• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: The Great and Powerful School

Unova, Nimbasa City.

"Did you hear? There's a pony putting on a magic show apparently." A man gossiped.

"Really? Who?"

"I think her name was-"

"THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!" Trixie Lulamoon had emerged on stage she set up. "Greetings everypony from this world. You are about to witness the wonder and greatness of my world's magic. Nopony knows magic more than me after all. Now! Prepare to be amazed!"

Humans had gathered up to see Trixie perform. They were hoping that this was going to be good.

Trixie turned around to the back of the stage to see her partner Pokemon that she had. It was a Misdreavus. She gave her Pokemon the sign to cause some ghostly antics.

Trixie's horn started to glow as she lifted up a cup. Misdreavus used Psychic to lift the entire stage up from the ground. It then used some illusions to make it look like the stage had shrunk and gone into the cup. The people were impressed by what they were seeing. Trixie smiled, but it all went south fast. Misdreavus couldn't keep this up for long as it wasn't strong enough. So Psychic ran out, the illusion faded away and everything came crashing down. Literally.

Trixie shook her head as she felt a bit dizzy. The people backed away leaving as they felt like the show wasn't as impressive as they thought it was. Trixie pouted, seeing how the magic trick didn't go so well. Even if it wasn't magic at all.

Trixie packed up her magic equipment ready to leave.

"Let's go Misdreavus. Maybe we can improve on your skills along the way."


"Hold on there missy." She was stopped by a voice. A voice belonging to the one and only BigTime Ben. "I see you're in a bit of a rut"

"And who are you?"

"I'm BigTime Ben. A man who gives big-time opportunities to all. And young lady. I can see a great future ahead of you."

"You? Give me a big-time opportunity?"

"That's right. You're a magic kind of pony. A unicorn. But you take it one step further. You're also a show pony if I'm saying that right."

"Hmph. The best show pony. I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!" She exclaimed.

"But that trick you just didn't wasn't so great. It was powerful though."

"Y-Yeah. So what are you here to give me?"

"Well, Trixie. I'm offering you an opportunity to make your magic business much more.. magical."

"How so?"

"With this! Gothitelle." Gothitelle had used her psychic ability to construct an image of what Trixie's future may look like. The image was of her in a teacher outfit.

"A teacher? Me?"

"Yes! A teacher of magic. If you can teach other little ponies magic, then without a doubt your name will spread across Equestria. You'll be the pony that they all come to for magic lessons."

"R-R-Really?" Trixie was loving this idea. Not only would it get her a huge reputation. But it would also make her more popular than Twilight, who as an alicorn even. "I'm in! Thank you Mr BigTime! So where do I start?"

"Well first. You obviously need to work on improving your magic. I'll leave you to handle that one. But for where you'll be working..."

An old run-down building located near Undella Town.

"Here. This building once belonged to a trainer who focused a lot on Fairy-Type Pokemon. Fairy-Types are the one Pokemon type that are brimming with magic."

"It's so tacky and run-down though."

"Yes, it is. But it can have some fixing up in no time. I'll have some of my Pokemon help you. And I assume you have a name for this place?"

"Indeed! I shall call it... The Great and Powerful School!"

"Seems simple enough. I'll leave you to it. Come out you all." BigTime Ben sent out his Pokemon to help. They consisted of a Male Indeedee, some Machoke's and a Mr Mime.

"This is the start of something beautiful!" Trixie had tons of joy in her face along with her Misdreavus.

Hours had passed and Trixie's new business was formed. A small school for magic. The first task was getting students. BigTime Ben's Pokemon had left, returning to their trainer.

"Alright. Now. Students. How do I gather them?" Trixie wondered. "I know! I'll just get some from Ponyville. I'm sure nopony would mind if I asked their young unicorns to learn some magic.


Trixie crossed the gateway, arriving at Ponyville. But once she entered, she was met with unpleasant looks glancing over her. They hadn't forgotten what she did when she had the Alicorn Amulet. She walked up to a little unicorn filly but the parent instantly grabbed their child and ran off. Soon, nopony wanted to chat with Trixie.

"So much for any students." Trixie lowered her head. Her Misdreavus went over to comfort her by rubbing her face on her trainer's. "At least you're here with me Misdreavus."

