• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Premium Rivalry

Author's Note:

Neat little notice. The sides of Ghetsis's hair resembles devil horns. As if he wasn't evil enough.

Las Pegasus. The Pokemon Festival. 11:15.

The finals of the Las Pegasus Pokemon Contest were about to begin. With the remaining coordinators being Sweetie Belle and Premium Polish. Two fairly popular coordinators in Equestria's Pokemon Contests with one being more popular than the other, AKA Premium Polish.

Premium's reputation was something to take notice of, even if Sweetie Belle was only hearing about her for the first time. But if she's Equestria's most popular coordinator, then without a doubt, she's the most skilled out of them all.

"This is it, Sweetie Belle." Rarity said to her little sister. "Your chance to win that Las Pegasus Ribbon is right before your eyes."

"Sure is but...I'm going up against what might be the best coordinator yet. Probably the strongest or I guess most skilled. Bit nervous but I'll be fine."

"The best and most skilled? Yes." Premium replied to Sweetie Belle as she was behind her once more. "Strongest? No."

"Y-You're not?" Sweetie Belle stammered. "But I thought you said-"

"I said I was the most popular coordinator. I'm only the best at putting on a real show. Other than that, there are coordinators out there who can wipe the floor with me easily. Like I'd be able to be the best with those kinds of ponies around." She scoffed.

"She certainly is honest..." Rarity whispered.

"My mother, Skyblue Shine, expects me to be the strongest because I'm so skilled, but that is just completely unlikely." She scoffed. "So don't expect me to be all crazy-strong. But I am gonna give you a hard time, that's for sure." Premium cackled.

"Ehehehe...." Sweetie Belle laughed nervously. She then looked at her Poke Balls, deciding that she wanted to swap Espurr out with someone else. She sent out Espurr, ready to tell her the news.


"Sorry, Espurr. But I'm gonna let you sit this one out."


"The previous match against Coco made me want to try a different approach. You don't mind, do you?

"Esp." Espurr didn't mind at all.

"Great. Alright, Piplup." Sweetie Belle looked at her Poke Ball. "It's time for you to shine."

"It's time for the final round!" Marian announced. "For two coordinators to earn themselves the Las Pegasus Contest Ribbon. Will Sweetie Belle and Premium Polish both come up to the stage!"

"That's our cue, Sweetie. Have fun!" Premium smirked as she pranced along.

"Right." Sweetie Belle nodded as she was ready to finish this contest and hopefully obtain the Las Pegasus Ribbon.

The final matchup of the Las Pegasus Pokemon Contest was here. Only one of them would earn that ribbon. Two little unicorns going against each other while everyone watches. Including, Rarity, Paul and now Coco, who decided to stay and watch this match to the very end.

"It's time for our final round to begin! Remember, girls! Only 5 minutes on the clock!" Marian exclaimed. "Give it your best shot, okay?"

"We certainly will. Get out here you two." Premium was the first to send out her Pokemon. Which ended up being Swanna and Masquerain. When they both came out, circles of light shined across the stage.



"Last go! Teddiursa! Piplup! Go!"



"She's apparently the best, right?" Paul asked Rarity.

"The best at putting on a show. Not relatively strong. However, in the case of the Pokemon Contests, I suppose putting on a show is the superior approach. They're not like traditional Pokemon battles."

"Mhm." Coco nodded.

"So if looking all flashy is what wins you this and this Premium pony's the best at looking good, then she'll have a hard time with this one." Paul turned to face Sweetie Belle.

"Just you watch! Sweetie Belle will certainly succeed!" Rarity was confident in her little sister's victory.

"Watch. We're going for something more intimidating and fierce while still being beautiful. Masquerain! Scary Face! Swanna! Secret Power!"

"Mas...Masq! Masquerain!" The Eyeball Pokemon made the first move. By using the eye patterns on her large antennae, Masquerain conjured up a large illusion with a purple aura of its face as red and black streaks of energy came out of the illusion.

Then, it went above and beyond. Instead of just showing off a large illusion of a face, Masquerain then caused the Scary Face to sprout shadowy wings that matched that of a Skarmory.

"Swan!" As for Swanna, she played a massive part in this. By using Secret Power as a white aura surrounded her body, she made the aura flow towards Scary Face instead of her opponents.

