• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Ferocity and Vitality

The battle between Rainbow Dash and Spitfire rages on with ferocity and dynamism.

The two are in the midst of a heated battle with Luxio and Flygon continuing to face off against each other. Only one of them will emerge the victor in all of this.

"Fire Blast, let's go!"

"Fly...GON!" Flygon sent an intense and fierce blast of fire towards its opponent, tearing through the ground itself.

"Dodge it with Wild Charge!"

"Xio!" Luxio used Wild Charge as a method of dodging, zipping to the side like a thunderbolt striking down. The Fire Blast missed Luxio by a mile thanks to that speedy dodge.

"Now head in and use Iron Tail repeatedly!"

"Lux! Lux!" Luxio bolted himself forward as he hardened his tail, turning it into pure steel.

"We won't let you get close! Use Screech!"

"F̶̩̊Ḻ̷̆Y̷̬̑Y̵͕͂Y̸̳͂Y̷̰͆!" Flygon brought Luxio to a screeching halt by emitting an earsplitting sound wave from his mouth.

"X-Xio!" Luxio clenched his teeth, desperately trying to make sure that Screech doesn't greatly affect him.

"Relax Luxio! Use Iron Tail to knock the rocks at Flygon's eyes!"

"Lux!" Luxio chose to strike the rocks from the battlefield instead of pursuing Flygon. By using Iron Tail, Luxio sent some rocks flying towards Flygon's direction, hoping to flinch the Mystic Pokemon with a hit to the eye.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen at all. After all, the red covers on Flygon's eyes protects it from any sand in the desert. And that includes rocks as well. So that strategy was no good.

"Rats!" Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof.

"Now, Flygon! Finish it with Superpower!"

"Gon!" The Mystic Pokemon put a stop to Screech, zooming towards Luxio with a ton of power packed into its claws.

"Here it comes...Jump with Wild Charge and land on Flygon's back!"

"Xio!" Once Flygon got close enough, Luxio used Wild Charge to take off like a rocket in the sky, evading the destructive claws of Flygon and its Superpower. The Spark Pokemon landed on Flygon's back, getting himself a ride.


"Oh, what now?!" Spitfire growled.

"Use Iron Tail!"

Whilst riding Flygon, Luxio slammed his hardened tail on Flygon's back, dealing some free damage.

"Flygon! Toss Luxio off!"

"Flygon!" Flygon took to the skies, spinning around as it was trying to get the Spark Pokemon off its back. But Luxio was holding on tight, not letting go for a second as he kept on slamming Iron Tail on Flygon's back. "Gon!"

"Don't let up! Keep using Iron Tail!"

"Lux! Luxio!" Over and over again, Luxio kept beating on Flygon with pure steel whilst Flygon was trying its best to get the Spark Pokemon off its back.

"Flygon! Ascend and let's get this over with!"

"Fly!" Flygon ascended higher into the skies, breaking past even the clouds themselves.

"Hold on tight, Luxio! You can do it!"

"Xio...!" Luxio could feel the breeze of the wind hit his face along with the sun rays which were a bit blinding. However, they weren't blinding to Flygon thanks to its red covers.

"That's way too high up!" Sweetie Belle stood up.

"Just how durable is that Flygon?" Rarity gulped.

"Now! Descend and toss Luxio off your back!"

Flygon had reached a high enough level at this point. The rays of the sun got into Luxio's eyes, making him lose a bit of his focus. Flygon turned around, tossing Luxio off as the Spark Pokemon was now airborne.


"End it with Fire Blast!"

"Fly..." Flygon was ready to finally put an end to Luxio with a fully-charged Fire Blast in store. Luxio was falling, screaming as he was unable to recover himself at the moment.

"Not good! Charge down and dodge with Wild Charge!"

"Lu...XIO!" Like a bolt of lightning, Luxio dashed downwards, passing Flygon completely at lightning speeds.

"You won't escape! Aim downwards!"

Flygon redirected itself, sending the Fire Blast downwards instead of upwards. Luxio looked up to see a devastating blast of fire coming his way.