Just then, Misdreavus had noticed a familiar face. One who could help Trixie. It was Ash and Pikachu. Meaning that this Misdreavus was the same one that caused trouble in Ponyville when the two worlds had crossed over in the early days.

Misdreavus called out to them, grabbing their attention.

"Oh hey. A Misdreavus. Isn't that...?"

Misdreavus floated towards them, greeting the two.


"Oh! You're THAT same Misdreavus. How have you been?"


"Excuse me! But that's MY Misdreavus? She belongs to The Great and Powerful Trixie."

"Oh. Found a trainer eh? Well nice to meet ya, Trixie. My name's Ash. And this is my partner Pikachu."


"Well, Ash and Pikachu. It seems you are aware of my great and powerful Pokemon."

"Mhm. She sure did cause a lot of trouble a while back. But I can see she found you and you got close."

"Of course we did. Anypony can get close to me. Except for the ones here." Trixie pouted.

"How come?"

"I'm not exactly the most liked pony around here. See, I caused a bit of trouble by purchasing an Alicorn Amulet. Things got out of hand, I was evil, and everypony is now sceptical of me. So yeah."

"Oh. That explains the shifty eyes." Ash was looking at ponies who were glancing over at Trixie with disdain.

"I came here to get some young unicorns to be my students for a school that had just opened up in your world. But that's not happening."

"Hey cheer up. I can help."


"You will? You'll help me?" Trixie looked up at Ash and Pikachu.

"Sure thing. We're always down to help anyone out. Right buddy?"


"Hmph. Well, The Great and Powerful Trixie will accept your kind offer."

"Awesome. Though it'll be tough to find some. That's for sure. But I think I know a good place to start. You may not be liked here, but maybe you'll make a change at Canterlot."

"Canterlot?! Me?! No, no, no. That is beyond me. It's too... sophisticated."

"Ah, who cares. Canterlot doesn't care if you're sophisticated. Just be yourself."

"Be myself? That easy?"



"Very well. Come Ash Ketchum. to Canterlot!"

Arriving at Canterlot, Trixie got her first good look at the place. It was her first time here after all.

"So this is Canterlot? It's as impressive as they make it out to be.." She gazed at the sight of it.

"I know right. I was surprised too. There are some unicorns here who'd maybe like to join your school. They're in my friend Hollow's class."

Leading Trixie to a house, Ash knocked on the door of the residents.

"Coming!" A mare yelled. Opening the door, she recognized Ash and Pikachu. "Oh my goodness! Ash Ketchum and Pikachu! Oh, what are you doing here?" She was getting all excited.

"Hey. I got a question for ya. Would it be okay if your kid signed up for a school run by Trixie over here? You don't ha-"

"Of course!" She immediately replied without hesitation.

"Really? That fast?" Ash was surprised.

"Anything involving you must be good, obviously." The unicorn chuckled. "Shineblitz! Get over here!"

A young light yellow colored unicorn with baggy eyes showed up next to her mother.

"I'm here..." She said half-asleep.

"You'll have to excuse her. She doesn't stay awake that long in the morning. I believe she may be nocturnal."

"Oh hey. You're Ash Ketchum." She said with a drowsy voice. "Can I have your auto-" She then dozed off. Her mother nudged her, waking her up. "Ah! I'm awake! I'm awake!"

"Shineblitz here is a one of a kind. Takes after her father. Her magic is a bit on the offside." Her mother explained.

"How come?" Ash asked.

"Well for some unknown reason, her magic only works when she's asleep. Never when she's awake. Odd isn't it?"

"It's not odd, its-" Shineblitz fell asleep once more.

"I'm sure we can still work with it. What do you say, Shineblitz? Wanna improve your magic?" Ash asked the young unicorn.

"Do I ever? I'd lo-" Back to sleep she went.

"She'd love to." Her mother said for her.

And just like that, Trixie had her first student. Albeit a sleepy one who's only active in the night. And it was all thanks to Ash. This was the start of something new even if it was greatly small.

Trixie had shown Ash, Pikachu and Shineblitz her new school, seeing how brand new it was.

