• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Demon from Above

Equestria. Manehattan. Manehattan Contest Hall. The Pokemon Festival.Nightfall.

"Mew!" Arriving at the worst time was Pinkie Pie's Mew. Stil being forced against his own will to work for Merry Dread, having no control over his movements, the New Species Pokemon showed up, saving Merry Dread from losing her most crucial magic that led to this scenario, much to the dismay of Pinkie Pie.

With how much he's been struggling to break free of Merry Dread's control, his arms and legs were starting to ache, affecting his bones. Mew was even struggling to levitate at this rate. He would try and resist Merry Dread's control, only for the vampire to keep him in check, forcing Mew to hit himself with a Psychic push. The Psychic-Type was struggling to find time to break free of this control.

"Scizor! Are you alright?!" Spitfire gasped, witnessing Scizor slumped against the wall while next to the sea of Pokemon he defeated. But he would manage, even after that surprise Aura Sphere.

"Scizor...!" Scizor got right back up. But that Aura Sphere admittedly winded him to his core to the point where he had to kneel for a bit. Now that he was away from Merry Dread, the Pincer Pokemon would have to keep his eyes closed to avoid her Curse Magic.

"Phew. Had me sweating a bit." Merry Dread sighed, wiping her forehead. "Excellent save, Mew."

"We're still in the green here. At least, I hope so." Spitfire said with her eyes still closed. "Scizor! Get in front!"

"Zor!" Scizor still had speed on his side, quickly sliding to Spitfire's side. Instead of making a wild guess, Scizor would squint just a bit, eyeing down Spitfire's familiar colours. Merry Dread was late to respond to Scizor's movements yet again. For a Steel-Type, he was impressively fast.

"What was it that Pinkie Pie said? Use my scent?" Spitfire recalled Pinkie Pie's method of reacting even if her eyes were shut to avoid Merry Dread's magic. "That'd be great if I had what she had..."

Speaking of Pinkie Pie, thanks to Spitfire and Scizor's actions, she and Coco Pommel had enough time to leave Merry Dread's sight as the rest of the wardrobe melted away. Now, their whereabouts were unknown.

"I gave those two enough time to escape. They'd better do something to at least change how things are. These numbers aren't favourable unless we can take it outside." Spitfire continued thinking to herself, hoping that Merry Dread would only focus on her and not Pinkie and Coco.

"Good job. All I have next to me is Mew. But Mew is more than enough." Merry spoke as the only Pokemon assisting her in this room was Mew since Scizor took the rest down. "Restrain them, Mew!"

"I can't see but...Scizor! Use Bullet Punch!"

"Zor!" Once more, Scizr would move at blinding speeds with Bullet Punch, hoping to hit the New Species Pokemon. Or even Merry Dread if he was lucky. However, with his eyes closed, that was hard to do. While he did have the speed, startling Mew who was even trying to hold himself back, he completely missed. "Sci!"

Scizor punched the walls instead. With no sense of direction out of the fear of Merry Dread's magic, this was exceptionally difficult. Spitfire was even holding herself back because of this. But even if he missed, Merry Dread was on full alert of Scizor's amazing strength.

"Did you do it?!" Spitfire asked. "That sounded like a pretty hard hit!"

"Not even close." The voice of Merry Dread was close. She crept up on Spitfire with minimal hoofstep sounds, making her hard to detect. Spitfire shuddered at this chilling voice before quickly flying back, only for Merry Dread to hold her back. Merry Dread would keep Spitfire in one place, having her hoof around the pegasi's neck as if she was her buddy. "Wanna open those eyes now?"

Spitfire was met with a vampire's strength once more, struggling to break free. In this instance, she actually had the chance to open her eyes since Merry Dread was behind her, making it impossible to glance at her tail, even if it would show its vibrance. That was another weakness of this Curse Magic.

"Scizor! Look out!" Spitfire then witnessed Mew going in for another attack. It was another Aura Sphere which was held back by the New Species Pokemon. But alas, he was still forced to throw it. Scizor was unable to detect where it was coming from, thus, resulting in a vicious backshot.

"S-Scizor!" Scizor would be launched forward, hitting the walls which were already damaged from his Bullet Punch and all the melting. Merry Dread would then pull Spitfire back, holding the Wonderbolts Captain down.