"Head inside of the ground, quick!"

"Xio!" Luxio hopped into one of the many holes around the battlefield, avoiding Fire Blast as the Fire move exploded upon impact on the ground.

"This is getting too intense!" Pinkie pulled her mane. "I can hardly take it all in!"

"Can Luxio even take much more of this?" Fluttershy was getting worried about Luxio's well-being. He's taken some heavy damage in this entire battle and is still standing with tons of electricity building up in him.

"But look! Flygon's a bit banged up too!" Twilight noticed that Flygon's back was twitching. Mostly due to how many Iron Tails connected.

"I gotta say, Crash. It's not many that can give my Flygon a hard time. In fact, this is the first time somepony's lasted this long against Flygon. And I'm going to make sure that this is the last time that ever happens."


"Yeah, well keep dreaming! Me and my team are experts at breaking records! I'm winning this no matter what!"

"We'll see..." Flygon! Dragon Tail on the battlefield!"

"Gon!" BY raising its tail, Flygon smashed the draconic move down on the battlefield, causing the ground to shake from a single strike.

"Lux?!" Luxio, who was currently underground, could feel the tremors from Dragon Tail hitting the ground as he looked around his surroundings, waiting for Rainbow Dash to say something.

"Just stay there for a while, Luxio!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Xio...!" Luxio kept his paws firm on the ground, not moving an inch for a second as Flygon continuously caused mini-earthquakes.

Each hit from Dragon Tail was gradually transforming the battlefield more and more in various ways. As if it wasn't already transformed enough from the previous battles. Rainbow Dash bit her lip, waiting for the right moment to act as Luxio stayed put, not making any sound.

"You can't hide forever! Use Superpower instead!"

"Fly...." Flygon switched it up by transferring Superpower into its tail, replacing it with Dragon Tail as it prepared to deliver the biggest hit on the battlefield. Luxio braced himself, ready for the absolute worst to happen. "GON!"

Flygon smashed the ground with Superpower, shattering the entire battlefield to a point where the sheer might of Superpower forced the ground to rise and tremble. Crevasse's had formed from the impact with hundreds of fractures spread across the area.

The referee squealed, jumping on a large rock to get some safe ground since the battlefield was a bit of a hazard at the moment.

Countless huge chunks rocks flew up into the air along with a massive crater being formed underneath Flygon. The battlefield now looked more like a mountainscape due to how much damage it has taken so far.

"Now! Iron Tail!"

"Lux!" Emerging from underneath the ground, Luxio appeared before Flygon, right up to the Mystic Pokemon's neck. "Xio!" With swiftness and force, Luxio uppercut Flygon's neck with Iron Tail, giving it 100% of everything he had. He even created a compression wave from the impact.

"Fly!" Flygon could feel Luxio's sharp and hard tail strike its neck as a loud clang could be heard. Luxio spun around after the uppercut, landing safely on the now destroyed ground. As for Flygon, it had fallen on its back, unable to handle that final attack.

"Ah! Flygon!" Spitfire gasped.


"OH." The referee raised his head to see how Flygon was doing. By looking at the Mystic Pokemon's current state, the outcome had been decided. "Flygon is unable to battle! Luxio wins!"


After possibly the roughest and fastest match yet, Luxio emerged the victor and overcame an impossible odd by defeating a Pokemon that had a huge advantage over him.

"Luxio! You rock!" Rainbow Dash flew up with excitement.

"Xio." Luxio grinned, glad that he managed to make his trainer proud and how he was able to hang in there. His body felt a bit weak as he was struggling to keep his balance.

"Oh! You're not looking too good right now. Get some rest, for now, okay?" Rainbow Dash returned Luxio to let him relax for a while.

"That Luxio sure is something!" Pinkie let out a sigh of relief.

"Next to Fighting-Types, Electric-Type Pokemon seem to have a plethora of resiliency and stubbornness. Even more than the Steel-Types." Rarity nodded.