Secret Power had merged with Scary Face, transforming an illusion move into a physical move that could actually make contact and deal some damage. And thanks to Secret Power's shine, the shadowy wings gained glistening sparkles as an extra pattern.

This exactly what both of them were aiming for. The giant shadowy face with large sparkling wings flew over towards Teddiursa and Piplup as it opened its intimidating mouth, showing sharp jaws that could pierce through them.

"It's like a dragon!" Coco gawked.

"As if Scary Face wasn't intimidating enough," Paul said. "Now it looks like it can actually cause some damage."

"Like Sweetie Belle would let that happen!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Oh, that's amazing!" Sweetie Belle gawked as she quickly snapped out of it. "Okay! Piplup! Aerial Ace! And Teddiursa! Join him with Thunder Punch!"

"Piplup!" Piplup's tiny little arms emanated a silver aura as he held it out. Meanwhile, Teddiursa did the same with her paws lightning up with electricity.

Both Pokemon put their arms and paws together, creating a new kind of synergy. At the same time, they both ran forward with two different physical moves at their disposal.

With the merging of Aerial Ace and Thunder Punch, a beautiful stream of wind and electricity emerged while the two Pokemon ran towards the physical Scary Face.

The large Scary Face went for the bite while Teddiursa and Piplup swung their flipper and paw forward. Scary Face ended up consuming both Teddiursa and Piplup, seemingly holding them within its grasp.

"Oh! Did it get them?!" Marian gasped.

"Hmm..." Premium knew that it wouldn't be that easy. Not at all. Because the moment Scary Face devoured the two Pokemon, white and yellow sparks of energy emanated out of the Scary Face Monster.

The combined might of Aerial Ace And Thunder Punch was strong enough to fight against the Scary Face Monster. So strong that the two moves were not only pushing the monster back, but they had also shattered Scary Face, decreasing points from Premium's side.



"Alright! Now head in!" Sweetie Belle bellowed.

They weren't done using Thunder Punch and Aerial Ace. The two of them advanced, heading straight towards Swanna and Masquerain.

"That's what I like to see." Premium grinned. "Swanna! Feather Dance! Masquerain! Quiver Dance!"



At the same time, both Flying-Types had used two different dances as a means of avoiding their opponents. Both Pokemon spread their wings which then emanated two different glows.

For Swanna, it was pure white and for Masquerain, it was multi-coloured. They both flew backwards, avoiding Thunder Punch and Aerial Ace.

Once they flew backwards, they both ascended into the air, spinning around each other as they created a beautiful silver-multi-coloured spiral that matched that of a DNA symbol.

This DNA Symbol then dispersed, scattering rainbow and silver dust across the stage. Some of the stardust even got on the crowd, giving them some shine.

"Ooh!" Marian looked at her arms as she was now sparkling along with the crowd. "I'm a fan of this!"

"Now! From above! Scald and Silver Wind!"

"Querain!" Masqueiran flapped her wings as she released a cyclone of wind that had silver crescents in it.

"Swanna!" As for Swanna, she released a stream of scalding hot water surrounded by steam from her mouth.

Silver Wind spiralled around Scald, giving the boiling blast of water a beautiful aura with crescent moon symbols emanating out of it.

"That looks bad! Piplup! Bubble Beam! And Teddiursa! Jump on the bubbles and use Thunder Punch!"

"Pip...Lup-Lup!" Piplup shot out beams of bubbles from his mouth as they made contact with Scald and Silver Wind. Bubble Beam could only hold back the two moves for a limited amount of time, so Teddiursa had to act fast.

"Ted!" And that's what she did. The Little Bear Pokemon jumped on the bubbles that Piplup kept firing repeatedly, using them as a platform to ascend. Each time Teddiursa jumped on a bubble, they kept popping while Piplup was doing his best to keep Scald and Silver Wind at bay.

"Oh! Is she going to make it?!" Coco gasped.

"Hmmm..." Paul narrowed his eyes.

"Teddiursa!" Teddiursa jumped on one last bubble with a spurt of energy as she gained enough height to jump over Scald and Silver Wind without coming into contact with them. As she leapt over the attacks, Teddiursa was now above both Masquerain and Swanna who were both still clashing with Bubble Beam.



