• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Musical Mash

Kalos. Cyllage City. The Pokemon Festival. The Tempo Dome. Afternoon.

A sudden conflict had appeared. Between the Dazzlings and Coloratura. In the Tempo Dome, which was an area that had responsive tiles that would play a melodic sound of any genre, Coloratura and her partner Meloetta were planning to have their big show tonight. But, the Dazzlings aimed to Upstage them. To settle this, a musical battle would take place. This was new information to Fluttershy, Applejack and Spike. And even to the Dazzlings.

"Do we really have to go through with this?" Fluttershy asked.

"It was already set in stone the moment Coloratura heard Adagio's declaration of upstaging her. A musician would never let an opposing musician get to the better of them after their own performance, especially with what's been said. It's unacceptable. This was unavoidable." Baron Alberto explained.

"How do you want to do this? Because I've been singing since I was born. Literally." Adagio smirked at Coloratura, boasting how she was an amazing singer even at a strikingly young age. "I was singing even before you were conceived. Think of me as your senior."

"That's funny. I've outperformed all of my seniors, so I'll add you to the pile." Coloratura snapped back, making Adagio growled.

"We'll settle this. Kricketot. I need you the most for this."


"Hmm...I can't have Meloetta battling like this. Maybe I should change now and let her transform."

"And waste all of that good energy on this?!" Albert exclaimed. "You can't become the Countess and use Meloetta's Pirouette Form against someone as irrelevant as her."

"Who are you calling irrelevant, extra?!" Adagio then barked at Alberto, baring her fangs as she made him jerk back and squeak. "Time to go, Kricketot."

"Kricketot!" Kricketot hopped out of Adagio's large hair, jumping onto one of the tiles. This would be Krikcetot's first big battle. Fitting how it was in a musical area.

"Not one for battling but, oh well. Meloetta! Change now!" Coloratura shouted out, raising her hoof as Meloetta was about to undergo a transformation.

"Melo...!" Meloetta had readied herself as well. She started by leaping into the air and singing a specific melody. This melody would bring out her alternate form. Melo-Melo-Lo~!" Soundwaves came flying out, heading in Adagio and Kricketot's direction. They were all frozen by this beautiful melody as a rainbow aura had exuded out of the Melody Pokemon.

The light then enveloped her as the musical-bar style streaks in her hair were graced with a golden light that slid over it. This light had then changed the colour from light green to orange. Her hair even started changing styles, wrapping around her head. Her hair had been stylized in a high bun as her usual blue eyes son took on a red appearance. She did a pirouette dance, sending out sparkles and bubbles as her other form arrived.

Pirouette Forme Meloetta.

"W-What the...?" Adagio was stunned by what she had seen. She didn't want to give any compliments to her opponents but after that transformation, she was resisting.

"Uh...on second thought, it's not too late to back out, Adagio." Sonata gulped, having a change of heart. "That's some style."

"Not for a moment!" But Adagio remained strong. "That's only one stylish showcase. The rest is decided by us."


"If you like losing then sure." Alberto taunted from afar. "But just know that you don't have anything that can outclass what they both have to offer. What can a Kricketot do?"

"I wouldn't look down on Kricketot." Adagio's eye twitched as she maintained her temper.

"I have to agree with you on that," Coloratura said. "I once saw a group of Kricketot sing an amazing melody during the night. Maybe not by themselves but together, Kricketot can make amazing songs. But you only have one Kricketot...so make it count please." She then winked at Adagio Dazzle.

"Adagio! Let us join! It'll be three against one! That way, things'll be easier for us!" Aria cried out.

"Yeah! We're gonna be part of the Upstage too!"

"Later. For now, I want to do this myself. Watch this. We'll play a great melody. I've dabbled in some orchestra music myself. "String Shot!"

"Kricketot!" Kricketot went first, shooting out a line of string from his mouth. The string had passed Meloetta, focusing on one of the walls.

"I get how this place works. It doesn't matter what I step on. A beautiful sound will play. So I'll just make something that's to good to dislike. Follow my lead, Kricketot!" Adagio then started stepping on specific tiles, playing an orchestra as Kricketot began swinging with the long string.