"You did your best, Flygon. Good job." Spitfire brought Flygon back. "Hm. Alright then. Now that I know how tough and stubborn you and your Pokemon can be...I can take things seriously now."

"Wait! You weren't taking things seriously before?!" Rainbow Dash pulled back.

"Go! Froslass!" Out came Spitfire's third Pokemon, the Snow Land Pokemon Froslass.


"Froslass huh? That might be a bit tricky..." Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes.

"Form!" Castform flew out of Rainbow Dash's saddlebag, deciding to face Froslass himself.

"Castform? Do you want to go up against her?" Rainbow Dash looked up at him.

"Cast!" Castform nodded as he gave Rainbow Dash an indication as to why he wanted to face Froslass.

Rainbow Dash realized that it was because Castform and Froslass have no effect on each other as Normal-Types and Ghost-Types unless Castform transforms. Plus, Froslass is a Pokemon that is heavily involved with the weather after all, so this may benefit them.

And of course, they were both thinking about Reflect Type. Despite it being a Normal-Type move it is capable of affecting even Ghost-Type Pokemon.

"Okay! You're up then, Castform!"


"I think I know what she's planning..." Twilight uttered.

"Watch this...I'll make sure you don't even land a single hit on Froslass. Use Hail!"

"Froslass..." Froslass's body glowed light blue as she ascended to the sky. Thick clouds appeared above the battlefield along with a thick fog as well. As Froslass began to float in the clouds, snow started to fall, landing everywhere on the ruined battlefield. The Snow Land Pokemon was appearing and disappearing all over the place, letting out haunting cries every single time, fitting as Ghost.

"Here it is. Let your cells do the talking Castform!"

"Form!" Castform's cells reacted to the hail, allowing his body to undergo a metamorphosis. A blue and white emanated out of the Weather Pokemon as he transformed into his Snowy Form.

"Alright! Now it's time for Castform to work his magic!" Pinkie cheered.

"Oh no." Ash suddenly realized why Froslass set up Hail.

"What's wrong, Ash?" Twilight turned to him.

"If Froslass is setting up Hail...then that means its ability is Snow Cloak!"

"What's Snow Cloak?" Apple Bloom asked.

"If there's any Hail around, Snow Cloak kicks in. It's an ability that makes it harder for the opponent to hit its mark and helps with Froslass's evasion. This might get rough." Ash explained.

"That doesn't sound good..." Pinkie gulped. "How do they get rid of Hail?!"

"They don't have any Weather moves on them but...back when I battled against a Froslass, Pikachu dealt a ton of damage to her and Hail just vanished after that. So if they can just land one strong hit in..." Ash recalled his battle against Paul's Froslass.


"Alright, Castform! Use Weather Ball!"

"Cast... Form!" The Weather Pokemon summoned a light-blue energy ball surrounded with ice, firing it towards his target.

"Fross..." Froslass simply stared at the incoming Ice attack as if it wasn't even that big of a deal. And it wasn't. The Snow Land Pokemon disappeared once more, causing Weather Ball to miss completely. Not only that, but Froslass appeared in front of Castform, giving him a fright with eerie howls.


"Froslass!" Froslass continued to mess around with Castform, appearing everywhere without even stopping for a second.

"Is she messing with us or something?!" Rainbow Dash growled. "Use Weather Ball repeatedly!"

"Form! Castform!" Rapid Fire energy balls of Ice were unleashed by Castform in hopes of hitting the Snow Land Pokemon with at least one of them.

However, every single of the Weather Balls continued to miss the Ice-Ghost-Type, as Froslass was popping in and out frantically without a predictable pattern whatsoever.

"Look at that! Castform can't hit Froslass at all! And I can barely see where it is most of the time!" The announcer rubbed his eyes.

"Alright, let's attack now! Froslass, use Confuse Ray!"

"Lass!" Froslass appeared above Castform as her eyes flashed purple. She exposed the Weather Pokemon to a bright flashing and sinister ray, triggering Confusion.