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to. You let those two go so that they can get the jump on me, right?" Merry Dread said while keeping Spitfire on the floor. "I've got eyes and ears everywhere thanks to all the Pokemon on my side. Just like my sister. Almost."

"Like I care...!" Spitfire wriggled in Merry Dread's grip, trying her best to break free. "By now, Pinkie Pie's called for help so, I'm not too worried...!"

"But you should be." Merry Dread would then increase her grip, harming Spitfire's neck. "By the time help gets here, I'll already have amassed a city-wide posse. And I haven't forgotten about the Pokemon World. That's the jackpot but I wanted to start small with this place. The Pokemon are still pretty scary after all. But at least I can feel safe knowing that you standard ponies are biologically weaker than us vampires, as seen by this position. We have cooler wings and stylish fangs to boot."

"Maybe so...but teeth, no matter what shape or form...are still trouble!" Spitfire would demonstrate going for a daring yet somewhat clever counterattack. And that was by biting Merry Dread's hoof, sinking her teeth into the vampire.

"Mmm!" Merry's eyes expanded out of absolute shock. In an ironic twist, a vampire had been bitten as she would scream at the top of her lungs. "GYAAAAAH!"

This gave Spitfire the chance to kick her off and gain freedom, flying away as fast as she could. At the same time, with Merry Dread screaming, Spitfire would approach Mew when she had the chance. Mew would swivel to face Spitfire; before he knew it, she was snatched by the Wonderbolts Captain. Mew wouldn't fight back. Not when Merry Dread was bellowing and wriggling around. After all, Mew was the only one who showed signs of restraints.

"Y-You pegasus brute!" Merry roared, holding her hoof as the bite was deeper than she expected. So much for vampires having stylish fangs when Spitfire could leave something just as sharp behind.

"Scizor! Superpower! Use it on the floor!"

"Scizor!" Free to open his eyes, Scizor would get back up, taking the chance to slow down Merry Dread's movements for good. And the best way to do so was to shake this entire room to its core. With all of his strength going into his pincer, the Pincer Pokemon would smash the floor, going for collateral damage, even with the downed Pokemon.

Orange energy would rupture out of the ground, creating rapid-moving cracks. As intended, everything in this room would shake, throwing Merry Dread off balance.

"Wait-" Merry Dread would flinch as even she wasn't exempt from the destructive power of Superpower. She barely managed to save herself by creating a magical barrier as the walls behind her were obliterated. But the sheer volume of this attack would launch her upwards, even if she had her barrier. The walls and ceiling of this room would start coming down moments later.

Spitfire would flee from the scene, holding Mew closely to her. Mew, who was aching in his arms and legs, would still not fight back. Now that Merry Dread was occupied, he was free to do nothing. But this also meant that he could barely do anything with how exhausted he looked as Scizor would protect the other Pokemon in this room that he downed from the falling debris with Bullet Punch.

The dressing room was totalled, without a doubt. Little of it remained as Merry Dread and her barrier were masked by the massive chunk of rubble. Merry Dread would eye down Spitfire with scorn in her eyes before being blocked by a giant debris. Spitfire managed to evacuate the room safely with Mew while Scizor successfully protected the other Pokemon here. This destruction led to the other rooms being exposed.


"Are you doing okay, Mew?" Spitfire asked the New Species Pokemon, who was curled in Spitfire's hooves. "Do you still feel her control over you?"

"M-Mew..." Unfortunately, yes. Mew would nod, confirming that Merry Dread's control was still there even if she was attacked and pressured. This Curse Magic of hers was just that potent. But Mew was strong enough to show some resistance, making him cease any hostile attacks but as a detriment to his wellbeing.

"Still? How strong is her magic?" Spitfire gasped. "Anyway, let's get you away from here and back to Pinkie Pie, okay? Scizor!"

"Zor!" Scizor would trail behind her for protection. He would look back to see if Merry Dread would emerge anytime soon and burst out of the rubble. But so far, nothing. Everything fell silent as it was only Merry Dread who was covered in the rubble. But not for long.

Just as Scizor feared, she emerged out of the rocks, melting them instead of blowing them away. Through the smoke, Merry Dread's eyes glowed, viciously staring down the duo that managed to best her.

"Best me? You must be mistaken!" Merry Dread's voice would echo out, even out of the wardrobe. The melted rubble would harden immediately, but that wasn't the only thing that would melt away. Merry Dread began melting away at the floor, starting with this room. "You're not the only one who can mess with the floor!"