Kricketot's body slid on the tiles, playing orchestra choirs as Adagio was going for a fast tempo. And Kricketot knew that, prompting him to slide on the tiles while swinging. Adagio's orchestra would be full of despair and how she was going to crush Coloratura at her own game.

But Adagio wouldn't stop there. She wanted to show everyone outside that she was going to upstage Coloratura in the end. At that moment, Adagio had used her magic, unleashing it. She used the spell she mentioned earlier, creating a massive magical projection of the current scenario and expanding its size.

The magical image's visage appeared above the Tempo Dome, larger than the building itself. It showed Adagio moving around along with Kricketot, free for everyone in Cyllage City to see. It was even powerful enough to unleash sounds. Just what Adagio wanted.

Everyone stopped what they were doing as the sounds that were coming from the Tempo Dome thanks to Adagio's projection were pleasant to the ears. There was a buildup with Adagio's Despair Orchestra.

"We won't let them get the better of us. Meloetta. Acrobatics."

"Melo!" Meloetta and Coloratura would do the same. Coloratura started prancing, going for a more Hopeful Orchestra. It clashed against Adagio's Despair Orchestra. Everyone else heard how during the buildup of Despair, there was a subtle buildup of Hope, giving them a good idea of what this music could contain. "Etta!"

Meloetta lunged at Kricketot, going for a dive kick, only for Kricketot to use the momentum of his string to swing out of the way. This caused Meloetta's leg to smash into one of the tiles, creating a loud orchestra hum from it.

"Nobody move. You'll throw off their mojo." Alberto spoke. "It's best that we stay completely still."

"So...this is a musical battle?" Fluttershy watched as the music correlated with the movements of the Trainers and the Pokemon. "This is fun!"

"Sure is!" Sonata nodded.

"Quiet!" Adagio shouted, not wanting to be distracted by any loud noises as Fluttershy and Sonata scrunched their faces.

"It was supposed to be a Battle Frontier Facility, but that never went through. And so, it became an attraction. And it was definitely worth it. Not everyone wants to go to the Battle Frontier after all."

"Meloetta!" Meloetta was trying to hit Kricketot with Acrobatics, but the Cricket Pokemon was faster than she was expecting. Way faster than anyone was expecting.

"He's a slippery one...But maybe we need our own vocals to one-up them. Meloetta! Please use Relic Song!"

"Lo-Meeee~!" Meloetta started singing with the choir, adding her vocals. She sent a powerful soundwave across the room which had then targeted Kricketot's strings. But this song wasn't just powerful, it was also relaxing. The stings were destroyed throwing Kricketot's balance off.

"K-Kricketot...!" Not only did Kricketot fall, crashing into one of the tiles, but the sound of Relic Song and its effect to potentially put others to sleep was starting to linger. He started squinting as the song was that soothing.

"Don't fall asleep, Kricketot!" However, Adagio's voice was enough to keep him up once she saw that her partner was starting to feel a bit drowsy.


"Now might be a good time for us to help!" Sonata shouted. "Pretty please?"

"Kricketot doesn't have a single move that involves singing..." Adagio thought to herself. Kricketot, despite loving music, couldn't generate much music himself. He couldn't even sing. That would be Kricketune. His final and only evolution. The best he could do was clack his antennae together to make a xylophone sound.

Meanwhile, Meloetta was a Pokemon completely centred around singing. She had an attack that involved singing and could put Kricketot to sleep at any time.

That's when Adagio had an idea. She quickly recalled one of Coloratura's words earlier, realizing how important that was and how it correlated to Kricketot being underwhelming on his own. It was when Adagio told her not to look down on Kricketot.

"I have to agree with you on that. I once saw a group of Kricketot sing an amazing melody during the night. Maybe not by themselves but together, Kricketot can make amazing songs. But you only have one Kricketot...so make it count please."