"Cast..." The Weather Pokemon felt dazed and befuddled after

"Looks like Castform is confused!" said the Announcer.

"Seriously?! Confusion?!"

"Let's see you try and do something now!"

"Watch us! Use Weather Ball Castform!"

"Form..." Castform could still hear Rainbow Dash's commands, although he couldn't exactly stay focused thanks to Confusion. When he tried to use Weather Ball, he ended up hitting the referee instead, giving him a sudden chill.

"Ow!" The referee winced as he held his face.

"Try again," Spitfire smirked.

"Keep firing Weather Ball until it hits!"

"Form...Cast..." Multiple Weather Balls of ice were unleashed by Castform and every single time, they missed Froslass over and over again. Not because of Froslass's Snow Cloak ability, but instead due to Confusion.

Each of the Weather Balls either destroyed a large rock or almost hit one of the ponies in the crowd, prompting them to duck for cover as the seats were frozen thanks to the ice inside of Weather Ball.

"This is bad...Stop attacking, Castform!"

"Cast..." Castform ceased his attacks as he spun around, trying to figure out which direction he was even facing right now.

"If you want, I can take out Castform right now if that's cool with you?" Spitfire chuckled.

"No need. I've got one move that'll hit Froslass for sure. And it won't matter if she's a Ghost-Type."

"Hm?" Spitfire raised an eyebrow.

"Reflect Type, let's go!"

"Cast..." The one move that Castform could actually pull off without having to focus that much was Reflect Type. Even if Froslass was part Ghost, this was the only Normal-Type move that could affect her since it works on every Pokemon.

A blue and purple aura surrounded both of their bodies as Castform gained a second type that added on to his Ice-Type. Due to his cells being radioactive, the moment he gained the Ghost-Typing, a dark and eerie shadow emerged from the Weather Pokemon's body, causing an outburst of shadows to engulf the entire area.

"Lass?!" Froslass gasped as she was engulfed by this dome-shaped shadow. It was impossible to dodge since it took up the entire battlefield and beyond. Anypony could even see it from afar even if they weren't in Canterlot.

Since Froslass is a Ghost-Type, like Dragons, their own type is super-effective against each other. And once those shadows hit the Snow Land Pokemon, they dealt some heavy damage to her. Finally, Castform had damaged Froslass.

And thanks to the super-effective damage, Froslass's Hail disappeared as the golden sun graced Canterlot once more along with the azure skies.


"How in the?!" Spitfire pulled back

"Nice work! Return, for now, Castform!"

"Cast..." Castform shook his head, hovering back to his trainer as he returned inside of Rainbow Dash's saddlebag.

"So...that explains what happened yesterday in Canterlot Gardens." Spitfire narrowed her eyes.

"Heh. My Castform's extra special. All of my Pokemon are. And we're all in it to win it!"

Spitfire nodded her head in understanding. At first, she somewhat underestimated Rainbow Dash a bit, not taking her too seriously. But after seeing how she managed to take out her Sharpedo and Flygon whilst also showing incredible persistence as her Pokemon were too stubborn to give up, Spitfire knew that she could cut loose and give it her all.

If she wasn't careful, Rainbow Dash could take out her entire team before she even knew it.

"...Alright then. Return, Froslass." She held her Poke Ball out, bringing the Snow Land Pokemon back. "I'll finish this with just one Pokemon. It's go time! Scizor!"

Out came her ace and by far her strongest Pokemon she had on her team. The Pincer Pokemon.


"Sciz!" The Pincer Pokemon let out a mighty battle cry into the sky, asserting his dominance. Everypony here had heard about Spitfire's Scizor. But they've never truly seen it in full action before. This was their chance.

"Scizor...There he is." Rainbow Dash gulped. She was feeling a bit nervous about this. After all, this was the Pokemon who belonged to Equestria's Number one. Her hooves were shaking along with sweat dripping from her forehead. "Alright. Luxio! Out you come!"