"Ursa!" With the two of them wide open for attack, Teddiursa smashed her sparking paws onto both of their heads, dealing super-effective damage. Thunderous sparks of electricity burst out once Teddiursa made contact with both Flying-Types as Swanna and Masquerain were sent flying down to the ground.

"Nice!" Sweetie Belle roared as she jumped for joy. Because of that super-effective hit, Sweetie Belle was ahead with more points while Premium's decreased.

"This is more like it! I've been waiting for a real challenge!" Premium had a wide grin on her face. It was as if she had been yearning for something like this. "Okay, you two! Let's show her some quality flash! Brave Bird and Psybeam!"

"Swanna!" Swanna ascended into the sky, flapping her wings ferociously as she was kicking up some potent wind pressure. Her body then burst into flames with a golden aura that quickly transformed into a blue aura.

"Querain!" Masquerain then played her part by firing Psybeam towards her teammate. Psybeam engulfed Swanna, adding its purple psychic glow onto Brave Bird's azure aura. The two colours mixed forming a violet-blue aura that illuminated the contest halls and could even be seen from the outside.

"Swan!" Swanna then dived down like a missile as her aura was large enough to hit both Teddiursa and Piplup at the same time. The violet-blue aura came streaking down as Swanna's opposing Pokemon held their breaths.

"We'll add our own flash to it! Double Team into Thunder Punch and Drill Peck!"

"Ursa!" Teddiursa rapidly duplicated herself as each of the clones sparked their paws up with electricity, jumping towards Swanna.

"Piplup!" Piplup jumps into the air as his beak glowed white, also growing in size. The Penguin Pokemon also jumped towards Swanna, spinning his gigantic beak around like a drill.

Upon contact, the clones of Teddiursa smashed their sparking paws onto Swanna's beak while Piplup's gigantic spinning beak also clashed with Swanna's beak. Sparks were flying as a silver fissure was created in-between them all. They proved to be equal in strength, pushing each other back as the clash had been cancelled out by each of their moves. All of the clones of Teddiursa fizzled out because of the clash.

"Secret Power and Psybeam!"



Masquerain using Psybeam to send a purple beam into the air, Swanna used Secret Power by sending a blue beam towards Psybeam. The two moves collided as they created something entirely new. Because of the effects of Secret Power, Psybeam's appearance had been altered.

Psybeam had been transformed into wings of all things because of Secret Power's influence. These wings matched that of a pegasus as each time they flapped, purple psychic glowing feathers fell from above.

"Oh wow...She really is the best at putting on a show..." Sweetie Belle's pupils expanded.

"Of course I am! Now ascend into it, Swanna!"

"Swan! Swanna!" Swanna then flew over towards the Psybeam Wings. Once the Water-Flying-Type entered the Psychic Wings, she became apart of it, using the attack as a vessel.

Now Swanna had a Psybeam armour as her wings perfectly matched with the wings of Psybeam. They were even a perfect fit.

"Now we can make our move. Brave Bird!"

"Swanna!" With the Psybeam armour, Swanna added the blue aura from Brave Bird onto it. Now the purple Psybeam wings had a blue aura outlined around the wings, giving it extra flash.

With this added strength, Swanna dived down towards Piplup and Teddiursa, leaving behind a blue and purple trail of energy.

"That's some power! Alright, Teddiursa! Launch Piplup! And Piplup! Aerial Ace!"

"Ursa! Teddi!" Teddiursa suddenly picked up her teammate with all her might. And with a mighty yell, she tossed the Penguin Pokemon like a rocket, sending him straight towards his fellow Water-Type.

"Piplup!" With Piplup being launched, he gained some extra speed. And that speed was amplified when he used Aerial Ace as a stream of blue wind trailed out, spiralling around as Piplup and Swanna locked eyes.

Once both Water-Types came into contact with each other, a back and forth happened between Aerial Ace and the Psybeam-clad Brave Bird. Each time Piplup and Swanna's beaks clashed against each other, the Psybeam Armor was slowly being destroyed.

The purple energy from Psybeam started flying all over the place as it was now raining Psychic energy.

"Oh! It's raining Psybeam!" Marian exclaimed.

"Pip...lup!" Unfortunately, Piplup couldn't hold back the Psybeam-powered Brave Bird, even with the boost from Teddiursa. Swanna broke right through, knocking the Penguin Pokemon back. "Pip!"

"Ah! Piplup!" Sweetie Belle gasped.

