nature."

"Okie Dokie. Oh, Brock by the way. These are my friends. Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. They obviously come from the other world that everyone knows about."

"I see. Well, it's great to meet them. Especially you, fair Rarity."

"Ew, please stop." Rainbow Dash said in disgust. "That reminds me. I wanna actually try something in this world!"

"What's that Dash?" Pinke asked.

"I wanna try Pokemon battles!" She exclaimed.

"Oh? You wanna try that huh?" Brock said.

"Yeah! After seeing Brawly take out that guy and his Pokemon in his gym I knew I had to give this a shot. The only problem though... I don't have a Pokemon of my own."

"We can get you started. I and Brock can help."

"Really? Awesome!" She flew up in joy. She got to try something she saw as fun back in Hoenn.

"Pinwheel Forest has a nice selection of Pokemon to help you get started," Brock explained.

"Ooh! Rainbow! I can compete with you!" Pinkie Pie yelled to her.

"Say what?!" She yelled back.

"Yeah! We could be... RIVALS!"


"Looks like you're already one step to becoming a trainer Dash," Ash said laughing with Pikachu.

As the gang made their way along, someone else was spying on them in secrecy. But that someone was also beside somepony.

A few minutes passed getting to Pinwheel Forest considering the distance between it and Castelia, but they were here. And training was about to begin.

"Alright! For starters! You're gonna need a Pokeball. I always carry some just in case I make a new friend." Ash got out a Pokeball, lending it to her as she pinned it down with her hoof. "Next, find a Pokemon of your choosing. Whatever catches your eyes." Rainbow examined the forest, looking for a Pokemon that she would make her first partner. And the first one she saw was a Whirlepede, near the bushes.

"Bingo! That rolling one!" She pointed out the Curlipede Pokemon.

"Alright, a Whirlepede! All you gotta do now is battle it. But since you don't have one of your own rights now, I and Pikachu can help." The two of them stepped forward, confronting the Pokemon. As they were ready to face off against it, Rarity spotted Sewaddles that were in this forest.

"Ooh. More of them. I wonder if I could just get some more to help me back home."

"Pikachu! Quick Attack!" Pikachu moved in blinding speeds, hitting Whirlepede in the centre, making it roll over. The pokemon got up quickly as it rolled around Pikachu. It then began spinning at high velocity, charging at Pikachu.

"Dodge it!" Ash commanded as Pikachu jumped up, avoiding the Whirlepede as it crashed through the trees, destroying them and turning around. "Alright! Now use Iron Tail! Wait for it to come close though!" Whirlepede zoomed a the electric mouse, closing in. Pikachu then jumped in the air, slamming its iron tail on the spinning Pokemon, sending it flying as it fell on the ground, fainting.

"Oh my." Fluttershy was surprised by how physical and fast-paced a Pokemon battle looked.

"Now's your chance, Rainbow! Lob the Pokeball at it!"

"Alright!" She kicked up the ball, bucking it towards the fainted Pokemon as it hit it, opening up and sending a ray light that absorbed it, sending it inside. The ball landed as it wiggled around. Shaking three times, it was a certified capture.

"And that's that. You just caught your first Pokemon." Rainbow Dash had a huge smile on her face. Her first Pokemon.

"Yeah! I caught a Whirlepede!" As they were celebrating her capture, Rarity had been eyeing the Sewaddle for a while. She's not the only one who wanted a capture. Meanwhile, high up in the skies the rift had made another move. This time it began shaping the two worlds once more. It was warping space around it.

"What's going on?!" Brock shouted.

"I don't know! Its like space itself is warping!" Ash responded. They all felt wobbly as they were no longer in Castelia. Now they were in Sinnoh. Specifically, Oreburgh city.

"Oreburgh City? Why are we here now?" Ash said. As if that wasn't enough, currently there was chaos occurring in the city. A group of Weaviles were causing trouble. The rift had placed them down to get some action going on. If it wanted to be entertained, it will be entertained. The Weaviles had frozen most of the city. Normally they wouldn't be strong enough to do so but a horde of them would. Even some Ponies who ended up here were frozen along with humans and Pokemon. The Weavile's had a blue and purple aura around them, almost like they weren't in their right mind. They spotted the group as they turned their attention to them.

"Those weasels are looking at us!" Pinkie shouted. The Weaviles all in unison sent an icy wind, large enough to consume a forest towards the gang. Now they were in new trouble.

Chapter 6 End
Chapter 6 End

Author's Note:

Now let the true plot begin.

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