She sent out Luxio in hopes of having him tank any of Scizor's Steel-Type moves. Rainbow Dash knows that he has Bullet Punch at his disposal so it was safe bet so far.


"Zor." Scizor crossed his arms, looking down at Luxio with confidence.

"Luxio! Use, Discharge!"

"Luxio!" The Spark Pokemon sent a blast of electricity towards the Pincer Pokemon as the blast even tore through some rocks.

"Use your steel pincers to conduct them!"

"Scizor!" Scizor held one single pincer out, allowing Discharge to hit him instead of fighting back or dodging. The electricity of Discharge had now become apart of Scizor's singular pincer.

"Oh! Scizor simply took the attack for itself!" The announcer gasped along with Rainbow Dash and Luxio.

"I trained my Scizor for something like this. Why try and fight your weakness when you can use it for yourself?"

"Now. Attack using Swords Dance!"

"Zor!" Scizor's body illuminated light blue suddenly. He quickly zipped across the ground as two blue lights surrounded his pincers, powering up his attack power.

"Use Wild Charge!"

"Xio!" The Spark Pokemon charged in as well but with more force packed into his attack and greater speed as he took off like a lightning bolt.

"Sciz!" Scizor suddenly used his other pincer to grab Luxio's face, stopping him from using Wild Charge as he absorbed the electricity into his other pincer.


"ZOR!" With the extra power of Swords Dance, Scizor slammed Luxio into the ground.

"XIO!" Luxio cried out as he felt his body hit the hard ground, causing a shock to run through him.

"Luxio! Get out of there by using Discharge."

"X-Xio!" Luxio attempted to break free by shocking Scizor. But it was no use. Scizor had managed to overcome its weakness to Electric-Types by becoming a living conductor.

"It's over. Punch him!"

"Sci...ZOR!" Scizor smashed his pincer into Luxio's chest, causing the Spark Pokemon to cough. The Pincer Pokemon dropped Luxio down like a ragdoll as he shook the sparks of electricity off of him.

"L...L-Luxio..." After all of that damage, Luxio had finally fainted.

"Luxio is unable to battle! Scizor wins!"

"Poor Luxio. Type advantage didn't even matter here." Fluttershy whimpered.

"You were amazing, Luxio. Get a good rest." Rainbow Dash returned him, lowering her head. But she knew this wasn't the end yet.

"So. What's it gonna be Crash? Gonna bring out that Braviary of yours?"

"Grrgh..." Rainbow Dash held out Braviary's Poke Ball. She was tempted to bring him out, but that's exactly what Spitfire wanted. Rainbow looked up into the sky, seeing the sun rays hit on her face. That's when she sparked an idea. "I got it! Castform! You're up next!"

"Form!" Castform snapped out of his confusion, ready to go for round two.

"Gonna copy my type again?"

"Not this time. Ascend into the sky!"

"Castform!" The Weather Pokemon hovered upwards into the air, leaving Scizor behind. Both Scizor and Spitfire were wondering what she could be planning. Whatever it was, they weren't about to let Castform pull it off.

"Bullet Punch."

"Zor!" At ludicrous speeds, Scizor left the ground, leaving a shock wave and a crater behind as he held his pincer out.

"Huh?! Look out, Castform!" Rainbow Dash warned her partner to dodge.

"Ca-" But it was too late. Scizor had already caught up, smashing his hard pincers onto Castform's light and fragile body. "Form!"

"Castform, no!"

"Cast...form..." Castform fell like a feather due to him being the lightest Normal-Type. With just that single Bullet Punch, Castform had fainted.

"Castform is unable to battle! Scizor wins!"

"Castform..." Rainbow Dash's eyes were starting to be filled with dread as she flew over to her fainted partner, picking him up.

"One-shot. This isn't good." Scootaloo bit her hooves.

"Rainbow Dash's plan went nowhere. She was planning on having Castform change into its Sunny form so that it could use a Fire Weather Ball on Scizor." Ash noticed what Rainbow Dash was originally going for.

"Oh no...At this rate, Rainbow Dash only has three Pokemon left." Fluttershy gasped.