By melting the floor, the downed Pokemon would end up sinking into the accursed liquid, unaware of their current predicament. But Merry Dread didn't care at all. Not when Spitfire and Scizor managed to counter her. With the floor melting, the foundation of this Contest Hall was starting to come apart.

When leaving the room, opposing Pokemon would stand in their way, still responding to Merry Dread's forceful commands. Spitfire came to a screeching halt as a Sandslash stood in her way, going for a swift Slash.

"Scizor!" Scizor would block the slash with his pincers, getting in front of Spitfire and Mew. He would immediately overpower Sandslash, using Superpower to boost his strength. By blowing Sandslash away, the force of Superpower created a fierce gust of wind that would send the smaller Pokemon flying.

As for the floor, all it took was for Spitfire and Scizor to fly over and they'd be fine. But Merry Dread knew this. She also knew that Mew was still with them and unfortunately for the duo, Mew's Psychic power would kick in once more, slowing Scizor and Spitfire down. The two flyers would feel their bodies slow down thanks to Mew's Psychic.

"Mew! Don't do this!" Spitfire yelled as she felt herself being pulled down. Merry Dread was planning on bringing them down so that their new prisons would be the solid ground themselves. But Mew couldn't fight back. He didn't have the strength to fight back thanks to all the damage he took. Spitfire's hoof was close to the floor which was melting away rapidly. Merry's magic was reaching the rest of the hall at breakneck speeds as if it was a wildfire, making it even more dangerous than it usually is.

And with no sign of Pinkie Pie or Coco Pommel, Spitfire and Scizor were basically on their own unless something was done soon.

Equestria. Canterlot. Nightfall.

"What do you mean something is on the moon?!" Luna gasped. Recently, when trying to lower the Moon and raise the Sun, both sisters failed to accomplish that. It wasn't until Celestia used her magic to view the Moon from afar, spotting a purple aura in the middle of it. Kyurem, who was only here to protect Snowdrop, would soon hear this conversation.

"I'm not sure what that is...but it's stopping us from lowering the Moon. And I'm afraid maybe even the Sun." Celestia uttered. "What kind of demon did they unleash that could do this?"

That answer would come sooner than expected. Moments after they realized something was tampering with the Moon, preventing it from being lowered, A roar in the night and a spark of darkness revealed something that was far larger than what Celestia and the others were expecting.

What they were looking at wasn't exactly on the Moon. It was only surrounding it. The aura would then separate, revealing an entity that was descending as seen by Celestia's magical influence on her eyes.

Six pupilless eyes stared at them with a pure hatred, and another shriek thunders from its bony mouth in eerie joy. The entity that was swirling around the moon as if it was a snake would get closer, showing more of i.

Skeletal bulges graced its rounded head, which itself is covered in small gashes. A constant plume of smoke escapes the creature's crooked nostrils set within a stumpy nose. Its rounded head sits atop a low, muscular body. A giant scar crosses its chest, The creature treads forward, its two legs sturdily carrying its diabolical body with dreadful energy. A whip-like tail follows behind it, it moves in the air like a charmed snake.

Four draconic wings extend themselves fully. Jagged bones and incorporeal feathers stretch upward as a show of potential force. Runes and emblems, each glowing brightly, cover parts of its torso, but while inspecting this creature it inspects you in turn.

"A demon!" Celestia gasped. One of the 100 Demons was behind this. And it was a staggeringly powerful one too. Powerful enough to tamper with the celestial force.

This demon would then slither elsewhere instead of going straight for Canterlot. It changed its direction instantly before then opening its horrific mouth. From its mouth, it started generating air within space itself. Or rather, it was pulling in constructed air.

"What is it doing?" Iris asked, noticing how this demon was generating air in space just to suck it. Celestia would keep looking, investigating this demon's actions before pulling back.

The demon was pulling in nearby asteroids with this power. Asteroids within space gravitated towards the demon's mouth which acted like a vacuum. It would pull in an abundance of asteroids even if it stayed in position constantly. Celestia couldn't believe her eyes. This only helped confirm how this demon was able to tamper with the moon. But it didn't just suck up the asteroids. The demon would look down with those six eyes, devoid of any pupils before grinning once more. Celestia shuddered, noticing how the demon was staring at her.