"Just one Kricketot...how about multiple then?!" Adagio then held her hand out, using her magic. One of the spells she had learned was the duplication spell. A fairly strong spell, depending on how it was used. And now was the time, in Adagio's eyes. She sent the wave of magic towards Kricketot, enveloping him in a golden light.

"Kricke...Kricketot-to!" Just then, Kricketot had multiplied. Multiple of the Cricket Pokemon popped up, stepping on each time to create an orchestra choir. It was a fitting sound too as it perfectly captured the sense of rising action and the appearance of many. A dramatic sound. "Kricketot?!"

"M-Melo?!" Meloetta gasped, even with her singing. It sounded beautiful and urgent too as Coloratura gasped as well.

"Aria. I need some extra backup here..." It didn't take long for Adagio to receive help from her sisters. She knew that even if she had duplicated Kricketot, the spell could fizzle out. And all it would take was Meloetta attacking one of them.

"Alright!" Aria pumped her fist before throwing Poke Ball. "Don't worry! Brionne will back you up! Go Brionne!"


"Ooh. A Brionne? I saw that one too, singing by the beachside." Coloratura commented as she had even seen a Brionne sing.

"What other singing Pokemon have you met, Rara?" Applejack asked.

"A lot of them. When I heard that Pokemon who were focused on singing existed and were adept at it, how could I not get excited and look for them?" Coloratura giggled.

"I'd pay attention if I were you!" Adagio bellowed. "Now we outnumber you!"

"Oh! And what about me?" Sonata jumped up, causing one consistent orchestra sound to go off as she raised her hand.

"None of your Pokemon can sing. Pass." Adagio and Aria said in unison, shutting Sonata down from joining in on the fun. A distraught Sonata had frozen in the air, stunned by that response.

"Now! Create a beautiful symphony and use Pound! Make it sound like drumbeats!"

"Be Kricketot's backing vocals, Brionne! Hyper Voice!"

"Kricketot!" Kricketot and his duplicates alongside Brionne would go on the offensive. Each of the Kricketots ran on the tiles with their short legs, creating a rising tempo of great speed. The Despair Orchestra overtook the music this time as Brionne decided to add to that despair, letting out a harmonious yet cruel soundwave.


"Those odds don't scare Meloetta. Please, Meloetta. Use Acrobatics!"

"Etta!" Meloetta then leapt off the walls, bringing back some hope to the orchestra. But it was faint since the odds were stacked against her. The Kricketot all came in with their arms out, wrapped in a silver aura. They all went to strike Meloetta, only for Meloetta to gracefully pirouette away from their attacks.

She not only looked good doing it, but she ended up, kicking some of the duplicates away, causing them to crash into the other tiles. The duplicates faded away as some of them remained, missing Meloetta and hitting the other tiles with Pound instead. However, Meloetta had to deal with Brionne's Hyper Voice.

She gracefully did a backflip away from it, sliding her leg on top of the tiles that were on the ceiling. The Hopeful Orchestra was right now the dominant force as everyone listening to this felt like they were watching a story as well.

It was a story about how Despair was starting to dominate, but Hope kept coming back. They would imagine a scenario where two characters would fill those roles.

Vivace had stopped to watch her daughters, smiling at their actions. That was the face of a proud mother, watching her daughters in action and always being the best. She missed this sensation after centuries of absence from them.

"String Shot!" Adagio moved across as many tiles as she could. And thanks to Aria chiming in, that was increased. The remaining Kricketot duplicates jumped on different tiles, following Adagio's lead while also collectively shooting strings out of their mouths. An array of strings came in Meloetta's direction, having great quantities. These quantities were enough to finally grab a hold of Meloetta.


"Excellent! Now, Pound!"

"Kricketot!" The real Kricketot had then run on the line of thick strings, heading straight for Meloetta. He had then finally delivered the first hit, smashing his arm into Meloetta. His strength was weak, but it was enough to push someone back as Meloetta hit a tile on the wall.


"Oh! Not my Meloetta?!" Coloratura gasped as another passageway had been triggered by Meloetta's impact. This immediately sent the Melody Pokemon to another level with Kricket following her by falling in.