"Sorry about that buddy." Rainbow Dash had finally been backed into a corner. This is what she feared would happen. She was doing so well and now it took a huge turn. But it wasn't over yet.

Only 7 minutes remain until this battle comes to an end. She looked at Braviary's Poke Ball, knowing that it was time for her strongest Pokemon to take centre stage.

"It's all up to you. Braviary!" She tossed the Poke Ball up, sending out the Valiant Pokemon.


"That's what I was waiting for. Your Braviary." Spitfire grinned. "I saw how powerful that transformation of it was yesterday. That Sonic Rainboom it pulled off was something else."

"Well, you'd better wait and see what else Braviary's capable of!"


"Hmph. Then, it's only right that I use all of Scizor's strength to take Braviary on." Spitfire held out her hoof, showing off her Mega Ring.

"She's gonna Mega Evolve?!" Twilight stood up as everypony's attention had just skyrocketed to a million.

Spitfire used her wing to press the keystone, activating it upon contact. "Evolution beyond Evolution! Scizor! Mega Evolve!"

Golden lights flared out of the ring, moving in four different directions. With Scizor, blue lights shot out of him as he closed his eyes, letting his heart respond to Spitfire's.

"ZOOOR!" The Pincer Pokemon spread his pincers out as the blue and golden lights clashed together, creating a sync between trainer and Pokemon. Scizor increased in height a bit along with his body hardening even further. As if it wasn't hard already.

Scizor's eyes flashed blue as a burst of infinity energy came out of his steel body, causing a shock wave that sent the referee flying along with most of the boulders around here.

Scizor had Mega Evolved.


"T-That's Mega Scizor..." Scootaloo stuttered as she took out her dex.

"Mega Scizor. The Pincer Pokemon. Due to the effects of Mega Evolution, its pincers have taken on a more diabolical form, ripping anything they pinch to shreds. The excess energy that bathes this Pokémon keeps it in constant danger of overflow. It can’t sustain a battle over long periods of time or its body will melt."

"Alright! Gotta get strong! Stronger than ever!" Rainbow Dash and Braviary had also synched their hearts as one. They both had the drive to take down Spitfire and her ferocious Scizor.

Both of them screamed at the top of their lungs as a pillar of rainbows came down from above, engulfing them both. Their emotions and hearts were now in sync as Braviary's eyes flashed magenta. The same colour eyes that his trainer has.

"Viary!" As he spread his wings, Rainbow-Braviary had emerged once more to the crowd as they went wild.

"There it is! That mysterious Braviary!" The announcer was getting all giddy.

"With Rainbow-Braviary, there's no way that she can lose! Come on, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo cheered her on along with her friends.

"Let's go! Aerial Ace!"

"Scizor! Use Bullet Punch!"

"Zor!" Scizor took off like a bullet, pulling his large pincers back as they hardened up with a silver aura surrounding them.

"Brav!" Braviary shot forward, leaving behind a huge dust cloud along the way. Both Pokemon met with their wings and pincers clashing. A single clash from these two created a crater underneath them, just from clashing once.

Scizor used his other pincer to smash Braviary's face, causing the Valiant Pokemon to wince as his head cocked back. Braviary returned the favour by sending Aerial Ace to his face, smashing it against Scizor's.

Both Pokemon forced each other back as Rainbow Dash held her face after that headbutt. "Superpower!"

"Strike with Swords Dance!"

Scizor was the one to approach Braviary first, increasing his attack further with Swords Dance as he raised his arms, ready to give an overhead to the Valiant Pokemon.

Braviary mimicked Rainbow Dash's hoof gesture by crossing his wings together whilst channelling Superpower in them. He used the strength of Superpower to block Swords Dance from causing any damage.

Rainbow Dash lifted her hooves, prompting Braviary to do the same as he pushed Scizor off him. Scizor veered on the ground, running to the side with Swords Dance still active. Braviary kept his eye on Scizor, attempting to predict his next attack.