"Now! Flap your wings ferociously, Swanna!"

"Swan! Swan! Swan!" Swanna then flapped both her wings and the Psybeam wings at a ferocious pace. The wingbeat was so fierce that the Psybeam armour sent mini Psybeam feathers from above, aiming for Teddiursa and Piplup.

"Yikes!" Sweetie Belle winced. "Hit them back with Thunder Punch and Aerial Ace!"

There was absolutely no way they were avoiding the barrage of mini-Psybeams that were falling from above. So instead, they were going to fight back against them by using their paws and fins.

With Thunder Punch and Aerial Ace, Piplup and Teddiursa were knocking the mini-Psybeams back at Swanna. But that wouldn't guarantee a hit as Swanna's ferocious wingbeat was powerful enough to send the Psybeams back whilst more of them came flying down.

"Now it's a back and forth to see who can land a hit next! Look at those Psybeams' move!" Marian said.

"That Premium pony's pretty good at keeping Sweetie Belle on her hooves," Paul spoke. "Even if Sweetie Belle attacks from afar or up-close, she has a counter for everything."

"I-Is Sweetie Belle going to lose?" Coco stuttered.

"Absolutely not!" Rarity bellowed. "There's still time for her to work around this...!"

"There's no way I can match her in flash and flair..." Sweetie Belle said to herself. "But even still...Night Slash through the Psybeams, Teddiursa!"

"Ursa!" Teddiursa quickly changed moves by switching into Night Slash. The Normal-Type Pokemon had a Dark-Type move on her paws which would help greatly against the Psychic-Type move such as Psybeam.

Because of the type advantage, the Psybeams had been split in half, scattering all over the place. Each time Teddiursa swung her paws, she took out the Psybeams that rained down from above. All the while, the Psybeam wing armour was diminishing.

"Now, go!" Sweetie Belle yelled at the top of her lungs.

"I don't think so! Silver Wind, Masquerain!"

"Que! Querain!" Masquerain wasn't about to let Teddiursa get the chance to land a hit on Swanna as she sent a stream of powdery crescent-shaped scales.

"Bubble Beam!"

"Lup-Lup!" But of course, Piplup wouldn't let her teammate fail as she counteracted by sending out a spray of bubbles that were forcefully ejected.

Bubble Beam actually managed to capture the crescent shapes of Silver Wind, encasing them inside. Now there were bubbles with moons inside of them that were floating all over the contest halls.

This entire matchup wasn't just two coordinators going up against each other. They were also complementing each other's skills by making each of their moves stand out and increase in quality.

Time was ticking. Only 50 seconds on the clock remained.

"Teddiursa!" Teddiursa finally got close enough to Swanna as she raised both her paws up with Night Slash's aura growing in size.

"Swanna!" Swanna put all of her strength into the Psybeam Wings. She swung the Psychic Wings towards Teddiursa while the Little Bear Pokemon swung her paws towards Swanna.

Both their wings and paws had collided upon contact. But only one of them would actually emerge superior. And that was Teddiursa thanks to Night Slash working well against Psybeam. With a spurt of strength, Teddiursa shattered the Psybeam armour.


"Now! Thunder Punch!"

"Ursa!" Teddiursa quickly shifted moves once more. Now that she was up in Swanna's face, she could go all out. By changing into Thunder Punch, the Little Bear Pokemon smashed her paws on Swanna's head, dealing high amounts of damage.

"S-Swan!" Swanna was sent flying like a rocket as sparks of electricity flew across the stage. These sparks went a step further. They connected with the bubbles that had Silver Wind inside of them. Once the sparks connected with Bubble Beam, they caused a powerful chain reaction.

The electricity travelled through the bubbles, mixing with the crescents themselves, giving them a beautiful and radiant golden glow.

"Not my Swanna!" Premium gasped as she witnessed Swanna tumble.

"It isn't over yet! Let's go with Hidden Power and Bubble Beam!"

"Piplup!" Piplup once again sent a spray of bubbles out of his mouth as Teddiursa fired orbs of white light via Hidden Power. But this time, Bubble Beam caught the orbs, giving them a white outline. Now they were identical to the bubbles that had caught Silver Wind.