"Behold! The place were legends will be made!" Trixie said, showing off the semi-tattered building.

"Oh, this place looks rough."


"Huh? Oh... nice..." Shineblitz dozed off once more.

"Just you wait. Unicorns will start flocking here and this will become the ideal magic school. Possibly even higher than Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. Now Shineblitz. Come with me." Trixie used her magic to lift up the sleeping filly. Entering inside, the school looked nicer on the inside. It looked like your average school, with the only difference being tons of posters with Trixie on them. Everywhere. Narcissism in its purest form.

"So. Do you know what you're doing first here?" Ash asked.

"Well, no not really. I'm not sure where to start even."

"Why not start with simple magic spells? Will that do?"


"Simple is right. That's all I'm really good at. I'm not as skilled in magic like Twilight Sparkle, let alone Princess Celestia. If anything, I'm sub-par." Trixie was degrading herself a bit. "It'll be a slow process, that's for sure. But! Now is not the time for sulking! Now is the time for learning. Shineblitz!"

"Huh?! W-Wha?" She woke up.

"Are you ready to improve your magic?"

"I guess so."

"Then we'll start with something basic. The Glorpy!"

"The Glorpy?" Ash and Shineblitz both said in unison.

"It's another word for a haunted handkerchief."

"Oh. But wait, can't you already do that? Your magic can lift stuff ya know." said Ash.

"Oh no no. This is a much better version of it. Instead of your typical ghost shenanigans, it'll be an actual living ghost!"

"I'm not sure ghosts are alive though..."


"Hush now. Observe." Trixie used her magic to get a handkerchief, lifting it up. She cast a spell on it that made the handkerchief semi-sentient. It was flying on its own without Trixie's blue magic aura around it. This lasted for 18 seconds before the handkerchief died out and fell to the ground.

"You actually managed to make it come alive?!" Ash was surprised at what he saw.

"Mhm. I managed to remember one spell from the Alicorn Amulet. But it doesn't last long though. Now Shineblitz. Show me what you can do."

Shineblitz wasn't listening because she had fallen asleep on the floor. Trixie sighed, waking her up.

"Oh huh? Oh right. Glorpy. Sorry, Ms Trixie. I can't really do it. You know what my mom said. My horn only acts up at night."

"Well if you're asleep then it'll be off. All you have to do is stay awake. Simple enough right?"

"R-Right... I'll try it." Shineblitz looked at the handkerchief, attempting to use some magic. A small little yellow spark lit up in the horn. It looked liked it was actually about work in the day. But, the young pony fell asleep, causing the magic to fade away as she snored.

"Ugh. She wasn't kidding when she said it's only active in the night. Is this really my first student?"

"Cheer up Trixie. I'm sure you'll make some progress."

"Why are you so dedicated to helping me, Ash?"

"Why? I don't need a reason to help someone. No matter where they're from."

Those words really hit Trixie. The first time somepony was willing to help her out. Not wanting to show any signs of weakness, Trixe let out a soft smile.

"Hmph. Well, I appreciate it greatly. And have decided!"

"Decided on what?"

"You, Ash Ketchum, will be The Great and Powerful Trixie's assistant!"

"Me? An assistant?"


"Of course. I'll need somepony to manage this school with me."

"Well... I'm not sure if that would fit me. But I can help find someone who can help you in the least. Eventually."

"Works for me. You may leave now. I think I now know what I must do. That includes you Shineblitz. I'll see you here next week."

"Oh... goody.. home.." Shineblitz responded as Ash picked her up.

"Good luck with your school Trixie. I'll come by and visit from time to time to see how you're doing." Ash and Pikachu waved goodbye.

"Farewell to you too!" She waved back. "And thank you." She silently said.

Returning back to the other world, Ash had sent Shineblitz back home. The sun was setting, marking a new day coming to an end.

"You know Pikachu. I've been thinking recently..."


"Twilight made that memory book to make sure that she remembers us when our worlds return to normal. I want to keep something that makes us remember them too, ya know."


"Yeah, I know. I'm getting super sentimental. But you totally were sappy too when I was gone for a while." He teased as the two laughed. They returned back to Ponyville, to get some rest and prepare for another day.

Chapter 65 End!

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