"Yes! This way!" She spoke to the duplicates and Aria, heading for that same level as well. The duplicates all lowered String Shot before then following Adagio once more.

"Hmmrrgh...I may not have a Pokemon that can sing but I can still help!" Sonata shouted, wanting to be a part of this badly. It was true that none of her Pokemon could sing, but she still had the potential to assist her sisters in battle, especially with a Pokemon as agile as Meloetta.

"Melo!" Meloetta slid on the tiles in this room as the sound had changed from Orchestra to Rock. And it was a seamless and immaculate change. Right after Kricketot had hit her into this tile, a Despair Choir had gone off, perfectly transitioning into a guitar solo that was meant to amplify the rising tension.

Everyone else reached the Rock area as Sceptile had used Frenzy Plant, making a net to avoid any of the notes being played except for the minimal ones on the walls. He didn't want to interrupt this Musical Battle.

"I think we'll get rid of the duplicates first. Say bye to your backup singers. Dazzling Gleam!"

"Melo! Meloetta!" Meloetta then did a pirouette on the same spot, summoning a large orb of Fairy Magic. That orb had then shot out rays of rainbows, hitting each of the remaining Kricketot duplicates. Kricketot gasped as all of his duplicates had been destroyed, taken out of the battle.



"Melo!" Meloetta then started jumping from tile to tile in this next room, setting off some energetic guitar sounds. Even this one conveyed a sense of hope. Prior to this, the ryas from Dazzling Gleam had also set off the tiles. Not only that, but she seemed faster, appearing in front of Brionne.

"Bri?!" Brionne gasped before being kicked in the face by Meloetta, flying into one of the tiles. "B-Bri!"

"Brionne!" Aria cried out as Brionne rolled on the tiles, setting off another guitar solo that was tailored to Meloetta's actions.

"Look out, Kricketot! Behind you!"

"Kricke?!" Kricketot twitched as Meloetta became a blur, appearing behind Kricketot. He was next and this attack would be super-effective.

"No, you don't!" That's when Sonata decided to join in, throwing her Poke Ball out. "Go, Lopunny!"

"Lopunny!" Along came Lopunny, joining the Musical Battle. She came swooping in, intercepting Meloetta's kick with her own powerful legs, protecting Kricketot. Kricketot almost fell over from the impact of these two legs clashing against each other.

"You need some muscle for this one," Sonata said. "I may not have a Pokemon that can sing, but I can protect you all, that's for sure."

"Fair enough. Kricketot! Bug Bite!"

"Kricke....!" Kricketot then took advantage of Meloetta's current position, biting on her arm by generating energy fangs. Kricketot himself didn't have a physical mouth after all.

"Me?!" Meloetta grimaced as the bite was surprisingly potent for someone so small. She then did a pirouette, kicking both Lopunny and Kricketot away. "Etta!"

"I'll be honest...this is fun." Coloratura smiled, finding enjoyment in this Musical Battle. She was expecting to completely dominate and outperform the Dazzlings. But right now, the music that was being produced by their actions was enough to make Coloratura see that the Dazzlings had a great taste in sound.

"One more time." Adagio had used the Duplication Spell once more, affecting Kricketot to give him an advantage. The Kricketot duplicates had returned.

"How are we doing so far?" Aria asked.

"Hmph. We're doing just fine. Right now, everyone should be watching. And I won't lie...this music's top-notch. But it can be better. And we'll make it better by beating her."

"I don't think so." Coloratura shook her head. "I already know how this is going to turn out. Meloetta does too."


"You tell 'em, Rara!" Applejack bellowed, cheering for her childhood friend.

"But this music though..." Alberto started writing notes down about this musical performance. Meloetta did most of the vocal singing and while only Pokemon and Fluttershy could understand her, her musical voice was universal to the point where everyone watching could enjoy it. Albert saw an opportunity.

"Now, Kricketot! Pound!"

"Brionne! Aqua Jet!"

"Lopunny, Bounce!"