"Keep your eye on him, Braviary..." Rainbow Dash was also moving her eye in sync, tracking Scizor's every movement.

"Zor!" The Pincer Pokemon suddenly dashed forward, finally going in for an attack.

"There!" Rainbow Dash thrust her hoof forward as Braviary did the same with his wings.

"Grab Braviary's wings!"

"Sciz!" Scizor used both of his pincers to grab Braviary's wings, colliding with Superpower's energy. Now Braviary was caught up in Scizor hard pincers like many of the other victims before him.

"Not this time! Ignite yourself with Brave Bird!"

"Viary!" The Valiant Pokemon surrounded his body with a rainbow aura. This aura was actually capable of matching with the Mega Evolution energy. They were almost identical in power and energy with the rainbow having something unique of its own.

Scizor's pincers felt like they were heating up due to the rainbow aura, prompting the Pincer Pokemon to back off for his own safety.

"Aerial Ace!"

Braviary disappeared and reappeared behind Scizor with blinding speeds, leaving only a rainbow trail behind.

"Night Slash!"

"Zor!" Scizor could tell that his opponent was right behind him as he surrounded his hard pincers in a dark aura, swinging them towards the Valiant Pokemon.

Their pincers and wings had once again clashed, but this time, Braviary only used one wing. The other one was used to catch Scizor off guard as Braviary slashed the Pincer Pokemon's face, knocking him away from him.

"Not enough! Use Superpower! Full Force!" Rainbow Dash raised her hoof.

"Bra...VIARY!" Braviary raised his wings, channelling every ounce of his power into this one attack.

"Getting a bit ahead of yourself there, Crash! Scizor! Use Giga Impact!"

"Scizor!" Scizor had gained an invisible aura around him as he shot himself forward, going for a full-force body charge.

The referee hid behind the largest rock there was in this entire battlefield as he was too terrified to see the outcome of the two moves colliding.

Once they clashed, they immediately entered a struggle, blowing away even the clouds themselves. Both Pokemon were fighting for dominance, trying to break through and land a powerful hit in with their strongest moves.

"Stronger! Push through!" Rainbow Dash exerted more of her energy throughout her own body and Braviary's. They were pushing the limits of their bodies to the max, far beyond what they were even capable of at the moment.

Ash stood up, knowing that this could end poorly for both Rainbow Dash and Braviary. And it wouldn't be by Scizor's actions. Not at all. "Not good! Rainbow Dash! Don't push yourself!"


"Sciz..." Scizor dug his knees on the ground as he was actually struggling to hold Braviary back. It looked like the Valiant Pokemon would emerge the victor of this clash.

"That's the stuff! Pu-" And then. It happened. Just like before when Rainbow Dash first activated the Bond Phenomenon with Braviary, that same shock hit her body.

Her eyes widened as her heart suddenly began to speed up. She couldn't feel her hooves, wings or anything really. Both Rainbow Dash and Braviary's battle pulses were separating.

"What the...?" Spitfire had no idea what was wrong with Rainbow Dash at the moment.

"N-No...Not now...Not like this" Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she was desperately trying to move her body but to no avail.

"Sciz?" Scizor noticed that Braviary had stopped putting in any effort into his attacks as his pupils dilated. He stopped using Giga Impact as he knew something was wrong.

The entire crowd wondered what was going on with Rainbow Dash and Braviary, confused as to why they had suddenly stopped out of nowhere.

And just like that, they had both passed out from exhaustion, fainting at the same time.

"Rainbow Dash!" Spitfire gasped, forgetting about the battle and worrying about her friend instead. Her voice echoed through Rainbow Dash's ears, but she couldn't hear her. Not at all. Even the panicking sounds and screams of everypony wasn't enough to reach the trainer and her Pokemon.

Compared to the first time they fainted when overexerting themselves, this was by far the worst one yet. It could practically be considered fatal.

The battle had been officially put to a stop for the safety of a trainer as the outcome of Rainbow Dash and Braviary's condition is unknown.

Chapter 261 End.

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