And speaking of Silver Wind, the bubbles with Hidden Power were much larger. Once each of the bubbles with different attacks inside of them met with each other, the bubbles unified, creating a compromise. Now the size had increased even further along with the power. With Hidden Power and Silver Wind being merged, the strength increase had gone up the roof.

"Oh, my...!" Premium stepped back, witnessing the gigantic array of bubbles that filled the air.

"Take a good look, Premium! This is what hours of staying up at night and practising can pay off! Now, Piplup! Teddiursa! Strike them!"

With perfect sync and unity, Teddiursa and Piplup both used Night Slash and Aerial Ace to hit all of the bubbles one by one, sending them towards their opponents.

"That's Premium Polish to you! Dodge with Quiver Dance and Feather Dance." An attempt was made to avoid the approaching bubbles as both Flying-Types used their elegant dances as a means of evading the bubbles.

It was coming down to the wire now.

"Don't let them escape! Use Thunder Punch to throw the bubbles."

"Ursa!" Teddiursa then shifted into Thunder Punch, using her sparking paws to grab the bubbles instead of hitting them. With two bubbles in her paws, the Little Bear Pokemon tossed them like baseballs.

The bubbles were now moving at a faster pace with lightning trailing out of them, making it harder for Swanna and Masquerain to avoid them as Teddiursa kept frantically tossing them all.

"Swan! Swanna!"

"Mas! Masque!"

The two of them were being pressured by this new approach from Teddiursa as the Little Bear Pokemon was going absolutely insane with her throwing. No matter where Masquerain and Swanna flew, the bubbles would be there.

"Piplup! Keep firing! And Teddiursa! Merge them all!"

"Teddi!" Teddiursa then gathered all the bubbles that Piplup had fired, bringing them close to her as she embedded them with electricity along with the ones that had Hidden Power and Silver Wind in them.

By bringing all the bubbles together, Teddiursa created a single gigantic bubble that was larger than all of them. All the bubbles had merged to create the apex bubble that had Silver Wind, Hidden Power and Thunder Punch inside of them as everyone gawked, looking up at the humongous bubble.

"Sweet Celestia..." Premium squeaked.

"Time for the big finish! Piplup! Strike it with Aerial Ace!"

"Lup!" Piplup ascended into the air with a burst of speed, raising his flippers. Piplup then smashed Aerial Ace onto the gigantic bubble. With a huge amount of force, Piplup managed to send the bubble flying towards Swanna and Masquerain.

"Not good! Push it back with Scald and Silver Wind!"

There was a 0% chance of them avoiding an attack this massive. So the best option was to fight back at it with a boiling blast of water and a beam of powdery dust.

However, upon contact, the Large bubble overpowered the two attacks with ease. The sheer size of it and the many attacks that were inside of the bubble made it an unstoppable force of nature as Swanna and Masquerain both gasped, knowing that there was no way they could stop this attack.

Thus, the giant bubble connected with them. And once it did, it popped upon contact, creating a violent and loud explosion of powder, electricity and light energy that was blinding to the eyes. Everyone looked away as the explosion even blew the Pokemon back. Sweetie Belle and Premium stayed firm on the floor with their dresses flowing frantically along with their manes.


And with that, 5 minutes were up.

"Oh!" Both coordinators moved their heads towards the screen to see which one of them came out as the victor after that aggressive finish. Everyone else held their breath as they also looked at the screen.

"And the winning coordinator on the final stage is...!" Marian kept everyone in suspense as she finally revealed the winner. "Sweetie Belle! Which of course means that Sweetie Belle is the winner of this day's Pokemon Contest!"

"Oh." Sweetie Belle had a poker face before realizing she had won. "Oh yes!" She was overjoyed, as to be expected. So overjoyed that she levitated herself with her magic.



Just as overjoyed as their trainer, both Piplup and Teddiursa rushed over to Sweetie Belle's side, hugging her with enough force to bring her to the floor, which is exactly what happened as they all laughed. Thunderous applause came from the crowd as they had witnessed possibly their favourite contest match yet.

"Yes!" Rarity bellowed, startling everyone near her. "I knew it!" She ended up hugging Coco out of excitement.

"That felt more like a traditional Pokemon battle than a contest," Paul smirked. "I've got a lot of new things to try thanks to this final match."

"What a way to win!" Mr Contesta exclaimed.

"Packing all of those moves into one single bubble to really give it an extra hit is truly remarkable!" Mr Sukizo chimed in.