The approach was to set off every tile. And they had the means to do so. The multiplied Kricketot started pounding on all of the tiles, setting off a hard rock sound. Brionne enveloped herself in a veil of water before taking off. She then flew past some of the tiles, setting them off with the speed of Aqua Jet, making a speedy tempo.

And to make some backing guitar sounds, Lopunny bounced onto one tile at a time. The Dazzlings wanted to make sure this music was synchronized. Just what they specialize in.

"Hm." Coloratura smiled at their efforts. She could respect their coordination just to make the best music possible. It was the same with her and Meloetta. "Okay then. Relic Song!"

"Melo-Melo...Etta!" Meloetta started singing once more, but this time, she would use the guitar sounds that the Dazzlings were creating instead of hitting any other tiles. She created a small soundwave that was only limited to her vicinity but was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"She's trying to jack our music!" Aria growled.

"Oh, but it works pretty well..." Adagio could work with this. What Meloett was doing could be taken advantage of. Meloetta even changed her voice to match that of a rock song. To add a sombre and slower part to this song, Adagio pressed her hand on one of the tiles, keeping it there while the Kricketot followed her actions, doing the same to other tiles.

The music had slowed down to give a less extravagant section. A section that would slow things down. Meloetta changed her tone and pitch for that one as well.

"Is it me...or are they sort of working together?" Applejack noticed a sudden change in this battle.

"I think so." Fluttershy nodded. "That or Meloetta's going with the flow.

"That's the Musician Spirit, my little ponies!" Albert exclaimed with high energy, being dramatic in her arm motions, putting his hand on his chest and his other hand out into the air. "Though they may be enemies, excellent musicians recognize splendid music. They may try and 1UP one another, but since they're in the same room, their music bounces off each other splendidly. Just like how Lopunny bounces from those tiles."

"I'll admit this. You know what you're doing." Coloratura nodded in approval. "I suppose you weren't being reckless when choosing to upstage me. Only skilled musicians would try to do so."

"Hmph. Thanks. Only one band has ever managed to rival us in skill." Adagio smirked along with her sisters. "You're the second musician to ever make us work this hard. I should be mad but...I do love some good competition."

"Now she does." Sonata giggled while Adagio sighed.

"But this is where it ends." Adagio's eyes flared as she removed her hand from the tile, ending the sombre sound. "Let's open everything up! Aria! Sonata! Go!"

"You got it!" Sonata saluted. "Bounce towards Meloetta!"

"Moonblast! Now!"

"Lopunny!" Lopunny and Brionne would go on the offensive with Brionne gathering power from the moon itself, forming a pink spare. Lopunny was going for a straightforward kick that was bound to do super-effective damage.

"Hm. Meloetta! Please, use Relic Song at your best!"

"Etta! Melo~Melo~!" Meloetta would give it her all too, expanding the soundwave of Relic Song. The soundwave acted as a forcefield, blocking Brionne's incoming Moonblast. Lopunny kicked into the soundwave, only to be pushed back. Even Moonblast was knocked back.

"Perfect...Bide!" Adagio gave out her final command.

"Kricketot!" Kricketot and all of his duplicates would the incoming Moonblast and soundwave, standing in one large group. The pink blast of energy and the soundwave hit them all, just as Adagio intended. But before that, a white light had surrounded them all. Once it hit them, they endured it.

"Now! Finish it off with the orchestra as well!"

"Kricke...TOT!" All of the Kricketot then unleashed their energy in the form of a massive sphere of energy. A sphere that was so large and bright that not only did it force everyone to close their eyes, but it even reached the orchestra section, setting off all the orchestra sounds and mixing them with the final guitar sounds.

"Amazing! This sound is amazing!" Coloratura giggled. "But...Relic Song!"

"ETTA!" Meloetta fought back with a final orchestral cry. Her biggest one yet. The wave was far bigger than before as it was strong enough to push back Kricketot's light. The light was reflected, engulfing Kricketot, Lopunny, Brionne and their trainers instead. The Dazzlings gasped before being blown back by the light, screaming out.

"N-No way!" Adagio was the one who screamed the most before disappearing into the light.