It already knew that Celestia and everyone else were down there. Interactions with the Moon were enough to confirm that. And right eyeing them down, the demon would then unleash all the asteroids it sucked up, spitting them out at great speeds. Just like that, the asteroids would catch on fire as the demon issued an attack on Canterlot.

"It's shooting out asteroids?!" Celestia exclaimed before turning to face everyone. "Run!" She gave the order for them all to flee the scene since these asteroids were descending. And at great speeds too. The first asteroid would show itself, breaking through the dark clouds with fire and fury, captivating the eyes of everyone who witnessed it. Naturally, all the citizens would run the moment they saw an asteroid. Even if it was a comet, they'd run and they'd especially run if it was a meteor.

The first asteroid would hit the ground, leaving behind a hard impact and crater while the rest of them would follow that trend, aiming to bring destruction in their wake. This demon already made itself a massive problem as it continued to suck up other asteroids, shooting them out yet again.

The Golden Stairway was threatened by this asteroid assault as the progress had finally made it physical. But now that the stairway was physical, this meant that the asteroids could make contact with it, spreading explosions once they connected.

Some of these asteroids would target Canterlot Castle since it was so large. It was inevitable with how many of them were falling. Kyurem and Luna gasped, realizing that Snowdrop was within the castle at this very moment. They saw her through the window, standing at one of the higher points of the castle.

"Snowdrop!" Luna and Kyurem would say in unison. Both of them had the same approach in mind but with different methods. Luna would use teleportation to enter the castle while Kyurem would approach the asteroids.

He transformed into his White Kyurem Form in a few seconds, faster than how he usually does. Seeing Snowdrop in danger prompted him to make this swift transformation as he took flight. The Boundary Pokemon would then use Shadow Claw, meeting with the asteroids that came for the castle. He made it just in time as he would viciously slash at these massive rocks from the stars, cutting them into smaller and less dangerous pieces.

As for Luna, thanks to her teleportation, she successfully kept Snowdrop safe, bringing her outside. This involved Cetoddle and Vulpix who would join her. The little filly had two of the best possible defenders she could have in the form of a Legendary Pokemon and an Alicorn.

But even though Kyurem was taking out the asteroids that aimed for the castle, there was still the issue of everywhere else that would target Canterlot. The Canterlot Gardens were unfortunately hit by one of the asteroids, ruining some of the lush greenery.

Homes were under threat of these asteroids and potentially, nowhere would be safe. The asteroids target both the streets and the structures equally. So as long as that demon had something in space to suck up, it would unleash them.

"You...!" Kyurem knew what to do. Stop the source of the problem. It was right there in the open after all, close to the planet as he gave the demon a fierce glare.

The demon merely laughed at it before ceasing its constant asteroid rain. But that didn't mean it was done. Not by a long shot. The final asteroids would fall, but something else would emerge. The last two asteroids and all the other asteroids that crashed down would suddenly crack. And not in the sense that they were failing to maintain their durability, otherwise that would ruin the demon's destructive fun.

Instead, out of the rocks, a smaller but still relatively large version of this demon would appear, hatching from the rocks. The first one would show up along with the second and soon the third. These weren't just asteroids. They were Asteroid Eggs from this star-bound demon.

"Babies?!" Cadence pulled back, flabbergasted by what she was seeing. But she wouldn't have to just to focus on the skies. The land around her would be met with these demonic hatchlings. The asteroids that already managed to land would unleash the demons which were around the size of Ponyville's Town Hall, making them almost as terrifying as the original demon that came from them.

This was the demon's main plan. To unleash its own army. Not only did it unleash the fury of asteroids from above, but it would bring about its own offsprings that were undoubtedly ready to wreak havoc the second they were born. Kyurem, refusing to let this demon continue birthing new offsprings which would endanger everyone, especially Snowdrop, would take flight, approaching the demon.

"Ah! Kyurem! Wait!" Celestia exclaimed but it was too late. He was heading for the source and there was no one to tell him otherwise. Celestia certainly wouldn't get in his way. He knew what he was doing.

Snowdrop heard the sound of her father figure leaving and taking flight before then recognizing the familiar colours of White Kyurem ascending. Even Snowdrop would know when Kyurem was ready to take action. "Be careful, uncle."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 973 End.

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