"Right!" Nurse Joy nodded.

"Beaten by a bubble..." Premium sighed. "Mom's not gonna be happy with this but...it is what it is. Swanna. Masquerain. Good job, you two."



"Hey, Premium!" Sweetie Belle called her name.

"Hm?" She looked up at her fellow unicorn coordinator.

"Thanks for the fun battle! It was a real rush!" She grinned.

"That's Premium Polish to you. And yeah. It was exciting. I had a total blast from start to finish." Premium smiled back at Sweetie Belle. "And thanks to you, I've got a larger reason to get invested in contests now."

"You do?"

"Oh yeah. I was totally bored with how easy things were for me in the beginning. But now that I've met you, I've got a real challenge now. Which means the next time we meet, I'll win for sure."

"We'll see." Sweetie Belle knew that she and Premium were going to cross paths again someday because of this one single match.

With Sweetie Belle's victory, she was rightfully ready to be granted the Las Pegasus Ribbon by Mr Contesta. She stood side by side with her Pokemon, looking at the ribbon that Mr Contesta had in his hands.

"Sweetie Belle. For performing and battling so well with your Pokemon, I can thankfully and proudly say that you have earned the Las Pegasus Ribbon." He gave the ribbon to the little unicorn.

"Thank you so much!" Sweetie Belle took the ribbon, placing it in her ribbon case.

"And that wraps up today's Las Pegasus contest! Unfortunately, that was the last spare ribbon, so we won't be available tomorrow and onwards! But we'll certainly be at other contest halls in Equestria with more chances to win those ribbons! Thank you all for coming like always!" Marian slid in as she waved goodbye to the crowd.

Outside, 11:30.

"What a day...but it's still morning." Sweetie Belle said as she walked out of the contest hall with Rarity, Paul and Coco.

"We still have a lot to do," Coco replied. "What now?"

"Well...We've completed the contest just now. So perhaps-" Before Rarity could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the scream of a very familiar individual.

Jessie, who was undergoing the disguise of Jesselle, rushed over as she was obviously here for the contest. Little did she know that it was too late.

"Out of my way!" Jessie slid on the ground, stopping next to Sweetie Belle and the others. "Have I made it on time?!"

"Oh, um..." Rarity scrunched her face. "Sorry, Jesselle. But you're a bit too late...They've just finished today's contest."

"Huh?!" Jessie screeched before regaining her composure. "That's fine! I still have tomorrow to look forward to! Then I'll-"

"They've run out of spare ribbons." Paul shut her down. "Plus this thing's not gonna be open from tomorrow and onwards. So there's no point."

"A-Ah..." Jessie felt defeated as she got on her knees. "This can't be..."

"No need to worry!" Sweetie Belle went over to her. "They said that there's still more contest halls in Equestria. So there's still a chance to win some other ribbons instead."

"Hm!" Jessie shot up with her hair rising. "You're right! Thanks, Twerpette!" She patted Sweetie Belle on the head. "I'd better get searching then!" Jessie then dashed off, searching for the next location where there might be a contest hall out there.

"I'm a bit tired..." Sweetie Belle yawned. "Pokemon Contests sure do take a lot out of you..."

"Then, how about some downtime. We can return to Ponyville in the meantime for some relaxation. How does that sound?" Rarity suggested.

"That'd be nice..." Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Oh! Can I come along?! I've always wanted to see your boutique, Rarity!" Coco asked.

"Certainly." Rarity agreed. "What about you, Paul?"

"Pass. I'm off to somewhere else for the festival. But it's been fun hanging out with you all. Tell Ash I said Hi."

"We shall. Oh. We should probably fetch Spike as well. Where could he have gone?" Rarity wondered as she navigated her head, searching for Spike.

Spike had actually passed out with Salamence after eating too much. They found a buffet of food and just went to town on it all. They had already exhausted themselves out as Spike was laying on Salamence's stomach while they both snored in sync. Like trainer like Pokemon.

With Sweetie Belle's newest contest Ribbon obtained, her progress as a coordinator is going smoothly. And as a bonus, she had formed a new rival in the form of Premium Polish. The road to a Top Coordinator is not an easy one. There are bound to be many unavoidable obstacles that will come her way. But Sweetie Belle is ready to tackle them as the journey continues.

Chapter 327 End.

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