And that was all she wrote. The final sound of this beautiful music was a single guitar strum as it all came to an end.

Naturally, everyone enjoyed this and gave it a deserving round of applause. Vivace would've preferred to see her daughters win but it was an excellent performance by them as well.

Fluttershy and the others watched in awe as Meloetta did a graceful pirouette to the floor, hovering over the tile. She had done what she needed to do. And now, she wouldn't have to be in her Pirouette Form. A rainbow light flashed out of her as she soon returned to her Aria Forme.

"Excellent work, Meloetta." Coloratura walked over as the Dazzlings and their Pokemon were on the floor. Their POkemon had fainted, emerging as the losers of this Musical Battle.

"Aww! I thought we were gonna win! We had the numbers and everything!" Sonata groaned.

"Bummer." A disappointed Aria felt like punching something. But that was the old her. Brionne crawled over to her trainer, comforting the siren.

"Just when I had a plan and everything!" Adagio growled as she ended up punching the tiles. "Darn it all! Hah..." She then took a deep breath before picking up Kricketot. "Sorry about this, Kricketot. We lost."


"You lost? What do you mean by that?" Coloratura commented, looking at the Dazzlings with a soft smile. "If you ask me, you've gained victory just like Meloetta and I."

"I beg your pardon?" Adagio looked up at them.

"She's right. I can hear them." Fluttershy suddenly spoke as she and Audino's enhanced hearing allowed them to hear not just everything inside but everything outside. And the applauding of the people, ponies and Pokemon were heard loud and clear. "They're all cheering for you."


"Oh right...my spell from before." Adagio gasped, realizing that even though she lost, everyone who had seen her appearance could respect what they've witnessed. She hoped to come out on top but in the end, she shared the very top with Coloratura.

"I'd say they loved it." Coloratura offered to help Adagio up, holing her hoof out. "This went from a grudge match to something that only we could make together. Isn't that wonderful?"

"..." Adagio looked at Coloratura's hoof for a moment. She stayed silent before then putting on a smile. In the end, she did make everyone love her music. Even though Coloratura was involved, any sign of achievement was fine in her eyes. Though, she would've preferred it if it was just her and Kricketot. "It can't be helped. It was a great performance anyway."

Adagio grabbed Coloratura by the hoof before then standing up. Surprisingly, Aria and Sonata never expected to see Adagio have some sportsmanship, especially with singing. But she took it well.

"Fluttershy and the others applauded this sportsmanship as well as everyone else giving a second round of applause outside. Vivace wiped some tears away, seeing how far her daughters have come. It was beautiful.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Alberto exclaimed. "I was thinking...how would you three like me to be your manager? You were amazing!"

"Pass." Adagio immediately turned Alberto's offer down, making him slide away.


"I guess we already gave them a big show. Shame it wasn't tonight." Coloratura giggled. "But...maybe we can work on one together. For a second time. How about we make our own song at the very end of this festival?"

"The very end? On the third week?" Adagio said.

"That's right. I think it would be fitting. And until then...I want to see your Kricketot evolve. All of that gusto reminds me of when I was young and wanted to get into music. When Kricketot evolves, I want to see just how great of a singer he becomes. Whether it'd be sooner or later."


"You heard her, Kricketot. We need to get you into a Kricketune soon." Adagio was all for it, having no complaints whatsoever. Kricketot's eyes were filled with stars. His evolution would come soon.

"So. Third Week, huh?" Applejack walked over. "But, I wanna spend some more time with you, Rara. You were a bit too couped up with the Dazzlings."

"You're right! We have three weeks to ourselves. Let's hang around as much as we want! And we'll come back here to perform." Coloratura was all for sending time with Applejack as friends once again.

A satisfying conclusion for many. A competitive Musical Battle had soon formed a new bond. And a new goal for Kricketot. Soon, he would become a Kricketune, whenever that was. And the Dazzlings plus Coloratura would give one final song at the end of this Pokemon Festival. For now, it was off to enjoy more of the festival as the journey continues.

Chapter 844 End.

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